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Moment of silence honors service people



School subsidizes $150 membership charge



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w w w . v e r m o n t c y n i c . c o m | T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 1 1 – Vo l u m e 1 2 8 I s s u e 1 2 | B u r l i n g t o n , Ve r m o n t

Naked Bike Ride jeopardized

Administration cancels funding, cites safety concerns By Becky Hayes Assistant News Editor Administrators are keeping this year’s Naked Bike Ride at an arm’s legnth. The annual Naked Bike Ride, while not officially cancelled, is not likely to receive any University support this year, said Tom Gustafson, vice president of student and campus life. “We are sort of at our wits’ end,” Gustafson said. “It’s not about nakedness or bike rides. It’s about sexual assault, serious injury and detox.” Another problem that raises concern is that people not associated with the University come to watch the event, he said. “If you go ‘Wow, can we put University funding into this?’” he said. “The answer is pretty obvious.” Interim President John Bramley will send out an email addressing the questions concerning the Naked Bike Ride within the next couple of days, Gustafson said. The problems with the Naked Bike Ride include strangers in the residence halls, unwanted touching, sexual and other assaults, physical injuries and alcohol-related incapacitation, according to a draft of the email.

The increase of sexual assaults that occurred last semester brought attention to the administration, Student Government Association President Julian Golfarini said. “When a senior administrator gets two police reports on his desk about an event he already isn’t thrilled about — that’s a game changer,” Golfarini said. He said that he is concerned the event has lost its funding from administration. “Acts of a few are jeopardizing the fun of many,” Golfarini said. “But, I cannot endorse an event that promotes rape culture.” In response, student are creating their own outlets for naked rides. One such event includes an impromptu Naked Bike Ride, scheduled for Nov. 17 at 10 p.m., according to its Facebook page. The creator, junior Mike White, said that by not supporting the Naked Bike Ride, the administration is making a “big mistake” and putting students at a greater risk. “You can take away the funding, take away the T-shirts, but people are still going to have the event,” White said. In 2008, SGA was told by the administration that if the event

Cynic File Photo

Students brave the cold outside Harris/Millis to watch naked bikers and runners in January 2009. This year funding for security, lights and gates will likely not be supplied by the ration. was not made safer, it would be shut down, a 2008 Cynic article stated. The Naked Bike Ride Task Force (NBRTF) was created to establish safety measures such as floodlights at a tentative cost of

$14,800, the article stated. Now, the University said that they have worked conscientiously with student leadership in an attempt to create a safe environment at the Naked Bike Ride, but nothing seemed to work very ef-

Laptop thefts on the rise By Morgan MacLeod Cynic Correspondent The UVM campus has experienced a wave of laptop and computer thefts. Two iMac computers were stolen from the Student Government Association’s offices on Nov. 13, SGA Vice President Will Vitagliano said. The theft happened at some point between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Nov. 11, Vitagliano said. The SGA has the serial numbers of the computers and are in communication with the police, he said. “It’s really unfortunate that people are stealing laptops and computers,” Vitagliano said. About half a dozen laptops have been stolen from the library and more have been taken from other buildings including the Davis center, said Angus Robertson, access services supervisor at the

NEWS 1-6 Occupier shoots himself

Bailey/Howe Library. “We do believe that all of these laptops have been targeted by the same person or a group of persons,” Robertson said. According to the UVM crime alert, the police are looking for a white male who was seen leaving the library wearing a black “hoodie” jacket shortly after the thefts. The thefts have followed the same pattern, occurring mostly on the weekends, using similar methods in the same parts of the library, Robertson said. In particular, in the back of upper floors of the library are targeted. People who are leaving their stuff completely unattended are being victimized, he said. To combat thefts the library is providing extra sweeps, passing out pamphlets and leaving signs on unattended backpacks and laptops, Robertson said. “We are working very closely

LIFE 6-7 — ARTS 8-9 CD Review: Imminent Ancient swords fly with meltdowns modern flair

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“We do believe that all of these laptops have been targeted by the same person or a group of persons.” Angus Robertson Access services supervisor at the Bailey/Howe Library with the police,” he said. Students should use common sense and not leave their laptops unconcealed while in the library, Robertson said. “Certainly talk to the front desk if [you] have any questions concerning security and safety,” he said. Students should trust their See THEFT on page 3

DISTRACTIONS 11 Camp Morning Wood

fectively, the draft email stated. The draft states that planning is underway for an alternative event to take place on the night of the last day of classes that may include a charitable aspect to benefit the Vermont community.

‘Long road’ nears end

United Academics to vote Dec. 5 By Becky Hayes Assistant News Editor A collective bargaining agreement between the administration and the faculty union, United Academics (UA), has been reached subject to ratification by UA, according to a press release. The faculty will vote for ratification on Dec. 5 after informational meetings and further discussion, UA President David Shiman said. “This has been a long road, and in the end we reached a constructive and workable outcome,” Shiman said. “We treated each other with respect and sought to be responsive to the other party’s concerns.” Shiman said that he expects the faculty to pass this three-year agreement. “With this type of agreement you get some of what you want

OPINION 12-13 Show Greeks some respect

and you don’t get some of what you want,” he said. “We achieved most of our goals.” Interim President John Bramley congratulated all involved at the bargaining table for their efforts and said he was pleased to be able to get this done, the press release stated.

“We achieved most of our goals.” David Shiman UA President “These are challenging times, to be sure, and I think that everybody recognized that in finding reasonable approaches to resolve differences,” he said.

SPORTS 14-16 Club football heads to championship





SGA Senator spared

Greek life blog causes controversy By Sarah Leidinger Staff Writer

The controversial blog started by an SGA senator will not bring about any changes in SGA leadership. A motion to impeach Senator Aliza Lederer-Plasket on the grounds that she betrayed the mission of the SGA was found to be untrue, according to a document released by the SGA. The blog, called “Secret Life of a Sorority Dropout,” was written to express feelings, emotions, thoughts, sarcasm, satire and experiences that Lederer-Plasket had as part of Greek Life and to support others who have left or have not been accepted to a chapter, she said. “When you are slandering 8 percent of the student body you represent and also 80 percent of the leadership positions on campus, I think it’s time to question how she will make decisions that will affect us all,” senior Danielle Peck who filed the motion said. There are no rules in the SGA Constitution about holding members accountable for their actions, Peck said. “I do plan on talking with SGA about the addition to their constitution or bylaws about holding their members accountable for looking out for the best

“I hope to show girls that didn’t find their ways into a chapter that it’s not all rainbows and sunshine.” Aliza Lederer-Plasket SGA senator

interests of the students,” she said. At the SGA meeting during which the motion was presented, Senator Gavin Caster said that Aliza’s blog undermined the positive work that SGA does. “I think that you have your right to free speech but you are writing hurtful things,” he said. “You are effectively compromising the work of the SGA.” Though some members of Greek life may have felt like they were singled out, the blog was not directed at any one person or group, Lederer-Plasket said. “I go out of my way not to target an individual, be that an organization, an individual person [or] an individual chapter at an individual school,” she said. Lederer-Plasket said she started the blog after she left Greek life, she said. “I hope to show girls that didn’t find their ways into a chapter that it’s not all rainbows and sunshine,” she said. “[And] that the world is really not as exclusive or single-minded as Greek life can be.” The motion was presented on Nov. 8, but Lederer-Plasket said she knew it was coming. “I had known they were going to present this legislation and I knew from the beginning they had no grounds to impeach me,” she said. “And if they did it would have been a violation of the Constitution.” The blog may have received negative reactions from members of SGA and students but Lederer-Plasket said everyone deserves to express their opinions. “For all the critiques and criticisms that I’ve gotten via email, I’ve just been inundated with email after email saying thank you,” Lederer-Plasket said. “My hits and comments that I’ve gotten on the blog really speak for themselves.” Some students said they could understand both sides of the issue concerning LedererPlasket’s blog. “I think people should be able to state opinions but I have mixed feelings about this,” firstyear Stephanie Wright said. “I can see both sides. If [LedererPlasket] was going against the SGA then I understand why there was a motion filed for impeachment, but at the same time the blog is something she did in her personal life.”

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MEGHAN PRIOR The Vermont Cynic

Senior Officer Ric Volp clearws debris such as tent stakes and bricks in City Hall Park Nov. 12. Police were speaking to people whose tents were still there and helping them gather their belongings.

Occupier shoots himself By Devin Karambelas, Staff Writer, Elliot deBruyn, Senior Staff Writer A man was fatally shot inside a tent in City Hall Park on Nov. 10, prompting a police investigation that resulted in the removal of Occupy Burlington tents. Joshua Pfenning, 35, was later identified as the victim, according to the Burlington Free Press. Pfenning was pronounced dead at around 5 p.m. after being transported to the Fletcher Allen Hospital shortly after 2 p.m. The gunshot wound was believed to be self-inflicted, the article stated. Deputy Police Chief Andi Higbee said that Pfenning had been consuming alcohol prior to the shooting and had been with three other people in the tent. “He pointed the gun directly at one of the three people in the tent and made comments,” Higbee said to the Burlington Free Press. John Ciori, who had met Pfenning the week before and had been inside the tent with him, said that they had been fooling around with Pfenning’s gun, taking it apart and putting it back

together. “It was all fun and games, and then [suddenly] it wasn’t fun and games anymore,” said Ciori, who said that Pfenning shot himself in the head.

“It was all fun and games, and then [suddeny] it wasn’t fun and games anymore.” John Ciori Witness After the shooting, police retrieved the gun, which was later confirmed as having been stolen from a home in Derby in 2009, the Burlington Free Press article stated. Police Chief Michael Schirling sectioned off the park with crime scene tape and announced that the occupation was a risk to public safety and could not continue, Vermont Public Radio reported.

“We’re happy to allow [City Hall Park occupants] to do activities in the park from 6 a.m. to midnight to get the message out,” he said. “Right now, the biggest impediment to safety is the presence of tents.” Later that night, confrontation broke out between protestors and police when Hayley Mason, 23, was handcuffed after she got too close to the police tape, the Burlington Free Press stated. A vigil mourning Pfenning was held the next day, where dozens of Occupy Burlington participants attended to reflect on the emotional turn of events. The Occupy Burlington group met on Nov. 12 to discuss the future of the movement, and as of Nov. 14 the encampment in City Hall Park had officially ended, thanks to an agreement made with protestors and police. In a letter to the Occupy Burlington General Assembly, Schirling expressed gratitude for the assembly’s compliance with the city, the article stated. “We very much appreciate the amicable way in which the issue of encampment seems to have been resolved,” he said.

