The University of Florida began developing a research herd of Brahman cattle approximately seven years ago. The intent of the herd was to study reproductive traits and carcass performance in the Brahman breed. The nucleus of the herd originated from the Sub Tropical Agricultural Research Station at Brooksville which conducted research with Brahman cattle for more than 50 years. When the station closed, the Animal Sciences Department had the opportunity to obtain the majority of the Brahman females. In the past five years, the herd has grown in size with the ultimate goal of having 250 spring calving Brahman cows. The herd size has increased through the use of, AI, Embryo Transfer, and In Vitro Fertilization. Sexed semen was used to generate more females in the herd, but many bulls were born out of natural mattings and AI with non-sexed semen.
Approximately 83 bulls were born in the 2021 calf crop. These bulls will be in the fourth annual sale and have been used in my fifth Seedstock Management and Marketing course. The students in class collect all the data and learn about the principles of Seedstock production including selection, feeding, and marketing. These 15 bulls offered for sale represent a very select group. Heavy attention has been placed on udder quality in the females of this herd. Additionally, no calves in the sale required more than minimal assistance at birth and none required help nursing. At weaning, bulls were disposition scored and only bulls with exceptional dispositions were allowed to move to the next phase. This year’s bulls represent the gentlest group we have sold! Heavy attention was also placed on birth weight. In addition, heavy emphasis was placed on sheath score, with most of the bulls in the sale being a sheath score 2 or 3. The bulls have been handled extensively but are not halter broke. As a learning tool for the students, we ultra-sounded these bulls at 11, 13, and 15 months. The 15-month ultrasound is listed in the catalog as their yearling ultrasound. We also conducted a semen test on the bulls to determine early puberty. This was a onetime snapshot with 7 of 15 of the bulls passing a full BSE at 13-16 months. In the catalog, a yearling SC is reported on the bulls as an indication of their early fertility. All bulls have passed a BSE in the last 60 days before the sale. For the first time in 2022, we sent 48 bulls to Marianna, Florida to be gain tested at the feed efficiency facility. This 56-day test evaluated the bull’s ability to turn feed into gain. Individual feed consumption is measured on each bull. This data was used to calculate feed conversion also known as Feed:Gain ratio. In addition, a Residual Feed Intake (RFI) was calculated on these bulls and used as a measure of efficiency. These bulls were gain tested for 56 days on a commodity-based ration. The sale bull’s average consumption was 22.3 lbs of feed (as fed) a day for the test duration. Sale bulls averaged 3.4 lbs of gain per day. The bulls have been forage developed for the past year in preparation for the sale and received minimal supplements last summer. They are ready to go to work in the real world.
This year we will offer, for the second time, a select group of yearling Brahman heifers. These heifers are the later born females from the spring calving Brahman herd. Some of them are AI sired and many are out of outstanding cleanup bulls. These heifers were selected to be gentle and almost all of them are halter broke and ready to lead. The balance are tie broke and gentle. There are some outstanding genetics in this offering. These heifers
have great phenotype and are a set of easy fleshing, gentle, moderate young cow prospects. The only reason we are offering these for sale is their late birth date (March/ April) would probably preclude them from calving with the older heifers as a two-year-old. None of these heifers were culled from the herd because of a problem. In the past, all would have been retained as replacements. As we approach our herd size limit, we hope to offer a select group like this from time to time.
Jesse Savell and Allyson Trimble coached UF’s second Brahman Show Team. This year they hauled one bull and two heifers (not in the sale) to the Florida State Fair, Kissimmee Valley Livestock Show, and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Our intention is not to be in the livestock show business, but rather to give students the opportunity to experience this aspect of the industry and show off the work our department is doing with the Brahman Breed. The students who participated this year are: Payton Rethmel, Vicky Mann, Grace Oyer, Mikaela Martin, Melissa Babinecz, and Hadley Wimsatt.
This sale would not be possible if it was not for the generous support of many purebred Brahman breeders in Florida. Many of these breeders have been long time supporters of the Animal Sciences Department and have been generous with their donations of cattle, semen, and embryos. In addition, they have provided invaluable advice.
Danny Driver is the herdsman at the Beef Unit who bred and raised these bulls and has been an important part of this entire project. Jesse Savell is the manager over all of the University of Florida beef cattle. and has been involved in selection and feeding of these bulls from weaning up till the sale. Shelby Thomas, Matti Moyer, Savannah Linzmaier, and Jessica Czipulis were responsible for the photography, videography, advertisement, and production of the catalog. Of course, the 41 students who have taken the class the past five years have also played a critical part in setting the stage for the Fourth Annual University of Florida Brahman Bull and Heifer Sale. Hope you will join us on May 12.
Todd A. Thrift & the 2023 Seedstock Marketing and Management ClassBW-actual birth weight recorded in first 24 hours of birth. Indicator of potential calving difficulty.
Adj 205 wt-Adjusted weaning weight in pounds adjusted for age and sex of calf in addition to age of dam. Adjustment is made to a standard of 205 days. Indication of an animal’s growth rate and dams milking ability
Adj 365 wt- Adjusted yearling weight in pounds adjusted to 365 days of age. Indication of an animal’s growth rate
Yrlng SC- Actual yearling scrotal circumference measured in cm. Actual measurement taken when yearling weight was recorded. Not adjusted for age. Indication of a bull’s age at puberty. Brahman bulls are later maturing so these numbers should not be compared to similar age British or Continental bulls.
REA- Actual ribeye area in square inches. Actual ribeye measurement taken by ultrasound. Indication of an animal’s muscle.
REA/cwt- Ratio of actual ribeye area to the actual weight of the animal on the ultrasound date. Ratios of 1.1 or more are desirable. This is a better indicator of relative muscling in relation to animal size.
FT- Actual fat thickness in inches taken at the 13th rib via ultrasound. Indication of fleshing ability and can be used to help interpret IMF percentage. Bulls are typically very lean and their FT is highly correlated to the feeding regime.
IMF- Actual percent intramuscular fat based on ultrasound. Indication of an animal’s ability for marbling. IMF % of 4.0% correlate to low choice. Bulls generally have less IMF than steers or heifers due to testosterone.
FS- Frame score based on hip height at yearling time.
Current Weight- Weight taken at breeding soundness exam on March 20, 2023 for bulls and April 5, 2022 for heifers.
Current Scrotal Circumference- Scrotal circumference in cm at breeding soundness exam on March 20, 2023.
DISPO- Disposition score. Scale is 1-5, where one is extremely calm and five is very nervous and combative. Score is taken post weaning and animals are isolated in a pen with a person for approximately one minute.
RFI - Residual Feed Intake. This is an estimate of efficiency that is based on the difference between actual intake and predicted intake based on animal gain, body weight, and composition. Negative numbers are more desirable. Also listed is the bulls rank out of 48 for the RFI trait.
F:G - Feed conversion ratio. The ratio of DM intake to ADG. Smaller numbers are more desirable. Also listed is the bulls rank out of 48 head for the F:G trait.
EPD- Expected Progeny Differences (All numbers are based on 4/11/23 genetic evaluation)
BW- Birth weight expressed in pounds. Breed average is 1.9 lbs. Related to calving ease or difficulty as a result of birth weight. Lower numbers would indicated less calving difficulty potentially but are not a guarantee of calving ease.
WW- Weaning weight expressed in pounds. Breed average is 20 lbs. Dual trait that is made up of an animal’s ability to grow and their dam’s ability to milk.
YW- Yearling weight expressed in pounds. Breed average is 36 lbs. True measure of an animal’s ability to grow. Larger numbers also correlate to increases in mature cow size and nutrient requirement.
Milk- Milk production expressed in pounds a calf due to an animal’s daughter’s ability to milk. Breed average is 6.0lbs. Higher numbers indicate more milk potential in daughters but also increased nutrient requirements.
SC- Scrotal circumference in cm. Breed average is -0.06. Bulls with greater genetic potential for scrotal circumference have been shown to sire offspring that reach puberty earlier. Larger numbers are more desirable.
Marb- Marbling score. Breed average is 2.17. Indication of an animal’s ability to produce calves with a higher intramuscular fat content. Larger numbers are more desirable.
