Element 1: Establish Team Performance Plan
It is important that you consult a wide range of individuals within the organisation, not just senior management. Consult equally with those involved in the day-to-day operation of the business. Consultation is important as it can encourage staff members to recognise that they are a part of the process. If they feel involved, it is more likely that they will embrace the changes and be willing to actually make them. They will have ‘ownership’ and more readily accept responsibility. Consultation can be established through meetings, interviews, brainstorming sessions, via email / internet communication or newsletters. Use of various methods will ensure that all employees have the opportunity to contribute to the team and individual performance plans. Finally, timeliness is vital. It is not useful to obtain information from staff when it is too late to actually put it into practice. You need to obtain information early enough to be able to make a quick response and application. Therefore, consultation should take place as early as possible to allow for ideas to be incorporated into the overall strategy and objectives of the company.
Making Plans Planning and designing jobs for workers is an integral part of the overall process of achieving objectives. Without a well-defined and planned job, workers are at a loss to know exactly what they should be doing. The design for jobs that you develop should include job descriptions, key performance indicators, specifications, as well as the various procedures that they will have to adopt as a part of their job. The task begins by identifying the essential functions of the job. In identifying essential functions, be sure to consider whether employees in the position are actually required to perform the function, and whether removing that function would fundamentally change the job.
Key Performance Indicators Key performance indicators are used in modern business to identify those areas where a specific level of performance is critical to the success of a given position. They also allow you to ascertain areas of importance within a given position. Importance is a function of the number of times the specific task is undertaken along with the amount of time spent completing a task, and whether the function is actually critical to other things being achieved within the organisation. Think through what would happen if a given function was not performed within the organisation. What would the consequences of this be? Then you are able to develop key performance indicators and develop measures to ensure that the expected standards are being met and can be developed for the process, goals or objectives. These standards are used for monitoring and evaluating efficiency or effectiveness. They provide targets for productivity improvements such as reduced downtime, higher production levels or decreases in absenteeism. Clearly stated and regularly emphasised outcomes or key performance indicators can result in improved individual and team performance and participation as well as improvements to systems and operations through changes in work roles and responsibilities.
Trainer Manual BSBWOR502A Ensure Team Effectiveness Š Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd