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Herd Health
All cattle will sell with proper inter state health paper s. All females were calfhood vaccinated All sale cattle have been vaccinated with IBR, BVD, P13, Vibro Letpo 5, and eight-way black-leg All bulls have been fer tility checked and all heifer s are reproduction tract examined. All sell guaranteed breeder s All eligible cattle will be br ucellosis tested
Bull Care
Your yearling bull is a major investment. Exper ience has shown us that yearling bulls can function ver y well even under har sh environments You can count on them to breed 20-25 females depending on the conditions We have the following recommendations:
1 If possible, r un your yearling bulls separate from older bulls dur ing their fir st breeding season
2. Make sure that your bulls gain weight in the fall after the breeding season before winter
3. Feed energy supplementation (grain) be yond simply grass and protein to your yearling bulls Avoid feeding the young bulls in the same pasture with older or hor ned bulls.
Simmental Epd Explanations
Calving Ease Direct (CE-H) - predicts the average dif ference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be bor n when bred to fir st-calf heifer s Expressed as percentage of unassisted bir ths with a HIGHER value indicating greater calving ease
Bir th Weight (BW) - expressed in pounds and predicts the average dif ference that can be expected in an animal’s of fspr ing when compared with another animal in the same genetic evaluation. The LOWER the number the better here.
Weaning Weight (WW) - expressed in pounds and predicts the average dif ference in weight that can be expected between the progeny of animals in the same genetic evaluation of 205 days of age The HIGHER the WW number, the more pounds weaned
Year ling Weight (YW) - like Bir th and Weaning Weight EPDs, Yearling Weight EPDs are expressed in pounds and predict the average dif ferences that can be expected between progeny of animals at one year of age. Like weaning weight, the HIGHER the number, the more pounds at yearling time
Mater nal Calving Ease (MC) - predicts the average ease with which a sire’s daughter s will calve as fir st-calf heifer s compared to the daughter s of another sire in the same evaluation Expressed as percentage of unassisted bir ths A HIGHER number here indicates a higher percentage of unassisted bir ths
Mater nal Milk (MM) - expressed as pound of calf weaned by a bull’s daughter s. Ref lects the average dif ferences in weaning weight than can be expected in grandprogeny due to the milking ability of a bull’s daughter s.
Mater nal Weaning Weight (MW) - this EPD value predicts the dif ference in average 205-day weight of a bull’s daughter s’ calves compared to calves from daughter s of all other bulls evaluated. The evaluation ref lects both the mater nal ability of the bull’s daughter s and the growth potential of their calves. When compar ing mater nal weaning weight EPDs of two sires, the larger mater nal weaning weight EPD indicates heavier weaning weights due to the daughter s’ ability to produce heavier calves Mater nal Weaning Weight EPD is calculated by: MWW EPD = MMK EPD + 0.5 (WW EPD)
Explanations of the ultrasound measurements are as follows:
Marbling (MB)
The difference in marbling score expected in a bull’s offspring compared to the offspring of other bulls in the population
Yield Grade (YG)
The dif ference in yield grade expected in a bull’s of fspr ing compared to the of fspr ing of other bulls in the population Next sire summar y YG EPD’s will be used These are figured by dividing the percent of retail cuts EPDs by -2.3.
Carcass Weight (CW)
The difference in carcass weight expected in a bull’s offspring compared to the offspring of other bulls in the population.
All-Pur pose Index (API)
Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus fir st-calf heifer s and mature cows) with the por tion of their daughter s required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifer s and steer s put on feed and sold grade and yield
Ter minal Index (TI)
Evaluates sire for use on mature Angus cows with all of fspr ing put on feed and sold grade and yield