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Blackbird is our lead Angus donor and is an absolute beast of a cow – we have never seen a cow pack so much mass on a moderate frame and she never fails to pass on that mass. She has been described by one leading breeder as “the ideal Angus cow”. Her sons in our spring bull sale in January averaged $7,250 and were crowd favorites. Her Ashland and Enhance sons in this sale represent her well-very predictable power.
A balanced Enhance son out of the massive Blackbird cow. D10J has genomically enhanced EPDs in the top 15% calving ease, 20% weaning weight, 15% yearling weight 15% gain, top 4% milk, 1% docility, 5% $W, 25% $F, 35% $B and 35% $C. Predictable genomic excellence.
The GAR Ashland by Blackbird cross has never missed – a deep, thick and easy keeping package with a docile nature and a unique set of genomically enhanced EPDs – top 2% calving ease, 10% weaning weight, 4% yearling weight, 15% rate of gain and 20% scrotal. Looking to keep some replacement heifers? 136J is in the top 10% for maternal calving ease and 15% milk. Selling on the grid? 136J is in the top 20% carcass weight, 15% marbling, 20% ribeye area and 35% fat! Rely on $ values? 136 is in the top 35% $ M, 25% $ F, 15% $ B, 23% $ W, 10% $ G, and 10% $ C. The risk has been bred out – an elite balance commercial bull.
Matron was our $14,000 selection from the Keller Broken Heart Ranch sale several years ago and she has maintained her place as one of the top All Purpose Index and marbling purebred Simmental females in the breed. What sets Matron apart from many other high API females is her growth trait performance. Matron also does all those things that only cattlemen and women out in the pasture will see-she is an attentive mother that ensures her calf is safe at all times. She has a perfect udder and transmits that udder to her off spring. She is also more phenotypically pleasing then many high EPD cattle. Her bulls have averaged over $8500 at our January sales of spring bulls, including the $14,000 sale topper to Rex Harris in 2022. She just does everything right and we have never sold a daughter from her as we view her genetics as breed and profit leading. Dam of Lots 6-14A.
Field Boss is sired by the cow making $20,500 TJ Platte River and out of KBHR Matron of Honor, our lead Simmental donor. Matron bulls have averaged approximately $8,500 at our spring sale in Centerville. Field Boss presents an outstanding phenotype along with an exceptional set of genomically enhanced EPDs in the top 2% for All Purpose Index (176), 4% for Terminal Index (98), 15% marbling and carcass weight and 3% shear (tenderness) , 5% docility, top 20% calving ease and 30% growth traits. As would be expected from the Matron x River cross, Field Boss will be a cow maker-his EPDs put him in the top 10% for maternal calving ease, 15% for milk, maternal weaning weight, and stay. An absolute lock for genetic improvement from well proven parents, outstanding maternal, carcass and calving ease with strong growth.
Windfall is a strong calving ease, maternal and carcass bull from the “can’t miss” cross of Matron of Honor and River. He is in the top 10% for calving ease, 3% maternal calving ease, 15% milk, 15% stay, 10% docility, 4% marbling, 10% ribeye, 3% shear with a top 5% All Purpose Index and top 15% Terminal Index. And he will be fun to look at as you check your cows-a powerful and attractive herd bull.
An attractive son of the $45,000 Franchise bull, 37J has EPDs in the top 15% for All Purpose Index and 20% Terminal Index, including top 15% Stay and docility, top 10% marbling and shear and top 30% maternal weaning weight, milk, and ribeye area.
Another attractive Franchise son from the Matron donor with EPDs in the top 15% for All Purpose Index and 20% Terminal Index, including top 15% Stay and docility, top 10% marbling and shear and top 30% maternal weaning weight, milk, and ribeye area.
An attractive Franchise son with EPDs in the top 15% for All Purpose Index and 20% Terminal Index, including top 15% Stay and docility, top 10% marbling and shear and top 30% maternal weaning weight, milk, and ribeye area.