Senator: Up the D in D1 classes By Taylor Jones Staff Writer D1 classes are intended to cover diversity issues in the U.S. However, there is one aspect of diversity that some say is missing: LGBTQ issues. Student Government Association Sen. Kathrine Mansfield has been working with the Academic Affairs Committee and faculty on a resolution that asks D1 classes to focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) issues in the classroom. The resolution was passed at SGA’s Senate meeting on Nov. 8 with little to no objections from other senators, Mansfield said. The next step is to work with faculty to implement the resolution, she said. Mansfield has been in discussions with Wanda HeadingGrant, the chief diversity officer of the University, to evaluate D1 and D2 courses in order to see

what students are taking away from the classes, and how they can be improved. “We are trying to figure out what the outcomes are,” Mansfield said. “[Heading-Grant’s] general idea is that we need to figure out what the outcomes are before we can begin to incorporate [the resolution].” There has not been much resistance from faculty members to consider adding LGBTQ education into their lesson plans, she said. Hopes are that the resolution will create a more inclusive environment for all students, Mansfield said. “The real take-home message is that diversity isn’t just about race in the U.S.,” she said. “This initiative is not only meant to educate students, but to create a more inclusive atmosphere for hopefully all students.” One concern that Mansfield had was that the resolution would

create tensions between LGBTQ students and students with religious backgrounds that may not agree with the LGBTQ lifestyle. “This isn’t meant to attack anyone’s religious beliefs,” Mansfield said. “This is meant to help eliminate the prejudices against queer members of our community and the world in general.” The support for the resolution among students so far has been high, she said. “It’s really encouraging to see that so many students think that this is an important issue,” Mansfield said. “I was afraid that there might be some religious backlash.” Some students said they feel that LGBTQ issues are intriguing and expressed interest in learning about them. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes,” sophomore Victoria Diamond said. “It would make D1 classes a lot more interesting.”




CarShare waives big fee

School subsidizes $150 membership charge

By Keegan Fairfield Staff Writer Campus Area Transportation Management Association (CATMA) is waiving the CarShare Vermont membership fee for 200 full-time UVM students, staff and faculty on a first-come, first-served basis. As of Nov. 9, only 20 of the 200 students had taken up this offer, Annie Bourdon, founder and executive director for CarShare Vermont, said. CarShare Vermont is a car sharing service that gives members access to a fleet of 10 vehicles located around the City of Burlington, which they can use whenever and for however long they would like. The company plans to add three vehicles to the fleet in 2012, including one at Spinner Place in Winooski, Bourdon said.

Members can be as young as 18 and, barring any egregious driving infractions, nearly anyone can become a member, according to the CarShare website. Aside from a nominal hourly and per-mile fee, members don’t incur any of the other costs of owning a vehicle, the website stated. A gas card is in every car to fill the tank, and maintenance is taken care of, as well. Bourdon said that on average, members spend about $60 a month for the service. UVM and CATMA have been partners of CarShare Vermont since its inception in 2008, providing substantial financial backing in the form of donated cars and parking spots. UVM affiliates currently comprise about 25 percent of CarShare Vermont’s members. CarShare Vermont is very complementary to the public

ALEXA ALGIOS The Vermont Cynic

Annie Bourdon, the executive director of CarShare Vermont, speaks about the company’s programs for students on Nov. 9.

transportation infrastructure and has reduced the overall number of cars on campus, said Sandy Thibault, transportation demand management program manager for CATMA. “In 2003, 50.7 percent of UVM students brought cars to campus,” Thibault said. “In 2010, that number dropped to 21.4 percent.” Support from the Burlington community has been integral to CarShare Vermont’s success, Bourdon said. All parking “pods” have been donated as permanent homes for the vehicles, and UVM and Champlain College each donated the two vehicles on their campuses. Environmental, financial and community benefits are reasons to use the service, she said. Bourdon admitted that it is almost impossible to be car-free and sees car sharing as a viable alternative to owning a car. “You really avoid the hassles of owning a personal car in Burlington,” she said. “Car sharing also leads to less congested roads and members don’t have to deal with finding parking or clearing snow from cars during the winter.” Bourdon said she hopes this latest promotion will inspire more people to use the service, and commended UVM on their diligence in supporting the service. “I have to give kudos to UVM; they’re doing a good job putting their money where their mouth is,” she said. Any interested UVM affiliates are encouraged to visit www. to learn more about the offer.

Nickelodeon president talks success Cyma Zarghami left UVM to innovate children’s TV network By Mat Degan Cynic Staff Writer The president of Nickelodeon spoke at UVM about the evolution of the Nickelodeon Brand identity to a full Grand Maple Ballroom on Nov. 4 as part of the Dean’s Leadership Series Event. President of Nickelodeon Cyma Zarghami set out to rebrand the company’s identity at a pivotal moment: The kids who grew up watching Nick’ programming were now becoming parents. “That is a really unique moment in time for any brand,” Zarghami said. “[The network knew] if we don’t capture this generation of kids and their parents together, we will miss a whole generation, and we’ll find ourselves in a bad place a few years from now.” Zarghami came to UVM as an elementary education student in 1980, and, although she did not finish her degree, she was later rewarded an honorary diploma, according to UVM BORED’s website. Now, two decades later, Zarghami sits at the helm of the highly profitable Nickelodeon enterprise that generates 40 percent of the annual revenue of parent company Viacom, University Communications stated. Nickelodeon’s effort to rebrand the company’s identity began just after Zarghami became

president in 2006. The end result after two and a half years was a major consolidation of all the Nickelodeon channels and divisions under one unified brand, according to University Communications. Even the Nickelodeon logo, the iconic paint blob, got a new look.

“I just kept working hard and stuck around, and they gave me bits and pieces of more responsibility.” Cyma Zarghami President of Nickelodeon “We took the Nickelodeon logo and reinvented it so it could actually be the mother brand for everything we do around the globe,” Zarghami said. Zarghami spoke of the early days when there was still some uncertainty that children’s programming could find a niche in the television industry. “All of us could fit into a conference room to celebrate a birthday,” she said. The Nickelodeon television

network is so successful in fact, that it has topped Disney and other competitors in the burgeoning children’s entertainment niche, even though it was once thought to be somewhat risky, University Communications stated. At UVM, Zarghami changed her major from elementary education to English, but she never lost her desire to work with children, and that was partly what drew her to Nickelodeon. “I’m in this for the audience, not necessarily to be in the entertainment business,” Zarghami said. “It’s because it’s for kids that makes it so much fun.” Today, as president of Nickelodeon/MTV network Kids & Family Group, Zarghami oversees the merchandise, international, digital and recreation arms of the company, according to University Communications. “For a long time, I was the thing that wouldn’t leave,” she said. “I just kept working hard and stuck around, and they gave me bits and pieces of more responsibility.” Zarghami said that the great thing about becoming president of Nickelodeon was that it was a slow build. “I learned everything one piece at a time, and I think that’s a rare opportunity these days because everything moves so quickly,” she said.


Sophomore Eileen Rosenberg describes how her laptop was stolen from her pack behind her in Underground Copy on Nov. 16.

THEFT Laptop ripped from backpack ...continued from page 1 instincts if they see something, and report suspicious behavior to the police, Robertson said. “Students should still feel safe in the library,” he said. Eileen Rosenberg, a sophomore whose laptop was stolen from her backpack in the Davis Center says that the thefts have raised concerns in her in all regards.

Crime log By Lauren Drasler Asst. News Editor

Suspicious events

An emergency Blue Light was activated, but there was no found cause on Nov. 5 There was report of a possible stolen computer being used in the Davis Center on Nov. 7. It was confirmed later that the computer was not stolen.

“Honestly its been really hard, because I’ve been a little bit more paranoid in the sense of my belongings,” said Rosenberg. Rosenberg said that the experience has made her more adamant about locking her dorm room door and caused her to shy away from going to the library. “I go to the medical library more — there is a safer environment there because it has more open space,” Rosenberg said.


Drug-related objects were confiscated from students in building E of the Living/ Learning Center on Nov. 7 Marijuana and other drug related objects were confiscated from students in Richardson Hall on Nov. 7 Alcohol, marijuana and other drug-related objects were confiscated from students in Hamilton Hall on Nov. 6


Ceiling lights were broken in the first floor men’s bathroom and stairwell in McAuley Hall on Nov. 6 A fire alarm cover was broken in Christie Hall on Nov. 6.




helps docs Search starts for trustees Student Nicholas Wilkie develops portable By Amanda Sherwood Staff Writer

The Board of Trustees is undergoing some changes. The board is comprised of 25 members including legislators and self-perpetuating trustees, and two students, all of which make most of the decisions concerning the University. The search has started for a new student Board of Trustees member. “In 1977, students proposed to have two positions [on the Board of Trustees] for students to provide student perspective to the highest governing body,” said Jude Paul Dizon, a member of the committee conducting the search for the new student trustee. Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees can range from simple everyday tasks to electing a new University president. Though some members on the Board of Trustees are educated in making decisions in finances, business and even legalities, the student trustees represent what the other individuals cannot: the student voice. “Students are one of the main constituents of UVM,” Dizon said. “An issue like raising tuition makes sense, but the trustees aren’t UVM students.” From living on campus, attending classes and having the overall UVM experience, the student trustees can speak to student interests, which is something board members value in making decisions for the University. “During trustee meetings, the

other board members would directly ask us as students for our opinion,” former student trustee Brian Sozansky said. “We also chatted with students around campus to combine our opinion with the ones of our peers.” The search for the graduating trustees’ replacement is a process of applications, references, meetings and sometimes interviews. Even though the application process is lengthy and being a member of the Board of Trustees entails a heavy work load, Sozansky said he looks back on his time as a student trustee fondly. “It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had,” he said. “I learned so much about what happens behind the scenes at UVM and the decisions that need to be made just to keep the University running smoothly day to day.” The application for the Board of Trustees position can be found on UVM’s website. The selection process has yet to begin, since applications are accepted until January. In the meantime, applicants are required to attend three meetings. These include an introduction meeting and meetings with the University administration and Board of Trustees. “The new trustee must be willing to learn and not afraid to ask questions,” Sozansky said. “They must be passionate about UVM.”

electronic health records system By Chris Scott Staff Writer


“During the trustee meetings, the other board members would directly ask us as students for our opinion. We also chatted with other students around campus to combine our opinion with the ones of our peers.” Brian Sozansky Former student trustee

