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American Simmental Association Quick Reference to EPDs, Indexes and $Values
All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario.
Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight.
Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.
Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight at 475 days.
Docility (DOC): Percent of offspring receiving a disposition score of 1 (docile).
Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters.
Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk.
Marbling (MARB): Carcass marbling score at 475 days.
Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.
Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of carcass ribeye at 475 days.
Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario.
Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.
Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.
Yield Grade (YG): Carcass yield grade score at 475 days.
Homozygous polled means this animal has no horns, an all offspring from the animal will be born without horns. Pp = Heterozygous polled means this animal does not have horns, but offspring may or may not have horns depending on their mate.
Sc=Scurs are incompletely developed horns that aren’t attached to the calf’s skull, but are visible on their skin.
If an animal has two polled genes(PP), homozygous, or one polled and one horned gene (Pp), heterozygous, it will be polled. However, if it is heterozygous polled (Pp) it may pass either the polled or horned gene on to its’ offspring. The only situation when an animal will be horned is when it possesses two recessive horned genes (pp), homozygous horned.
American Angus Association EPD Definitions
Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.
Birth Weight EPD (BW EPD), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Weaning Weight EPD (WW EPD), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Yearling Weight EPD (YW EPD), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.
Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.
Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.
Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for preweaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.
Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.
Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires.
Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW STAY 14.1 -1.0 89.0 129.5 8.1 19.3 63.8 17.4
Bsr Barker Flat Iron Kf247
BCC Barker Cowboy KE21 Sells as
BCC Barker Cowboy KA801 Sells as Lot 72.
We appreciate the support and help we receive throughout the year from friends and family. We look forward to your continued friendship and business. Visitors to the Ranch are welcome any time! Thank you for your support.
We are eagerly awaiting the Barker Cattle Company Annual Bull and Female Sale! This is without question their best offering to date. The bulls and heifers in this sale represent years of genetic selection for cattle that perform not only in the west but many environments around the country. This multi-generational family operation continues to run cattle just like their commercial customers. They expect their cattle to make a living on the range and cull the cattle that don’t perform in this environment.
The signals are in place for great times ahead in the cattle business. The beef cow herd inventory is as low as it has ever been since data has been recorded. Demand for high quality beef continues to be at record highs. It appears that prices for cattle producers could and should be as high as we have ever seen. With that we all know that input costs are also at historic levels. Producers who put and continue to put emphasis on high quality genetics will be the ones to reap the benefits of these high prices. Heterosis is also key for cattlemen to maximize profits with lower inputs. Science has proven time and time again that crossbreeding improves fertility, longevity and overall performance traits. It is truly the only free lunch in the cattle business so why not take advantage of it, if you are not already.
Barker Cattle company is a leading source of Simmental, SimAngus™ and Angus genetics. Whatever your need is, we are sure you can find what you are looking for in this outstanding offering. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Allied team.
Sincerely, Marty Ropp, Corey Wilkins and Jared Murnin
148 Bsr Ms Barker Jake K32l
How do I put into words all my thoughts, memories, lessons, dreams, and values taught to me by my Dad who is my best friend and partner. Perhaps the greatest gifts my Dad has given me in my life is time, trust, opportunity and love. From a very young age Dad took me everywhere with him. We went to ball games, welfare assignments, church meetings, the auction, the vet clinic, hunting trips, bull sales and the greatest of them all, the ranch. I loved everything about the ranch. I loved getting up at 3am and listening to the dramatized New Testament and Eddy Arnolds tapes on our 4-hour drive. I loved everything about this thing called ranching: the cows, horses, branding, fencing, haying, changing ditch water, putting cows on the forest, and there was always time to do a little deer hunting.
Because Dad taught at BYU we lived in Provo. He must have known I had the cow bug early because when I was 7, he started leasing the old Knutson dairy barn and pastures in Provo. Now we had cows and chores in two states. He wanted me to learn the business and financial side of ranching, so he took me to get a loan to start building up my credit and become a real cattleman by being in debt the rest of my life to buy cows. After a few years of buying, raising and selling dairy calves we dove into the magical world of show steers. He might as well have introduced me to drugs, because I was hooked. Dad never gave me the calves. I had to take out a loan and buy them from him. By the time I was in high school I was buying and feeding 30-40 steers. I would show and sell about 10 head a year, sell some for locker beef, and the rest of the fats I sold to Smith and Sons. Now 35 years later we still do business with Smiths, and Matt and Mike are two of my great friends.
My Dad always made me feel important and trusted. When I was 14, he sent me down to Yardley’s Bull Sale because he couldn’t make it (must have been a BYU football game). I was not old enough to drive so he had Jeff Robison drive me to Beaver. I had spent a week helping clip all the bulls there so I knew the best ones. I purchased the high selling Bull that day and everyone kept asking if my dad knew what I was doing spending all that money. I thought, what’s the big deal? It wasn’t until later in life that I realized how much trust and responsibility my Dad had given me at a young age.
My Dad has always been passionate in his love for the ranch, but he always put the Lord first. Even though most Saturdays we would get up at 3 am so we could get to the ranch by day light, we still would turn around and head for home Saturday night so that we would not miss our Sunday meetings. We ended many workdays and deer hunts early so that we could make it to Priesthood meeting on time. My Dad taught me to Love the Savior and to always put the Lord first in my life. I love you, Dad!
151 Bsr Ms Barker Jake K56l
152 Commercial K17w
I lost my own father when I was 5 years old and Ruel and his family have included me in their lives since I was young. Ruel has been more like a father to me than a business partner. He has listened and shared advice to help me become a better person. The life lessons he has tried to gently teach me have been what I have tried to exemplify in my life as a father, husband, neighbor, and rancher. Ruel has always been the push behind growing and improving the Ranch. From improving genetics to expanding our property, he has encouraged us to continue to learn and advance. He loves agriculture, especially cattle and I have been blessed to be a part of this operation that has grown to become Barker Cattle Company. Elba has been a great place to live and raise our family, which would not have been possible without Ruel’s influence. He loves being involved with the Ranch and for years we worked cows on the weekend so he could be there. As the cattle got better, he would say, “That’s a good bull, they all need to look like him!” After Ruel retired from BYU, he was out here most weeks and I enjoyed our rides together through the fields and cattle as well as our “visits” about the ranch, BYU Football, and anything in between.
Ruel’s love for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, our Savior Jesus Christ, his family, & friends have always been his top priority. Many of his acquaintances have come and gone from the Ranch and they all feel the special connection that is here. Ruel has always emphasized that we take the “high road” when it comes to doing business, and if there has ever been trouble with a purchase, we do our best to make it right for the customer. We try to treat all that we do business with as our friends and family.
Words of thanks are really not sufficient, but I am grateful for his example and presence in my life and I wish to express to him my love in this tribute.