2025 7L Diamond Bull and Female Sale

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Monte Vista Livestock Auction - Monte Vista, CO

Welcome to theSale

Welcome to our 2025 Simmental and SimAngus High-Altitude Bull and Open Heifer Sale. This this year we are offering 18 high quality yearling bulls and 6 replacement quality open heifers. Heifers have been Bangs vaccinated and registration will be transferred to the buyer for a fee of $100 over the final bid price if so desired. We think you will be pleased with the outstanding genetics and PAP scores of this year’s offerings.

Purchasing a bull is one of the most important decisions a commercial cow/calf or seedstock producer makes. Our focus is on developing animals suitable for high elevation that also carry desirable genetic traits important to our customers.

We realize that more and better genetic information greatly simplifies bull selection. We have DNA evaluations and PAP scores on every cow, bull and calf in our herd. Our objective is to eliminate as much of the guesswork as possible in our breeding program and pass that on to our customers.

Our cattle’s DNA is evaluated twice. First, by American Simmental Association through their

partnership with International Genetic Solutions. A second evaluation is done by Top Genomics through their partnership with Allied Genetic Resources. As a result, our animals all have genomically enhanced EPDs which are enormously more accurate than EPDs based solely on pedigree. Our secondary DNA evaluation by Top Genomics (through Allied) takes a deeper look at genetic markers for heritable traits important to commercial cow/calf producers and seedstock producers as well. Whether you are looking for a heifer bull, terminal sire or something in between, our genomically enhance EPDs will help you make your selection with confidence.

Besides the EPD you will notice in the catalog indicators such as G+, ACE and ATM for most animals. These are based on Allied and Top Genomics Right Choice program. That is explained on the next page. We also use Allied and Top Genomics RightMate service to make breeding selections. I can honestly say that between RightMate and the Planned Mating program through ASA it is nearly impossible to have a bad calf. Our genetics have improved enormously in a few short years by using those programs.

Additionally, we maintain a rigorous vaccination schedule and treat all of our animals for external and internal parasites with guidance provided by Alpine Veterinary Clinic. We follow Beef Quality Assurance guidelines for all aspects of our operation.

Our entire herd has been raised and PAP tested at an elevation of 7,600’ by Dr. Curtis Crawford of Alpine Veterinary Clinic. Breeding soundness exams are also conducted by Doctor Crawford. All calves are genetically tested for coat color, horned/polled gene, all known genetic defects and have tested BVD negative. All bulls sold will be trich tested and will have passed breeding soundness exams. Calves all meet ASA’s GGP 100K requirements and therefor may be used as AI sires or embryo donor cows.

Peter and Leah

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402-316-5460 || 402-474-5557

Sale Location

Monte Vista Livestock Auction

5660 US Hwy 160 East

Monte Vista, CO

Sale Day Phones

Sale Main Office (719) 852-9500

Peter Clark (719) 849-8223

Leah Clark (719) 850-2720

Vaccination Program


Birth – AD&E, Alpha C&D, Multimin

Branding – Cattlemaster Gold FP5, One Shot Ultra 8, Mycoplasma Bovis, Multimin

Weaning – Cattlemaster Gold FP5, One Shot Ultra 8, Multimin, Dectomax Pour-on

30 Days Post Weaning – booster One Shot

COWS AND HERD BULLS: At Preg Check – Cattlemaster 4+VL5, Vision 8 Somnus w/Spur, Multimin, Dectomax Pour-on

Pre-sale Visits

Animals may be viewed any time prior to the sale, please contact Peter or Leah to make arrangements.


Bulls are guaranteed as breeders the first year. If they prove to be unsatisfactory, please provide us with documentation from a qualified veterinarian and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

Semen Interest

7L Diamond Ranch will retain 1/3 semen interest of any bulls sold. Buyer shall have full possession rights and 2/3 semen interest.

Supplemental Information

Scrotal measurements will be available sale day.