A University medical student’s work has led to the breakthrough of a multi-million dollar worldwide philanthropic program. Second-year medical student Nicholas Wilkie is developing a low-cost, portable electronic health record (EHR) for doctors and surgeons in the Doctors Without Borders program, according to University Communications. After hearing a lecture by professor of surgery, Bruce Leavitt, Wilkie said he realized his skills were needed to tackle an issue plaguing doctors in third-world countries. An archaic paper filing system was still in place to treat patients with illnesses such as Cholera, Wilkie said. “Dr. Leavitt spoke about how difficult it was to treat patients with no effective medical record system,” he said to University Communications. “So I spoke to him after the lecture. I told him I had programming experience, and asked if I designed a handheld electronic health record if he thought it would be useful.” Right now, Doctors Without Borders still relies on paperbased record systems to track their patients, Wilkie said. “The records are inconsistent

and difficult to analyze, which makes it harder for them to make large scale, strategic decisions from clinical data,” he said. After the lecture, Wilkie sought advice from a number of University professors, University Communications stated. While seeking funding and help from the University, Wilkie said he made a connection. By randomly searching a Doctors Without Borders forum, I came across a post made by a director of information services for the program seeking assistance in overcoming the paperbased filing system for the philanthropic organization, he said. He showed the organization his prototype, which he meticulously programmed in a 24-hour time frame, and they were immediately interested, Wilkie said. Doctors Without Borders is now sending Wilkie to one of their headquarters in Switzerland over Thanksgiving break, where he will consult the organization on the future of the product and its implementation into their system, he said. Wilkie said the organization hopes to utilize the system in tackling issues of Cholera treatment and investigation in Chad and Haiti. For more information, students can visit

University sees drop of in-state enrollment

Students weigh financial aid awards, distance from home in college decision

By Lauren Drasler Staff Writer For many in-state students, the University of Vermont is not their go-to college. UVM has one of the lowest percentages of in-state students for public state universities, said Beth Wiser, director of undergraduate admissions. “It’s an urban legend that UVM is trying to keep in-state students out,” Wiser said. “Onethird of our undergrads are from Vermont, but 60 percent of Vermont [high school] graduates go out of state, so it’s natural [that we have a low in-state student percentage].” One way that UVM can gain more Vermont students is by offering tuition incentives, she said. Every year, one valedictorian from every high school in Vermont is offered a full scholarship to the University. “The valedictorians in Vermont are offered the Green and Gold scholarship, which is a full tuition except for room and board,” sophomore Ashley Richardson said. “I definitely think the Green and Gold scholarship is the main reason I came to UVM. I was leaning more towards getting out of Vermont, but it was an incentive I couldn’t really turn down.” It might be that way for a lot of Vermont students that come to UVM, so I encourage the University to continue giving out this scholarship, Richardson said. Some Vermont students said that lowering the cost of tuition for in-state residents might make UVM a more appealing option.

“Students that live outside of the 500 mile radius are those students that have lived in the same place for their whole lives, but for four years they want to spread their wings.” Beth Wiser Director of admissions “I chose UVM because it’s close and cheaper than some alternatives,” first-year Cody Vernet said. “I think one way the school can appeal more to instate students is by lowering the tuition, but I know that’s hard to do.” The average in-state student at UVM usually pays about $4,000-$6,000 per semester in tuition after financial aid assistance is applied, Wiser said. Another potential reason for the lower in-state population might be that UVM is sometimes viewed as a safety school and may seem too comparable to high school for some Vermonters. “I think people that apply and get in aren’t actually thinking about coming here because it’s rumored to be easier to get in and viewed as a safety school,” firstyear Sarah Vredenburgh said. “Also, college is supposed to be a new experience so when five or 10

kids from your high school go to the same college it’s hard to break out and find out who you are.” Most students that go to college usually choose schools that are within a 500-mile radius of their homes, Wiser said. “Students that live outside of the 500 mile radius are those students that have lived in the same place for their whole lives, but for four years they want to spread their wings,” she said. Though the Northeast and New England are well represented at UVM, students from other areas said that UVM appealed to them for many reasons. “I grew up in Coronado, California and I wanted to try something new,” sophomore Mary Hogan said. “When I visited the campus I really liked the vibe of Burlington and the people here. I also thought experiencing the seasons would be a fun change.” The West Coast has experienced some growth in student population. In 2008 there were 195 total undergrads from the western states. That number is now 237, according to the UVM Institutional Research Website. “I think [UVM] has done a better job of reaching out by having a conference in California,” Hogan said. “But one way that could help would be to have students from farther areas go to high schools in their home state to talk to students and to try and convince them that Vermont isn’t actually so cold.” The West may have gained more student representation, but New England still represents the largest portion of the student

KELSEY WOOLEY The Vermont Cynic

First-years Francesca Cerqua of Mass. and Cody Vernet of Morrisville, Vt. sit in the Harris/Millis amplitheater earlier this week.

Source: The University of Vermont, Trends in the Vermont/Out-of-State Mix By Student Level Fall 1996 to Fall 2011

body with 6,611 total undergrads. “I came here because the campus is really beautiful,” first-year and Massachusetts native Franc-

esca Cerqua said. “I was also trying to decide between three majors and UVM has all of them, so I can always switch.”




Goodrich plants SEED of cash By Elliot Sangara Staff Writer UVM’s Student Experience in Engineering Design (SEED) program recently received a $15,814 donation from the Goodrich Corporation, according to a press release issued by Goodrich. The SEED project is organized through the College of Engineering and Mathematics (CEMS) to give seniors in the engineering department the opportunity to work with industry professionals, the CEMS website stated. The Goodrich Corporation is an aerospace manufacturing company based out of Charlotte, N.C., with a local facility in Vergennes. The donation was given on Oct. 31 when Goodrich hosted Gov. Peter Shumlin and professor Mike Rosen at the Vergennes site to discuss the company’s aerospace and defense work and SARA PFEFER The Vermont Cynic

Eco-Reps Program Director Steve Posner reads in the office of Sustainability on the fourth floor in Billings Library on Nov. 14.

Posner greens UVM Eco-Reps director molds program By Kevin Santamaria Staff Writer For Eco-Reps program director Steve Posner, student interaction and community participation are essential to promote environmental sustainability at UVM. Through his work with the Eco-Reps Program, Posner researches student behavior about energy use, recycling and composting. “In sustainability work, a very important piece is the actual behaviors that people engage in,” said Posner. “From sorting your waste when you’re done eating to turning off the lights when you leave the room. We are working on strategies to foster more responsibilities and behaviors from an environmental standpoint. How can we create the conditions for people to recycle more? How can we make compost more convenient on campus?” One of those initiatives involves the greening of Greek life. Eco-Reps is working with the Panhellenic Council, the governing organization of sororities, who are interested in learning how to green-up the sororities. Eco-Reps designed an educational workshop and will meet with the representatives from all the sororities, he said. Some of the issues that will be discussed involve implementing compost in the Greek houses, encouraging local food, and reducing energy consumption. Eco-Reps also illustrate wasteful practices and advocate composting with events like the Food Waste Weigh-in, which collects a week’s worth of uneaten food at a campus dining facility and weighs it. Posner attended the EcoReps Regional Symposium on Nov. 5, hosted by Babson College in Massachusetts, to meet with other representatives from the New England region. With over a hundred Eco-Reps representatives, UVM was one of the presenters and looked to as a leader in environmental sustainability. “There is still room for improvement. Future components of Eco-Reps would include add-

ing course credits to the program,” he said. “In order to add a more academic focus and organization to the being work done. Also, trying to expand Eco-Reps off-campus, beginning by giving Greek life their own Eco-Rep position.” Posner currently guides CDAE 250 Research Methods for Applied Economist service learning class — which measures attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of students based on Eco-Reps work. “Student leadership was been an unintended effect in the Eco-Reps program,” said Gioia Thompson, Director of Office of Sustainability. “By supporting the Eco-Reps as student leaders, it helps them cooperate with other people and other aspects of their life.”

“We are working on strategies to foster more responsibilities and behaviors from an environmental standpoint.” Steve Posner Eco-Reps program director Once students move off campus, they realize how economically beneficial it is to be environmentally friendly. From saving money on electric bills during the winter, to learning to get around Burlington without a car, students gain there first experience through the programs being initiated on campus, Thompson said. “It is getting easier and easier for students to live a greener life on campus and then keep doing it once they move off campus,” she said. “We are working on how to get environmental responsibility and social justice into our way of living and make economic sense,” Thompson said. “We are just working towards the common good,” Posner said.

to present the check, the press release stated. Rosen said that the benefits of the SEED project are the combination of both mechanical and electrical engineering and the unique way that it is financed. “Engineering isn’t like most majors,” he said. “Students decide what particular field they want to focus on and they don’t engage or learn about other relevant fields of engineering.” The SEED Program is developed from outside sources, making it a valuable aspect of the Engineering department’s curriculum, Rosen said. “The budget from this course comes from outside,” he said. “One of the companies that has supported the SEED project is IBM, which donated $20,000.” Using the Goodrich Corporation as a model, Rosen stressed the importance of building re-

lationships with other corporations. “UVM waived the right to patent things for this course because they considered building these relationships important enough,” he said. Rosen explained that part of the SEED program involves students interning at some of the very corporations that donate to the program. “Seniors are much more likely to have jobs [by being involved in the program],” he said. ” Sophomore Stephen Mayor said that he supports the direction that the SEED project is taking. “I think it’s innovative that this program is combining both fields of mechanical and electrical [engineering], building up relationships with companies that could employ students [which is] amazing,” he said.

Environmental program founder dies By Katy Cardin Staff Writer Carl Reidel, professor and founder of the environmental program at UVM, died on Nov. 3 of pancreatic cancer, a University Communications news release stated. He was diagnosed with the disease three weeks before his death, according to the release. Reidel founded the environmental program in 1972 with Tom Hudspeth, a professor of environmental studies and natural resources. After its founding, the envi-

ronmental program became a popular area of study for students and continues to be a reason why many students decide to attend the University, Huspeth said to the Burlington Free Press. Reidel earned a degree in forestry and wildlife science from the University of Minnesota. He then received his master’s degree from Harvard University in 1964 and went back to Minnesota in order to earn his Ph.D, according to the UVM website. He then worked at Williams College until invited by UVM to lead the newly formed environ-

mental program. He was married twice and had three children with his first wife. He died at the farmstead he and his second wife, Jean Richardson, shared in North Ferrisburgh. His son Jon Reidel praised his father’s passion for both the environment and his own life, a University Communications article stated. “He loved the environmental movement, but knew the way to do it was through policy changes,” he said. “He was optimistic and upbeat until the very end.”




