The New Lectionary Catalogue

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The New Lectionary

The New Lectionary

What is happening to the Lectionary and why?

The Lectionary, which is the book that contains the Scripture readings for Mass and the Sacraments, is changing as part of the continuing process of revising liturgical translations. The process began with the Roman Missal in 2011 and has continued with all the other liturgical texts.

What translation will the new Lectionary use?

The new Lectionary will use both the English Standard Version – Catholic Edition of the Bible and the Abbey Psalter for the psalms.

What effect will the changes have on the readings?

The changes are intended to make the biblical translations more faithful to the original languages, to reflect current biblical scholarship, and to provide a text for use in liturgical setting that is more proclaimable and, where appropriate, more inclusive.

When are the changes taking place?

The Lectionary will become mandatory for use in all Catholic parishes and Mass centres in England and Wales, and in Scotland from Advent 2024.

What is CTS publishing to help priests and parishioners with the new Lectionary?

CTS was appointed by the local Bishops’ Conferences to publish the official ritual editions of the Lectionary for England and Wales, and Scotland. These will be the only editions authorised for use in these territories.

CTS is also publishing ESV-CE Gospels, The Abbey Psalter Psalms and Canticles, new musical settings of the responsorial psalms, and explanatory and training texts for readers and the faithful. Details of these can be found towards the end of this brochure.


The Ambo Edition is the standard Lectionary for parishes and Mass centres. Exquisitely bound in padded leather, and adorned with gold-blocking, gilded edges and multiple ribbon markers, these volumes are both sturdy and worthy for the proclamation of the Word of God.

Four Volumes

The new Lectionary is now divided into 4 volumes:

Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord.

Weekdays: Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time (weeks 1-9), Lent, Easter. Proper of Saints: December – June, Commons.

Weekdays: Ordinary Time (6-34). Proper of Saints: June – November, Commons.

Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, Masses for the Dead.


Ambo Edition

Early October 2024

£695 (4 volume set)

LC01-P / Deluxe bonded leather

Hardback and slipcase / 208x280mm

ISBN 9781784698027

Vol I 1120pp • Vol II 1104pp

Vol III 1408pp • Vol IV 1176pp

Beauty and Durability

Binding: Bound in deluxe padded bonded leather with gold blocking on the front, back and spine. A ribbed spine increases durability and ensures the volume will lie flat and keep its shape.

Paper: 65gsm ivory low reflectivity high contrast and low show-through FSC sustainably sourced paper.

Detail: Gilt page edges and liturgically coloured ribbons (2 in volume I and 5 in volumes II-IV).

Slipcase: Each volume comes with a rigid cloth bound slipcase for protection when not in use.


Text: Typeset in an updated specially modified version of Stone font with rubrics in red.

Clarity: Text set in sense lines for ease of proclaimability.

Study Aids: In-line verse numbers simplify crossreferencing for preaching and study.

Calendar: A complete Proper of Saints with new saints and updated national calendars.

Index: Fully indexed with page numbers and Lectionary numbers for all biblical references, psalms and feasts, including national propers.

Music: New music settings for Gospel Sequences. Donor Bookplates

Each set comes with four stickers that can be inscribed with the names of those who donate to the new liturgical books on behalf of their parish or chapel.

“We urgently need to grow in our knowledge and love of the Scriptures and of the risen Lord, who continues to speak his word and to break bread in the community of believers.” Pope Francis
Presented to by on

Chapel Edition

The Chapel Edition is a smaller, more portable version of the Ambo Edition, and is perfect for use in settings where space is at a premium.

Ideal for:

C Side chapels

C House chapels

C Schools

C Chaplaincies to prisons, hospitals, armed forces

C Mass centres

Comparison with the Ambo edition:

• The Chapel Lectionary Edition is a high-quality, reduced-size edition

• Same complete two-colour text and pagination as the Ambo Edition

• 23% smaller dimensions than the Ambo Edition

• Skivertex imitation leather cover

• Sprayed coloured edges

• 2-5 ribbons per volume

• Smooth spine

• Durable colour matched rigid slipcase


in liturgical celebrations the books too serve as signs and symbols of the sacred, care must be taken to ensure that they truly are worthy and beautiful.”

