The team at Elders Biloela are pleased to offer a broad range of products and services to support your agricultural needs. Contact us today.
Branch Manager
Jaimi Wilkie
P. 0409 540 773
Stud Stock
Randall Spann
P. 0429 700 332
Territory Sales Manager
Simon Clark
P 0428 498 411
Rural Bank
Kate McLaren
P 0428 217 959
Agronomist Gavin Lotz
P 0419 618 890
P. 07 4923 7394
Real Estate
P. 07 4838 9017
Elders Biloela 50 Dawson Hwy P. 07 4993 8100
E. dg biloela@elders.com.au
Hello and welcome to our 9th Annual Sale and thank you once again for taking the time to read our catalogue and for considering the Cree Stud for the purchase of your next sire/s.
We have been very fortunate again this year having benefited from another very good season, and our country coming into Winter has a good body of feed for the second year in a row. We used the opportunity to spell our grass country for a few months prior to weaning and moved the cow and calf units into the leucaena paddocks to maximise its production in an effort to control overgrowth. When the cows were finished, we introduced a forestry mulcher to regenerate the stands to a more manageable level.
The trifecta of cattle prices, interest rates and seasons that have been experienced, and enjoyed, over the last few years appear to be over. Cattle prices and interest rates are both facing over correction as we head into what looks like a contractionary phase in the economy.
Fortunately, Santa Gertrudis remains as a very viable option maintaining flexibility and market suitability across such a wide range of markets. At 38% bos indicus content, Santa Gertrudis retains the maximum content for adaptability whilst maintaining access to all market options. Whether it be long or short fed feedlot preparations for Export, EU, Woolworths or Coles, or grass fed finishing off pasture, or the sale of feeder steers and heifers. A truly versatile option in a time of market uncertainty and increasing input costs.
With the ever-increasing price of input costs, it is crucial to ensure any expenditure realises a positive gain within your agribusiness.
Essentially there are two ways to achieve this in a beef breeding operation. Genetic change and management change. Increasing profitability through management practices invariably comes with raised input costs. Buying bulls, whilst a necessary yearly management cost, can be capitalised on by careful bull selection using “quantified performance through validated genetics”.
By that, I mean quantified, meaningful performance claims, backed by years of data collection and recording, and validated through DNA parentage and genomic evaluation.
It is for that reason the last 23 years have seen us build up a dedicated breeding program for fertility, docility, balance, and moderation. It has been our objective to mitigate risk by producing genetics capable of lifting performance across the range of profit driving traits simultaneously, namely growth, fertility, and carcass without compromising other equally important phenotypic attributes.
Our focussed genetic selection, comprehensive measuring, and complimentary joining program over that same 23-year period has progressed our herd to where we are now seeing “predicted positive performance” in animals across multiple, sometimes contradictory, traits.
Our drive in the pursuit of this goal has seen our herd achieve the highest “5 star” rating with BREEDPLAN, which is awarded for quantity and quality of trait information submitted for analysis.
Outside of these performance obligations are the management pressures we apply to our breeding females to develop an efficient reproductive herd. Yearling heifers are joined at 12 to 15 months of age, for period of 60 days. Only those that get pregnant, have their calf, and rebreed the following season, are presented for classification and graduate into the main herd. The main breeder herd is joined for a 90-day period.
The early puberty and subsequent fertility traits are evident in quite a number of the bulls on offer this year. This year we have catalogued 84 bulls with many demonstrating this comprehensive balance of performance indicators. Whether it is more growth, more muscle, more fat, more calves, lighter calves or early puberty, a combination can be found to enhance your breeding objective.
The average Cree sale bull this year is in the top 10% of the breed for puberty, top 15% for 600-Day growth, and top 30% for days to calving and EMA, which results in an average Export Index in the top 15% of the breed at $34.
The King and Ferrero legacy through Northerly, Normandy and Nemesis are strongly represented again this year and appear in over half the pedigrees in one form or another, often combining in some of the stronger performing animals.
Nacho, Ponga, Papalii and Jackaroo are also ably represented, as are the first sons of Quicksilver and Quickdraw.
The catalogue again features the EBV bar graph for simplified analysis of each bull’s performance. This information is provided to assist in your selection processes for the most suitable genetic package for your business, and mitigates some of the risk in selecting for single trait gain.
We welcome once again our settling agents Kellco Rural Agencies, and Elders Biloela.
Inspections are welcome at any time, so please contact us or the above agents if you require any further information or assistance.
We are available to assist you in the selection of suitable bulls for purpose, be that heifer joining, docility, carcase, or any other stipulations or parameters you may have.
We look forward to catching up with you on sale day or before.
Kind Regards,
Shaun & Jo McGuiganIn 2018, Jo, Jed and I travelled to the United Kingdom for a pilgrimage back to the roots of the Cree name.
We started by visiting the Cree Lodge Racing Stables on Craigie Road behind the Ayr Racecourse in Southern Scotland. The Ayr Racecourse is the premier racetrack in Scotland and is home to the Scottish Grand National and the Ayr Gold Cup. Unfortunately, we were about three weeks early for the Grand National.
The restored house was still there, but the stables, converted for housing, were replaced with multi-level residences and renamed Cree Lodge Court. It was the home of my Great Grandfathers cousin, John McGuigan, in the early 1900s.
When my Great Grandfather emigrated to Australia circa 1890, they settled at Coffs Harbour and named their first place “Creeside.” The name has been a part of the McGuigan cattle and country scene in Australia.
My grandfather’s dairy farm at Westbrook, Toowoomba, was named “Cree Farm,” my grandmother’s house in Toowoomba was simply “Cree”, and my parents called one of their properties on the Lawgi plateau “Cree Vista.”
Cree comes from the river Cree, which travels from Loch Moan through Newton Stewart below the Galloway Hills and enters the Solway Firth at Creetown. We stayed at the Creebridge House Hotel and drank at the Cree Inn to round the trip.
Shaun & Jo feel very privileged to display brands on the Cree Pub wall. These brands provide a historical record of the properties where the Cree sires have gone to.
If your brand isn't displayed and you would like to be a part of the history at Cree, please bring your branded board with you to the sale.
Branding boards will also be available on sale day if you haven't received one.
1930 John Richard (Dick) McGuigan ran Hereford cattle on predominately open forest country at “Kooyong” Monto in the North Burnett. In the early 1940s, they purchased a line of Hereford cows from the Hutchinson family of “Woolton Station”, Theodore, who sold a line of stud bulls yearly alongside their commercial operation.
C.1943 These were the foundation breeders and a line of stud cows and heifers purchased from Ernie Zillman from the Old Rawbelle Poll Hereford Stud Eidsvold. Stud bulls were also sourced from the Brisbane Exhibition stud sales.
1952 Tom Pownall (Dick’s brotherin-law) purchased a Santa Gertrudis bull from “Risdon” Warwick at the first Santa Gertrudis sale and began crossbreeding with Herefords.
1956 William John McGuigan (John) joined the partnership and saw the benefits of the crossbred Santa Gertrudis/Hereford provided for his Uncles Tom and Geoff Pownall.
1967 John & Merriel purchased 2 Santa Gertrudis bulls from Eidsvold Station and 9 used Gyranda bulls from Geoff Pownall. A limited number of purebred bulls were available due to the grading-up time frame, demand, and the imports’ closing. Three Brahman bulls were also obtained to review the remaining purebred Herefords to speed up adaptability.
1963 John’s brother Bruce travelled to New Zealand to meet his future wife, Jan Thompson.
1970 Bruce learnt the art of pregnancy testing from his brotherin-law, a vet. Pregnancy Testing was introduced into the “Kooyong” herd and continues today at Cree 50+ years later.
1992 Shaun & Jo joined the partnership and began the gradingup program selecting the best quality cows from 1000 commercial “Kooyong” females founding the “Cree” stud herd.
1999 Began performance recording (BREEDPLAN) with ABRI. *Mothering up and assigning sires began.
2000 Cree stud was registered with the classification of the first 3x females. Cree joined Group Breedplan, measuring the herds, growth, fertility and carcass traits.
2012 Introduced Farm Biosecurity.
2020 4 ½ star rating for Completeness of Recording.
2021 Tissue samples collected from Sale bulls and sires for Geonomics and testing for Pompes and Pestivirus.
2022 Shortened the seasonal joining to 12 weeks for breeders and 60 days for yearling heifers.
2023 5 star rating for Completeness of Performance recording.
Cree bulls are from a herd that is accurately recorded and publicised.
Agent Rebate
A 2% rebate is offered to outside agents introducing approved buyers in writing 48 hours prior to the sale.
*Conditions apply
Please send introductions for approval to Shaun & Jo via e-mail at creesantas@bigpond.com
Supplementary Sheets
Supplementary sheets will be available the week before sale, with actual weights, EMA/Fat scans, scrotal sizes and morphology results.
Health & Vaccine Management
: 2 x 7 in1 as calves
: 3 germ blood (weaning)
: Botulism (3 year)
: 2 x 3 Day sickness as weaners
Pre-Sale Booster
: 3 Day : 2 x Pestiguard and tested negative to Pesti Virus
: 2 x Vibrio
: Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) which complies with Immune Ready Guidelines, providing an additional layer of security.
Crush side semen test and sample for morphology has been conducted by Ced Wise.
Morphology analysis done by Tim North, Rocky Repro.
An Australian Cattle Vets (AACV) certificate will be supplied with each purchase by Ced Wise.
All bulls were scanned by David Reid at 600-Days and submitted to BREEDPLAN for recording.
All lots will be scanned again prior to sale and actual sale weight/scan/ scrotal measurement will be provided on supplementary sheets available the week before the sale.
Daily gains will be calculated from the stockbook software.
Genomically enhanced EBV’s. All sale bulls have been tested for Horn/Poll and DNA sire verification, tested negative to BVDV (Pesti virus) and Pompes E7 Free.
Morning/afternoon tea and lunch will be available on sale day.
Ring Side coffee stall proceeds will be donated to Biloela Carols by Candlelight.
Canteen/Pub proceeds will be donated to Capricorn Rescue Helicopter.
We are always available for you to inspect the sale draft prior to Monday, 4th September 2023 and can be contacted by phone or email for any inquiries.
Delivery will be available from ‘Kiah’ on sale day. After the sale, free delivery can be arranged to the following destinations: Emerald, Goomeri, Roma, Clermont, Charters Towers, Rockhampton, and all points in between.
All care taken but no responsibility held. We recommend insurance, representatives will be present at the sale.
Our service goes beyond sale day. We do everything possible to make sure our bulls are fit and healthy.
We are interested in what you are wanting to achieve in your breeding program. Please keep in touch.
All persons who attend the sale do at their own risk and the vendors assume no liability or responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any accident or injury which may occur.
In accordance with OH&S protocol, visitors are asked to observe and adhere to all signage.
e. admin@raintreemotelbiloela.com.au www.raintreemotelbiloela.com.au
Thangool Airport is 27km from ‘Kiah’ Pick up and drop off is available. Please call for assistance.
Cree consists of 1000 head with 400 Stud females grazing at “Kiah”, “ Blue Haven”, and “Westrock” in the Lawgi Dawes area near Thangool. Family owned and managed by Shaun & Jo McGuigan with assistance from their two sons, Jake and Jed, at “The Meadows and “4 Winds” in the Jambin/Biloela area.
Jake, his wife Kathleen, and our grandchildren Malia and Weston live at "The Meadows" near Jambin, overseeing and share farming the irrigation, hay growing, and fattening country.
Jed, a qualified Commercial Heavy Vehicle Mechanic and Auto Electrician, lives with his partner Tayla and our grandchildren Jarel and Olah live at “Four Winds”, an additional alluvial black soil fattening/farming and irrigation
block at Jambin where Jed also owns and operates McGuigan & Co, a local transport business for stock, hay and general freight.
We take pride in the management process, which shows in our 5 star rating, for performance recording with BREEDPLAN. We have been objectively recording for over 20+ years. All information is recorded via live entry at the cattle yards on Stock book
software to promote accuracy and efficiency and eliminate errors due to double handling. This is particularly important with collecting TSU samples for DNA and Genomics applications. The stud is managed with a commercially orientated focus, breeding functional and sound cattle that can rear a calf with good weaner weights, re-breed each year, and do this regardless of season and environment.
Cree’s management process begins in November, with seasonal joining allowing us to pressure our females.
The Cree sires are joined to aged cows from 10th November to 14th February, allowing all females to finish calving by 1st December each year.
Yearling heifers are joined for 60 days from late December to early February. They range from 12–15 months at
joining, and this practice identifies early pubertal genetics. We have exercised ovarian scanning before joining in the past but found the presence of a Corpus Luteum in all except one heifer. With that information, we let nature make the selection.
The heifers that are multiple joined calve out in September and October. The calves are recorded the day they are born and weighed, ear tagged, and a TSU is taken to be sent away for sire DNA verification. The following year
they are presented for classification if positively rebred with a weaner at foot. These dams are now in line with the rest of the breeding herd.
This system provides early puberty with ease of calving, milking, and mothering ability and, most importantly, eliminates the likelihood of covert genetic occurrences such as lactation anoestrus. All calves are recorded at birth, and a branding, tagging and vaccination round is completed before Christmas.
400-Day Weights are completed, Scrotal Circumference and Flight Time information is collected for the whole cohort of yearling bulls and sent to ABRI for analyses.
We select potential sale bulls and draft off to have TSU samples taken and sent away for DNA analysis, (BVDV) Pestivirus, Pompes, Horn/ Poll, Parentage and Parentage and 50 K SNP for Genomics. These carefully selected bulls are returned to grass
and leucaena pastures at “Kiah”. The undesirables are castrated and trucked to “The Meadows” to fatten on leucaena and grass.
The second and final round of calf branding and 2nd Vaccinations are administered with an NLIS tag.
February is the end of the Cree mating season, so all sires are taken out from all females and spelled in grass pastures until their annual Semen Morphology test in the following June.
Weaning is either April or May, depending on the season and available feed. All breeding females are weighed (Mature Cow Weight) with the calf-at-foot (200-Day Weight) on the same day and then weaned. Cows will also be pregnancy tested, and any positives are bang-tailed, with any failures ring-tailed and trucked to “The Meadows” for fattening.
Yearling heifers are weighed for 600Day Weights, pregnancy tested and scanned for the Carcass traits being EMA, Rib, Rump and IMF. Again, any empties are trucked to fatten at “The Meadows”.
Managing disease is a priority; therefore, seasonal joining and vaccinating for 7:1, Pestivirus and Vibrio is necessary. At pregnancy testing, a yearly booster of 7:1 and Pesti is administered to all breeding females. One paddock is mustered each day during weaning time. We yard them and muster another paddock to test and weigh - saving costs on feeding weaners in the yards and
providing handling and training. As each paddock is yarded, we graze the weaners out from the day before in laneways and small holding paddocks while the new mob is processed through the yards. The calves from the first paddock weaned have been let out and yarded 7 or 8 times by the end of the weaning process, and most of the handling is complete.
After weaning, all calves are drenched, with potential breeding heifers vaccinated for Vibrio and Pestivirus and turned out to grow on grass pastures.
During April/May, all the potential sale Bulls are drafted and identified as Auction sale bulls, drafted into smaller mobs, and moved into closer grass and leucaena paddocks for sale preparation. 600-Day Weight and scans for the Carcass traits being EMA, Rib, Rump, and IMF measured by David Reid (Accredited scanner).
With three months to go until Cree Bull Sale, all eligible bulls are presented for classification. The paddock bulls graze on leucaena and grass and are also now available for sale anytime. The sale team includes private sale bulls, and the Cree sires are semen tested (% norm sperm).
Ced Wise, Artificial Breeding Services is an Australian Accredited Vet. Ced examines all bulls internally, measuring the scrotal circumference and then taking a crush side semen sample and measuring motility. A semen sample is taken back to the laboratory at Rocky Repro for a morphology
test to count % normal sperm and to identify any defects.
An AACV certificate is processed on each bull and sent with all Cree bulls to the successful purchaser when delivered after the sale.
The bulls are also vaccinated on this day with a yearly booster for 3 Day, Vibrio, Pestivirus and IBR (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis) which complies with Immune Ready Guidelines, providing an additional layer of security.
We believe the leucaena environment in which the bulls are raised prepares them for the harsher environment they will encounter after the sale. Like brigalow and mulga-type country, the leucaena has a harsh stick base that tests the animal’s soundness regarding eyes, sheathes, testicles and feet.
The bulls are supplementary fed on a high roughage diet consisting of hay we grow ourselves, usually wheat, oats, barley, and millet. Our preparations are always at most 30% grain composition and are fed daily. We add pro-biotics and all essential trace elements for a healthy rumen.
The benefits of this are two-fold. Bulls still must forage in their paddocks, and because of the high roughage and low grain in the diet, their rumen maintains healthy bacteria able to turn grass into energy. This practice negates any letdown period after purchase and ensures their future soundness, physically and reproductively. Secondly, it allows us to control growth rates and present bulls in what we believe to be an optimum
working condition at around 1kg per day life gain.
Our goal at Cree is to provide future sires to stud and commercial operations that can simultaneously offer positive genetic gain across the range of profit-driving traits.
All bulls are sold with Quality Assurance, an AACV certificate with the complete breakdown of Morphology results and a health declaration.
We offer after-sale service, and delivery can be arranged. Sale Day Weights/ Carcass traits: EMA, Rump, Rib, and IMF scans are completed by David Reid.
Cree offers a sale catalogue online and a paper copy with transparent information on each animal. A supplementary sheet with Raw Data: Birth date, Fat scan: EMA, Rib, Rump, IMF, scrotal size, and % Norm Sperm is available one week before the sale. These bulls are offered for sale at the start of September on-property at “Kiah" Thangool.
Most calves are born in September, October and November, and it is a priority to get accurate birth dates; therefore, breeding cows are checked regularly.
Twice daily, the yearling heifers are checked to weigh their calves within hours of being born.
We hope this gives you an insight into the management at Cree, and we look forward to seeing you at our 9th on-property sale Monday, 4th September.
Here at Cree Pastoral, we utilize the benefits of BREEDPLAN to identify and multiply the occurrence of high-performance animals.
Many of these traits are impossible to identify by “eye” and are hard to measure. Often these important profit driving traits are negatively correlated to the popular selection criteria utilized by purchasers using raw data. It is important to understand that raw data is only the objective measurement of that animal and cannot be compared to animals even run in the same mob unless they are of the same age and have had the same opportunity whole of life.
BREEDPLAN on the other hand takes that raw data and adjusts for age and the heritability of each trait, allowing for accurate comparisons between animals of different ages and preparations. EBV's denote the genetic potential irrespective of environment.
BREEDPLAN is the only "quantifiable" way to measure genetic progress. With the necessary obligations of acquiring 200-, 400- and 600-Day weights along with measuring EMA's, Rib and Rump
fat depths, IMF scans, scrotal sizes and recording days to calving EBV's and flight time, BREEDPLAN allows us to keep our finger on the pulse of our herds performance.
The collection of this data is objective, real performance and cannot be denied "in herd". We believe this to be the most effective way of monitoring our herd's performance and direction. The BREEDPLAN analysis is then the platform to measure our herd in comparison to the Santa Gertrudis breed.
With careful selection and complimentary joining’s, we are creating animals that have across the board positive contributions to the major profit driving traits, namely growth, fertility, and carcass.
Our end goal is producing animals that are above breed average across all their recorded traits and currently the Cree herd has a 5 star rating for Completeness of Performance Recording which we believe is the highest rating for a Santa Gertrudis herd in Australia.
We’ll safeguard your future.
The EBV’s contained within this catalogue can be validly compared with other Santa Gertrudis GROUP BREEDPLAN EBV’s. These EBV’s can not be used to compare animals of another breed.
Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s)
An animal’s breeding value is its genetic merit, half of which will be passed on to its progeny. While we will never know the exact breeding value, for performance traits it is possible to make good estimates. These are called Estimated Breeding Values (EBV’s).
The EBV is therefore the best estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for that trait. EBV’s are expressed as the difference between an individual animal’s genetics and the genetic base to which the animal is compared.
Gestation Length: The GL EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBV’s indicate shorter gestation length and generally easier calving.
Birth Weight: The Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth occurring. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.
Scrotal Size: The SS EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and quantity. Scrotal circumference measurements are taken between 300 and 700 days and adjusted to 400 days of age. Higher (positive) EBV’s indicate higher fertility. SS is also positively associated with female fertility.
Day to Calving: The DTC EBV (days) is an indicator of female fertility based on the time between a cows first exposure to a bull and when she subsequently calved. Cows that calve late in the season or fail to calve are penalised. Lower (negative) EBV’s are preferred indicating shorter days to calving for the sires daughters.
Milk: 200-Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal’s milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves.
200 Day Growth: The 200-Day EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early ages.
400 Day Weight: The 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight.
600 Day Weight: The 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.
Mature Cow Weight: The Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of age. Lower or more moderate EBV’s are generally more favourable.
Carcase Weight: The Carcase Weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standard age of 650 days.
Eye Muscle Area: The EMA EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area at the 12/13th rib site of a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBV’s indicate better muscling.
Rib Fat: The Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the 12/13th rib in a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBV’s indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity.
Rump Fat: The Rump Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the P8 site of a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBV’s indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity.
Retail Beef Yield Percent: The RBY% EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 300kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300kg carcase size.
Intramuscular Fat Percent: The IMF% EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the percentage of intramuscular fat at the 12/13th rib site in a 300kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more positive values are generally more favourable.
An accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy, the lower the likelihood of change in the animal’s EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or its relatives.
< 50% The EBV’s are preliminary. EBV’s in this range will have been calculated based on very little information. These EBV’s could change substantially as more direct performance information becomes available on the animal.
50 - 74% The EBV’s are of medium accuracy. EBV’s in this range will usually have been calculated based on the animal’s own performance and some limited pedigree information.
75 – 90% The EBV’s are of mediumhigh accuracy. EBV’s in this range will usually have been calculated based on the animal’s own performance coupled with the performance for a small number of the animal’s progeny.
90% > The EBV’s are a high accuracy estimate of the animal’s true breeding value. It is unlikely that EBV’s will change considerably with addition of more progeny data.
Although the accuracy of an EBV should be considered, animals should be compared on EBV’s regardless of accuracy. Where two animals have the same EBV however, the animal with the higher accuracy would normally be used more heavily than the bull with the lower accuracy because the results can be predicted with more confidence.
The Selection Index value for an animal is effectively an EBV of the animal’s profitability for a defined commercial production system and market end-point. Ranking bulls on their Selection Index value sorts them based on their progeny’s expected differences in profitability for the targeted production system.
As a guide to using Selection Indexes, it is recommended that producers complete the following steps:
(i) Identify the Selection Index of most relevance to your production system
(ii) Rank animals on the Selection Index
(iii) Consider the individual EBV’s of importance
(iv) Consider other traits of importance that may not be accounted for in the selection index (eg. temperament, structural soundness)
There are currently two different selection indexes calculated for Santa Gertrudis association animals. Each Selection Index describes a specific production system and market scenario as described below:
Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example self-replacing commercial herd (run in a temperate environment) producing steers for the domestic trade. This Index assumes that the steer progeny are pasture grown and finished and marketed at 500 kg live weight (280 kg HSCW and 12 mm P8 fat depth) at 16 months of age. Daughters are retained for breeding.
Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial herd (run in a sub-tropical environment) producing steers for the export trade. This Index assumes that the steer progeny are pasture grown and finished and are marketed at 620 kg live weight (340 kg HSCW and 15 mm P8 fat depth) at 28 months of age. Daughters are retained for breeding.
All selection indexes are reported as an EBV, in units of relative earning capacity ($) for a given production/market scenario. They reflect both the short term profit generated by a sire through the sale of his progeny, and the longer term profit generated by retaining their daughters.
The Santa GROUP BREEDPLAN Estimated Breeding Values contained in this Sale Catalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) from data supplied by the breeder. Neither Santa Gertrudis Association nor the ABRI oversee or audit the collection of the data.
The Cree herd consistently records a Completeness of Performance rating of 5 STARS since 2022. BREEDPLAN
The “Completeness of Performance” herd rating system assesses the quantity of pedigree and performance information that has been submitted to BREEDPLAN by an individual seed stock herd.
1 to 5 star rating scale is calculated based on the proportion of calves and numbers of performance traits recorded.