UVM recognizes Veterans Day Ceremonies, moment of silence honor servicepeople

By Katie Ida Life/Features Editor Starting at 7 a.m., the names of the 6,000 men and women who have been killed in combat since Sept. 11, 2001 were read next to a flag-studded green outside the Bailey/Howe Library. This marked the beginning of UVM’s third annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11. The University was the only school within the state of Vermont to participate in the Remembrance Day National Roll Call, according to the event’s Oct. 28 press release. The Veterans Day Ceremony was hosted by the Student Government Association and the Veterans Collaboration Organization (VCO), according to the press release.

“The most real, moving and special ceremony I have ever attended.” Michael Dubie

“This is one of those times when I have learned much more than I could have in a classroom.”

Adjutant general of the Vermont National Guard

Katie Rifken Senior There was a moment of silence, planned as campuswide, at 2 p.m. Vice President of Enrollment Management Chris Lucier spoke on behalf of the University at the day’s events. Lucier commended the honor given to veterans, but suggested that action in addition to remembrance needs to occur among faculty and students at the University. “It’s time to have moments of silence to honor service, but many more times to have meaningful dialogue,” Lucier said. The day culminated in a Veterans Day Commemoration in the Waterman Memorial Lounge. The commemoration began with the Zest a cappella group singing the national anthem. The anthem was followed by readings of letters from Ver-



How to:

Bar hop

You are at home, rocking out to some sweet Etta James before your night on the town, taking in her sultry, sexy mojo before you


More than 6,000 minuiture American flags, representing soldiers who have been killed in combat since Sept. 11 2001, blanket the green between Bailey/Howe Library and the Davis Center as a part of UVM’s third annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 11. mont elected officials including Gov. Peter Shumlin, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Patrick Leahy and Rep. Peter Welch. The letters discussed the Vermont National Guard, veterans at the University and their respective service both at home and abroad. Senior Katie Rifken and junior Laura Weiskotten discussed their work with the Committee on Legislative Action in the SGA to coordinate the event before introducing a video made by UVMtv. The video featured students and student leaders thanking the veterans at the University, as well as national veterans for their ser-

vice. Rifken and Weiskotten both expressed the large amount of educational value that came out of working with veterans and planning the event. “This is one of those times when I have learned much more than I could have in a classroom,” Rifken said. Students also spoke about their relationship to veterans and the military. Graduate student Whitney Dubie spoke about her life in a military family and her father, Michael Dubie, adjutant general of the Vermont National Guard.

Junior Ryan Little also spoke about his experience as a student veteran. Little started UVM 10 days after he got out of the Marines, he said. He spoke to the audience about understanding among faculty and students for the special needs of veteran students. “I’m humbled by the men and women who have given their lives, and I’m looking for understanding of veterans by students and faculty,” Little said. Professor of mathematics and statistics Mun Son thanked American veterans for giving him the ability to receive an education

try to snag yourself a hot B-town babe. You have approximately three hours to paint the Burlington bar scene red. You plan your night accordingly, and have three stops in mind. You start out at the ever classy, low-key joint Drink. It’s early on a Friday night, so you encounter an odd scene. You are surrounded by bros pounding cosmos, trying to get a buzz before they, too, head to the next, slightly rowdier stop in the night. There are a number of other possibilities for your next stop on the bar crawl. JP’s Pub might be an interesting stop on your party train. It, however, is the only karaokefree night of the weekend. If you can’t enjoy the broken movement of dancing to alcohol-

laden, off-key vocals, it’s not for you. You think about venturing to Ake’s Place, but are deterred by the mid-30s, former bros that hover around the bar’s pool tables and barstools. You are walking up Main Street when the vague smell of pine-sol and hard liquor wafts in your direction. It calls to you. You finally decide to spend your middle hour in the pinesmelling basement of What Ales You. After finishing your middle hour, leaving the music of Ales, which seems like a bartender’s iPod on shuffle, you are ready to dance. Yep, that’s right, dance. You have three options for your dancing hunger. Metronome happens to be having 80s night. And, while the highpitched tones of Tiffany and

Cindy Lauper seem appealing, but the few lonely singles you find in your purse are just not enough for the steep $5 cover of this dancing zone. You think about Lift. You look good tonight, so the wallto-wall mirrors are a draw. The shininess calls to you. You, however, are distracted on your way there by the purple glow of Rasputin’s Bar. There is an outrageously long line outside your bar of choice. Normally a soft-spoken person, you become a real housewife of New Jersey in the chaos of the ‘Sputies line. You get into a verbal confrontation with a guy who is at least twice your size. Where did the accent come from? You grew up in suburban Massachusetts. You become very protective of your space in the line.

and the opportunity to work at UVM. Son said that American veterans should be proud to follow in the footsteps of who he thought was the greatest veteran in the world, President George Washington. “’By the people, for the people,’” Son said. “With this, George Washington changed the world.” Students also came to support those who participated in the event. Juniors Juliann Sargis and Allyson Goida said they came to show their support for Little as well as the other veterans and students taking part in the event.

“I was definitely in front of the ‘s’ in SkyBurger,” you think as someone pushes in front of you. Finally, after several more tense words in line, you descend the glorious entrance to the purple lights and bumpin’ beats of the bar. You end your bar hop here with Grateful Deads and some sweet dance moves. But the night is not complete. You stop by Mr. Mike’s for a slice of pesto pizza and some sweaty comradery from your fellow UVMers who have also finished the long arduous journey of the Burlington bar crawl. This column is not meant to be taken as actual advice, but as social commentary. The Cynic does not advise you to do or not do any of the activities mentioned above.




Ancient swords fly with modern flair

Forza class inspires fitness with traditional Samurai movements By Hannah Ullman Staff Writer Many might not want to admit it, but playing with swords is fun, especially without the risk of losing a limb. Every Monday, Thursday and Friday at the North End Studio in Burlington, certified instructor Stephanie Shohet takes participants back to the time of the Samurai but with a modern twist. Her unique fitness class, Forza, uses wooden Samurai swords and electronic beats from current songs to get the body moving. “You really have to focus, you have to keep your eyes straight ahead,” Shohet said. With each cut of the sword, she explained, you have to make sure the sword’s tip ends at the right point, whether it is between the eyes or at the shoulder.

“It really helps with confidence, I stand up taller.” Stephanie Shohet Forza instructor Not only does the class give a complete workout but it builds self-esteem. Shohet said that since being certified two and a half years ago her life has changed dramatically. The workout “really improves posture, it really helps with confidence, I stand up taller,” Shohet said. Forza forces participants to

go beyond their comfort zone. Samurai sword training traditionally involves intense focus. “Its big thing is concentration,” Shohet said. The result is increased confidence, attention and reduced anxiety. She explained that the movements are repetitive and therefore meditative. The workout combines different cuts of the sword with lunges and squats to form dozens of different combinations. Half cuts, full cuts and horizontal cuts are some of the different moves done in the class. While cutting the arms must remain strong and the body tense to prepare for the next cut. Each sword weighs between 12 and 25 ounces but “after a couple of minutes that one pound might as well be 20 pounds,” Shohet said. Shohet described the routine as a full-body workout that works on cardiovascular health, improves strength and tones muscles. The up and down motion of the sword works chest and back muscles while the fast pace of the moves helps to tighten the core. Shohet has had all ages attend her class, from 12 years old up through 70. It is low-impact so virtually anyone can get a comprehensive workout without worrying about injury. Classes also take place at Perkins Fitness Consulting in South Burlington. Shohet teaches the basics at the beginning of each class so any skill level can participate.


Cynic Video Emma Hansen presents: BTV Beats The Man Behind the BTVBeats music: Rob Ticho He turns on the smoke machine and a grin flashes across his face. Burlington DJ and producer Rob Ticho shows off his brand new toys: a smoke machine and a new lighting system. For Ticho, it’s all about the memory of the event. “I want them

to remember this moment, so it’s not just another Friday or Saturday downtown.” I’ve known Ticho for a few years, and he’s always creating new projects to enhance the experience of his listeners. I caught up with him at his studio and at his DJ event Danger Zone with R2 at 1/2 Lounge. Check him out online — do your ears a favor and hear him spin.


KATIE KIELY The Vermont Cynic

Instructor Stephanie Shohet teaches a Forza fitness class at North End Studio on Nov. 7. Forza combines the use of wooden swords and electronic music and is based on martial arts, according to their website.




Brazilian festival enlivens North End

Traditional music, dance and food abound in Burlington’s colorful culture display By Madeleine Gibson Senior Staff Writer

The North End came alive in celebration of Brazilian culture and music on Nov 12. At 7:30 p.m. at the North End Studio A, Brazil Fest, an event full of dancing, music and mingling, was put on in support of local cultural group, Sambatucada. Burlington-based samba street band Sambatucada is “a smaller scale version of the traditional community street bands found in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador,” according to their website. The night began with traditional Latin American dance lessons taught by Fabio “Fua” Nascimento. Nascimento is a master of Capoeira, a combination of AfroBrazilian martial art and dance. Money from ticket sales went to paying Nascimento, and also to Sambatucada, ticket booth manager Alan Levi stated. “It is really a showcase of Sambatucada,” Levi said as he handed out tickets. “They are big community organizers here. They perform in Mardi Gras parades, the gay pride festival, school graduations — basically, any festival in need, they’ll play.” Although Sambatucada plays Brazillian music, only a few members of the samba street band are

Brazilian. The rest of the 20 or more members of the group are simply inspired by Brazilian music and culture from their travels, Levi stated. At Brazil Fest, band members played traditional Brazilian percussion instruments including the Surdo, a large, low-tuned drum, Caixa, a snare drum and Chocalho, a jingly rattle. Colorful and loud, the event was like a large family reunion. If you weren’t dancing, you were clearly not related. The spacious studio quickly filled, with families of all ages gathered at tables or on the dance floor, which pulsed to every beat of percussion. Many North Enders purchased plates of traditional Brazilian food at a buffet. Pots were filled with steaming Bobó Vegetariano and Bobó Frango, fresh from the studio’s open kitchen. The stewlike dishes were full of coconut milk, cilantro, onions, peppers, corn and other veggies, characteristic of Brazilian cuisine. As the music played, a person dressed in a life-size paper mache bull paraded around, dancing and often bumping into couples on the floor. The dancing became increasingly tribal as Nascimento led the audience to the music, asking them to step forward and


Brazilian native, dance instructor and Capoeira master Fabio “Fua” Nascimento (center), teaches traditional Latin American dance to Brazil Fest attendees at the North End Studio A on Nov. 12. back rhythmically. “Shinkatoo, Shinkatoo,” he chanted. Above the floor-level stage, shiny, colorful parrots floated, adding to the tangy, tropical atmosphere. The drumming leader of Sambatucada whistled to stop and

start the music — each dancer and musician waiting for his command. Dancing in a corner with her son, Hermaine Flannigan, a resident of the North End had come to support her stepson Jack Flannigan in the multicultural event.

