Reported Speech questions
teacher Denise Moraes
Reported Questions You can use reported questions to tell someone what someone else has asked. Direct questions and reported questions have different word orders. direct question
Where is my cat? present simple reported question
In reported questions, the tense moves one tense back from the tense in direct questions, and the subject and the verb swap places.
She asked where her cat was asked me
subject before the verb
past simple
direct question
Did you see my cat? past simple
Yes, I did No, I didn’t
reported question
She asked if I had seen her cat if for yes/no questions
past perfect
teacher Denise Moraes
Reported question: tense changing direct question
reported question
present simple present perfect present continuous past simple will
past simple past perfect past continuous past perfect would
direct question
Where are you meeting him? present continuous reported question
She asked where I was meeting him subject before the verb
past continuous
direct question Yes, I will
Will you go to the party? No, I won’t
will reported question
She asked if I would go to the party if for yes/no questions
direct question Yes, I have
Have you done your HW? No, I haven’t
present perfect reported question
She asked if I had done my HW if for yes/no questions
past perfect
Grammar Vocabulary Games Online classes
teacher Denise Moraes