Northerly is a polled son of King out of an aged cow that has reared 9 calves. Selected primarily for his outstanding phenotype and temperament he established himself as a prominent sire with his first drop of calves. He is a long bodied, deep, and heavy bull that weighed in at 1200kg before joining this year. With an ideal sheath, large testicles, and breed leading growth and carcass data he is a highly regarded sire in our herd. Again, high growth, with high milk, heavy muscle, early puberty, and while not as high as some of our sires, still above average for female fertility traits. This has resulted in him being a trait leader for 200-400-600-Day Growth, Scrotal size, and Carcase Weight. To date 16 sons have sold at auction to average $19,200 and top at $40,000 for Northerly R222 (PP), selling to Pat and Stuart Leahy, Monto, and $32,500 for Northerly S104 (PP) that sold to Geoff & Meg Becker, Moura.
Represented by lots:
79 and 82.
Ponga is an A.I product by Cree Leroy L192(P). We retained semen in Leroy when he sold to the Dillon Family, Surbiton Station, Alpha for $40,000 at the 2016 sale.
Short gestation, low Birth Weight, high Growth, early Puberty, high EMA, RBY and quiet, all in the 1 package. He is also a trait leader for Scrotal size.
Because of his gestation and birth attributes Ponga has been used exclusively over yearlings up until this season. As he has matured into a 1160 kg bull, he has had to be joined to older females this year.
Last year, his first 8 sons sold at the sale to average $17,000 topping at $26,000 for Ponga S012 (PP) selling to Troy and Lisa Jensen’s Kenwar Stud at Biloela.
Represented by lots: 17, 19, 33, 35, 42, 45, 47, 53, 68, 70, 72 and 76.
Normandy is also a polled son of King from a female that raised 7 calves. He is more of an efficient type in frame but maintains thickness and muscle with an excellent sheath, large stones and quiet temperament. He is a trait leader for Scrotal size and Days to Calving and offers potential for dynamic change in female fertility without compromising growth and carcass.
To date 16 of his sons have sold to average $15,500 topping at $22,000 twice, for Normandy R108 (P) and Normandy R276 (P), selling to the Strathmore Stud, Blackall, and Mark Wilson, Banana Station respectively.
Represented by lots: 2, 5, 8, 29, 41, 49, 61 and 84.
Another polled son of King and this time from a Ferrero cow. As you would expect from combining 2 of the breeds leading performance sires his predictions are powerful.
A trait leader for 600-Day Growth, Scrotal Size and Carcase Weight. Again, a sire capable of pushing Growth and Fertility simultaneously.
7 of Nemesis’s sons have sold via auction, to average $16000 with a top of $28,000 for Nemesis R050 (P) who sold to the Gyranda Stud.
Represented by lots: 11, 24, 38 and 50.
Papalii is a product of one of our IVF programs by Warenda D696 (P), once again from a Ferrero cow. He is moderate framed with length and thickness, dark coated poll bull with a ton of breed character and prepotency that has seen him produce 17 bulls for this sale.
He has desirable Growth predictions with small calves, then attaining high Growth through 600-Day and Mature Cow, with early Puberty, high Carcase Weight and RBY.
While his performance is not as consistent across the traits as some of our other sires, he brings an outside sire line, structural soundness, and faultless temperament, so used in the right circumstance we feel he has plenty to offer.
Last year, his first 7 sons sold through the ring to average $18,400, with a top of $35,000 for Papalii S168 (PP) selling to Russel and Sheryl Purvis, Waterford Grazing, Capella.
Represented by lots: 7, 9, 28, 30, 31, 39, 43, 46, 51, 54, 64, 65, 66, 71, 74, 75 and 80.
Nacho is a more efficient style of bull from a fertile Rosevale line, in that both Grand Dams have had 10 or more calves. He has interesting performance data with very low birth weights, then expresses high early growth to 400-Day with lighter Mat Cow weights, early Puberty, high Days to Calving and High EMA.
He has bred a consistent line of cattle and appears a very useful addition to our sire battery. To date 15 of his sons have sold to average $14,100 topping at $47,500 for Nacho S128(PP) that sold to Bruce Russell and family’s Grassbrook Pty Ltd. NSW.
Represented by lots: 14, 40, 48, 52, 57, 58 and 73.
Jackaroo was purchased at the 2018 Rosevale sale for use as a yearling heifer bull and has been used exclusively for that up until this season, as maturity and good seasons have seen him become too heavy for the role.
He is a very eye appealing bull as most Jackaroo’s are and has an ideal Growth pattern with smaller Birth Weight then rapid Growth through to 600-Day, tapering off at Mature Cow.
Early Puberty is a feature as are the high Fats which is Jackaroo’s trademark. Last year his first 5 sons sold through the ring to average $16,400, with a top of $22,000 for Jackaroo S004 (PP) to Donald Joyce, Taroom.
Represented by lots: 27, 32, 34, 55, 56, 67, 77 and 78.
Quicksilver was purchased at the 2020 Rosevale sale for the top price of $50,000. He has a ton of sire appeal and performance that is hard to fault. A trait leader for 200-400 and 600-Day Growth, Carcase Weight, and EMA. Added to this is early Puberty and high fats providing a bull capable of making rapid genetic change across multiple traits at once. He has established himself as a sire of the future with this draft, his first crop of calves to be offered for sale.
Represented by lots: 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 37, 59, 63, 69 and 81.
Quickdraw was purchased at the 2020 Gyranda sale. He offers average Growth, early puberty, high Fertility and Fats, particularly IMF, in a dark coated homozygous package that also offers outcross genetics. Again, a bull capable of making genetic advances across multiple traits simultaneously.
This is his first drop of calves to be offered for sale.
Represented by lots: 25, 26 and 83.
2 3 4 5 6
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Revelation was purchased at the Rosevale sale last year, and like the 2 bulls before him, he has the same ability to affect rapid change simultaneously. While he doesn’t deliver the same Growth as some of the other sires, he makes up for it with Fertility and Carcase attributes. He was used over yearling heifers in his first season and once the birth data was processed, it became evident he was not suited to that application.
R300 was purchased at the 2021 Yarrawonga sale.
He offers outcross genetics in a dark smooth coated homozygous package.
While it will take some time for his performance predictions to come through, his first crop of calves look promising.
Squire was purchased for the top price of $60,000 at last years Strathmore Sale.
He offers outcross genetics in a polled, quiet, phenotypic, structurally sound package. He performed well in his first season attaining a high pregnancy rate on first calf heifers, and we look forward to see how they compare in the herd next year.
Scoobie Doo was purchased at last years Rosevale sale, and at this point in time covers all our objective criteria in a sire. A very well-balanced set of performance predictions with low Birth, above average Growth, exceptional Fertility and Puberty traits with very good fats and carcase attributes. Another bull that can effect change rapidly over multiple traits at once. He was joined to 98 yearling heifers aged from 12 to 15 months with Simo S160(PS), where they achieved a 75% pregnancy rate in 60 days.
Yarrawonga Sam S906(P) was purchased at the Yarrawonga Sale last year. He boasted even fats of 12mm and 12 mm 140 sq cm EMA, 5.1 IMF and 83% morphology.
He offers outcross genetics and is an eye appealing, tropical coated sire with sound structure and balance. A quiet natured poll bull that was used over first calf heifers this season. We look forward to comparing his calves when they arrive next season.
Simo S160 (PS) was retained from last years sale bulls as the highest Export Index bull we bred for the year.
The King and Ferrero combination of Growth while maintaining Fertility is evident once again and provides plenty of options for the use of this bull. His high IMF is also a feature. He was joined to 98 yearling heifers aged from 12 to 15 months with Scoobie Doo (PS), where they achieved a 75% pregnancy rate in 60 days.
CREE G089(P)
Cree K225 has had 6 bull calves to date and is PTIC again this year. 3 bulls have sold to Marty Buhlmann, Mark Hetherington and Calliope Station, while her last is a top weaner bull also by Northerly.
Cree F103 had 6 calves including a heifer that sold to Kim McNamara, a bull that sold to Maurie McKay at the Daintree and 4 retained heifers.
Northerly T150(P) was not eligible for classification but we think him a worthy lot 1 bull. Combining 2 of the breeds leading performance sires in King and Ferrero, he displays the growth, carcase and EMA qualities you would expect, along with early puberty, to produce the high $ indexes. With growth traits like this, it is not surprising he was lean at 600 days of age. Certainly a bull capable of driving growth while maintaining fertility levels.
CREE G139(P)
Acc 67 34 600D MCWt Milk
68 70 64 49
Cree J215(P) has produced 7 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. Of these, 3 heifers have sold for breeding to Tim Cresswell in Tasmania, Bud Quaid at The Daintree and Lisle Holdings, Stanwell. A private sale bull sold to Calliope Station, and her last is a top weaner heifer also by Normandy.
Normandy T114 is also a product of the King and Ferrero legacy and demonstrates the same qualities in his high growth predictions, and superior fertility traits. He combines the antagonistic traits of high growth and high fertility with average rib fat and positive IMF to deliver both production Indexes in the top 1%. A bull capable of effecting rapid gains in both growth and fertility traits simultaneously.
1.8 -10.8 2.6
44 82 0 SS DTC EMA
70 53 52 Rib 0.3 59 Rump RBY -0.6 1.0 58 47
IMF 0.3 59
Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $36.00 $54.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:411days No.Calves:7 -1.2 39 3.1 54 -0.10 53 22.0 58 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
Cree H007(P) is a top producer just being PTIC for the 10th time this season. 4 heifers have been retained and 2 bulls have sold to TVF Pastoral and Gary and Lyn Muller. Her last is also a heifer by Northerly.
Cree Z287 also produced 10 calves including bulls selling to Chapman Holdings, Emerald, Surbiton Station, Alpha, and Landsborough Santa Gertrudis Stud, Winton. 1 heifer sold to the Shannonbrook Stud and a further 4 were retained. Northerly T152(PP) epitomizes the Cree breeding objectives. With across-the-board performance he presents as a very useful tool for a multitude of options. More weight, early puberty, high fertility, positive fats, and muscle. Homozygous poll status being a bonus.
CREE G089(P)
CREE E079 (P)
Cree M059(P) has had 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first 2 heifers were sold for breeding to Bud Quaid and Matt Lisle, the next 2 were retained and are both PTIC this year, Northerly T134(PP) is offered here and her last is another full brother by also by Northerly.
Cree E079(P) calved first at 2 and had 9 calves with a 362-day interval. They included 4 sale bulls and 2 heifers sold for breeding, while a further 3 were retained. Northerly T134(PP) boasts breed leading growth traits with high milk and big EMA. Early puberty and average DTC means you can improve growth and carcase weight, and maintain your herd fertility. Both performance indexes are in the top 5%.
CREE G139(P)
Cree L105(P) has produced 6 calves in 7 years and is PTIC again this year. 2 bulls have sold to IPB Agriculture, Moura, and Reiser Pastoral, Eidsvold, while 1 heifer sold to Kim McNamara and 1 heifer was retained.
Cree G109 had 4 calves before being PTE and sold.
The King and Ferrero cross again in Normandy T120(PP) has produced a bull we probably should be retaining for ourselves. He has across the board balanced performance that is hard to find unless carefully selected for and created. Contradictory traits of high growth, high milk and high fertility plus big EMA and positive IMF resulting in some of the highest $ Indexes in the sale.
CREE G089(P)
N116 (P) Acc 67 31 600D MCWt Milk
68 70 64 50
Juanita J217(P) is one of our leading stud cows, her fertility record says it all. She has produced 8 bulls to date, 6 of which have sold to average $20,000 topping at $40,000 for Leroy L192(P) selling to Surbiton Station Alpha.
Another of her sons in Pancho P144(P) is an emerging sire for the Strathmore Stud where 6 of his sons sold last year to average $25000, topping at $57500.
Cree Y371 was one of the most influential cows we have used producing 19 calves both naturally and IVF, including 11 sale bulls and the retained sire in Director D130(P). Three daughters are still active in the herd and include the dams of lots 22 and 38 in this sale.
Northerly T126(PP) has high growth and milk predictions with early puberty and good fertility indications.