Band partners with Oxfam

Music review

State Radio attempts to raise global hunger awareness By Amy Lipsitz Cynic Correspondent

The band State Radio and their service organization, Calling All Crows, teamed up with the Oxfam America Club at UVM this past weekend to raise awareness about the current global food crisis. Oxfam America is an international relief and development organization that works to create sustainable solutions to poverty, hunger and injustice, according to the Oxfam website. The members of State Radio are ambassadors of Oxfam America and are very supportive of the issues that Oxfam focuses on, according to Oxfam at UVM Chair Courtney Casper. They recognize the importance of women and their crucial role in society, she said. The band started working with Oxfam on a project in Sudan that protects women from abuse by providing them with stoves to use in the safety of their camps, State Radio drummer Mike “Mad Dog” Najarian said. “Rape is a weapon of war in Sudan,” Najarian said. “Women would travel outside their camps to gather cooking supplies and would get raped. The goal of this project was to provide them with stoves so they wouldn’t have to go far from camp.” Oxfam at UVM Co-Chair Alyssa Solomon became involved in Oxfam and Calling All Crows through the stoves project, she said. “Each stove cost $20 and that year [2008,] Calling All Crows

raised and donated $100,000 to Oxfam,” Solomon said. State Radio performed at Higher Ground Friday and Saturday night, according to Casper. Oxfam at UVM and Calling All Crows were present, informing concertgoers of Oxfam’s GROW Campaign, which aims to end world hunger by 2050, she said.

“Oxfam breaks down the hunger crisis in a realistic way” Courtney Casper Oxfam at UVM Chair “Oxfam breaks down the hunger crisis in a realistic way,” Casper said. “The GROW Campaign is comprised of five targeted, digestible steps we can all take as a global community to find long-lasting solutions to such a highly complex issue.” With the help of Oxfam at UVM, Calling All Crows collected food at the concert and donated it for the Chittenden Food Shelf on Saturday, according to Casper. They also made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for campers at Occupy Burlington, she said. Oxfam at UVM also completed a service project by writing letters to Congress on Saturday, urging them to protect funding of poverty-focused development programs and the food stamps program on the FY12 Budget, according to Solomon. “Volunteers, along with State Radio band member Chad Stokes

and his wife, Sybil Gallagher, wrote 34 letters [that will be sent] to Congress,” she said. Oxfam at UVM also raised awareness about global hunger in other ways this past month. During the week of Oct. 16, which marked World Food Day, Oxfam at UVM captured students’ attention with chalking and posters around campus with only the words, “1 BILLION,” according to Casper. One week later, they hung banners on central campus that stated, “1 BILLION People Go to Bed Hungry Every Night. Resources are not the problem. Now You Know,” Casper said. One of the club’s primary objectives is to inform students that the Earth produces enough food and resources to feed our growing population — it is the unequal distribution of these resources that is the issue, Casper said. “Fixing the world’s broken food system while empowering women may seem like a daunting battle to fight, but I believe that this club’s actions, as small as they may be, can make a difference,” Solomon said. For now, the club’s main goal is raising awareness on campus and in the greater Burlington area, Casper said. They will be hosting a rail jam in January called “GROW Big or Go Home,” and “VoiceJam for Oxfam” in March, a concert that was very successful last year. To find out more about the Oxfam at UVM Club and how you can get involved visit http:// or email

“I think it’s so cool for him, my younger son, to see his big brother up there,” she said. “[Jack] is really interested in music in general and in trying everything out.”


Imminent meltdowns I’m going to take a different approach here because, in all honesty, I don’t know how to tackle this one. I’m going to tell you about myself in hopes of setting some kind of scene, a mood. I’ve had a grey-blue year, discontentment turning melancholy turning despondency and again. Since the start of this steady decline, there have been very few chaste nights and fewer crystal mornings. When I sleep it’s long and fitful. Daylight hours are foggy and fast. It’s a dull, constant ache — one hard truth per second. I wouldn’t mention all of this morbid “blah, blah” if I weren’t confident that you’d understand where I’m writing from All that being said: “Marvin’s Room” on Drake’s new album, “Take Care,” is a sad-bastard’s lament presented in the form of a drunk-dial discourse and wasn’t originally intended for inclusion on the album. However, the positive response to the single landed the track on the album’s final cut. Drake is not above the selfaggrandizing clichés heard adnauseum in rap music, but he’s

aware that balance between audacity and humility is necessary. Drake recognizes this just as he recognizes the necessity for a balance between strong melodies and sturdy beats in his music. “Take Care” is a damn good album as a result. Between the arrogant proclamations of “Headlines,” the album’s single, and the sentimental tears-in-my-Patron regret of “Shot for Me” there is a dude breaking his back just to make some sense out of his world. Certainly that world is miles and miles from the world in which folks like myself live, but the struggle is the same. Drake’s “wisdom” is derived from his understanding of this all-toohuman predicament. So, here I am. Midnight is creeping up and I’ve spent the last week listening to nothing but the wheelchair dude from Degrassi’s latest album. Things aren’t exactly looking up, but there’s something a little steadier moving between my ears. I would say that the record has acted as a friend or confidant, but that’s not exactly true and it sounds lame and contrived. Rather, “Take Care” has served mainly as an inspiration – I realize that this also sounds lame and contrived. I’m going to stick with the statement because I love the fact that the only review I could write about “Take Care” was a highly personal one that maybe isn’t the most comfortable to write — or read. That says a great deal about the record. Really, I think that Drake himself says it best during one of “Take Care’s” finest moments: “I know that showin’ emotion don’t ever mean I’m a pussy.”




Lowell Thompson captures heartache Burlington-based musician’s 2009 album conveys emotion, utilizes unique style By Sarah Stickle Senior Staff Writer

Lowell Thompson is a Burlington-based, alternative country artist focused on expanding his horizons. Thompson recently spent several months in Austin, Texas making his living by playing music. Shortly after his return to Burlington, he took off for a tour in Europe with another Vermont artist, Kelly Ravin. What a life. Thompson’s most recent album, “Lowell Thompson & Crown Pilot,” was released in 2009 and is an inspired album. From the first angry, sarcastic track “Last Girl” to the longing finish “Julianne, Wait,” Thompson’s craft is a heartache in all the good ways. The album features many ‘greats’ native to Vermont including Page McConnell of Phish, Grace Potter and Mark Spencer. The carefully planned instrumentation and outstanding musicianship create a complete album that sounds like it could all be about one girl, rather than a medley of experiences. In eight tracks, Thompson goes through different stages of heartache: denial, heartbreak, rejection, love, competition, justification, confusion and longing. From the kickoff, Thompson’s “Last Girl” gets the listener moving. While each song holds a new emotion, one thing remains the

same: Kirk Flanagan’s bass emphasizes Steve Hadeka’s flawless drumming perfectly. Flanagan is just creative enough to be noticed and just understated enough to blend right in. This rhythm section — accompanied by rigorous guitar lines — works with Thompson’s lyrics to enliven the listener, while Bill Mullins’ guitar solos give an additional kick wherever they are placed.

The carefully planned instrumentation and outstanding musicianship create a complete album that sounds like it could all be about one girl, rather than a medley of experiences. In fact, all the tracks ride an energetic vibe except for “Sleep,” an evocative mix of acoustic guitars, lap steel and Thompson’s voice pouring over the listener like honey, with Grace Potter’s harmony sending shivers down the spine. Thompson clearly has a great band together. However, his greatest asset is his writing. Clear, straightforward and

Kaskade brings heat, leaves chill By Jessica Schwartz Staff Writer

Ryan Raddon, or better known to his gratifying fans as Kaskade, is an American-born DJ and producer who has had one of the largest impacts on the growth of Electronic Dance Music (EDM) here in the United States. Already blowing minds with his past six albums, he DJed his way into the hearts of EDM fanatics once again with his new album, “Fire and Ice,” released on Oct. 22. He further attracted attention when, just over a month before the release, Kaskade was voted “America’s Best DJ 2011” from a poll in DJ Times. For any DJ, it’s hard to follow previously successful albums, but Kaskade was in for a tough battle with his last album, “Dynasty,” debuting at four on the Billboard Dance/Electronic chart and 104 on the Billboard 200. The release of two singles before the album came out — “Eyes,” featuring Mindy Gledhill, and “Turn it Down” — gave fans a taste of what was to come. As it turned out, “Fire and Ice” debuted at No. 17 on the Billboard top 200 and No. 1 on the Billboard Dance/Electronic Albums chart, generating a wave of well-deserved recognition for the DJ. Displaying Kaskade’s origi-

nality even more deeply, the album is divided into two CDs. The first CD, “Fire,” has all of the original tracks he did in collaboration with artists such as Skrillex, Skylar Grey, Haley, Mindy Gledhill and Neon Trees. The second CD, “Ice,” features only Kaskade’s own remixes of the songs from “Fire.” With a good deal of variety, the album meets the needs of any music mood. While “Fire” is more upbeat and keeps listeners waiting for the drop, “Ice” has a more low and relaxed tempo for a calming experience. Surprise comes in full force with his song “Waste Love,” featuring Quadron. The song displays a jazzy feel, unlike most of what Kaskade produces. “Lick it,” “Llove” and “Lessons in Love” bring a raging energy to level the album out with the soothing vibe from the songs on the “Ice” CD. Although each song covers different qualities within the EDM genre, they all exemplify the kind of original and vibratious DJ that Kaskade has proven to be. “Fire and Ice” is a must buy for anyone who respects and enjoys EDM.

image-provoking rhymes mingle perfectly with Thompson’s drawling voice and unique guitar playing: electric-muted-rapid-singlenote-picking within chords. His Steve Earle-esque voice doesn’t hurt, either. While Thompson’s lyrical style is typically country, involving lots of love, heartbreak and drinking, his musical style leans quite a bit toward rock in this album. Though he incorporates lap steel on a of couple tracks, the guitar tones are comparable to those of Jon Bon Jovi or early Wilco. The guitar’s tonality, paired with the driving drum-line contrasts, with delightfully simple bass parts to create a subgenre you can’t quite put a label on: alternative, rock, country and just enough pop to get stuck in your head. Pouring out your soul can be tough. Lowell Thompson comes by it naturally. Thompson has recently returned from a European tour, according to his myspace page. His next album is due out early next year, and his 2006 and 2009 releases can be found on iTunes or at along with his live show schedule. Thompson will be performing a New Years show with Grace Potter & the Nocturnals as well as appearing at the First Night Burlington festivities.

