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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M2 JOURNAL – SLEEPING POD Fahim Marian, Kwan Chin Ching (756745, 713458) Michelle James, Group One

Sketch Design Development The first design

For the first design, we decided to combine these 2 ideas from M1. We studied the positives and the negatives of each idea and tried to combine them to come up with most effective and suitable idea for a sleeping pod.

Positives: 1st idea: -adjustable -cover the body and part of the face -support the neck

Negatives: 1st idea: -not enough isolation (space) - not enough form (looks a bit flat as it sits on the body)

2nd idea: - can be compressed and expanded - portable - have openings for lighting and ventilation

2ndidea: -only covers the face (personal space is not fully considered). -can be a bit uncomfortable as it sits on the head

The second design

For the second design, we decided to combine these 3 ideas from M1 We also looked at the positives and the negatives of each idea and also they have similar theme

Positives: -adjustable -sits around the neck -cover the face -portable

Negatives: - sharp pattern can create uncomfortably -only covers parts of the face (Isolation is not fully addressed)

Refined Sketch Model

We tried different folding patterns to see which one has a higher potential for a 3D design. 1. This pattern really gives a good support but gives less curvature. 2. This pattern is highly stretchable but the model become smaller then the original paper in a large extend. 3. This gives a good curvature but less support. 4. This is a movable model while this method can only apply in a circular form. 5. This is the segment that creates the 4 th model.

Personal Space Stranger

400 mm

690 mm

I was born and raised in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a small city with dense population, there are a lot of opportunities that I need to stay with strangers in a short distance. For me I think the most important part that affect my sense of security is the area in front of my face. I would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable if a stranger's face is too close to me. However, I think my personal space would be affected by special situation. If I am taking a busy tram then my personal space would get smaller. Overall I think my personal space is smaller than the others.

460 mm


740 mm

I was born and raised in Giza, Egypt. Giza is a crowded city with a large population. Therefore, the chance of being surround by strangers is high. For me, personal space differs depending on the situation and the people around me but mainly I would say keeping enough distance is still important or I would feel uncomfortable. I don't prefer people getting close to me from the front especially the face. Also, I feel relaxed around friends rather than strangers.

Sleeping Positions


FRONT VIEW We took photos of different sleeping positions to see all the possible ways how a person can sleep on a chair. We found that there are mainly two types of sleeping method: lay down on the chair and use the back to support and sleep on the table and use the arms to support the head. We draw out the shape of personal space roughly and then we found that the shape of the personal space for each sleeping position is actually quit similar. Therefore we want to make a multifunctional design that can fit both sleeping positions.

Sleeping Pod design V.1 Top View

Elevation View

Side View

Pattern to be applied

This is our first Rhino model to describe our idea. It is just a start to see how the idea will look in general. The model is developed further in later stage.

This design can be folded like a stick. When the user opens it the shorter part will move inwards and the longer part will push outward to form the curve. The side view explains the directions of different parts and the front view explain how the curve is created. Each square of the pattern is 200 x 200 mm.

200 mm

200 mm

It is designed for users to sleep with different poses. When they lay down on the back of the chair the device cover the user's face and provide support for the neck. The bangs on both side can surround and tie to the chair. When the user tries to sleep on their arms this device can cover the back to provide a sense of security. User can wear the design using the bangs. Holes are created to allow light and air pass through. This design can be compressed to a stick.

Sleeping Pod design V.2

Top View

Pattern used for 3D custom

Front View

Side View

Perspective View

We used Rhino to roughly model the design of V.2. We used lines, curves then loft them and applied the pattern on the left using panelling tool (3D custom).

The Pattern of this design was taken from the 3D flower origami. We took a fragment of the shape (one member) and modified it then repeated it to create a different form.

This design can be compressed to sit on the neck and it can be expanded when needed. It respects personal space as it creates its own space within its shape. Also, this can be used in different sleeping positions as it doesn’t limit the body movements. It is also portable and lightweight which makes it more convenient to carry around.

Design fully compressed

Design half compressed

Design fully expanded On the left are the prototypes of small fragments of different folding pattern that give similar effects when they are compressed then expanded. These folds are mainly build on the reverse fold pattern but the angles and directions vary.

Sleeping Pod design V.3 (Failed) Structure: We looked at each member of the origami piece and how they are connected. Each member is connected to the other using the fold number 3.


(5) Idea of the design



(6) Structure of each component

Movement of each component


Movement: We also studied the movement of origami piece and it changes from one form to the other. It moves in 3D circular motion in order to flip. We tried to connected more than one of them together to create a circle shape but it did not work as it loses its 3D rotation. We found that the only way to solve this issue is to lose the 3D movement as it only can only move like 2D object open and close) if they are connected.

Prototype (V.3)

These are some of the prototypes that we did to experience the structure using different materials. Each of the coloured papers has different thickness. We found that the natural looking paper (light brown) was quite effective as it has a suitable thickness which kept the structure together.

