Cathy Huang // Constructed Ecologies

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designing the parklands Darebin Parklands, Melbourne

cathy huang

DESIGN STATEMENT The proposed design is aimed at re-mediating the high salinity levels of the duck pond. This pond is central to the Darebin Parkland experience and is a source of natural aesthetic value for visitors. Two storm water run-off treatment systems will be implemented at opposite ends of the site, collecting storm water from adjacent streets and grey water from households. At the north end of the site, this will be sent through bioswales and into high/low marsh basins. This will encourage settling of heavy metals and filtration of pollutants before it is drained into a retention pond. This water can be held during the wet season and released in the dry season into the duck pond along aeration weirs to ensure consistent levels of water. New pathways will allow people to experience these ponds in close proximity. The south end system performs a similar function but will filter run-off through a raingarden system that feeds into a dog pond within the fenced dog park. This will provide a designated recreational space for local residents and their pets that is controlled and monitored. Water from the dog pond is redirected through a system of raingardens for further filtration before being released into the duck pond.

View from the terraced seating area adjacent to duck pond. Walkways for visitors are separated by vegetated wetlands with permeable rock gabions. A boardwalk will allow people to walk along the water’s edge and appreciate the pond’s aesthetic value without trampling vegetation and habitats.

Site Plan Two new water treatment traisn will be introduced to filter stormwater run off from the street and eventually into the duckpond to increase the water volume and dilute the salinity levels. Once this water has reached adequate quality it can then be released into Darebin Creek along planted filtration system.

Carex appressa

Eleocharis acuta

Ficinia nodosa

Typha domingensis

Phragmites australis

Montia australasica

Section A-A

Section B-B Two separate systems will treat run-off water in the park. Section A targets run-off from the street and grey water from adjacent communities by directing water through a series of treatment basins. Section B targets run -off from hard landscaped elements within the park in addition to run -off from the street. The treatment system is set amongst recreation facilities to allow visitors to visually interact with the system.

Alisma plantagoaquatica

Bolboschoenus medianus

Juncus amalbilis

Crassula helmsii

Myriophyllum crispatum

Ornduffia reniformis

Detail Section C-C’

Detail Plan

Detail Section D-D’

The topography in this area allows for natural drainage and this will be utilised to gather water on the hardlandscaped elements and direct it into the duck pond through a series of filtration systems.

The proposed wetland treatment systems provide habitats for a diverse range of species. Gabion stone baskets are utilised as a permeable barrier to separate constructed realm from the natural whilst being able to support constructed structures.

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