SARAH STICKLE The Vermont Cynic

Country artist Lowell Thompson sits in with the Honky Tonk Tuesday band at Radio Bean on Nov. 1. Thompson’s most recent album, “Lowell Thompson & Crown Pilot,” was released in 2009.




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Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer Camp Morning Wood by Scott Womer

College Life by Rodney Rhea


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Across 1- Asleep 5- Basic monetary unit of Greece 9- Abu ___ 14- Adopted son of Claudius 15- Collar fastener 16- Art supporter 17- Dresden denial 18- Sweeney ___ 19- Ruffle 20- Pertaining to an archbishop 23- Dedicated to the ___ Love 24- Jazz trombonist Kid ___ 25- Actress Zadora 28- Dental filling 31- Artful 34- Horrify 36- Med. specialty 37- French friend 38- Study of communicative attitudes 42- Computer operato 43- Bleat of a sheep 44- Have dinner at home 45- Balaam’s mount 46- Marsh

49- DDE’s command 50- Lady of Sp. 51- College bigwig 53- Impromptu 60- Female demon 61- Came down to earth 62- Advantage 63- Happening 64- Animate existence 65- Boxer Oscar ___ Hoya 66- DuBois’ “talented” group 67- ___’acte (intermission) 68- Be that ___ may... Down 1- Ballerina Pavlova 2- Ale, e.g. 3- Actor Stoltz 4- “Tiny Bubbles” singer 5- High regard 6- More work 7- Designer Gernreich 8- Bookie’s concern 9- Disfigure 10- Shrew 11- Bhutan’s continent 12- Ringing instrument 13- Ailing 21- Counting everything

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OPERATIONS Operations Manager Claire Danaher

Distribution Manager Kyle DeVivo

ADVISER Faculty Adviser Chris Evans

The Naked Bike Ride just got a lot sketchier. The Cynic believes that UVM’s decision to no longer fund or endorse the Naked Bike Ride is shortsighted and will have dangerous repercussions for student safety. Instead of banning the event outright, the University is essentially telling students “you’re on your own.” Regardless of whether or not the University chooses to spend tens of thousands of dollars providing lights, barricades and security to the Naked Bike Ride, it is still the University’s responsibility to keep students safe. The Cynic recognizes that sexual assaults, injuries and detoxes are a serious concern, but the solution to the problem is not to turn a blind eye. When thousands of students descend on Athletic Campus on Dec. 7, UVM Police will still have to monitor the situation. Why place an additional burden on our police officers and the Burlington Police Department by not hiring more security personnel for that evening? While the number of crimes or intoxicated students may not have decreased with university support of the event, there is no doubt that security personnel, lights and barricades make the event safer as a whole. It is irresponsible for the University to not regulate the Naked Bike Ride. Instead of a closed course made possible by metal barricades, students will now have to contend with cars on University Heights and buses on the Athletic Campus loop. In years past, ResLife prepared for the Naked Bike Ride by having every single RA be on duty that night, to ensure student safety and that non-affiliates do not enter residence halls. If the Naked Bike Ride is “cancelled,” will those same safety precautions be taken? The Naked Bike Ride has been around since 1996 and has become one of UVM’s most popular traditions, with hundreds of students participating every semester. Instead of giving up on the event altogether, the University should continue to work with student and campus leaders on the Naked Bike Ride Task Force to better monitor it and adapt policies to keep studens safe. If UVM does not take measures to promote and ensure student safety during the Naked Bike Ride, students will not be the only ones caught with their pants down on Dec. 7.


Show Greeks some respect


Since Oct. 24, a former member of a Greek letter organization at UVM has been keeping a blog called The Secret Life of a Sorority Drop Out. The author, Aliza LedererPlaskett, uses the blog to broadcast her frustrations and petty complaints about the institution of Greek life to the entire world while pretending to try to keep her identity secret. Her posts have been filled with divisive allegations about “frat boys try to lure innocent… freshmen [sic] women into their houses and up to the copula with promises of beer and vodka.” She tells women that if they “need an organization to push … you to be the best person you can be, regardless of who is setting the standards … [you are] incapable of setting a high bar for yourself,” and offers advice to potential new members to “check your brain at the house door.” Needless to say, the blog

has made a lot of people really angry. Last week, the Student Government Association was presented with a motion to impeach Lederer-Plaskett from her position as an SGA senator. The motivation behind the impeachment motion was the belief that she betrayed the Preamble of SGA in taking actions that did not promote the welfare of the student body.

I take personal offense at the staments she makes about sorority women being stupid. There is also a concern that Lederer-Plaskett was making statements that “marginalized members of the student body.” She has a right to express her opinion that “the Greek system is an exclusive system; consequently, it is a privileged and abusive system,” but she crosses the line when she accuses fraternity men of taking advantage of women sexually. That is something that no fraternity man takes lightly and it is not something she should be comfortable just tossing around on the Internet. Perhaps if she has any actual information, she ought

to notify the authorities rather than create nasty rumors just for kicks. I take personal offense at the statements she makes about sorority women being stupid. The average GPA for Greek women on campus is a 3.22, according to a 2010 report from UVM Greek Life. Women’s Greek letter organizations started as support systems for the first women to attend newly co-educational campuses. It is interesting to see somebody so dedicated to “rediscovering her intelligence and her independence” so quick to adopt common and lowly prejudices. I also question her motives. I don’t think that her blog is motivated solely by a desire to spread the traumatic stories of her own sorority membership. I think she wants attention, controversy and the ego boost that she receives from “That awkward moment when you gain 32 followers in 2 hours because Greek Life discovers your blog.” I hope she can continue to express her opinions, I really do, but I’d also like to see her afford some amount of respect to her colleagues at UVM. Josephine Miller is a senior political science major. She has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2010.



- National Lampoon, Tweeting about the rally held by Penn State students in support of former football coach Joe Paterno, who was fired after failing to alert police after becoming aware of allegations that an assistant coach was sexually abusing boys.

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Occupy Wall St. or Occupy Judaism?


Last week I found myself standing at the Occupy Burlington protest, a phenomenon spreading throughout the world. As of now, the movement has spread to over 1,500 cities globally. Incredible as I found the movement, it has recently been attached to connotations of anti-Semitism. There are countless YouTube videos of self-identified occupy protesters in New York City holding up signs that read things like “Hitler’s Bankers – Wall St.” or “Blame the Jews.” Is “Blaming the Jews” going to become consistent with a movement I thought I could strongly believe in? Because to me it sounds eerily similar to prewar Germany. To claim that “Zionists Rule America” is simply putting your ignorance and naivety up on a pedestal. For some reason it has become a trend to believe

that Wall Street is made up of all Jewish people. According to the 1999 Forbes 400 “Rich List” only 23 percent are Jewish. Why should I, and others, go on to support something that invites so much ignorance. Is it reliable to assume that the Wall Street resistance does not wholeheartedly support the beliefs of these certain individuals? By allowing and not condemning anti-Semitism sends a powerful message. These “flashes of anti-Semitism” are obscuring the message of a movement I support. It has even turned President Barack Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi “to retract their expressions of support for the Wall Street protests.” Usually the goals of such progressive movements are to achieve wide spectrums of praise, to have it taken away due to bouts of hate is embarrassing. I respect the attempts of people involved in OWS to try to disparage the anti-Semitic accusations by holding Yom Kippur services in lower Manhattan, yet the bigotry still exists. Kalle Lasn, the main organizer behind the movement, should be aware of it. Funny enough, there are multiple claims to Lasn’s own antiSemitism; the Adbusters editor

“has a history of anti-Jewish writing,” according to Commentary, a politically conservative magazine founded by the American Jewish Committee. Whether or not Kalle Lasn is anti-Semitic is not the question; it is the fact that the question has even been raised. It’s sad to learn that someone who is capable of gaining the support of so many people has the potential to be incredibly ignorant. Get your shit together, Lasn. You’ve been credited multiple times by numerous magazines and newspapers with organizing Occupy Wall Street. If you truly want the support of the world, or even the country, you need to learn how to appeal to the people, or at least support them. I propose OWS condemns anti-Semitism or any message remotely racist or bigoted. Yes, Kalle Lasn, I’m still talking to you. I know it’s been said repeatedly that Occupy Wall Street is a leaderless movement, but someone needs to acknowledge that anti-Semitic incidents are becoming a problem. Until then, I don’t think I and others who are Jewish, have a place in the movement. Peyton Rosenthal is a first-year undeclared major. She has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2011.

Don’t diss well-dressed classmates


There he goes, striding up the Bailey/Howe steps, his shoes shining in the afternoon light, his shirt collar rippling in the wind and his pants pleated to perfection. “Overachiever,” you mutter to yourself, glancing down at yesterday’s sweatpants. This is the third time this week you have spied this well-dressed classmate. We have all seen someone dressed nicely and have judged them with a mixture of admiration and cynicism. It’s college after all. Aren’t we supposed to be scampering about in our T-shirts and sweatpants? Consider this — a study conducted by National Seminars Training, which is a division of the Rockhurst University Continuing Education Center,

surveyed business professionals and found that 41 percent believed that dressing up for work made them more productive. In this study, dressing up for work meant a formal suit opposed to business casual attire. One of the participants said, “A definite correlation exists between appropriate dress and pride, productivity, performance and self worth.” Wait a second. This is college, not a job. What difference does it make if we are dressed like ragamuffins or not? Do we not have the inalienable right as students to parade around in our pajamas for our 8:30 a.m. classes? One of the executives in the study said, “You can’t be dressed casually for school or work, and not carry that attitude with you. Poor performance is a direct result of that attitude.” Whoa. What if the difference between getting an A or a B was in the shirt you put on this morning? Imagine if instead of rolling out of bed and grabbing the closest T-shirt, you open your closet doors and put on a collared shirt, a nice sweater, or even a dress. In class you sit upright rather than slouching. Your notes are actually legible. You are transformed.