220J is sired by the $45,000 Franchise and of our lead
Simmental donor, Matron of Honor and is a standout in phenotype with strong, balanced EPDs in the top 30% for birthweight and yearling weight, 3% docility and excellent carcass traits with carcass weight EPD in the top 15%, marbling top 15%, ribeye top 30%, shear (tenderness) top 10% and Terminal Index top 20%. His EPD profile is confirmed by an All Purpose Index in the top 20% of the breed (153).
Another attractive Franchise son from the Matron donor with EPDs in the top 15% for All Purpose Index and 20% Terminal Index, including top 15% Stay and docility, top 10% marbling and shear and top 30% maternal weaning weight, milk and ribeye area.
023J is the result of perhaps the most predictably excellent pedigree available – sired by the $20,500 TJ Platte River and out of one of the top All Purpose Index females in the breed –our lead donor Matron of Honor. And his EPDs are what we would expect from this cross – top 20% calving ease, 10% maternal calving ease, 15% milk, 15% maternal weaning weight, 15% Stay, 5% docility, 15% carcass weight, 1% marbling, 3% shear, 30% growth and 35% ribeye area. This elite balance bull boasts an All Purpose Index in the top 2% of the breed (176) and a Terminal Index in the top 4% (98). Look at his full brothers as well – proven and predictable genomic and phenotype excellence.
Another outstanding River son from the Matron donor. A stout September bull with excellent calving ease (top 20%), good (top 30%) growth, outstanding maternal traits (top 10% maternal calving ease and top 15% milk, maternal weaning weight and Stay), top 1% marbling and 3% shear, with a top 2% API (176) and top 4% Terminal Index, all with a top 5% docility. Proven and predictable genetics at its best.
Another River son out of the Matron donor with outstanding EPDs in the top 5% for calving ease, 25% for weaning weight, 2% maternal calving ease, top 15% milk, maternal weaning weight and carcass weight, top 4% docility, 2% marbling, 3% API and 4% Terminal Index. Elite genomic strength across the board.
A full brother to our top selling $16,000 bull at the Drake and Iron Creek Sale in January selling to Rex Harris. Succession is without a doubt an Elite Balance Bull-genomically enhanced EPDs in the top 15% for CE, 10% WW, 15% yearling weight, 25% gain, 10% maternal calving ease, 20% maternal weaning weight, 10% docility, 15% carcass weight, 3% ribeye area, 15% shear (tenderness) and top 25% Terminal Index and a 140 All Purpose Index. We have sold six full brothers that averaged over $8,000 per head. Predictable power in an attractive and docile package.
TJ 584D is a female we acquired from Triangle J Ranch in 2016. She was a moderate framed, big bodied female with outstanding, balanced EPDs. She has been an excellent donor for us and over the years has produced numerous outstanding bulls and females. Her Full Figures son was the high selling bull at the Drake & Iron Creek spring bull sale in January of this year, bringing $16,000. In this sale you have the choice of three full brothers to that top selling bull and two maternal brothers sired by the highly proven Hook’s Beacon. Dam of Lots 15-19.
Iron Creek Stat That 222j
Another full brother to the $16,000 sale topper at the Drake and Iron Creek Sale in January, 2023. 222J’s genomically enhanced EPDs place him square in the elite balance bull category – top 10% calving ease, 10% weaning weight, 15% yearling weight, 5% maternal calving ease, 15% Stay, 4% carcass weight, 2% ribeye area and 15% shear.
This full brother to the $16,000 Drake Sale topper excels at calving ease (top 15% CE and top 15% birthweight) while remaining in the top 20% for average daily gain. You can keep his daughters as he is in the top 10% for maternal caving ease and Stay and top 15% docility. Top Cut is also in the top 2% for Ribeye Area and 15% for shear with a 144 All Purpose Index.
A full brother to lot 18 with more calving ease (top 10%), and low birthweight (top 5%), while maintaining outstanding maternal calving ease (top 4%), Stay (top 1%!), and milk (top 30%). 024J also excels in carcass traits with carcass weight in the top 25%, yield grade in the top 10%, ribeye area in the top 1% and shear in the top 4%! This results in a top 4% All Purpose Index (173) and top 15% Terminal Index (91).