On the hand, the rest of the papers were alright but it disconnect sometime especially at the last joint where the last member is attached. This is because the papers were a bit thin.

On the bottom left side of the page is the model when we tried to connect a number of the origami pieces together to create structure. However, it did not work because the movement of each piece is not happening because the fixed part (the part connecting to the two pieces). Also, there are too many hollow parts inbetween the pieces which would be hard to cover .

Precedent Research Veasyble by GAIA

Portable - Multifunction- Isolation-moveable -Revelation

The whole design is created by a folding pattern called reverse fold. In this way the design can be folded and compress into a bag shape when not used. It opens to form a sphere shape.

This is the grids for this folding pattern. When you fold the dotted lines inwards and the solid line outwards this 3D pattern is created.

Description of precedent Source: http://www.veasyble.com/whoeng.html .

Veasyble is a wearable design that has been designed out paper bonded to polyethylene and fabric. The design is made so that it can be converted from 2D to a 3D form to create an isolated space that can be used in different ways. One of the reasons the design is the increasing mobility which influenced people's intimacy so a new demands are designed.

Precedent Research Portable - Multifunction- Isolation-moveable -Revelation

Transformations of the precedent

How can you use this precedent to influence your design ? This precedent influences our design as they have similar concept. Our idea is converted from 2D to 3D form and the opposite which is quite the same as the precedent We also liked how the precedent intelligently used the shape to make the design portable and easy to carry around. This is what we are aiming to achieve while developing our idea.

Transformations of the our design

Final Sleeping Pod design V.1

Top View

Front View

Side View

Perspective View

This is our final Rhino model after we modified the shape and also applied the patterns using panelling tool (3D custom).

Patterns used for 3D custom

Design development - Version #1 While developing our idea and making the prototype, we found the shape of the patterns were a bit point toward the human body. We agreed that these sharp edges might cause discomfort.

Therefore, we tried to come up with a solution that reduces the sharpness of each triangle. At the end we decided to draw a square around each triangle's tip and folded to reverse these spike edge to front surface. So, we edited it the structure of our pattern to make it more suitable for different use with facing any issue.

The modified pattern of our design

The final drawings of the design

We also needed to create openings for ventilation so we cut little shapes on the sides of few folded pattern. These shapes shown in red colour the diagram in the middle at the bottom.

From the early stages our design was shown that it can be used in different ways and can be carried or attached. This meant that we need to add this Velcro band on both sides of our design as shown in the drawing beside.

Back view and front view of the squares added to the pattern

The cut for the Velcro band

Design development - Version #2 Another thing that we looked at is the back side of our design. At first, the part was attached to front using folds and it was all made out of one paper. However, we looked over our design again and how we wanted the design to function and suit the different sleeping positions that was studied earlier We realised that back part might be annoying if can't be moved or adjusted to the right level or angle. Therefore, we thought about adding a joint which allows the back part of the design to be movable. First, we separated the front and back from each other and created holes for both parts at the same spot so we can attach them together using a nail.

The movements of the joint

We also found the edges intersected with each other which did not allow the back part to move. So we curved the edges and tried to move it and it worked. Another thing that we modified is the end of the back part. We also curved this part as it would not be as pointy towards the neck. Then, the design became adjustable which makes it more effective and suitable for the concept of a sleeping pod.

Joint edge

Curved corner

Curved back edge

Prototype (V.1)

We used different materials for our first idea to decide the most suitable and effective material for the design. We tried thick white paper, light brown art paper, and polyethylene plastic. Also, one thing that we found by making different prototypes with different scales is the paper start to roll and create a closed circle depend of the scale of each square of the pattern. The larger the square, the larger the inner space / distance gets.

This prototype above is a rough design of the complete design shape. This helped us study the structure of the design with all the positives and negatives in more details.

Final prototype (V.1)

Compressed – Expanded Sleeping Pod This our final sleeping pod prototype. We tried to capture all the essential details and movement to provide a better understanding of design ides. Also, the actual design is going to be made of a better and refined material/paper.

Joint Movements

Structural Details

Testing Effects

We tried the lighting on the polythene model and it gave such a nice shade.. it is not very transparent yet not very dark. We also looked at the reflections of the material on shiny surfaces.

We also tested the joints and the movement of each. We have one joint at the end of the design to join all the patterns at one point to create the roundness of the design. We can adjust how loose we want the pattern to be by loosing or unloosing the nail shown above.

Another thing that we tested is the completed prototype and how it might function outdoor in terms of light, ventilation and view.

We also experienced with the joint at the top as it the main joint. We tested how it moves and that when we did cut the edges that intersected with the other into a round. The system started to work.

Appendix V.1 Rhino Modelling Rhino modelling was used to illustrate design ideas in a 3D form. These are some steps that we have taken to create the final rhino model. We used several commands such as lines, curves,surface, loft, panelling tool, 3D custom.

V.2 Rhino Modelling

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