Dressing one level higher than normal is like going to the library — when you are there, you know it’s time to stop mucking around and get to work. Personally, when I am studying in sweatpants I am far more prone to distractions. Facebook, 24-hour online sales at The North Face, breaking news on the BBC: It all sucks me in. But when I have nicer clothes on, it is easier to ignore everything and focus on my calculus notes. Like it or not, what you wear is the first thing people notice. When you stumble to class in your pajamas, you send the message to your professor and your classmates that you don’t care about grades and that you would rather be sleeping. You may not be paid in cash to be here, but school is your profession. Grades are currency, teachers are bosses, and classmates are co-workers. Why not gain an advantage by looking like you want that A? And to that chap or lass who is dressed for success, don’t judge them too harshly. They may be your bosses someday. Bianca Mohn is a first-year business administration major. She has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2011.

Quick Opinion Bianca Mohn Glee nosediving after one season is like some kind of twisted record.

Paterno deserves blame


All is not well in Happy Valley. Jerry Sandusky, a former assistant coach of the Penn State football team was indicted on charges of molesting eight boys, and recently there have been revelations that university officials knew of the abuse and did not alert police. The scandal prompted a slew of firings, including the dismissal of head football coach Joe Paterno. Yet what unfolded on campus after was not an outpouring of grief for the victims, but an outpouring of grief over the end of Paterno’s reign, and anger at university trustees for removing him. After the announcement that “JoePa” had been sacked, thousands of students took to the university green.

This culture does not exist at UVM and thankfully so. It is understandable that the abrupt removal of Paterno after more than a half-century on the Nittany Lions’ coaching staff, would be unsettling to the thousands of diehard fans in Happy Valley. If I were a Penn State student, I would be embarrassed that my classmates would go so far as to defend a university official for failing to adequately report a string of sexual abuse. I commend the university’s Board of Trustees for swiftly dismissing the president and Paterno — how could such an institution function when its top officials were complicit in covering up sexual misconduct perpetrated against children? Joe Paterno does not deserve all of the blame in this scandal, but he must be held accountable for his actions, or

rather, inaction. The affadavit filed in federal court alleges that in 2002 Paterno was alerted by a graduate assistant of an incident of abuse after the assistant observed Sandusky having sex with a boy in the showers of the Penn State athletic complex. The document stated that Paterno relayed the information to his superiors. Yet university officials did nothing, and Paterno did not contact police. As news of Paterno’s firing spread, a friend of mine lamented in a Facebook status, “I kind of feel bad for Paterno … his whole career is ruined because of one horrible decision.” Paterno’s punishment did not and should not have had anything to do with his success on the field. Sure, there wouldn’t be such an uproar if he wasn’t the winningest coach in NCAA history, but winning football games does not relieve you of your moral obligations as a human being. Maybe I just don’t understand the sports culture that exists at many of the country’s large universities. Joe Paterno had already been canonized in State College, Pa. — a bronze statue of the coach stands outside the football stadium. This culture does not exist at UVM, and thankfully so. Perhaps our teams’ lack of continued success or national prominence contributes to this lack of a cult following of players or coaches, but I do not believe students would jump to the defense of a university official accused of similar misconduct. They certainly would not take to the streets and vandalize storefronts, which is what happened in State College on Nov. 9. This incident has nothing to do with football. It has everything to do with the failure of coaches and university leaders, within whom so much trust is placed, failing to take action to end the abuse of children and prevent others from being abused. And for that, Paterno and the others dismissed deserved to be shown the door. Only now can the Penn State community start to move on from this horrific incident. Zach Despart is a senior political science major. He has been writing for The Cynic since fall 2009.


Hate parking? Live on campus longer

In regards to the complaints about parking and housing in the latest Cynic: although I hate to be the guy to tell people so, President Fogel’s goals of expanding UVM’s enrollment are to blame for both the parking shortage and housing shortage. Rapid growth in such a short period of time generates a lot of operating capital but leaves little room for input from community members.

May I suggest that more students live on campus for their four years? Ditto on riding the bus, walking and commuting. I think it’s rather selfish for students to complain about the lack of either without considering the idea that nonstudents also need a place to live and park. Sincerely, Brad Barratt Class of 2013




Men’s hockey fights Sports in short Swimming for tie against UNH Cross country and diving By Jeremy Karpf Staff Writer

By Diana Giunta Senior Staff Writer

Sophomore H.T. Lenz scored twice against the University of New Hampshire to lead the Catamounts to a 4-4 tie at Gutterson Fieldhouse on Nov. 12. Though the team has gotten off to a disappointing start so far this seasonb they were able to snap a four-game winning streak for the Wildcats and a four-game losing streak for themselves. “Tonight I think we saw H.T. emerge as a great leader with Brett Leonard and it was a very easy decision to look for No. 11 on the bench and tell him to get down to the gate,” head coach Kevin Sneddon said. “The puck ended up coming right to him and he had the hot stick tonight obviously.” UNH struck first in the game, scoring just 38 seconds into the first period. UNH first-year Grayson Downing scored with a wrist shot, beating senior goaltender Rob Madore. UNH’s momentum did not last long, though, as Kevin Goumas was ejected from the game for contact-to-the-head on senior captain Brett Leonard. The Wildcats had to serve a five-minute-major penalty and the Catamounts took advantage when, at 15:12, sophomore Matt White tied the game at one when he col-

lected a pass from junior Tobias Nilsson-Roos and backhanded the puck into the net. UVM then went on the take the lead with a goal from senior Drew MacKenzie before the Catamounts had to absorb a five-minute major of their own. Graduate student Brett Bruneteau was called for hitting from behind.

finishes the season strong at NCAA Regionals

“We felt like this was a huge learning opportunity tonight.”

The men’s cross country team finished the season 23rd in the region and were led by sophomore Aaron Szotka, who finished 63rd in the 10K race. The women’s team finish the season in 13th place. Senior Morgan Powers finished in 21st place in the 6K and earned an All-Region spot.

H.T. Lenz Sophomore But Lenz scored his first goal of the night short-handed at 3:07 p.m. to bring the score to 3-1. Unfortunately for Vermont, New Hampshire knocked in three consecutive goals after the first Lenz tally to take the lead in the final period. With less than two minutes remaining in the third, the Cats pulled Madore and sent Lenz back on to the ice for an extra attacker. Lenz came through again for Vermont and scored from the right point. “That was huge for our confidence, we know tying isn’t good enough and we need to start winning but we felt like this was


Sophomore H.T. Lenz gets rid of the puck.

a huge learning opportunity tonight and a big step for us,” Lenz said. Neither team was able to post any points in overtime and the game ended in a 4-4 tie. The Catamounts will continue their season in Boston Nov. 18 and 19 with weekend games against Boston University and Northeastern.

NFL notes: Week 10

By Jake Bielecki Staff Writer

First, I’d like to say that I loved how Sean Payton utilized his crutches today. Flailing them in times of disgust, pointing out players with them, etc. Well played, Mauer. Also thought it was hilarious that the Saints hired a guy whose job was simply driving Payton around in a golf cart. Wish I had that treatment when I crutched around the UVM campus a few weeks ago. After watching the Saints the past two weeks I’ve been pretty impressed with their run defense and willingness to gang tackle. If their defense continues to play at this level they might be the only NFC team capable of standing up to the Packers when they’re having a good day. I was very skeptical about the 49ers’ hot start. This is a team with a quarterback that had failed and failed again at the NFL level. But whatever Jim Harbaugh is selling, I’m buying. The defense is relentless, the run game is consistent and Alex Smith is playing well enough for me to take them seriously. He doesn’t have to do much, you can settle for field

remains undefeated

With the 172-125 victory over Maine, Vermont improved their record to 6-0 for the season. Sophomore Claudia Etherington won both backstroke events as well as the 50 freestyle to pace the team. Junior Kailey Gardner, senior Avery Pittman and freshman Katie Adams each won a pair of events for Vermont. Swimming and diving will host Bryant University the weekend of Nov 18-20.

Northeastern drops women’s hockey in weekend series No. 8 Northeastern defeated Vermont in both games over the weekend at Gutterson Fieldhouse. In Friday night’s game Vermont took an early lead in the first period. The Huskies got on the board early in the second period and took a lead before sophomore Kellie Dineen tied the game at two with 14:21 to go in the second. Northeastern got

their go-ahead goal 2:02 into the third period. They added another score to finish the game 4-2. In Saturday’s matchup the Huskies scored first, making it 1-0 after a period. They added a second goal early in the second before junior forward Emily Walsh scored the lone goal for Vermont. The Huskies added three more for a final score of 5-1.

goals when you have a defense like that. Their 8-1 record is clearly aided by their schedule thus far but you have to respect how quickly they turned that team around. Patrick Willis has the quickness of a safety in a 240-pound frame.

with it. Larry Fitzgerald’s seven catch, 146 yard two touchdown game tells me that Nnamdi Asomugha wasn’t worth the money. The Eagles are too topheavy, they’re built like an NBA team.

After watching the Bucs flail at Saints ball-carriers last week, I thought it might get ugly against the prolific running attack of the Texans. Sure enough, the Texans ran for 185 yards and three touchdowns against the Bucs this week. They’re 7-3 despite missing Andre Johnson, which you have to respect, but they’ve made their money mowing over poor teams. Yes, they beat the Steelers when they were slumping but their other six wins were against the Colts, Dolphins, Titans, Jaguars, Browns and Bucs. Those six teams are a combined 15-38. The Eagles have essentially the same personnel as the team that nearly beat the Packers in the playoffs last year, but they’re done. If they win seven straight games I’d be as surprised as someone in Wyoming seeing someone else in Wyoming. Have to question sitting DeSean Jackson when you’re 3-5 — you don’t bench your best players in a must-win game. Find another way to deal

While the final score may say differently, the Jets outplayed the Patriots for a solid portion of that game. Minus a few stupid mistakes, the Jets could have made that a pretty good game. Revis contained Welker and the Patriots couldn’t run at all. If the current Patriots and the current Jets played ten times, I’d take the Jets six times out of ten. It’ll be interesting to see the Jets game-plan to stop Gronkowski if these teams meet in the playoffs. The Patriots found the pass rush they desperately needed and the Jets run defense was dominant, so both teams can take away positives from Sunday night’s game. When a team is running empty sets up 37-16 with five minutes left it shows you how much faith they have in running the ball against you. I will still take the Jets, Steelers and Ravens over the Patriots come January. Last year they lost their first playoff game despite having a better defense and running game, so someone explain to me why this year will be any different.



NFL Picks

Rock out with your lockout

By Will Andreycak Sports Editor

Initials indicate the author of the pick: (WA) — Will Andreycak (ME) — Mike Eaton (JK) — Jeremy Karpf


scoreboard WA ME JK Illustrations by Stephanie Feinberg

Baltimore Ravens vs. Cincinnati Bengals

— Sunday, Nov. 20, 1 p.m.