47 64 7 SS DTC EMA
71 53 54 Rib -1.2 61 Rump RBY -2.6 1.1 60 49
3.5 -4.2 1.4
IMF -0.2 61
DOB: 7/10/2021 SB #: CRE22MT126 Horn: PP Brand: T126 Months: 23 "S" BULL Dam Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $26.00 $40.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:358days No.Calves:9 -2.1 41 1.2 56 0.20 56 22.0 58 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
Cree Q199(P) has had 3 calves and was PTIC again this season. Her 1st heifer was retained and is also PTIC, her second is offered here and her last is another weaner bull by Papalii. Cree H167(P) produced 7 calves, with bulls selling to Surbiton Station, Alpha, Shane and Wendy Nay, Ubobo, and Sam Williams, Monto.
Papalii T076(PP) again epitomizes our breeding objectives, predicting balanced, above average performance, across the full spectrum of traits. High growths with lighter Mat cow weight, good fertility and high fat in a homozygous package.
Cree L097 has produced 7 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 heifer sold to Kim McNamara, and 2 bulls have sold to David Anderson, Westmar and Driscoll and Sons, Moura. G125(P) produced 4 calves, 3 being bulls, that sold to Waterford Grazing, TVF Pastoral and Charnwood Grazing. Normandy T116(P) also delivers performance right across the board, particularly growth, fertility and muscle, culminating in top 5% $Indexes. He provides the capability of improving profitability across multiple traits simultaneously.
Cree Q185 has had 3 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. Her first Ponga S028(P) sold to Dingle Cattle Co for $18000 at last year’s sale, Papalii T068 is offered here and her last is a weaner heifer also by Papalii.
Cree C245 was an exceptional old cow producing 12 calves with a 362-day calving interval. 4 bulls have sold at auction including the sire of Cree Leroy L192(P) in Jamaica J064(P) that sold to Geoff and Meg Becker.
A powerful horned bull with growths, puberty, muscle, carcase and $ Indexes all in the top 10%. Above average DTC means you can drive growth without compromising fertility.
Cree K087 has had 7 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 bull in Morocco R146(P) sold to Arm & Dagger for $17000, while 1 heifer in Cree P167(P) was retained and is currently PTIC as well. She is also dam of lot 41 this sale.
Generational fertility here as Cree Z257 produced 10 calves with a 363-day interval. Bulls have sold to Barry and Tanya Christensen and TVF Pastoral, while 3 heifers were retained. The first of the Quicksilver progeny to be offered, T192 predicts growth traits in the top of the breed. He does this whilst maintaining high fertility, puberty, and muscle. His $ Indexes are in the top 1%. He is well worth a look if you could use a horned bull to drive growth, muscle, and fertility simultaneously.
N240 (P)
CREE J245 (P)
Cree J011(P) has produced 7 live calves and a further 1 that died and wasn’t recorded. 2 bulls have sold at auction for $10,000 and $13000, to Irene Bishop and Waterford Grazing and 1 heifer sold to Matt Lisle for breeding. 2 heifers were also retained.
Cree G069(P) is PTIC again this year on her 12th calf with a 363-day interval. 3 bulls have sold to Hugh Button, Surbiton Station, and Calliope Station, while 5 heifers have been retained, 3 of which are still active in the herd.
Nemesis T100 is another King and Ferrero cross and has the dynamic performance predictions we have come to expect from this joining. 15 from a possible 18 traits above average with growth,fertility and carcase being the features. Export $ Index in the top 1%. A bull able to progress growth and fertility at the same time.
DOB: 29/10/2021
CREE G089(P)
NORTHERLY Acc 67 27 600D MCWt Milk
N116 (P) 68 70 64 48
Cree L063(P) has had 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first 4 were heifers, 3 of which were retained, with 1 still active in the herd. Another heifer sold for breeding to Kim McNamara. Northerly T130 is her first bull to be offered for sale and her last is another weaner bull also by Northerly.
Cree G071 produced 4 calves before being PTE and sold. 1 bull sold to David and Wendy Anderson, Westmar and 1 heifer was retained.
Northerly T130 is bred similarly to the bull before him and boasts an almost identical prediction. Higher puberty but slightly lower growths, DTC, and IMF, which results in a top 10% export Index. He also predicts a more moderate MAT cow weight.
42 43 4 SS DTC EMA
69 54 53 Rib -0.9 59 Rump RBY -2.2 1.3 58 47
2.0 -4.4 3.0
Dom ($) Exp ($) $27.00 $38.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:430days No.Calves:6 -0.7 38 2.8 54 0.18 51 17.0 58 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES CREE NORTHERLY T130
Cree M037(P) has also produced 6 calves in 6 years and is PTIC again this season. 1 bull has sold at auction for $20,000 to The Campbell Family at Mitchell and 1 heifer sold for breeding to Chris Jamieson at Childers.
Cree D133 had 9 calves including 2 sale bulls and 2 retained heifers both of which are still active in the herd and includes the Dam of lot 67 this sale.
Quicksilver T180(P) has been a standout for sire appeal since weaning. 15 of the 18 published traits are above breed average and all growth, scrotal, CWT and Dom $ Index are in the top 1%. The EMA, RBY and Export $ Index are not far behind being in the top 5%. This is a bull capable of effecting rapid change within a herd without compromise.
NACHO N382 (P)
Cree M063(P) is PTIC again this year and has had 5 recorded calves plus 1 that died prior to marking in 2020. Her first calf was retained as a sire in Ponga P006(P), and 1 subsequent bull sold to Joyce Cattle Co. 1 heifer sold to Landsborough Santa Gertrudis for breeding and her last is a weaner heifer by Quicksilver.
Cree G095 had 6 calves in 7 years with the most notable being Harley L154(P) that sold to the Dangarfield Stud for $19,000. Nacho T188(P) has a lovely balanced set of performance predictions with 15 of 17 recorded traits above the average. The birthweight EBV suggests his suitability for heifer joining’s and being by Nacho supports this. MAT cow weight declines from 600-day and positive fats and carcase data round out the graph. We have always found him to be quiet in nature despite the flight time EBV.
Cree M153(P) produced 6 calves before being PTE this year. 4 heifers have been retained, 3 of which are still active in the herd including the dam of lot 74 in this sale. This is her first bull to be offered for sale and her last is weaner bull also by Quicksilver,
Cree J021 had 6 calves in 6 tears before being PTE and sold as well. 2 of her bulls sold to Peter Creedon, Augathella, and Rod Murray, Stanwell.
Quicksilver T184(P) belies his performance in that he is thick and heavy, rather than big. He boasts 16 of 17 recorded traits above average with 8 being in the top 10 percentile band, namely all the growths, C.Wt, EMA, and both $ Indices. This is another bull capable of delivering rapid, simultaneous change within a herd.
Cree G001(P) has established herself as one of our leading cows. She has produced 11 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first bull to be offered sold to DAF for inclusion in the Northern Repronomics study, where he has acquitted himself well by producing the most natural calves in the first season, and having the heaviest average carcase wgt when they were sold. His heifer progeny was 4th earliest for puberty. 2 other bulls have sold to Surbiton Station and another to John and Sharon Cruickshank.
Generational fertility again as Cree Z37 had 8 calves with a 368-day interval.
Quicksilver T182(PP) offers a well-balanced performance graph with most traits trending to the right. A very safe homozygous option with the ability to lay down fats, a lighter MAT cow weight and healthy Indexes.
CREE M063(P)
Cree R073 has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. Ponga T040(P) is her first and her latest is a weaner heifer by Yarrawonga KG.
Cree P217 failed to rebreed on her 2nd joining and was sold. This is a bull we would recommend for heifer mating, being by Ponga, out of a maiden himself, and weighing 34kg at birth. A very useful bull with low birthweight, high growth, and high fertility traits.
Acc 66 25 600D MCWt Milk
61 62 55 38 56 SS DTC EMA
50 43 44 Rib -0.5 46 Rump RBY -1.0 0.9 46 36
1.9 -5.2 2.6
IMF 0.1 47 Age1stCalf:25mths DOB: 29/10/2021 SB #: CRE22MT040 Horn: PH Brand: T040 Months: 22 "S" BULL Dam Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $24.00 $37.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:393days No.Calves:2 -2.6 43 1.0 74 0.26 50 14.0 49 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
CREE G007(P)
(AI)(P) CREE P129 200D 400D EBV 22 Acc 64 23 600D MCWt Milk 65 67 61 46 40 39 4 SS DTC EMA 1.3 -11.2 3.5 67 50 51 Rib 3.1 58 Rump RBY 3.1 0.3 57 46
Quicksilver T176(P) offers an opportunity to effect change across a wide range of traits. It is hard to find this type of combination of contradictory traits all in one package.
1.High growth and muscle, with the ability to lay down fat, and
2. High milk alongside very high fertility.
IMF 0.5 58
Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $28.00 $47.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:356days No.Calves:4 0.0 42 3.5 50 0.00 51 14.0 55 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
Ponga T004 is the first calf of Cree R211. She died prior to weaning this year and her last, a weaner heifer by KG, had to fend for herself until weaning.
Cree F059(P) calved first at 2 yrs and had 10 calves with a 358-day interval. 2 bulls have sold at auction, being King N110 to Hugh Button and King Q194(P) that sold to Pat and Stuart Leahy.
This is another bull that should suit heifers. By Ponga, from a maiden himself, and with a birthweight of 31kg.
A true allrounder with 17 of the 18 recorded traits above breed average. He has ideal performance predictions with low birth weight, high growth, low MAT cow weight, high milk, high fertility, muscle, and the ability to lay down fat.
Cree L065(P) has produced 7 calves including twins this year. She is also the dam of retained sire Simmo S160(P), a heifer that sold to Matt Lisle and a heifer that has been retained.
Cree G003 had 4 calves before being PTE and sold including Gambler N132 that sold to Pini Grazing, Nebo.
Quicksilver T186 is the highest performing bull in the sale. Not many animals can match his extreme performance across so many traits. He is ranked in the top 1% for 8 traits, and within the top 10% for 3 more.
He provides an opportunity to effect positive change everywhere at once.
Cree J005(P) has had 8 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. 2 heifers have been retained, 1 of which is still active in the herd, and 1 bull sold to Waterford Grazing. Her last is a weaner heifer also by Northerly.
Cree G163 only produced the 1 calf before being PTE and sold. Northerly T148 combines high growth with very high fertility traits typical of all the king and Ferrero’s which generate the high $ indices. Average fats and high IMF make him an attractive genetic proposition.
CREE G089(P)
Jo Jo J249 (IVF)(P) is a full IVF sister to Juanita J217 (IVF)(P) the dam of lot 6 this sale. She is another of our leading cows with reproductive performance almost identical to her sister. Only 3 days separate their calving interval over 9 calves! Of her calves, 5 have sold at auction to average $14000, and include Mantuan M230(P) which we retained a semen share in. Cree Y371 was one of the most influential cows we have used producing 19 calves both naturally and IVF, including 11 sale bulls and the retained sire in Director D130(P). Three daughters are still active in the herd and include the dams of lots 6 and 38 in this sale.
Northerly T162 combines very high growth with high milk and early puberty. Even with such extreme growth he has maintained breed average DTC which helps to achieve his high $ Indices.
CREE G089(P)
Cree J053 conceived her first calf before weaning. Of her 9 subsequent calves, 1 bull sold at auction and 1 heifer has been retained in Cree R001(P), the dam of lot 27 in this sale. She is PTIC again this season.
Generational fertility abounds with Cree X031 having had 10 calves with a 370-day interval. She is the dam of retained sire Kosciusko K010(P), 4 other sale bulls, and 4 heifers were retained.
Northerly T140 has growth figures that reflect his mother’s story rather than his physical presence. He possesses breed average growth traits with very high milk and solid reproductive performance.
CREE J245 (P)
Cree K029 has had 7 calves and is PTIC again this year. 3 heifers have been retained with 2 currently PTIC and active in the herd. 1 other sold to Kim McNamara for breeding, and 1 bull sold to Gary and Lyn Muller in a private sale.
Cree Z259 had 9 calves with a 403-day interval. 3 heifers were retained, and 3 bulls have been sold through the sale. A King and Jag combination this time with performance where it counts. Above average growth and fertility traits, resulting in high $ Indexes.
Cree K033(P) has had 7 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her calves have all been male except 1 with the most notable being King N216(P) that sold to Surbiton Station, Alpha, for $20,000.
Cree A365 had 9 calves with a 368-day interval. 3 heifers were retained, 2 sold for breeding and 1 bull has sold at auction to Maromba Grazing.
