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Introducing JC MR Pontiac 114K, the $56,000 top seller at the 2023 Great Lakes Beef Connection bull sale. This son of the burgeoning legend, Gibbs 9114G Essential combined and attractive, no-hole phenotype with a tremendous array of genetic predictions. With genomics included his percentile rankings are right at the edge of unbelievable. His dam is a prototype SimGenetic female as well. Right sized, attractive, easy fleshing and with really good feet and hoof structure. Worth sampling for sure, especially with the idea of creating unique Purebreds from this young ¾ blood.

Our first Pounder calf crop did not disappoint with his sons being a highlight of our 2022 bull sale. They were true brutes for physical appeal being bold bodied, square hipped and athletic on the move. The calves combine physical appeal with an elite set of data, being outliers for growth while having top tier marbling and profit indexes. Cattle with his kind of power, growth and EPDs are truly a rare find.