REA- Ribeye area is a measure of muscling. Indication of an animal’s ability to produce heavier muscled calves. Breed average is .36. Larger numbers are more desirable.
Tend- Tenderness. Breed average is -0.01. Prediction of a meat tenderness. Smaller numbers are more desirable.
DOC- Docility. Breed average is 0.78. Indication of an animal’s disposition. Larger numbers are more desirable.
$Q- $ Queen. Breed average is 33.22. Index of several traits that are related to maternal production. Larger numbers are more desirable.
Bidding will be online at the Cattle in Motion website starting on May 4th at 6 pm EST and ending on May 6th at 6 pm EST. View animals online at cattleinmotion.com
Starting bid for all bulls will be $2,000.
Starting bid for all heifers will be $1,500.
Bids will be in $100 increments.
Terms: Animals must be paid for with a check made payable to the University of Florida at the time of pickup.
Buyer is responsible for all shipping arrangements. Animals must be picked from the University of Florida Beef Teaching Unit by May 20th unless prior arrangements have been made.
Registration certificates will be transferred to buyer if requested. University will pay for cost of transfer. Please provide name, ranch name, address, and association member number when making payment.
All bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam in the past 60 days.
Health papers can be obtained on animals for out of state shipment.
Trichomoniasis testing will have to be done on bulls sold out of state prior to shipment. This test will be at the bull buyer’s expense. All lots are virgin bulls and have not been exposed to cows.
Any deviation from these terms of any kind will be stated on the Cattle in Motion website and will take precedence.
Sale day phone numbers
Todd Thrift 352-538-3146
Jesse Savell 352-494-3397
DOB: 4/5/21
Current Weight: 1340
Current SC: 36
• Passed BSE at 14 months of age
• Top 15% for Marbling EPD
• IVF calf
• Only NMSU Dubo Cherra 1136 in sale
• Early fertility and moderate size in one package
DOB: 2/4/21
Current Weight: 1350
Current SC: 38
• Passed BSE at 16 months of age
• 1st calf out of dam that calved at 2 years of age
• Top 10% for BW EPD combined with low actual BW
• Top 1% for Tend EPD
• Moderate framed commercial bull prospect with early fertility
• Super gentle
DOB: 2/7/21
Current Weight: 1520
Current SC: 34
• Passed BSE at 16 months of age
• 1st calf out of a dam that calved at 2 years of age
• Top 1% for Tend EPD
• Top 30% for Marbling EPD
• Top 3% for BW EPD
• IMF Ratio 113
• adj 205d WW Ratio
• adj 205d YW Ratio
• Highest ADG in sale
DOB: 2/12/21
Current Weight: 1435
Current SC: 35
• 1st calf out of a dam that calved at 2 years of age
• Top 1% for BW EPD
• Top 1% for Tend EPD
• Dark pigmented commercial bull with great birth weight numbers
DOB: 2/12/21
Current Weight: 1400
Current SC: 36
• Passed BSE at 16 months of age
• 1st calf out of a dam that calved at 2 years of age
• IMF Ratio 121
• Great F:G - ranked 6th out of 48 bulls
• Super gentle with early fertility
DOB: 2/24/21
Current Weight: 1660
Current SC: 40
• Dam calved 7 consecutive years
• Top 20% for Marbling EPD
• adj 205d WW Ratio 114
• adj 365d YW Ratio 115 (highest in sale)
• Great F:G - ranked 7 out of 48 bulls
• 2nd highest ADG in sale
• Powerful male growth oriented bull
• Big and Stout
DOB: 3/7/21
Current Weight: 1410
Current SC: 36
• Top 1% for BW EPD
• Top 4% for Milk EPD
• adj 205d WW Ratio 112
• IMF Ratio 112
• REA Ratio 104