The first of Quickdraw sons to be offered for sale, T172(PS) doesn’t exhibit the balanced performance we are trying to achieve. However, he does demonstrate very low birth weight and may be an option for heifers. He still attains breed average by 600-days and has high 400-day weight, with very high puberty and DTC. High IMF and $Dom Index as well.
DOB: 8/10/2021 SB #: CRE22MT174 Horn: PH Brand: T174 Months: 23 "S" BULL
GYRANDA QUICKDRAW Q492 66 68 61 45
F027 Acc 64 19 600D MCWt Milk
Cree H163 has produced 10 calves and is PTIC on her 11th this year. All male except 1 heifer that has been retained and her last which is a heifer by Quicksilver. 3 bulls have sold at auction to Harry Walker, Peter Creedon, and Wayne Hetherington.
Quickdraw T174(P) has a more moderate growth pattern than a lot of the bulls before him. He offers breed average growth, high milking ability, low MAT cow weight, and has the ability to lay down fat, particularly IMF.
25 34 2 SS DTC EMA
68 48 50 Rib 1.1 57 Rump RBY 0.6 0.2 56 44
1.4 -3.4 2.1
IMF 0.6 57
Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $17.00 $23.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:358days No.Calves:10 2.5 50 6.0 55 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
Cree R001(P) has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her latest is a weaner bull by Revelation.
Cree J053(P) has had 9 calves and is the dam of lot 23 in this sale. (See lot 23 for details.)
Jackaroo T014(PS) has a promising balance of EBV’s offering high early growth, tapering to MAT cow weight. Even with the high expected growth and very high milk predictions, he maintains above average fertility traits.
Cree Q023 had 2 calves before being PTE and sold. Her first, a bull, sold to the Campbell Family, Mitchell, at last year’s sale. Cree K109 produced 5 calves in 5 years with Q023 being the only retained heifer. 3 bulls have sold, 2 to TVF Pastoral and the most notable Morocco S200(P) to Surbiton Station for $20,000 last year.
Papalii T088(P) is an ideal heifer bull as his birthweight EBV is in the top 1% for that trait. His 200-day weight is probably low due to this, but by 600-day he is well above breed average. Good fertility traits, high IMF, and high Export $Index means he can be used anywhere in a herd.
N036 (P)
CREE G139(P)
Cree F173 has proven to be a stellar breeding cow. She has produced 11 calves and has been PTIC again this year. At 13 years of age her latest weaner, a heifer by Normandy, weighed 293kg, while she herself weighed 736kg. Of her others, 4 bulls have sold at auction, and 3 heifers were retained, with 2 still active in the herd.
Cree C045 had 5 calves with a 360-day interval before failing to rebreed and was sold.
Normandy T110(P) predicts breed average birth and growth traits all the way through, with slightly lower MAT cow weight. It is a more typical balance of performance where less growth equals more fertility, and more fat, which is the case here.
Cree Q203(P) has produced 3 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. Her first calf sold at last years sale to Russell Anderson for $16000, and her latest is another bull by Papalii. Cree H145 has had 9 calves with a 382-day interval and is still active in the herd having just been PTIC on her 10th. 5 heifers have been retained with 2 still active in the herd and 2 bulls have been through the sale with King R248 being the highlight, selling to Surbiton Station for $25,000. Papalii T072(P) has everything where it counts in terms of profitability. Short gestation, average birthweight, high growth, early puberty, average DTC, high muscle, and fat. 13 of the recorded 17 traits well above average and 9 in the top 10%.
P002 (IVF)(P)
Cree Q025 had 3 calves before being PTE this season. Her first bull sold to Troy and Lisa Jensen’s Kenewah Stud, Biloela, for $26,000 at last year’s sale. Papalii T066(P) is offered here and her last is a weaner heifer also by Papalii.
Cree K003 (PS) had 5 calves with 4 being sale bulls and 1 heifer in Q025.
Papalii T066(P) is also a bull we think suitable for heifers, but also has the powerful performance to be used across the whole herd. 14 of 16 traits above average, and 7 in the top 10%.
CREE K069 (P)
Cree R115(P) has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her latest is a weaner heifer by KG.
Cree K069 had 5 calves, all heifers, with 3 being retained, of which 2 are still active in the herd.
Jackaroo T006(PS) is also a bull we think suitable for heifers as he is a heifers first calf himself, with a birthweight of 32kgs. But like the bull before him he is so much more than just a heifer bull. He offers low birthweight, high growth, high fertility, and the ability to lay down fat. 16 of 18 traits above average.
Ponga T020 is also another heifers first calf, this time from Cree R099, who has had 2 calves, and is PTIC again this year. Her last is also a weaner by KG.
Cree C097(P) produced 12 calves with a 367-day interval including 4 sale bulls topping at $26,500, for Ferrero M014(P) that sold to the Landsborough Stud. 5 heifers were retained, and 1 other heifer also sold to the Landsborough Stud for breeding.
Ponga T020 weighed 35kgs at birth and as he is from a maiden himself, we think he will suit heifers. His lighter than average EBV backs this up. His overall performance with 14 of the 18 recorded traits above the average, suggests his use across the whole herd as well.
SB #: CRE22MT030 Horn: Dehorned Brand: T030 Months: 22
Dam Notes:
DOB: 23/10/2021
Cree R135 has produced 2 calves from 2 joinings to date and is PTIC as well this year.
Cree K091 had 4 calves before being PTE and sold. They included a heifer that was sold for breeding and a bull that sold to TVF Pastoral.
Jackaroo T030 is a definite heifer prospect. He weighed 31kgs at birth and his birthweight EBV is in the top 5% for the trait. Once he outgrows the heifer paddock, he can easily step up to a bigger job. With 16 of the 17 traits above average, this is the kind of performance we strive to produce.
CREE M063(P)
Cree R159(P) only had the one calf before being PTE. Cree N021 has had 5 calves with a 366-day interval and is PTIC again this year. 2 heifers have been retained with one still active in the herd.
Again, from a heifer and by Ponga, this bull should suit heifers. His birthweight EBV is in the top couple of percent and his own birthweight was only 31kgs.
Almost breed average performance across the board.
CREE G089(P)
CREE G053(P)
Cree M137(P) has produced 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. 2 bulls have sold to Terry Snow and Bruce Smith, for $15,000 and $16,000 respectively. 1 heifer has been retained and is the dam of lot 80 in this sale.
Cree G053 had 5 calves before failing to rebreed. Northerly T156(PP) is a homozygous King and Ferrero creation, which once again sees some interesting combinations in high growth, high milking ability and high female fertility.
Cree M067(P) has had 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. 2 bulls have sold to Waterford Grazing and Terry Snow, for $24,000, and $21,000 respectively. 1 heifer was sold to Maurie McKay at the Daintree for breeding purposes, and another heifer was retained.
Cree F041had 10 calves with a 362-day interval before being PTE and sold. The most notable of her calves was Ferrero S222 that sold to David and Wendy Anderson, Westmar, for $22000. Quicksilver T170 offers performance everywhere at once. High growth, high milk, high female fertility, high muscle, all with the ability to lay down fat. 9 of 16 traits in the top 10% and all bar 1 above average. A bull that reflects our objectives and our progress in producing versatile balanced genetics.
CREE J245 (P)
Acc 63 28 600D MCWt Milk
62 63 59 47
Cree K229(IVF)(PS) has produced 7 calves to date and is PTIC again. 2 bulls have sold to Nedyah Cattle Co, and Surbiton Station. 1 heifer has been retained and another sold to the Landsborough Stud.
Cree Y371 was one of the most influential cows we have used, producing 19 calves both naturally and IVF, including 11 sale bulls and the retained sire in Director D130(P). Three daughters are still active in the herd and include the dams of lots 6 and 22 in this sale.
Nemesis T230(P) was down with what we believe to be 3-day at classification time, so was not presented. He offers the high growth and muscle you would expect from the King and Jag cross, whilst maintaining female fertility traits.
40 55 1 SS DTC EMA
59 52 49 Rib -0.9 53 Rump RBY -1.9 2.4 52 42
1.8 -1.2 4.3
IMF -0.4 53
Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $32.00 $38.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:356days No.Calves:7 -0.1 41 3.1 55 0.25 53 22.0 54 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
Cree Q193 managed to produce 2 calves before failing to rebreed. Her first is a heifer that is currently PTIC and her last is offered here.
Cree G067(P) had 8 calves which included the top price bull of the 2018 sale Nogoa N108(P), that sold to David Atkinson for $26,000. 4 other bulls have sold via auction, with 2 selling to TVF Pastoral and 1 to Surbiton Station.
Papalii T084 is another bull that we believe would suit heifers based on his EBV which is in the top 10% for birthweight. Puberty is the other standout attribute along with the capability to lay down fat. A useful bull with all the other traits around breed average.
NACHO N382 (P)
Cree P167(P) has had 4 calves in 4 years and is PTIC again this year. Her calves include a private sale bull that was sold to Calliope Station and 1 retained heifer that is also PTIC. Cree K087 is also the dam of lot 10 this sale. (See lot 10 for details.)
Normandy T122 has a more traditional performance prediction where high female fertility and high fat is tempered by lower growth. His outstanding fertility and carcase data push his Export $ Index to the top 10%.
SB #: CRE22MT012
CREE M063(P)
Dam Notes:
Cree R255 is another first calf heifer. She has had 2 bulls so far and is PTIC again this year. Her last is a weaner bull by Nacho. Cree M085 has had 7 calves including twins last year. 1 bull has sold to TVF Pastoral and a heifer to The Landsborough Stud, Winton.
Ponga P012 is another bull that should suit heifers. He was only 29kgs himself at birth, is a heifers first calf, and has a birthweight EBV in the top 1%. Even with the very low birth weight he is breed average by weaning and for all the growth traits. The standout trait is milk and none of the others let him down being mostly average or better.
DOB: 14/10/2021
Months: 23
CREE L107(P)
Cree Q171(P) has had 3 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first bull sold privately to Calliope Station and her latest weaner is a heifer also by Papalii.
Cree L107(P) has had 6 calves and is PTIC as well this season. 4 heifers have been retained.
Papalii T102 is a bull that also lends himself to joining with heifers given his birthweight EBV but is suitable for every application with almost no traits below the average line. Small birth weight, high growth, early puberty, and Carcase Wgt being standout attributes.
CREE G089(P)
Dam Notes:
Cree L011(P) had 5 calves before being PTE and sold. 1 bull sold for $14,000 to TVF Pastoral and 1 heifer has been retained. Northerly T132 was her last.
Cree D201 calved first at 2 yrs and produced 12 calves with a 361-day interval. Bulls have sold to Tim Graham, Peter Hill, TVF Pastoral and Alexis Hindmarsh, while heifers have sold to Landsborough Stud and Maurie McKay.
T132 combines both milk and fertility with average growth predictions and high RBY.
Cree R095 has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. Ponga T008 was her first, and her latest weaner is a bull by KG. Cree M059 is also the dam of lot 4 this sale. (See lot 4 for details.)
Ponga T008 was not eligible for classification as his mother failed for dilution.
He is one of the higher performing bulls in the sale with 11 traits in the top 10 percentile. A quality horned bull with a herd bull discount.
Cree Q191(P) has had 3 calves to date with her first, a heifer selling to Nathan Schofield for breeding. Papalii T074(P) is offered here, and her latest weaner is also a bull by Papalii. Cree H089 had 7 calves before being PTE. 4 heifers have been retained, with 3 still active in the herd. 1 bull sold at auction to Pat and Stuart Leahy and 1 heifer sold in a private sale. While not as balanced as we would like Papalii T074(P) offers relatively low birth weight, average growth, high puberty and RBY. Extremely docile temperament.
CREE M063(P)
CREE L083(P)
Ponga T018(P) is the first calf of Cree R187, her latest is a weaner bull by Quicksilver, and she is PTIC again this year. Cree L083(P) is also the dam of lot 79 in this sale. (See lot 79 for details.)
Although from a maiden and by Ponga, the EBV suggests this bull would be unsuitable for heifers. His own birthweight of 39kgs, while not excessive, was high for his contemporary group resulting in that score.
The rest of his performance offers balanced above average performance and solid $ Indexes.
