SMM Management 101: Consumer Reviews, Social Signals Integrating consumer-driven criticisms, both positive and negative, should be considered business’ most powerful factor when seeking brand improvement or search value. By tactically advancing site visibility in SERPS, customer evaluations can increase the content and authority of a site, so must be encouraged and given as much priority as authoritative link placement and prime keyword optimization. Content created by 'real world' consumers, such as reviews on social media and third-party review sites like Google+ Local and Yelp, are increasing in SEO value. Here’s several key steps individuals may take prior to launching huge social media marketing initiatives which protect reputations based off reviews. Decimate Negative SEO Procedures Using derogatory marketing procedures, much like Anakin, is the quickest way to turn into the Dark Side of The Force. Black-hat tactics will trump all white-hat tactics, and if you employ these, your page will probably not get ranked by Google. Sure, you’ll make several thousand dollars bilking unsuspecting site owners; truth is, nobody likes black hatters anymore. In fact, Blackhat SEO will pretty much die by 2015. The difference between on and off-page SEO tactics is simple. On-page is anything you do on the website to get ranked, and off-page is whatever you do off the website that tells Google you are a site worth ranking. Staying atop the positive marketing juggernaut would prove useful when building your reputation negatively will lead to bad reviews. Success Relies On Social Signal Following Social media marketing is a wide-open space, and most businesses recognize the importance of utilizing it. The way we use the Internet is constantly evolving, and you must be prepared to alter your marketing tactics along with it. Tracking and analyzing online efforts is essential, but many people are unsure of how to do so effectively. This is why Penguins and Pandas are beating your domains down, my friend. One cue you can take from smart marketing executives: track social signals. It’s easy and important to track things like the number of visitors to your website, but social media signals are increasing in their importance. Why do you need to worry about tracking social media signals? Because your reputation, again, relies heavily upon what others have written about you, easily traceable in Facebook or Twitter. In Closing The recent news has been filled with tales of woe for a number of companies whose brands have been tarnished with stories of improper conduct in the production of processed foods. Even worse, many corporations fail to listen to consumer advocacies and leverage PR to ‘sweep things under the rug’. Businesses that fail to listen, process then act upon customer reviews are gluttons for further scrutiny. Unless your socially based business cares to join the ranks of these dying food brands who’ve seen monstrosity due to social media remarketing errors, keep your reputation withheld simply by monitoring SEO practices, keeping up with social signals and listening to those who speak. Consumer driven reviews could literally smash website domain names which, of course, stand to benefit should positive reviews come their way.