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concept sketches
Due to the nature of the large overhang - there’s potential to convert the space into sort of an ‘outdoor’ room - a intermediate space between the street and the building that can facilitate all types of movement/functions.
Goal is to blur the harsh juxtaposition between the two types of spaces and create a more appealing
Transitional Spaces (The Outdoor Room)
-Change in surfacing -Forms that can alter your pace -Level changes -Integration with building through materiality -Juxtaposition of materiality
Abrupt change in spatial experience due to the imposing cantilever - it immediately forms a very sudden sense of enclosure and one may feel reluctant to linger in the space for long. Level change facilitates ergonomic flexibility - different ways of interacting with the space
-Open up the ‘outdoor room’ from feeling too enclosed (tucked away right under it) -instead use furniture and place it at the edge to draw people closer to the street
Inspiration from Site
Directing Movement
The New Student Precinct (under construction)
The chosen site is focused on the corner of Sidney Meyer and near the entrance of the new student precinct, this is also where a traffic light is found. There will be lots of foot traffic in this area and the design and direct movement and activate the eastern facade of Sidney Meyer better.
Activities change due to varying heights
Nakamura Hiroshi, 2010, ‘Microscopic Designing Methodology’, INAX Press