NACHO N382 (P)
Cree N039(P) has had 5 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. Bulls have sold to Calliope Station and Les Smith, while 1 heifer was bought by Matt Lisle for breeding.
Cree E065 had 11 calves with a 362-day interval. 3 of her heifer progeny are PTIC, and currently active in the herd. A further 6 bulls have sold at auction.
Nacho T200(PS) offers low birth weight and a more moderate growth pattern, with a lighter MAT cow Wgt. Milk and female fertility are standout attributes, and he also offers positive fats.
Mandu P249(P) has had 4 bull calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first bull sold to Robyn Perrett for $18,000, and her 2nd sold to Eugene Matthews for $26,000. Normandy T106(P) is offered here and her last is his full brother.
Mandu K012 produced 2 calves after her purchase.
Normandy T106(P) is another of the highest $ Export Index bulls in the sale at $53 which is in the top 1%. This driven by his extreme female fertility EBV for DTC, which at -15.1 is almost top 1% as well. He also offers very good carcase data with positive fat and very high IMF.
Cree M117(P) has produced 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 bull sold for $10,000 to Dave Anderson, Theodore, and 1 heifer sold to Bud Quaid at the Daintree.
Cree H009 had 3 calves before being PTE and sold.
Cree Nemesis T118(PS) has a more moderate growth prediction at around breed average. He offers female fertility and positive fats.
Cree Q221(P) has had 3 calves to date and include Jackaroo S032(P) that sold at last year’s sale to the Campbell Family at Mitchell for $15,000.
Cree J169 had 7 calves before being PTE last year. The most notable of her calves was Ferrero S108(P) that also sold to the Campbell’s last year for $18,000.
Acc 64 27 600D MCWt Milk
65 67 61 39
42 60 3 SS DTC EMA
67 45 49 Rib 1.3 57 Rump RBY 0.6 0.7 56 44
2.3 -0.6 2.8
IMF 0.4 57
Cree M107 had 5 calves before being PTE and sold. Bulls have sold to Russell Anderson and Peter Creedon, while 1 heifer has sold to Lisle Holdings. Nacho T166(PS) is her last.
CREE M107 200D 400D EBV 15 Acc 65 23 600D MCWt Milk 66 68 62 44 31 42 0 SS DTC EMA 2.9 -1.8 3.8 68 49 51 Rib 0.7 58 Rump RBY 0.3 0.7 57 45
Cree F025 had 2 sale bulls in her 4 calves, selling to Craig Radel and Kintyre Partnership. 1 heifer sold to Peta and Rudy Kramer. This is a Nacho bull we believe would be suitable for heifers. A solid balance of performance across the board with standout performance in puberty and EMA.
Cree R247(P) had 2 calves before testing empty this year. Cree H033(P) had 7 calves. 3 of these were sold as bulls, the most notable being Jag L200 that sold to Burleigh Estates for $15,000.
Ponga T010(PS) is a bull we would recommend for heifers. Again, by Ponga and out of a maiden himself, he posted a birthweight of 35kgs. Aside from his low birth weight he offers extreme female fertility and high IMF.
Cree Q197 has had 3 calves and is pregnant again this year. Her first bull sold in last year’s sale for $20,000 to Servin Grazing, Theodore.
Cree H007(P) is the dam of lot 3 in this sale. (See lot 3 for details.)
Papalii T090 doesn’t have the balance of performance that we would like but offers high growth and a particularly high milk EBV.
Cree R019(P) has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. Jackaroo T042(PS) is her First and her latest is a weaner bull by KG.
Cree K043 had 4 calves including a heifer that sold to Lisle Holdings, and 3 more retained, of which 1 is still active.
Jackaroo T042(PS) is one of the standout types in the draft. Extremely sound, slick coated and very docile natured. He is a bull that typifies our breeding objectives as well, with near faultless performance indications.
High growth, tapering off at MAT cow weight, early puberty, high female fertility, high EMA, fats in the top5% and high IMF. Added to this versatility is his ability to be joined with heifers, as he was a 36kg calf himself, out of a maiden, and has a light birthweight EBV to back it up.
CREE L055(P)
Cree R015(P) has had 2 calves to date and has returned a positive PT this year. Her last weaner was a heifer by Nacho.
Cree L055(P) had 4 calves in her breeding life including 2 sale bulls selling to Pat and Stuart Leahy and Calliope Station. 2 heifers have been retained with 1 still active in the herd.
Jackaroo T044(P) is another heifer’s first calf, and his EBV for birth weight, in the lightest 10%, predicts his suitability to be used as same. His combination of growth, muscle and carcase thereafter suggests he is far more than just a heifer bull.
Cree N037 has produced 5 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 heifer was sold for breeding and 1 bull sold through the sale to Pini Grazing, Nebo.
Cree B075 is as good as it gets in a profitable breeding cow. She has reared 14 natural calves, with a calving interval of 362 days. 1 bull has sold to TVF Pastoral, 1 heifer sold to Chris and Gail Davey, and a further 9 heifers have been retained, 4 of which are still active in the herd.
Cree Nacho T216(PS) is a smooth coated tidy bull that we anticipate would be a genuine heifer bull with his extremely low birth weight EBV. As is often the case, his lower growth equals higher female fertility, with DTC reaching the top 10%. Carcase data, fat, muscle, and IMF are all well represented and add up to solid $ Indexes.
Cree N051(P) has had 5 calves and is also PTIC again this year. 2 heifers have sold for breeding to Matt Lisle and Nathan Schofield, and 1 bull in Nemo R174, sold to Tresswell Cattle Co, Springsure, for $16,000.
Cree G085 produced 7 calves in her breeding years. Of these 2 heifers sold for breeding, to Rick Quaid, Daintree, and the Landsborough Stud, Winton. 1 bull also sold to Sue Turner, Charnwood Grazing.
Nacho T214(PP) is again a bull we think suitable for heifers, with the bonus of high growth after such a low-birth-weight prediction. He also offers very high female fertility, EMA, and positive IMF, with $ Indexes near the top of the sale. All delivered in a homozygous package.
Cree M133(P) has had 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 bull in Monte Carlo Q090(P) sold to Nedyah Cattle Co, and 1 heifer to Rick Quaid.
Cree G195 had 9 calves with a 394-day interval producing 1 sale bull that sold to Mark Hetherington, and 1 heifer that sold to Kim McNamara.
With 14 of 17 traits above breed average, Quicksilver T194(P) offers plenty of versatility for purpose. High growth and high Carcase data with good DTC, resulting in a solid balanced performance and solid $ Indexes.
CREE G089(P)
NORTHERLY 68 69 63 48
N116 (P) 23 12 4 SS DTC EMA
CREE Acc 67 15 600D MCWt Milk
Cree H153(P) has produced 9 calves to date and is PTIC again on her 10th. Her calves include 4 sale bulls and 2 retained heifers. Bulls have sold to the Landsborough Santa Stud, GA Greenup & Co, David Anderson and TVF Pastoral to average $15,000.
Empress E081 has had 13 calves from both natural and IVF. 6 bulls have sold at auction and 7 heifers have been retained. Northerly T158(PP) doesn’t have the balanced performance we aspire to deliver, but offers average growth with high milk, above average DTC, and the ability to lay down Fat.
0.2 -2.7 1.6
69 51 51 Rib 1.5 58 Rump RBY 1.4 0.2 57 46
IMF -0.1 58
N036 (P)
CREE G139(P)
Cree P207(P) has had 4 calves and is also PTIC again this year. The first 2 were both retained heifers and are both currently PTIC. Northerly T108 is offered here, and her latest weaner is his full brother.
Cree J183(P) has had 8 calves and is also PTIC currently. 5 bulls have sold at auction with the most notable being Shaman L112(P), that sold to the Dangarfield Stud, and Ferrero Q172(P), that sold to Robyn Perrett, both for $14,500, and Northerly S194(PP) that sold to H3K Cattle for $22,000 at last year’s sale. Northerly T108 is a quality horned bull late in the sale and offers a very well-balanced set of performance traits with only 2 below the average. High female fertility is an obvious strength as is growth.
SB #: CRE22MT124 Horned Brand: T124
N116 (P)
CREE G089(P)
Dam Notes:
Cree K127 had 6 calves before succumbing to our breeding protocols and being PTE. 3 bulls have been sold, topping at $35,000 for Morocco R152(P), that sold to Surbiton Station and 1 heifer has been retained and is PTIC this year.
Cree H015 had 3 calves in 3 breeding years including a bull that sold to Pini Grazing at Nebo.
Northerly T124 is another quality horned bull late in the sale. He offers breed average growth, with milk and puberty being obvious standout qualities.
DOB: 21/09/2021
Months: 23
Cree K073 has had 7 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. 2 bulls have sold to TVF Pastoral, and Pini Grazing, and 1 heifer sold to the Landsborough Stud. 2 other heifers have been retained.
Cree E125 produced 6 calves before being PTE, including 2 private sale bulls and 2 retained heifers.
Quicksilver T190 is another very well performed bull that offers high growth combined with high EMA and carcase data. Female fertility traits at around average with positive fats to achieve $ Indexes in the top 10%.
Cree Q069 had 2 calves before being PTIC and failing to deliver her 3rd. This is her 1st calf to be offered for sale.
Mandu 011 had 3 calves after purchase. Her last, a bull in Nacho R018(P), sold to the Strathmore Stud for $20,000. Papalii T094(P) presents with a very well-balanced graph with only 1 trait below breed average. A bull capable of improving growth and carcase without any compromise. One of his real strengths is IMF which is top 5%.
Cree Q139 (P) has had 3 calves and is PTIC again this year. They have all been bulls to date, with Papalii T062 being her first to be auctioned.
Cree M173 only had 2 calves before being PTE and sold. Papalii T 062 also possesses a graph that is trending mainly to the right except for fat. High growth, puberty and carcase merit being features.
Acc 65 10 600D MCWt Milk
66 68 62 42
Cree Q111(P) has also had 3 calves to date. Her first was a retained heifer, and her last is a weaner bull also by Papalii. Cree M101 had 4 calves before failing the system. 2 heifers have been retained and are both PTIC at present, while 1 bull sold to Pini Grazing.
Papalii T086 has less balanced performance than we are trying to produce but offers a birth weight EBV in the top 5% of the breed. His progeny are expected to be breed average by the 600-day weight, and the daughters should mature at breed average.
He damaged his offside hind foot, which is obvious in the outside claw, but appears to be growing down from the coronet band. If he makes the sale he will sell with our full guarantee on that foot.
26 28 2 SS DTC EMA
68 48 52 Rib 0.4 59 Rump RBY -0.5 1.5 58 46
1.1 3.3 1.9
IMF -0.7 59
Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $11.00 $16.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:356days No.Calves:3 -1.9 38 -0.8 53 0.04 55 15.0 56 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
D133 EBV 6
Age1stCalf:24mths 2/10/2021
ROSVALE JACKAROO P316 (P) Acc 67 9 600D MCWt Milk
66 69 61 43
Cree R033(P) has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. T002 is her first and her last is another bull by Nacho. Cree D133 produced 9 calves in her breeding career including 3 sale bulls. 2 females were retained and include the dam of lot 13 in this sale.
Cree Jackaroo T002 like the bull before him has a birthweight EBV that should make him suitable for heifers. The fact he is also from a maiden and had a birth weight of 31kgs himself backs up this statistic. He also offers good female fertility and has EMA and fat predictions in the top 10%.
13 4 1 SS DTC EMA
68 50 51 Rib 1.7 58 Rump RBY 1.7 0.5 57 46
0.9 -5.4 3.8
IMF 0.2 59
Horned Brand: T002 Months: 23 "S" BULL Dam Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $16.00 $21.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:363days No.Calves:2 0.6 43 -0.4 75 0.03 50 5.0 55 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
DOB: 16/10/2021 SB #: CRE22MT016 Horn: PH Brand: T016 Months: 23 "S" BULL
Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $16.00 $20.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:357days No.Calves:2 -2.5 43 -0.3 75 13.0 54 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
Cree L169(P) has had 6 calves before being tested empty this year. Bulls have sold for $9,000 and $10,000 to Bud Quaid and Terry Snow respectively. 1 heifer has been retained and is PTIC on her 3rd calf.
