Jack white, university~
lecturer ---...., I
sBritney Spears is more authentic than Bob Dylan? Jack White thinks she might be. The White Stripe discussed the authenticity of his musical heroes in a surprise lecture at Dublin's Trinity College on Sunday (October 18), where he was awarded an honorary patronage from the University Philosophical Society, whose past members have included Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde. Putting aside his guitar, White debated with students, speaking candidly about his musical beliefs. "I don't know if Bob Dylan and Tom Waits are as authentic as I think they are. Perhaps they're not," he suggested. "Sometimes you start thinking that maybe Britney Spears or someone like that, who's doing exactly what they want to do in the way that they best know how, is more authentic than any of those people you could mention." White also said he perpetually reevaluates his musical tastes. "I try to cleanse my palate and rethink music," he explained. "A couple of months ago I was trying to listen to La Roux and trying to get into this song of hers. I try to open my eyes to something I wouldn't normally like."