Free delivery within 250 miles. Beyond that, we will negotiate with the buyer.

Sale details

Improved Buying Confidence with Greater Genomic ASSURANCE

Access to more and better information has always been key to making wise decisions. The evolution and improvement of genetic evaluation tools too has given us an ever-clearer picture of the true genetic makeup of cattle and thus a better view of the value proposition. RightMate, powered by Top Genomics LLC is taking the evaluation of genetics and genomics one giant step further. By combining speci c genomic information with the long-proven value of EPDs, this new advancement in technology improves our depth and precision when evaluating the actual ability to transmit value and pro t.

The 3 Accreditation Logos below are designed to simplify bull selection and improve buyer con dence by more accurately describing the genetics o ered and by reducing risk. What this means to you as a customer is a much greater assurance that you are getting both what you want and need from the genetics you purchase. What it means to your seedstock provider is access to RightMate technology that simply sets them apart from the rest of the industry.

ACCREDITED GENOMIC PLUS – For the majority of producers who simply need consistent and balanced genetic improvement, without genomic setbacks, G+ Accredited bulls should be on your list for premium purchase. These sires will absolutely move you forward for both cost reduction and income producing traits and substantially reduce risk when compared to all other evaluation programs. It’s simple, the right genes are in these bulls to help secure a pro table future and the they have great EPDs to match!

ACCREDITED CALVING EASE – Simply nd bulls with the ACE logo for third party Accredited, secure Calving Ease bulls. Though we have had tools in the past to assist in choosing heifer bulls, we’ve never had one nearly this e ective. The reduced risk that comes with this genomic certi cation will simply make your decisions easier and your heifer calving season more successful. Purchase special purpose ACE bulls with con dence. They will deliver consistent and predictable calving ease.

ACCREDITED TERMINAL MATE – Just like an ATM machine makes it simpler to access your cash, the ATM Logo highlights bulls accredited to generate extra cash income as soon as your next calf crop! These bulls are meant speci cally to use only on mature cows and for the purpose of adding performance, pay weight and end product value to market.


Our Lot 1 bull’s API ranks #2 in ASA’s SimAngus registry for 2024 bull calves, #1 for marbling and #1 for stayability. With a PAP of 37 and top calving ease, this Galileo son checks all the important boxes.

Lot 2’s API ranks #18 in ASA’s Purebred Simmental registry for 2024 bull calves and #15 for calving ease. Very balanced EPD with great maternal traits, marbling, stayability and docility. Add his TI of 103.5 and a PAP score of 37 and you have another Galileo son that does it all.


Another Galileo son with nicely balanced traits that will help your bottom line. Big ribeye, good calving ease, nice growth, and marbling. Top maternal traits, stayability and easy to be around. All around a very nice bull calf.

SLD BRUNO 409M Sells as Lot 3.

7L Diamond Bulls

SLD417M Sells as Lot 6.



Kepler’s API ranks #21 in ASA’s Sim Angus registry for all 2024 bull calves. Great calving ease, stayability, marbling and big ribeye. Good growth, a PAP score of 37 and top maternal traits make this balanced Galileo son a rare combination of traits that will improve your bottom line.



Very nice bull out of KBHR HONOR H060. Good calving ease and growth with an appealing phenotype. He has good stayability and a big ribeye. With a PAP score of 40 he’s ready to go to the mountains.


Hook’s Galant son with super growth. This calf looked like a bull the day he was born. Huge ribeye, docile like his mama (we call her Friendly), and decent calving ease and stay for a terminal sire. Check his weaning weight. If you want pounds, this just might be your guy.


Bridle Bit Resource son with great calving ease, growth, maternal traits and a big ribeye. Good stayabilty and a low PAP make him a good candidate for the range, especially if you keep your heifers.


GW Triple Crown son with great growth, docility and super carcass traits. Not a heifer bull but he has an enormous ribeye, good marbling, top yield grade and carcass weight. His high stay score makes him a good bull to keep heifers out of. His mama is 11 and still going strong.


