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added carcass quality. Moderate framed.
CCR FLINT ROCK 0101E 3297755 SimAngus Black $20 Highly maternal Flint Hills son with breed leading marbling and docilty.
CCR GRAVITY 9064A 2725676 3/4 SM Black $20 Growth, power and massive good uddered daughters are his legacy.
CCR LAUNCH 3143F 3564348 SimAngus Red $25 Calving ease sire with marbling and ribeye. High docility and attractive look.
CCR SPEAK NOW 6178G 3703453 3/4 SM Black $30 Maternal and growth, backed by a superior cow family.
CCR WACO 4142G 3703573 SimAngus Black $30 Heifer safe calving ease with top end terminal traits.
CCR WICHITA 4069D 3149505 SimAngus Black $20 Easy calving and no holes, uniform progeny that grow.

CCR FLINT HILLS 2092B 2882607 SimAngus Black $15 A top weaning weight sire with excellent carcass and docility.
GIBBS 3009A ELEMENT 2845573 PB SM Black Call Sound structure and excellent disposition. Ideal mating for Angus cows.
JC MR HURON 7262G 3555758 SimAngus Black $25 Added length and body. Big spread bull and a disposition improver.
JC MR NATIONAL 610Y 2616993 SimAngus Black $20 One of the very best, proven female producer with more grow!
S D S ALUMNI 115X 2548149 SimAngus Black $15 All around, highly proven sire. Does everything right!
TRIPLE C SINGLETARY S3H 2341645 PB SM Black Call Growth, carcass and maternal all packed in one. Good all around bull.
TJ HEISMAN 388F 3459048 PB SM Black $25 Growth bull, above average frame. High quality daughters, excellent udders.