• REA/cwt Ratio 107
• Dam calved 5 consecutive years
• Great commercial bull potential, brings muscle and marbling to the table
DOB: 3/14/21
Current Weight: 1510
Current SC: 39
• Passed BSE at 14.5 months of age
• Dam calved 6 consecutive years
• Top 5% for BW EPD
• Top 10% for WW EPD
• Top 15% or Marbling EPD
• Top 10 % for Milk EPD
• adj 205d WW Ratio 116
• REA Ratio 107
• Big scrotal bull with early fertility
• Strong thick top
DOB: 3/14/21
Current Weight: 1390
Current SC: 37
• Passed BSE at 14.5 months of age
• Dam calved 8 consecutive years
• Top 1% for BW EPD and low actual BW
• REA Ratio 109
• REA/cwt Ratio 106
• adj 205d WW Ratio 104
• Early fertility out of one of our most fertile consistent dams
• Clean sheath
• Super gentle with big REA and strong top
DOB: 3/16/21
Current Weight: 1405
Current SC: 35
• Top 10% for Marbling EPD
• Top 2% for BW EPD
• adj 205d WW Ratio 135 - highest in sale
• adj 365d YW Ratio 108
• Bull was halter broke initially to show so was not gain tested or ultrasounded
• Deep ribbed standout at weaning
DOB: 3/18/21
Current Weight: 1445
Current SC: 41
• 1st calf out of a dam that calved at 2 years of age
• Top 4% for BW EPD
• Top 25% for Marbling EPD
• Super Gentle
• Top 15% for Milk EPD
• IMF Ratio 111
• Super gentle, deep ribbed, easy fleshing in a moderate package. Heifer making machine!
DOB: 3/23/21
Current Weight: 1455
Current SC: 36
• 1st calf out of a dam that calved as a 2 year old
• Top 15% for Marbling EPD
• Top 10% for BW EPD
• IMF Ratio 110
• REA Ratio 107
• REA/cwt Ratio 107
• Great RFI
• Great F:G - ranked 2nd out of 48 bulls
• Big topped, deep ribbed
• Outstanding eye appeal on this herd sire prospect
DOB: 3/25/21
Current Weight: 1360
Current SC: 37
• Dam calved 4 consecutive years
• Top 10% for BW EPD
• Top 18% for Milk EPD
• Top 15% for Marbling EPD
• IMF Ratio 117
• adj 205d WW Ratio 121
• adj 365d YW Ratio 107
• Super gentle with great sheath
DOB: 3/25/21
Current Weight: 1360
Current SC: 34
• Dam calved in 8 consecutive years
• Top 1% for BW EPD and low actual BW
• Top 20% for Tend EPD
• REA Ratio 106
• REA/cwt Ratio 114
• Feed Efficiency and muscle all in one package
• Moderate frame with lots of fertility built in on the dam side
• Clean sheath
DOB: 3/25/21
Current Weight: 1360
Current SC: 34
• Passed BSE at 13 months of age
• Dam calved as a 2 year old
• Top 15% for BW EPD
• adj 205d WW Ratio 112
• adj 365d YW Ratio 108
• Deep ribbed, easy fleshing, moderate framed
• Youngest bull in sale and youngest to pass BSE
• Early fertility with great heifer making potential
• Bull does currently have warts on his neck.
DOB: 2/22/21
Current Weight: 800 lbs
• Top 4% Milk EPD
This very moderate, well-balanced heifer, is the first female offered for sale by UF Mr Gator 703/9, who was our pick of the 2019 calf crop. She is out of a first calf heifer with a foundation pedigree who calved first at 3, and bred back to the AI to calve at 4 with a 354 day calving interval. This heifer is very gentle and posts top 5% BW and CEM EPDs.
DOB: 4/7/22
Current Weight: 614 lbs
• REA Ratio 107
• REA/cwt Ratio 118
630/2 is the natural calf of our donor cow UF Miss Gator 218-0317, who calved at 2, 3, & 4. Her sire UF Mr Gator 217-0304 is becoming one of our favorite bulls, he has several very nice sons in this year’s sale offering. This mating doubles up on moderate, easy fleshing genetics with proven fertility. This heifer posts top 1% BW and CEM EPDs. She also has excellent ultrasound data, posting a 118 ratio for REA/CWT.