Beauty and Durability

Sacrosanctum Concilium

Chapel Edition

Early October 2024

£395 (4 volume set)

LC05-P / Imitation leather

Hardback / 160x217mm

ISBN 9781784698034

Vol I 1120pp • Vol II 1104pp

Vol III 1408pp • Vol IV 1176pp

Binding: Bound in Skivertex imitation grained leather with gold blocking on the front, back and spine. A strengthened spine increases durability and ensures the volume will lie flat and keep its shape.

Paper: 50gsm ivory low reflectivity high contrast and low show-through FSC sustainably sourced paper

Detail: Colour sprayed page edges and liturgically coloured ribbons (2 in volume I and 5 in volumes II-IV).

Slipcase: Each volume comes with a colour matched rigid slipcase for protection when not in use.

Updated Texts

Text: Typeset in an updated specially modified version of Stone font with rubrics in red.

Clarity: Text set in sense lines for ease of proclaimability.

Study Aids: In-line verse numbers simplify crossreferencing for preaching and study.

Calendar: A complete Proper of Saints with new saints and updated national calendars for England, Scotland and Wales.

Index: Fully indexed with page numbers and Lectionary numbers for all biblical references, psalms and feasts, including national propers.

Music: New music settings for Gospel Sequences.


Study Edition

The Study Edition of the Lectionary is a scaled-down reference edition for homily and liturgy preparation. It is durable, portable and can be used in domestic or house Mass settings.

Ideal for:

C Personal study

C Liturgy preparation

C House Masses

Comparison with the Ambo Edition:

• The Study Edition is a high-quality, reduced-size edition

• Same complete two-colour text and pagination as the Ambo Edition

• 37.5% smaller dimensions than the Ambo Edition

• Cloth bound gold blocked cover

• 2-5 ribbons per volume

• Smooth spine

Study Edition

Early October 2024

£250 (4 volume set)

LC09-P / Clothbound

Hardback / 130x180mm

ISBN 9781784698041

Vol I 1120pp • Vol II 1104pp

Vol III 1408pp • Vol IV 1176pp


Beauty and Durability

Binding: Bound in cloth with gold blocking on the front, and spine. A strengthened spine increases durability and ensures the volume will lie flat and keep its shape.

Paper: 45gsm Primalux white high contrast and low show through FSC sustainably sourced paper.

Detail: Liturgically coloured ribbons (2 in volume I and 5 in volumes II-IV).

Updated Texts

Text: Typeset in updated specially modified version of Stone font with rubrics in red.

Clarity: Text set in sense lines for ease of proclaimability.

Study Aids: In-line verse numbers simplify cross-referencing for preaching and study.

Calendar: A complete Proper of Saints with new saints and updated national calendars for England, Scotland and Wales.

Index: Fully indexed with page numbers and Lectionary numbers for all biblical references, psalms and feasts, including national propers.

Music: New music settings for Gospel Sequences.

“The Word of God unites believers and makes them one people.”

Book of the Gospels

This stunning Book of the Gospels displays the beauty, majesty and primacy of the Word of God in the life of the Church and makes the proclamation of the Gospel a high point of any liturgical celebration.

This beautiful large-format edition of the Book of the Gospels contains the Gospel readings for:

C Sundays, Solemnities & Feasts of the Lord

C Ritual Masses

• Christian Initiation

• Catechumenate and Sacramental Initiation of Adults

• Baptism of Infants

• Confirmation

• Anointing of the Sick

• Marriage

• Holy Orders

• Admission to Candidacy

• Ordination

C Blessing of Persons

C Dedication of a Church and Altar

C Masses for the Dead

High quality large volume for processions and special liturgies

Binding: Bound in deluxe bonded leather with gold blocking front back and spine. A ribbed spine gives greater durability to the binding and ensures that the volume will lie flat and keep its shape.