Cree F205(P) had 8 calves with a 353-day interval which is about as good as it gets. 3 heifers have been retained, and 2 more sold for breeding, while 2 bulls have sold to TVF Pastoral. With only 2 traits below the average and 7 in the top 10 percentile, Quicksilver T196 offers the ability to effect positive influences into a herd rapidly and simultaneously. High growth combined with good female fertility and the added ability to lay down fat rounds out the package.
DOB: 20/10/2021
CREE M063(P)
Cree R127 has had 2 calves to date and is PTIC with her 3rd. This will be her first bull offered for sale, and her latest weaner is a bull by Nacho.
Cree K063 produced 5 calves before being PTE. 2 of these were bulls selling for $7,500 and $16,000 to Robyn Perrett and Pini Grazing Respectively. 2 heifers were retained.
Cree Ponga T026 is a quality horned bull late in the catalogue with only 1 recorded trait below the breed average. While his birth weight EBV is not as low as some of the previous options, he was a tiny 28kgs at birth, which allows me to recommend him with some confidence. His rapid growth trends since then sees him perform well above the average, and he offers an excellent balance of carcase data as well.
Acc 61 25 600D MCWt Milk
61 63 55 36
32 45 1 SS DTC EMA
62 45 46 Rib 1.0 50 Rump RBY 0.6 1.5 49 39
1.7 -0.8 4.5
IMF 0.0 50
Cree Q227 has had 3 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first heifer was retained, and her last is a weaner heifer by Papalii as well.
Cree K209 has had 6 calves with a 355 day-interval. 3 heifers have been retained and 2 are PTIC and still active in the herd. Papalii T056 is another low-birth-weight bull that should suit heifers. Such a low birth EBV possibly contributes to his low weaning weight, but then achieves breed average by 600-days. Strengths are DTC and RBY.
CREE M063(P)
Dam Notes:
Cree R207 has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her latest is a bull by KG.
Cree K051 produced 5 calves that included 2 sale heifers, and 3 more retained in the herd, 1 of which is still active.
Papalii T050 although by Ponga, and from a maiden, has a birth weight that would suggest he not be suitable for heifers. This is primarily because his actual birth weight of 39kgs, while not excessive by any means, was high for his contemporary group. He offers a more moderate growth pattern with puberty a real strength.
CREE H025 (P)
Cree N125(P) is establishing herself as a valuable breeder. She has had 5 calves and is PTIC again this season. Her first bull to be offered sold at last years sale for $47,500 to the Russell Family’s Grassbrook Pty Ltd, Manilla, NSW. Her latest weaner is one of the top bull calves by Quickdraw.
Cree H025 had 7 calves with a 387-day interval which included 3 sale bulls and 3 retained heifers, 2 of which are PTIC and still active in the herd.
Cree Nacho T222(PP) is a quality homozygous bull late in the draft. With the exception of fat, he has an ideal balance of performance with nothing extreme. High growth, high female fertility, high EMA and high $ Indexes. A bull capable of making positive gains across all the profit driving traits at once.
Cree Q121(P) has had 2 calves and is PTIC again this year.
Papalii T092 (PS) is her first to be offered for sale.
Cree M153(P) is also the dam of lot 15 in this sale. (See lot 15 for details.)
Papalii T092(PS) offers growth and carcase with average female reproductive performance.
Cree Q017(P) has had 3 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first heifer was retained and is also PTIC. Papalii is her first to be offered for sale, and her latest is a heifer by Quickdraw.
Cree N017(P) had 4 calves before being PTE, all of which were retained, and 3 of which are still active in the herd.
Papalii T240(P) is another quality poll bull towards the end of the sale. He boasts 11 traits in the top 10% including growth, milk, puberty, muscle, Carcase Wgt, EMA, RBY and $Dom Index.
LER0Y L192 (P)
Cree R265(P) only had 1 calf and was found dead the following year prior to having her second.
Cree M071 had 4 heifers, 3 of which were retained.
Ponga T052(P) although by Ponga and from a maiden, is not recommended for use with heifers as he had a birth weight of 42 kgs, and with a birth weight EBV like his, you have to trust the numbers. Aside from that, he has an impressive set of production predictions with all 16 of the other traits above average and 9 of them in the top 10 percentile band.
Cree R155(P) only had the 1 calf in Jackaroo T038(P) and died prior to having her 2nd calf.
Cree N071 has had 5 calves and is PTIC again this year. 2 heifers were retained and 1 sold to Rick Quaid for breeding. 1 bull sold to Surbiton Station at last years sale. Her latest weaner is a heifer by Quickdraw.
Jackaroo T038(P) is another of the few that lack the balance we want to achieve but has some useful individual traits to offer. Lower birth weight and lighter MAT cow weight, high milk and early puberty, plus good muscle, and the ability to lay down fat.
CREE K105 (PS)
Cree R129 had 2 calves before being PTE this year. Her last is a weaner heifer by KG.
Cree K105 had 4 calves with a 367-day interval before also being PTE. They included 2 sale bulls and 1 other heifer that sold to Lisle Holdings.
Jackaroo T048(PS) was 32kgs at birth and a heifers first calf. Along with a birth weight EBV in the top 5% we think him suitable for heifers.
He has a MAT Cow EBV of exactly average, good carcase data and a strength in puberty.
CREE G089(P)
Cree L083(P) has had 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 bull and 1 heifer have been sold and 2 heifers have been retained, both of which are PTIC this year as well.
Cree G101 had 8 calves with a 372-day interval which included the retained sire in Monte Carlo M018(P), and the grand dam of lot 77 in this sale.
Northerly T154(PS) offers breed average growth, with a lighter MAT cow weight, high milk, and high female fertility.
Acc 66 20 600D MCWt Milk
68 69 63 46
24 27 5 SS DTC EMA
69 53 53 Rib -0.8 59 Rump RBY -1.7 0.8 58 47
2.6 -3.4 1.8
IMF 0.0 58 Age1stCalf:31mths DOB: 26/10/2021 SB #: CRE22MT154 Horn: PH Brand: T154 Months: 22 COMMERCIAL Dam Notes: Dom ($) Exp ($) $19.00 $23.00 50th Percentile Band is the Breed Avg. EBV's for 2018 Born Calves. Purchaser:................................................................................................................................................................ $......................................... GL BWt C.Wt FT Longer Longer Heavier Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lighter Lower Smaller Smaller Leaner Leaner Lower Lower Lower Lower Shorter Shorter Lighter Heavier Heavier Heavier Heavier Higher Bigger Shorter Heavier Bigger Fatter Fatter Higher Higher Higher Higher Longer 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CalvingInt:394days No.Calves:6 -0.3 35 1.2 53 0.15 50 10.0 57 BREEDPLAN EBV PERCENTILES
DOB: 7/11/2021 SB #: CRE22MT080 Horned Brand: T080 Months: 22 "S" BULL
Cree Q123(P) has had 3 calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first calf was a retained heifer and is also currently PTIC, while her last is another full brother by Papalii.
CREE PAPALII P002 (IVF)(P) CREE Q123 (P) 200D 400D EBV 9 Acc 65 16 600D MCWt Milk 67 69 62 43 25 36 0 SS DTC EMA 1.0 -1.9 2.1 68 49 52 Rib -0.1 59 Rump RBY -0.9 1.1 58 47
IMF 0.0 60
CREE J043 (P)
Cree N171(P) has had 4 bull calves and is PTIC again this year. Her first calf in Manuka R034(P) sold to Kintyre Partnership, Monto, for $18,000. Her 2nd disappeared, Quicksilver T168(PP) is offered here and her latest is a bull by Quichdraw.
Cree J043(P) has had 8 calves to date and is PTIC again this year. 1 bull has sold at auction, 1 heifer for breeding, and 3 more have been retained, 2 of which are still active in the herd.
Quicksilver T168(PP) is an easy doing moderate style of bull, and as the EBV’s suggest offers a more traditional pattern of performance. Lower growth with very high female fertility and the ability to lay down fat. The high milk is a bonus not usually associated with such high DTC.
Cree J169 had 7 calves before being PTE last year. The most notable of her calves was Ferrero S108(P) that sold to the Campbell Family, Mitchell, last year for $18,000. She is also grand dam of lot 51 in this sale.
Cree 00020 was born at Kooyong in 1999 and had 10 calves, her first at 3yrs, with J169 being her last at 13 years in 2012. These 2 cows spanned 22 years and 17 calves.
Northerly T160 offers low birth weight, moderate growth with lighter MAT Cow weight, good female fertility traits with milk and fat being standout attributes.
Cree J245(P) had 6 bull calves before being found dead on a dam bank. All her calves were sale bulls except Nemesis N240(P) that was retained as a sire. Other notable sales include King R316(P) that sold to David and Wendy Anderson for $26,000, and Normandy S054(P) that sold to the Campbell Family, Mitchell, at last year’s sale for $16000.
Cree G097(P) Had 3 calves and was PTIC on her 4th but failed to produce a calf and was sold. 2 of her heifers were retained. Quickdraw T234(P) was deemed able to fend for himself when his mother died, and did so for the rest of the season until weaning. This has resulted in him always being behind the others, but he is catching up with maturity. He offers a very balanced data set which you would expect being a half-brother to Nemesis.
CREE G139(P)
CREE G105(P)
Cree M003 has had 6 calves and is PTIC again this year. 1 heifer was sold to Bud Quaid at the Daintree, and Normandy T098(P) will be her first bull offered for sale.
Cree G105(P) had 5 calves with a very good interval of 350-days. 1 heifer was retained and 1 bull sold to TVF Pastoral. Normandy T098(P) is a bull that should suit heifers. He offers a low birth weight and a more moderate growth pattern. Good DTC keeps his $ Indexes above average and interestingly he shows high IMF.
Thank you for taking an interest in the 9th Annual Cree Bull Sale catalogue.
If you have purchased a Cree bull from the sale, we wish you all the best and we will be in contact to organize delivery. Also, to the under bidders and to those who attended the sale, we sincerely appreciate your attendance.
We wish you the very best in your business and hope the weather is kind.
A special thank you to Simone from Cattlelogue Queen and the catering team for donating to Capricorn Rescue Helicopters.
Kind Regards, Shaun
& Jo McGuiganBovine Morphology is the study of the shape and form of bovine sperm. The quality of a bull’s sperm depends on many factors, including stress, temperature, nutrition, illness/injury, age and testicular form and function.
Standard crush-side assessment of semen uses a field microscope that magnifies sperm 400x. Crush-side review only looks at semen motility and gives a single percentage of sperm moving forward.
Motility does not always represent the actual fertilizing ability of the semen. In addition, many abnormalities directly affect the quality of sperm and cannot be seen in this resolution.
To get a more comprehensive overview, a high-powered oilimmersion microscope is required. At Rocky Repro, we use DIC (differential
interference contrast) microscopes in our laboratory to magnify the image by 1000x.
Morphology provides a deeper understanding of your bull’s actual reproductive ability and provides insight into their overall health and condition. It also shows the overall health of the seminal fluid, detecting the presence of other unfavourable conditions such as bacteria, yeast, parasites, urine crystals, and white and red blood cells.
Beyond just motility, morphology looks at individual sperm cells, examining head shape and smoothness, tail shape and integrity and additional abnormalities.
Sperm abnormalities fall broadly into two categories: Compensable and Non-Compensable.
Compensable abnormalities are abnormal sperm that are unlikely to reach or fertilize an egg; hence they can be present in slightly higher levels than non-compensable sperm. Non-Compensable sperm has the potential to reach and fertilize an egg but will likely result in early embryonic death and loss of pregnancy.
Overall, any semen sample with less than 70% normal morphology, regardless of the category of abnormality, will not meet the industry standard for a “Tick” or “Pass” grade.
A morphology assessment provides a valuable real-time look at the bull’s current reproductive and overall health and can also offer insight into the bull’s breeding future.
Does pregnancy testing increase fertility?
Pregnancy testing is a very good way to drive profitability in a herd but does very little to increase a herd’s fertility. The yearly culling of cows that fail to re-breed, only to have them replaced by heifers from the same herd, often daughters from these very same cows, cannot raise fertility.
The foundation cows of the Cree herd have been pregnancy tested since 1967 and we are still prioritizing fertility. Some bulls you buy will have the ability to raise fertility and some will not. The law of averages will prevail. Unless you know the reproductive capability of every bull you purchase, your chances of improving your herds fertility are compromised.