DOB: 4/7/22
Current Weight: 692 lbs
• REA Ratio 112
• REA/cwt Ratio 110
This heifer provides an interesting combination of genetics. Her sire is a KCC 468 son who was sired by KCC 292. We purchased KCC 468 in the 2014 Kempfer Cattle Company Sale. He was a very moderate, long bodied bull, who has produced some very nice females. The bottom side of this pedigree is bred for the show ring with 14 Register of Renown animals in the 5-generation pedigree. This heifer should combine phenotype with functionality. This heifer has a big top and ratioed 110 for REA/CWT.
DOB: 4/12/22
Current Weight: 718 lbs
• IMF Ratio 109
• adj 205d WW Ratio 107 638/2 is a heifer that shows a lot of natural thickness. She’s probably the heaviest muscled heifer in the offering. She is the first calf out of a 2 year old. Her sire, UF Mr Gator 218-0334, is a high marbling sire who produced a very uniform calf crop of moderate, thick made animals like this one. The paternal granddam, UF Miss Gator 214-0336, is one of our donor cows and has produced several herd sires for us. The maternal Granddam, UF Miss Gator 2140334, is a very fertile cow who has stood the test of time. Top 5% BW EPD with a 56lb actual birth weight. Good growth and muscling combined with a 109 ratio for IMF.
DOB: 4/16/22
Current Weight: 678 lbs
• adj 205d WW Ratio 118
• Best $Q in the sale heifers
We went back and pulled 3 heifers out of our yearling replacements to ensure the quality of this sale offering. 648/2 is the first heifer to sell out of our recently purchased herd sire BB Loxey Cherra 785. This bull produced some very nice females in his first calf crop, and we are excited to see how they perform. The dam, UF Miss Gator 215-0304, is a big stout female who is impressive to look at. Take a close look at this pedigree that combines NMSU and Barthle Brothers genetics top and bottom. 648/2 had an exceptional weaning weight and ratioed 118 for adjusted 205-day weight. She is an upstanding heifer with an elegant, feminine look. Breed her to a strong topped bull, and she will do the rest.
DOB: 4/17/22
Current Weight: 650 lbs
• IMF Ratio 102
• adj 205d WW Ratio 106
This may be the last daughter out of UF Mr Gator 216-0323 that we sell since he is no longer with us. Her sire combines an exceptional list of females from the Kempfer program with the 7145 bull we used from Texas A&M. This heifer’s dam is a KCC 117 daughter who calved at 2 & 3. 650/2 is very feminine heifer with a low actual birth weight and top 1% BW EPD. This heifer also ranks in the top 5% of the breed for marbling EPD.
DOB: 4/17/22
Current Weight: 680 lbs
• REA Ratio 104
• REA/cwt Ratio 104
This heifer was originally sorted into the replacement heifers, but I went back and pulled her out for this sale. She is a super moderate, easy fleshing female, with plenty of capacity. This is the kind we would expect to maintain her condition well and have a lot of longevity. Her 10 year old dam is a MR TAES 7145 daughter who has been a great cow for us, producing a donor cow in 2016 and the 695/1 bull offered in this sale. Her sire is UF Mr Gator 217-0304 who is a standout bull producer sired by the great 735 bull that Jimmy Chapman raised. Top 2% BW, Top 1% CEM, and Top 3% Marbling EPD.
DOB: 4/19/22
Current Weight: 692 lbs
• Top 1% BW EPD
• IMF Ratio 106
656/2 is another heifer that was originally in our keeping heifers. She is out of our young herd sire UF Mr Gator 703/9. He was our pick of the 2019 calf crop, and in my opinion, his dam is the best cow we own. This heifer is the first calf out of a 2-year-old cow who calved at 25 months of age and bred back to calve at 3. The dam is an ET progeny out of Mr Kallion 1352 and a 9-year-old NMSU 5129 daughter. This heifer came here weighing 58 pounds and still had an adjusted 205-day weight of 526. She also posted a 1.35 REA/CWT and ratioed 110 for IMF. Generational fertility and early puberty are bred into this one.