Paper: 100gsm ivory low reflectivity high contrast and low show-through FSC sustainably sourced paper.

Detail: Gilded page edges and gilded ribbon, and gold embossed super durable reinforced skinplast endpapers.

Slipcase: The volume comes in a rigid, cloth bound slipcase to protect it when not in use.

Book of the Gospels

Early October 2024

£275 / LC13 / Leatherbound / Hardback

600pp / 250x350mm / ISBN 9781784697945


Book of the Gospels

Processional Edition

Early October 2024

£395 / LC14 / Deluxe bonded leather with silver plated front plaque / 600pp 250x350mm / ISBN 9781784697952

Processional Edition

This splendid volume is adorned with an embossed plaque in silver and gold plate. The design depicts the Crucifixion with the Evangelists, Our Lady and St John, based upon an image in the 13th century Berthold Sacramentary. The plaque is varnished to avoid oxidation and its slipcase is lined with velvet to give further protection to the precious metal plating.


Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures just as she venerates the body of the Lord, especially in the sacred liturgy.”

NB: The image above of the plaque is computer generated and does not fully represent the depth or finish of the product. Photos will be availabe soon on

Solid Silver Limited Edition LC15

A special edition of the Book of the Gospels adorned with a solid silver plaque with gold plating is available for special order before 15th June 2024 – prices will vary according to the bullion price of silver on the day. Please call 020 76400042 or email orders@ for further information.

The Passion Gospels for Holy Week

Three volume hardback set with all the Passion Gospels, each highlighted for the different readers: Christ, Narrator and Speakers.

Available: January 2025


People’s Missals & Gospels

CTS Missals beautifully present the new texts of the Lectionary along with Mass texts in side-by-side Latin and English and short introductions to the main feasts by recent Popes.

All hardback and leather-bound missals have a durable, attractive binding, a clear layout, and include:

• Order of Mass with all Eucharistic prayers, prefaces, concluding rites and blessings

• Prayers and devotions

• Masses for special occasions and needs

• Comprehensive appendix of prayers and devotions for all occasions

• Inspiring introductions for major feasts and seasons

Sunday Missal

Standard Edition

Available October 2024

£19.95 / RM44 / Hardback 1260pp

ISBN 9781784697990

Containing the readings and Order of Mass for every Sunday and solemnity of the liturgical cycle, this beautiful hardback missal with two ribbons will support prayer and devotion in all seasons of life.

Sunday Missal

White Presentation Edition

Available October 2024

£29.95 / RM46 / Bonded

Leather Hardback / 1260pp

ISBN 9781784698010

Attractively presented in a slipcase, this gilt-edged white leather edition with two ribbons is a perfect First Holy Communion gift.

Sunday Missal Burgundy Gift Edition

Available October 2024

£29.95 / RM45 / Bonded

Leather Hardback / 1260pp

ISBN 9781784698003

This gilt-edged, burgundy bonded leather missal with two ribbons and a slipcase makes an inspiring gift for any Confirmation candidate, recent convert or life-long Catholic.

Daily Missal

Available April 2025

TBC / RM47 / Hardback TBCpp

ISBN 9781784697983

This is the only UK missal to contain the complete Sunday, daily and sanctoral cycles in a single volume. Hardback with six ribbons and colour sacred art images, it is the only missal you will ever need.


The CTS New

Sunday Missal 2025

Available October 2024

£9.95 / RM43 / Paperback TBCpp

ISBN 9781784697785

Helpfully presented in calendar order from the First Sunday of Advent 2024 to Christ the King 2025, this lightweight, paperback Sunday Missal contains everything you need for Sunday Mass and Solemnities all year. Designed to be affordable and sustainable, this missal can be recycled at the end of 2025 and replaced with the 2026 edition.

The Gospel of


Introd. by Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz

Available October 2024

£3.95 / SC130 / A6 Paperback


ISBN 9781784697785

Larger Print

£4.95 / SC134 / A5 Paperback


ISBN 9781784698126

St Matthew wrote his great account of the life of Jesus for the early Judaeo-Christian community, sharing with them teachings that are still foundational to the Christian faith today, including the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Lord’s Prayer, and Jesus’ ‘Great Commission’ to spread the Gospel to all the world.