Calving ease bull whose API ranks #14 in the 2024 Sim Angus bull calf registry. Great maternal traits, marbling, stayabilty and docility. Those are the traits that help your bottom line. Very nice bull calf out of one of our herd bulls, GW Lucky Break, ASA #3876745.

SLD421M Sells as Lot 7.
SLD413M Sells as Lot 8.
SLD MR. LUCKY 419M Sells as Lot 9.

7L Diamond Bulls

SLD435M Sells as Lot 10.



Another calving ease son out of our GW Lucky Break. Great docility, stay and marbling. Should have moderate framed daughters. We’ve been very happy with calves out of our Gateway bulls, both boys and girls.



Talk about growth, these Johnny Walker calves look half grown when they’re three months old. Lot 11 is a terminal sire for sure and he has good stay numbers. Big ribeye, good marbling, super yield grade plus top carcass weight. Great PAP score for a bull with so much growth.

This guy is an ATM to be sure. Another Johnny Walker son that brings that Guardian growth but this one also has a very high Stay score. Not for use on heifers but good carcass traits. A range bull that will sire daughters you’ll want to keep. Purebred Simmental to add that hybrid vigor.

CLRS JOHNNY WALKER 1049J Sire of Lots 11-14.


Purebred Simmental nicely balanced across all traits. Good maternal traits, growth traits and carcass traits. High marbling in a bull that will produce big calves yet still has double digit calving ease. These Johnny Walker calves are thick and deep bodied.


Another Johnny Walker son much like the others. Purebred Simmental with growth, marbling and stayability to compliment those Angus and Sim Angus cows. Index values say this bull calf will make you money.


Calving ease, moderate growth, stayability, marbling, low PAPs and good index values are the hallmarks of our Heartbreaker calves and this one is no exception. 432’s marbling score, stay and calving ease will keep you in the black. He will produce well marbled steers and moderate framed daughters you’ll want to keep in the herd.

Sells as Lot 15.

SLD429M Sells as Lot 13.
SLD431M Sells as Lot 14.

7L Diamond Bulls

SLD437M Sells as Lot 16.

SLD439M Sells as Lot 18.


Calving ease, good growth, docility and marbling highlight LOT 16. Unfortunately, his EPD numbers reflect an absence of data on his mama. She is a Sim Angus for sure but is not registered. We bought her and four others as yearlings eight years ago however their parentage was not tracked. She has produced good calves every year including the high selling bull calf in our 2023 sale.



Like a broken record, Lot 17 has great marbling, calving ease, negative birthweight, plus decent yield grade and ribeye area. His dollar index values are good in an animal that will support a move to more moderate framed cows. Big cows eat more but do they bring in more cash? Maybe to the forage and hay providers.


Lot 18 has great calving ease and maternal traits. Talk about milk production, his mama has had twins twice and raised them both each time. Good stay, marbling and yield grade plus index values well above average. Another Heartbreaker son that brings diverse genetics and a nice phenotype.

SLD438M Sells as Lot 17.


This girl brings Hook’s Eagle and Hook’s Galant genetics to the table. Her EPD is likely underestimating her attributes because her mama is not registered but she is. We only have two nonregistered cows left but they keep having calves like this one so why sell? Like her mama, she won’t disappoint.

Lot 20 has super calving ease, maternal traits, stayabilty and marbling. She also has very good index values making her the kind of cow you want in your herd. Her heifer calves will be ones you’ll want to keep as well.

Lot 21 is a Galileo daughter that exhibits super growth (check the spread), maternal traits and carcass traits. Her yield grade is in the top 3%, carcass weight top 10% and ribeye area in the top 5%. For those of you that want to add some high-end terminal characteristics to your cow herd, this is one heifer you should consider.

SLD424M Sells as Lot 21.