DOB: 4/20/22
Current Weight: 748 lbs
• REA Ratio 109
• adj 205d WW Ratio 114
658/2 is a long sided, moderate framed heifer out of UF Mr. Gator 218-0334 and a 2-year-old first calf heifer. Her sire has produced moderate framed, heavy muscled progeny for us and is a carcass improver ranking high for marbling in our genomic evaluation. This heifer goes back to NMSU 6X Cloverdale 5129 on top and bottom. She has good growth performance, and ratioed 109 for Ribeye Area.
DOB: 4/21/22
Current Weight: 688 lbs
• IMF Ratio 132, highest in sale
• adj 205d WW Ratio 105
• Top 4% BW EPD
This heifer is a dark pigmented, deep sided female built off the same pattern as her sire UF Mr Gator 703/9. We selected 703/9 due to his early puberty and exceptional phenotype. His dam is a prolific KCC 446 daughter who calved at
2. The dam of 659/2 also calved at 2 years of age, with this being her first calf. This heifer is stacked for early puberty and fertility. She also scanned the highest IMF percentage of her contemporary group to ratio 132.
DOB: 4/22/22
Current Weight: 756 lbs
• IMF Ratio 120, 3rd highest in the sale
• adj 205d WW Ratio 110
This is one of the most broody females in the offering. Her picture doesn’t do her justice; you need to see her in person to appreciate her capacity and spring of rib. Her dam is a 2-year-old first-calf heifer sired by +WB Mr Suv Lox Esto 20 and out of a matriarch donor cow of our program, STARS 10-593. Her pedigree is stacked with some of the best cows we received from the Brooksville Herd, including STARS 11-387 (P) and STARS 10-230 (S). This heifer has good growth performance and exceptional carcass ultrasound data. Don’t miss out on this one!
DOB: 4/26/22
Current Weight: 700 lbs
• IMF Ratio 103
664/2 is a well-balanced heifer out of a stout made, prolific 6-year-old cow who calved at 2 and every year since. Her sire is UF Mr Gator 703/9 who is also out of a very prolific cow. This heifer has a very balanced EPD profile with a 58-pound Birth Weight and top 4% BW EPD. She is backed by several generations of early puberty and fertility.
DOB: 5/1/22
Current Weight: 684 lbs
• REA Ratio 102
• adj 205d WW Ratio 111
669/2 is a well-balanced daughter of our recently purchased herd sire, BB Loxey Cherra 785. He dam is another very fertile cow who calved at 2, 3, 4, & 5. You won’t find many females for sale with this type of fertility bred into them. This heifer posted a 111 ration for adjusted 205 day Weaning Weight, and scanned with an exceptionally large ribeye area. Don’t miss out on this heifer just because she is young. This heifer is tie broke only.
DOB: 5/3/22
Current Weight: 586 lbs
• IMF Ratio 123, 2nd highest in the sale
• adj 205d WW Ratio 109
• Top 2% Milk EPD
This female is out of our herd sire, UF Mr Gator 217-0304, who has sired several great sale bulls for us. Her dam is a stout featured daughter of DPR Jason Challo 803, who was out of an exceptional cow named HHP Miss Challo 188. The dam of 672/2 is an 11-year-old daughter of MR TAES 7145. This is one of the youngest heifers in the offering. She posted the second highest IMF percentage of her contemporary group to ratio 123.
DOB: 5/3/22
Current Weight: 620 lbs
• REA Ratio 105
• REA/cwt 115
• IMF Ratio 113
673/2 is another young female out of our deep sided sire UF Mr Gator 2160332. Her dam is an outcross generated from an embryo that we purchased with a strong show ring pedigree combining (=) SCD Didor Esto 623 and JDH Miss Emily Manso 477/4. This heifer posted excellent carcass ultrasound data with a 115 ratio for REA/CWT and a 113 ratio for IMF. This is one of the most gentle heifers in the offering with a top 20% Doc EPD to match.
The Florida Cattle Enhancement Program has been a great supporter of the UF Brahman Project. They have provided funding for finishing the steers to obtain meat quality estimates in addition to funding tenderness, feed efficiency, synchronization, invitro fertilization, and genetic evaluation research. Their support has been instrumental to the success of the Brahman Project. Merck and Zoetis have been generous in their donation of animal health products that are used in teaching, research, and extension programs that support the Brahman Project.