Beast is sired by perhaps the most proven bull in the Simmental breed in Beacon and is out of the same donor cow as our top selling $16,000 bull from our January spring bull sale. Beast is bred to excel in all traits. Top 20% calving ease and weaning weight, 30% yearling weight, 10% maternal calving ease, 20% maternal weaning weight, 15% Stay (his heifers will stay in the herd long term), 25% yield grade, 1% ribeye area, 35% marbling and 4% shear. As would be expected – Beast is in the top 10% All Purpose Index (166!) and 10% Terminal Index (94). Predictable excellence.
Man 29j
River Man combines the power and maternal traits of the $20,000 “Bea” donor with the calving ease, maternal traits and good looks of the $20,500 TJ Platte River. The result is a big, stout breeding bull in the top 1/3 of the breed for weaning and yearling weight, while being in the top 3% for milk, 10% for maternal weaning weight, 20% docility, 15% marbling, 2% shear (tenderness) and top 20% Terminal Index.
TJ Miss 29B (“Bea”) is our $20,000 donor cow that combines outstanding femininity with excellent body mass. Bea is very strong in maternal traits and displays outstanding fertility-producing over 100 embryos in two flushes in 2019! We have maintained many Bea females in our herd and she consistently produces outstanding bulls. Dam of Lots 20-22.
204J presents solid calving ease, outstanding maternal and carcass traits and good growth – all from a bull with a 66 pound birth weight. Top 30% calving ease and gain, top 15% maternal calving ease, 3% milk, 10% maternal weaning weight, 15% yield grade, 25% marbling, 2% ribeye area, 4% shear, 25% All Purpose Index and 20% Terminal Index.
Out of the $20,000 donor, TJ Miss 29B and sired by the highly proven Hook’s Beacon, 203J’s EPD profile reflects a bull strong in growth (top 30% growth EPD), outstanding maternal traits (top 3% milk 20% maternal calving ease, and 10% maternal weaning weight) and carcass traits (top 15% marbling, 2% ribeye area, 20% yield grade, and 4% shear (tenderness). His All Purpose Index is a 154 (top 20%) and his Terminal Index is 92 (top 10%).
We selected Ginger from Hooks Farms/Bred for Balance Fab Five in 2020 for $8,000. This Eagle daughter, like all Eagle daughters, is a big bodied, good milking and sweet fronted bull producer. Dam of Lots 23 and 24.
Sired by the maternal TJ Platte River and out of an $8,000 Eagle daughter from the famed Hook Farms. Excellent set of balanced EPDs, in the top 25% of the breed for weaning weight, 20% maternal weaning weight, 15% Stay, 1% docility, 4% marbling, 3% sheer (tenderness), 5% All Purpose Index and 10% Terminal Index. Bred for broad based excellence.
Another River son from our Ginger donor, 01J impresses with a top 10% All Purpose Index (162) and top 10% Terminal Index (93) as a result of EPDs in the top 35% for calving ease, 20% birth weight, 3% docility, 3% marbling, and 3% shear. A solid breeding bull with a great disposition.
An Enhance son out of the $20,000 RB Lady Comanchero – she is also the dam of the $40,000 RB Lady Blaster. Enhanced Man presents with a strong set of balanced EPDs with calving ease and yearling in the top 35%. Average daily gain into the 25%, top 15% scrotal, 10% milk, 15% marbling, 30% ribeye area, 10% $ G, 20% $ B and $ W of 25% $ C.
Lady is our first Angus donor, purchased from Riley Brothers for $20,000 in 2019. Lady consistently passes on her outstanding maternal traits and the power for which Riley breeding is known. Dam of Lots 25 and 26.
Another Enhance son by the $20,000 Lady Comanchero with a strong set of balanced EPDs-top 35% weaning, yearling and gain, 20% scrotal, 10% heifer pregnancy, 20% maternal calving ease, 5% marbling, 25% $M, 5% $G, 20% $B and 15% $C.