The Gospel of Mark

Introd. by Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz

Available October 2024

£3.95 / SC131 / A6 Paperback


ISBN 9781784698096

Larger Print

£4.95 / SC135 / A5 Paperback


ISBN 9781784698133

Traditionally considered to be the first of the four Gospels to be written, and often associated with the teachings of the Apostle Peter, St Mark’s Gospel used concise language to proclaim the Good News to an ancient community of gentile Christians. Despite its brevity, the vibrant prose of this Gospel still speaks to the hearts of Christians today.

“As Christians, we are a single people, making our pilgrim way through history, sustained by the Lord, present in our midst, who speaks to us and nourishes us.”
Pope Francis

The Gospel of Luke

Introd. by Fr John Hemer

Available October 2024

£3.95 / SC132 / A6 Paperback


ISBN 9781784698102

Larger Print

£4.95 / SC136 / A5 Paperback


ISBN 9781784698140

St Luke is believed to have been a physician and a companion of St Paul as well as the author of the Acts of the Apostles. His Gospel is particularly known for the attention he gives to the birth and early life of Jesus. From these stories the Church takes the great liturgical prayers of the Magnificat and the Benedictus.

The Gospel of John

Introd. by Fr John Hemer

Available October 2024

£3.95 / SC133 / A6 Paperback TBCpp

ISBN 9781784698119

Larger Print

£4.95 / SC137 / A5 Paperback TBCpp

ISBN 9781784698157

The Gospel of John is said to be written by ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’, St John the Apostle. Differing from the other Gospels in style, it opens with a stirring reflection of the Word made flesh and then describes seven miracles revealing Jesus’ divinity, from turning water into wine at Cana and to raising Lazarus from the dead. Jesus’ great priestly prayer at the Last Supper and the story of his washing the disciples’ feet are also taken from this book.

Psalm & Canticles

Available October 2024

TBC / SC138 / A6 Paperback


ISBN 9781784698164

The Psalms and Canticles of the Bible are a priceless treasure of in the prayer life of the Church. This special edition of the Abbey Psalter, an updated translation based on the Grail Psalms, has been published in conjunction with the new lectionary for the Catholic Church in England, Scotland and Wales, which uses this translation. This book allows the reader to contemplate and pray with the Psalms and Canticles just as they are heard at Mass.


Liturgical Music

Available October 2024

Graduale Parvum

(Introits) Simple Gregorgian chants for Sung Mass Association for Latin Liturgy

A4 Perfect Bound Edition

£24.99 / M57 / 192pp

ISBN 9781916101715

A4 Wire Bound Edition

£34.99 / M58 / 192pp

ISBN 9781916101708

A5 Perfect Bound Edition

£16.99 / M59 / 192pp

ISBN 9780993578441

A5 Wire Bound Edition

£22.99 / M60 / 192pp

ISBN 9780993578458

For the first time, Gregorian chant Introits for every Sunday and Holy Day are presented here in both Latin and English; simple to sing but wholly authentic, and well within the capability of choirs of any parish church.

£4.95 / RM08 / A4 Paperback / 40pp

ISBN 97817860827556

The Roman Missal contains chant versions in English of those parts of the Mass sung by the entire assembly. This volume provides organ accompaniments that can be used to support the singing of these chants.

Psalms for all Seasons For Organ

Matthew J.C. Ward

£19.95 / MU01 / A4 Hardback / TBCpp

ISBN 9781784697969

Psalms for all Seasons For Voice

Matthew J.C. Ward

£14.95 / MU02 / A4 Hardback / TBCpp

ISBN 9781784697976

This volume of newly composed Gregorian-style Mass psalmody, using the same Abbey Psalter translation as the new Lectionary, closely ties the music of the psalms to the liturgical cycle. Each season – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time – has distinct and contrasting melodies. This not only helps musicians and congregations to learn the melodies quickly and easily it also, like liturgical colours, gives a distinct character to each season. Psalms for All Seasons offers a new way to ‘sing the Mass’ that complements other aspects of the liturgy and contributes to the beauty and unity of the celebration.