WA ME JK The Ravens just might be the most confounding team in the NFL. On three separate occasions this year, Baltimore has lost to a bad football team just one week after getting a very impressive win. They fell to Tennessee — if you would like to argue that the Titans are a good football team please go look at the teams they have beaten other than Baltimore — Jacksonville and Seattle after beating the Steelers, Texans and Steelers again. The Ravens, in all honesty, should have at

most one loss. The Bengals played a lot better than I thought they would against Pittsburgh, but I really think Cincinnati will struggle in the upcoming weeks. In their next four games they play at Baltimore, home against Cleveland — that’s a victory — at Pittsburgh and home against Houston. The Bengals just lost their best defensive back, Leon Hall, for the season and after the difficult stretch may be looking at a 7-6 record.

Atlanta Falcons vs. Tennessee Titans — Sunday, Nov. 20, 4:15 p.m.

Week 11 in the NFL doesn’t have a great slate of matchups, which leads us to highlight a game featuring two 5-4 teams. That is not to say there isn’t intrigue here as both the Titans and Falcons are in a position to compete for a wild-card spot in their respective conferences. The AFC and NFC both have teams that have seemingly “clinched” a wild-card spot. The Ravens or Steelers will win one of the spots in the AFC and the second place team in the NFC North — either the Lions or Bears — will most likely earn a spot. That leaves one playoff birth open in each conference and the list of contenders at this point in the season is a long one.


WA ME JK Falling to 5-5 for either of these teams would be a staggering blow to playoff hopes and I think the Falcons are dying to redeem themselves after giving away last week’s game to New Orleans. Look for Michael Turner to run all over the Titans’ 22nd-ranked rush defense.

New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles — Sunday, Nov. 20, 8:20 p.m.

WA ME JK We all knew the Eagles were a disappointment going into their game against Arizona last Sunday, but who would’ve thought that it would get this bad? After losing to one of the most lifeless teams in the NFL — at home no less — Andy Reid

has to fear for his job. It won’t get any easier either as the Eagles still have this game against the division-leading Giants, home versus New England, home versus the Jets and at Dallas. The Giants suddenly find themselves a single game above the Cowboys in the division and have the NFL’s toughest remaining schedule. The Giants have to play Dallas twice, New Orleans, Green Bay and what should be a fascinating game against the Jets. If the Giants lay an egg against Philly, not only will the NFC East be up for grabs, the Giants playoff hopes will be too.


In my junior year of high school I made the long move from a town outside of Boston to the heart of Los Angeles. For two years, I risked getting my ass kicked on a regular basis by Lakers’ fans when proudly vocalizing my Celtic pride. With the NBA lockout at a stalemate and the players’ union disbanding, I am certainly lacking in the spirit that had once pulsed through me. The NBA lockout is an absolute shit show. Attempts at compromises have only ended in fiery outbursts. After months of stalemates, owners finally came out with a 50-50 split of basketball revenue that is more appealing to the players. Even with this enhanced proposal, players want more concessions from the owners. Now that basketball players have a delayed start to their season, their boredom is taking their talents elsewhere. Oklahoma City Thunder forward Kevin Durant found his outlet following a rant on Twitter. A quick communication facilitated by tweets had Durant driving to an Oklahoma State junior’s house for a friendly game of flag football. Lakers’ forward Ron Artest

has been using the time of the lockout to focus fully on his eccentric antics. Artest’s recent petition with the Los Angeles Superior Court to change his name to Metta World Peace has finally been approved — after he handled his unpaid traffic ticket situation, of course. Let’s not forget that this is the same basketball player that was once given the longest suspension in NBA history for his participation in a brawl with fans against Detroit in 2004.

It seems each side has lost sight of the actual people whose very livelihood gets affected by this mess: the custodians, the vendors, the ticket sellers, the parking attendants and the security guards. The only floor Artest has exercised on has been a dance floor. He brutally mutilated the cha-cha-cha on his short-lived stint with “Dancing With the Stars.” A few players filled the void by joining Pro-am summer leagues, exhibition games and going overseas. New Jersey Nets guard Deron Williams is playing with the Turkish basketball team Besiktas until the lockout ends. Many players have shown inter-

est in playing abroad — including Kobe Bryant heading to Italy— but few have actually joined foreign teams so far. No one took their boredom further than New Jersey Nets Kris Humphries. In the course of the NBA lockout the man managed to marry Kim Kardashian in a gaudy celebration only to divorce 72 days later. Big surprise, eh? Maybe if he had been practicing his three-point shot, he wouldn’t have been distracted by the Kardashian Empire and their lures of reality television and vacations in Bora Bora. Long story short, things start getting weird when professional basketball players begin moonlighting as regular people. It seems that each side has lost sight of the actual people whose very livelihood gets affected by this mess: the custodians, the vendors, the ticket sellers, the parking attendants and the security guards. While basketball players can get goofy in their boredom, others don’t have millions to shell around. So players and owners do us all a favor; find a compromise and strike a deal. I’m ready to watch my boys back on the court, as tradition would have it.



Championship bound! JON POLSON The Vermont Cynic First-year and wide receiver J.P. Benoit carries the ball down the field during UVM’s win against Eastern Connecticut. UVM will face Southwestern Connecticut in the championship game.

Club football grinds out victory in semifinals By Mike Eaton Assistant Sports Editor

After a scoreless first half in the Yankee Collegiate Football Conference semi-final game, UVM club football took to big plays, reminding Eastern Connecticut that they’re playing the best team in the nation. “Strap it on, dial it in,” urged the announcer before the clock started and before each team put in a full half of both solid defense and unproductive offensive drives. Fourth-down punts became a hobby for Eastern Connecticut, while UVM would see large running plays followed by no-gain attempts. “I think we were starting to get a bit too comfortable with where we were as a team. Eastern Connecticut was a great wake-up call for us,” sophomore running back Evan Amery said. This certainly showed in their first half of lackluster offense. On the off chance that Eastern Connecticut made it into the



Women’s basketball vs. Colgate Patrick Gym 7 p.m.

Saturday 11/19 Women’s basketball vs. Saint Joseph’s Patrick Gym 7 p.m.



Women’s swimming and diving vs. Bryant 1 p.m.

red zone, UVM displayed strong defensive efforts to break up scoring chances. Junior tight end and linebacker Mike McCormick, in the final minute of the first half, broke up a touchdown attempt from the three-yard line and followed it up with an interception to prevent any scoring chance at all for Eastern Connecticut. First blood was shed with just over six minutes left in the third quarter. Unexpectedly, it was Eastern Connecticut who found the end zone first, after recovering a fumble by Amery. Fortunately for UVM, it was this fumble that provided the motivation needed to serve as the turning point of the game. “Personally, after I fumbled the ball and watched Eastern put up the first points of the game, I was more than upset and my teammates and coaches saw that,” Amery said. “They knew that one play wasn’t going to be the end of our season and were able to pick both myself up and each other.”

It was after this that UVM began to make big plays — something that Amery claims is, “what we do best.”

“I think everyone is more than excited to be playing for a championship, but it’s all too familiar for many of us.” Evan Amery Sophomore running back Playing in his first game back from an injury, sophomore wide receiver Jake Bielecki returned the kickoff to midfield. From there, McCormick completed two long receptions to put the ball in the red zone. Bielecki then took control, making a circus catch in the end zone, raising the ball in celebra-

tion among his double-coverage of Eastern Connecticut defenders as he watched the scoreboard even up. After another UVM interception in Eastern Connecticut touchdown territory, Amery helped move the ball up the field, ending in a circus-catch encore for Bielecki. UVM capped off the game with another Mike McCormick interception, this time returned for a touchdown. The final score, 21-7, sends UVM to the championship game. “I think everyone is more than excited to be playing for a championship, but it’s all too familiar for many of us former players,” Amery said. Last season, UVM fell to the same team they’re vying for the championship with this season — Southwestern Connecticut. This year, however, UVM beat Southwestern Connecticut in the regular season. The championship game will prove to be a competitive one as two of the best club football

teams in the nation compete for the top prize. If UVM wants to gain revenge from last season, they need to contain Southwestern Connecticut’s notorious big plays — something that has propelled them to victory against every team but Vermont. Yet if they plan on defending their title, Southwestern Connecticut must find a way to break a UVM defense that has only allowed three touchdowns all season. The championship game will be held on UVM home turf, at the South Burlington High School field, on Nov. 19 at 5:30 p.m. “It’s definitely going to be a battle, but we’re determined to come out on top,” Amery said, “No one wants it more than us and we will make that statement on Saturday.” “It’s definitely going to be a battle but we’re determined to come out on top,” Amery said, “No one wants it more than us and we will make that statement on Saturday.”

Men’s basketball falls to South Florida By Taylor Feuss Staff Writer

The UVM men’s basketball team fell short to South Florida in the season opener this past Saturday, Nov. 12, losing 61-59 on the Bull’s home court. South Florida jumped out to a 19-14 lead over the Catamounts with 8:57 to go in the first half but could not pull away. Vermont quickly got back into the game, taking the lead by scoring nine straight points within the next two minutes, five of which came from first-year Four McGlynn — playing in his first game with Vermont.

The Bulls, however, were able to fight back to regain the lead and went into the locker room with a 31-27 halftime lead. With the start of the second half, South Florida got the ball rolling the same way they did in the beginning of the game, increasing their lead to 49-37 with only 11:18 to go. The Catamounts refused to go away as a 3-pointer from Glass cut their deficit to 55-51 with 6:35 remaining and McGlynn netted his fifth three of the game to trim the deficit to 58-56 with 2:44 left. UVM was behind 60-57 when sophomore Luke Apfeld dropped in a layup before the Catamounts

were forced to foul with 10.5 seconds on the clock. South Florida’s Shaun Noriega then hit one of two free throws to set up a UVM possession with the score sitting at 61-59. After a UVM timeout with 4.3 seconds McGlynn drove the ball aggressively through the interior of the Bulls’ defense and was able to attempt a layup that rimmed out. Matt Glass tipped in the missed layup but it fell through the rim after the final horn had sounded — the call was never reviewed using replay technology. While no team wants to start their season with a loss, the Catamounts were able to play an

extremely close game against a South Florida team that plays in one of the best college basketball conferences in the country, the Big East. Despite Vermont’s extreme size disadvantage they were able to out rebound South Florida 3432 and led in bench scoring 31-3. Offensively the Catamounts were led by McGlynn, who finished with 17 points — 6-9 from the floor and 5-7 from three-point range. Sophomore Brian Voelkel recorded 11 rebounds and eight assists and sophmore Luke Apfeld scored 10 points and recorded nine rebounds.

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