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A l l i e d O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Delivering the ver y best genetics and c ustomer ser vice.


Dominate value and unequaled selec tion. Contac t us about options for 2022 and 2023
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Is your business getting the most value from your data? We can help Contac t Leoma

Allied oppor tunities are focused on the future of genetic improvement and ser vice - Join our team!
This sale will be broadcast live at: WWW.CATTLEINMOTION.COM
To view and bid on this sale live, simply log on to www cattleinmotion com and click on the sale that will be listed on the right hand side of the screen If you have never been to the CIM site, you must first create an account (24 hours in advance) to view and bid on a sale. Then pay your $1 lifetime verification if you wish to bid. If you have any question about online bidding contact Tim Lockhart at 888-554-8437.
Be sure to view the videos prior to the sale at: www.CattleInMotion.com