“Renewed efforts should be made to provide members of the faithful with the training needed to be genuine proclaimers of the Word.”
Pope Francis

Formation & Catechesis

Available July 2024

Bible Translation

And the making of the ESV Catholic Edition

Mark Giszczak

£25.99 / SC129 / Hardback 167pp

ISBN 9781955305532

The Bible is God’s Word in human words, so the way we translate it from its original languages into English has profound significance. The ESV-CE draws on a treasure trove of recent manuscript discoveries, like the Dead Sea Scrolls, to inform its “essentially literal” translation philosophy. In this informative book, Mark Giszczak explains how the translation used in the new Lectionary was carried out and what it can teach us about the Word of God.

Praying a Scriptural Rosary

Fr Guy Nicholls

£3.95 / D841 / A6 Paperback 96pp

ISBN 9781784697341

Employing the ESV-CE translation of the new Lectionary, Fr Guy Nicholls’ beautiful book on the Rosary offers a verse from Sacred Scripture for each bead of this quintessential Marian devotion. Praying in this way allows the faithful to contemplate the riches of Scripture as it is proclaimed in the Masses and liturgies of the Church.

Ministering the Word of God

Fr Allen Morris

£3.95 / LT15 / A6 Paperback TBCpp

ISBN 9781784698195

Revised and expanded to mark the introduction of the new Lectionary in England, Scotland and Wales, this brief introduction to the liturgical ministry of Reader explains how the Liturgy of the Word works and its place in the life of the Church as well as giving guidelines for Ministers of the Word at Mass and leaders of children’s liturgy and Lectio Divina

The Word is Very Near to You

A Resource for Ministers of the Word

Fr Allen Morris

£5.95 (TBC) / LT14

A4 Paperback / TBCpp

ISBN 9781784698072

Designed to accompany the use of the newlyrevised Ministering the Word of God in the training and formation of Ministers of the Word, this workbook is ideal for use in parishes, chaplaincies and schools, or any other setting in which the Word of God is a central part of ministry.

Hearing Christ’s Voice

A New Lectionary for the Church

Bishop Hugh Gilbert, OSB

£3.95 / LT13 / A6 Paperback TBCpp

ISBN 9781784698065

The new Lectionary is a sign of the Bishops’ desire to provide the Catholic faithful access to a reliable and contemporary version of Scripture through which to hear the Word of God proclaimed in the Mass, and by this to grow as a people of faith. This book, by Bishop Hugh Gilbert, OSB, provides further explanation of this decision and answers common questions about the new Lectionary.

The New Lectionary Explained Pack of 25

£7.95 / LF79 / Leaflet / 8pp

ISBN 9781784698058

Explaining what the new Lectionary is and why we have it, and answering common questions about what this means for the faithful, this leaflet is the ideal starting point for parish catechesis on the new Lectionary.


Pre-order Information

Order through the CTS website before 30th June to qualify for pre-order discount.

Discount – apply one of the promo codes below to your online basket, depending on the items therein.

PREORDER10 – applies a 10% discount to any new Lectionary products*

AMBO15 – applies a 15% discount to all new Lectionary products* when ordering an Ambo Edition of the Lectionary with either any other Lectionary edition (Ambo, Chapel or Study) or a Book of the Gospels.

*excludes the Special Edition Book of the Gospels (POA)

Visit to choose your products and visit our FAQ page.

Please note: all orders will require pre-payment. We are unable to dispatch lectionary orders on invoice.

When will my order arrive?

We will begin dispatching pre-orders of the Lectionary and Book of the Gospels in early October, for all other titles see publication date in the catalogue.

The illuminated manuscript images on pp 6,7 and 9 are taken from Berthold Sacramentary (MS M.710), fol. 10v. Photograph © The Morgan Library & Museum, New York. Used with permission.

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The New Lectionary Catalogue by Catholic Truth Society - Issuu