SLD412M Sells as Lot 19.
SLD416M Sells as Lot 20.

7L Diamond Heifers

SLD440M Sells as Lot 24.


Johnny Walker daughter that brings those ATM traits JW is known for. Good growth and great stay in a docile package. Breed this one to a calving ease bull and the offspring just might cover all the basses. I ran some planned matings on her with some of our calving ease bulls with great results.

Heifer out of our GW Heartbreaker nicely balanced EPD across the board. Accredited calving ease, good growth, and great maternal traits. Good marbling score and her stay is in the top 5%. With high index values she is another one we would keep but we have her sire and his ¾ brother as herd bulls.

Another Heartbreaker daughter and a good one. Super good calving ease, perfect milk score right in the middle, stay in the top 5%, docile with great marbling and API scores. The kind of heifer I would keep if we didn’t have too many of her relatives.

PAP Risk Factor Low Elevation Test Chart

PAP test conducted at elevation <4000 ft. (40% Repeatable, Predictive Value)

PAP Measurements taken below 4000 feet elevation should be considered a screening measurement only and the measurement not used for sale purposes

PAP Risk Factor Moderate Elevation Test Chart

PAP test conducted at elevation 4000 - 5500 ft. (60% Repeatable, Predictive Value)

PAP Risk Factor High Elevation Test Chart

PAP test conducted at elevation 5500 - 7000 ft. (75-95% Repeatable, Predictive Value)

PAP Risk Factor Very High Elevation Test Chart

PAP test conducted at elevation >7000 ft. (95% Repeatable, Predictive Value)

These are typical guidelines only. Other consideration should be given to genetics, EPD use, Systolic/Diastolic pressures, previous illness, and special consideration should be given to time the animal was housed or has been at elevation. The predictability of the PAP measurement improves over time at elevation (5,500 feet minimum). This chart is based on healthy animals greater than 10 months of age.

7L Diamond Reference Sires





Today’s industry pays big for heavy fat steers, but your pocketbook demands smaller cows. What to do? The answer is clear, dependable data and the courage to bypass traditional straightbreeding.

Simmental-influenced cows are an average 74 lb. lighter at maturity than Angus-sired counterparts.a Meanwhile, packers pay $20 to $34 more for SimAngusTM and Simmental-sired steers than English-sired calves.b

Finally, raise efficient cows and high-performance calves. The proof is in the data – and the cash.





EXPECTED PROGENY DIFFERENCES (EPDS): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and -5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing in what units they are expressed. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, sire A would be expected to sire 15 pounds more weaning weight than sire B. If calving ease was the trait, sire A would be expected to sire 15 percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if sire B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we would expect sire A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes, visit www. simmental.org.

Listed below are the units in which ASA EPDs are expressed:

ALL-PURPOSE INDEX (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario.

BACK FAT (BF): Inches of carcass backfat at 475 days.

BIRTH WEIGHT (BW): Pounds of birth weight.

CALVING EASE (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.

CARCASS WEIGHT (CW): Pounds of carcass weight at 475 days.

DOCILITY (DOC): Percent of offspring receiving a disposition score of 1 (docile).

MATERNAL CALVING EASE (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters.

MILK (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk.

MARBLING (MARB): Carcass marbling score at 475 days.

MATERNAL WEANING WEIGHT (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.

RIBEYE AREA (REA): Square inches of carcass ribeye at 475 days.

TERMINAL INDEX (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario.

WEANING WEIGHT (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.

YEARLING WEIGHT (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.

YIELD GRADE (YG): Carcass yield grade score at 475 days.

$ INDEXES: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide pieces of the economic puzzle. This is where $ indexes come in. Through well-conceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on integrated commercial production. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes:

ALL-PURPOSE INDEX (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.

TERMINAL INDEX (TI): Evaluates sires for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.

For more detailed information about EPDs and $indexes, visit: www.simmental.org

Sale Notes


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