Natural Moves 7722 N Maple St Spokane WA 99208
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“The Human Skeleton was formed through Cathy Lidster, GCFP Cathy has been serving clients as Health Educator and Practitioner for over 30 years.
Divine Blueprint, while the muscular-
She studied to become a Feldenkrais® Teacher and Practitioner in 2000 after her mother had a stroke.
Since then, she has been living in gratitude for the gifts of the Feldenkrais Method®, which include thinking, feeling, and moving younger with each passing birthday!
through a
How Does It Get Any Better Than That? Cathy teaches classes and sees individuals both in the U.S. and Canada. 250-819-9041/208-6105756
sensory body was created
~Everyday Movement With Ease – An Anti-Aging Movement Program for Life Long Vitality November 29, 30 Dec 1st Kamloops
Bones For Life®
spectrum of thought-choice determined by each human being.” ---Stuart Pearce
“DO It With EASE”– the Feldenkrais Method®