Buying bulls with higher than average Scrotal size and DTC (Days to Calving) EBV’s is currently the only way to guarantee you are making fertility your priority.
We have been morphology testing our sires for over 20 years and this year’s sale bulls have also been analyzed.
We are often asked what is the difference?
The calving interval is simply the number of days between a cows calving dates divided by the number of calves she has had. It is a useful indicator of a cows individual performance but is largely affected by management practices. Controlled joining periods, A.I programs, IVF egg donation and single sire bull failures all have a negative effect on the calving interval through no fault of the cow.
The Days to Calving EBV is derived from recording when the cow is exposed to the bull until she has the subsequent calf.
This means it is actually a measurement of her speed of re-breed, how soon she returns to the bull after calving. The EBV takes into account the performance of her sire and dam and all of her siblings and effectively takes out the management issues. This is why a cow with a “relatively” poor calving interval can still have a reasonable EBV for Days to Calving. It also means cows with a good DTC EBV are less likely to produce heifers who will suffer from lactation anoestrus. (won’t cycle whilst milking).
This EBV denotes the genetic potential of the animal irrespective of management practices.
Recently I read an article and was also questioned on the relationship of negative Days to Calving EBV’s and short gestation, possibly causing calf lethargy.
The days to Calving EBV promotes cows that calve earlier in the season compared to those that calve later. Variation in Days to Calving is mainly due to differences in the time taken for females to conceive after the commencement of the joining period. It is actually a measurement of her speed of re-breed.
A short gestation period would somewhat aid the Days to Calving interval on an individual basis but given that EBV’s are influenced by all progeny of the Sire and all progeny of the Dam they would all have to calve early to affect the EBV. Further to this, Scrotal size, (puberty) Lactation anoestrus interval and Gestation Length all contribute to the Days to Calving EBV.
Gestation Length on the other hand is simply the measure of pregnancy duration, and as it is impossible to know when most cows conceive, it is usually only generated from A.I records. Short Gestation is also actively sought in some breeds as one of the primary drivers to lower Birth Weights and aid calving ease. A short gestation interval is possible whether the cow calves early in the season or not and regardless of her Days to Calving EBV.
Calf Lethargy can be the result of many causes, like illness, temperature and disease, but it is arguable whether short gestation is one of them. In fact, a cow with longer gestation interval and larger calf would more likely suffer lethargy from a difficult birth.
Potato, savoury mince sour cream and cheese
*GF/DF option available - Coconut yoghurt and Bio cheese
Slow cooked roast beef, onion and gravy served in a bread roll
Slow cooked roast lamb and gravy served in a bread roll
Beef mince, onion, carrot, corn, peas, garlic served in a bread roll
*GF/DF option available - Coconut yoghurt and Bio cheese
$5.00 HOT DOG
Hot dog sausage, choice of sauce - BBQ, tomato, mustard, cheese ($1 extra)
White bread, butter, corned meat and pickles
White bread, butter, ham and chesse
Proceeds to Biloela Carols by Candlelight
Proceeds from today’s catering team will be kindly donated to
Proceeds to Biloela Carols by Candlelight
TEA $2.50
*Gluten Free Options
© All artwork, photographs and content remain the property of Cree Santa Gertrudis and Cattlelogue Queen and are protected by Australian and International copyright laws. Unauthorized copying or reproduction is prohibited. All reasonable care to ensure that the information provided in this catalogue is correct at the time of publication. Neither Cree Santa Gertrudis, Cattlelogue Queen or Agents makes any representations for accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any information provided in this catalogue and does not assume any responsibility for using or interpreting the information included in this catalogue.
You are encouraged to seek independent verification of any information contained in this catalogue before relying on such information.
Jeff Harris
0447 023 069 jeff.harris@ausure.com.au
IMPORTANT NOTICE: All bids shall be treated as offers made upon the following Terms and Conditions of Sale and all persons present are admitted to attend the sale on the basis that they have notice of these Terms and Conditions.
1. The highest bidder shall, subject to Condition 2, be the Purchaser provided that the Vendor reserves the right to bid either by himself or through his Agent or Auctioneer and should any dispute arise among the bidders for any lot, during or immediately after the sale of the lot, it shall be settled at the Auctioneers absolute discretion who may, should one of the disputants advance, put the lot or lots up again. The bidding from time to time shall be regulated by the Auctioneer and no bid shall be retracted.
2. The sale will be conducted on a “Sale” or “No Sale” basis whereby the lot for sale shall be knocked down to the highest bidder, but the sale will be subject to the acceptance of the highest bid by the Vendor who will immediately after the fall of the hammer declare “Sale” or “No Sale”. Should the Vendor reject the bid of the highest bidder such bidder will have the right of first refusal of the lot at the Vendor’s nominated price for one hour after the lot has been passed out of the ring on the Terms and Conditions herein set forth in so far as they shall apply.
3. The details of the Purchaser, the purchase price and the lot sold as recorded by the sale clerk for and on behalf of the Auctioneer shall be equally binding on both Purchaser and Vendor.
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5. Each lot in all cases shall be at the risk and expense of the Purchaser upon acceptance of his bid by the Vendor or upon acceptance of the highest bidder’s offer by the Vendor whichever shall be the earlier.
6. Except as expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions of Sale no guarantee or warranty shall be given in respect of any lot sold under these Conditions as to pedigree, sex, age, breeding condition or otherwise howsoever, and no guarantee, warranty or condition whatsoever shall be implied from any affirmation made before or at the time of the sale, or from any circumstances of the sale, but in all cases where a guarantee is intended the same shall attach and be enforceable only if reduced to writing before delivery of the lot and signed by the Vendor or by the Auctioneer acting as agent for the Vendor, and the absence of such writing shall be conclusive evidence in case of dispute that no guarantee, warranty or condition whatsoever was given or implied.
7. In the event of any dispute in respect to the sale of any lot:
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9. (a) PAYMENT – Unless prior credit arrangements have been made in writing with the Auctioneer the full purchase price for each lot shall be due and payable to the Auctioneer in cash upon acceptance of the highest bid or the highest bidder’s offer by the Vendor and prior to delivery. Notwithstanding that delivery is given to or possession obtained by the purchaser or his representative prior to the payment of the purchase money in full the property in any lot which is sold shall not pass to the Purchaser until the full purchase price and all cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, acceptance orders or drafts given in connection with such payment have been paid and liquidated, and until property shall pass, the Purchaser shall hold such lot as bailee, provided that in all cases should such payment not have been made and liquidated within 14 days of the date of the sale the Auctioneer reserves the right to:–
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10. If the Purchaser shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the within conditions, any lot purchased by him may be immediately resold by public auction or private contract, with or without notice, at the risk of the former Purchaser, who will be held responsible for all loss and expenses arising out of such resale, and shall not participate in any profit accruing therefrom.
11. Any Vendor or Purchaser removing the sale number from any lot after it has been sold will fully indemnify all affected parties for any loss, costs or damage should the lot be wrongly delivered.
12. The Purchasers, if any more than one, shall be jointly and severally bound by these Terms and Conditions, and shall jointly and severally carry out and perform same.
13. Any person who advances a bid on a lot shall do so on the expressed condition and understanding that should that person’s bid be the highest bid and such bid is accepted by the Vendor, then that person will be held personally liable for the price so agreed upon, regardless of the fact that that person may be acting on behalf of another party, either disclosed or undisclosed to the Vendor or Auctioneer, provided however, that this Condition shall not in any way negate the Vendor’s right to claim against any principal and in such case the bidder’s liability shall be construed to be by way of guarantee.
14. The Auctioneer may, should it think fit, make arrangements on a Purchaser’s behalf for the feeding, watering, trucking, shipping of and general attendance to any lot after sale but no responsibility will be accepted by the Auctioneer and all such service will be at the Purchaser’s risk and expense.
15. No lot will be delivered until the sales invoice has been checked and signed by the Purchaser or his duly authorised representative.
16. (a) Each lot in all cases shall be sold with all faults, if any, and excepting those conditions and warranties implied by the Trade Practices Act or any applicable State legislation which cannot be contractually excluded and excepting conditions and warranties expressly contained in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, any express or implied condition, statement of warranty, statutory or otherwise, is hereby excluded. The Auctioneer is not liable in respect of any error, misdescription or omission in any particulars appearing or stated regarding the description of pedigrees of any lot offered for sale and no such error, misdescription of omission shall entitle the Purchaser to annual the sale or reject the lot or claim any compensation, damage or abatement in price.
(b) Each lot will be sold subject to passing all veterinary tests required by the law of the state or country to which the Purchaser intends to transport that particular lot, such tests to be undertaken at the Purchaser’s expense and concluded immediately following the sale. In the event of a lot failing to pass these tests, the sale shall be null and void, any purchase moneys paid by the Purchaser shall be refunded and property in the lot shall revert to or remain with the Vendor.
17. Guarantees of Fertility:—
(1) BULLS - Save and except for calves at foot, all bulls are guaranteed breeders and to so prove by the later of:
(a) twelve months after the date of sale or
(b) the animal reaching the age of 24 months
(2) FEMALES - Save and except for female calves at foot, all females are guaranteed to be in calf or go into calf by the later of:
(a) 6 months of the date of sale
(b) the animal reaching the age of 30 months
A positive pregnancy test certified by a qualified veterinary surgeon shall be sufficient evidence that the animal is in calf.
(3) Claims under Clauses 17(1) and 17(2). A claim that an animal has failed to satisfy a guarantee of fertility under Clause 17(1) or 17(2) must be made to the Vendor within the relevant guarantee period but prior to the animal entering a quarantine area other than on the Vendor’s property.
(a) All claims must be accompanied by a certificate from a registered veterinarian surgeon in accordance with the guidelines established by the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians which must clearly identify the basis of the claim.
(b) Subject to Clause 17(9), infertility resulting from injury or disease occurring after the sale of the animal is not covered by this guarantee.
(c) The Vendor retains the right to have the animal placed on a property nominated by him or returned to his own property for further assessment of fertility for a period not exceeding six months. If the animal proves fertile within the period such status must be confirmed by a certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon in accordance with the guideline established by the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians and costs incurred must be borne by the Purchaser. If the animal is not proven fertile within the period, the costs incurred must be borne by the Vendor.
(4) LIABILITY OF A VENDOR - Except for costs defined elsewhere in the conditions of sale, the liability of a Vendor in respect of claims relating to fertility shall not exceed the purchase price of the animal(s) or provide mutually agreed upon replacement animal(s).
(5) In the event of a claim being substantiated:
(a) The purchase price shall be refunded within 14 days unless a mutually agreed upon replacement animal has been provided.
(b) The animal/s which are the subject of the claim shall automatically become the property of the Vendor and be returned to him or disposed of according to his instruction at his expense.
(6) Subject to Clause 17(9), this guarantee is of no effect if:
(a) The animal is returned to the Vendor.
(i) In poor physical condition or with any injury;
(ii) Tests carried out on behalf of the Vendor within fourteen days of such return proved positive to any diseases which may affect the animal’s fertility or ability to breed naturally; or
(b) The Purchaser has collected and stored semen from a bull or
(c) The Purchaser attempted any form of embryo collection from a female.
(7) In the event of a dispute as to whether a lot is a breeder, such dispute shall be resolved by the Vendor and the Purchaser. The Auctioneer, while he will use his best endeavours to assist, shall have no liability or responsibility in that regard. If an animal is alleged or proved not to be a breeder, the Purchaser must nevertheless pay the Auctioneer the full purchase price and any other monies or interest payable by the Purchaser in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
(8) EVIDENCE OF FERTILITY – A Certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon at or before the time of sale that an animal is fertile (unless it is a certificate stating in respect of a female that she is in calf at the time of sale) does not, of itself, satisfy or discharge the Vendor’s obligations under the guarantee of fertility given under this Clause 17. All animals, except calves at foot, must prove their fertility within the relevant guarantee period.
(9) RELIEF FROM GUARANTEE – If the Vendor seeks to be relieved from the obligations which would otherwise be imposed upon him by this clause by virtue of Clauses 17(3)(b) or 17(6)(a), the onus of proof is upon the Vendor to establish that:
(a) The animal suffered the injury or disease or is in poor physical condition due to circumstances and events occurring after the sale, and
(b) The injury, disease of physical condition is the sole cause of the animal’s infertility or failure to prove fertility within the guarantee period.
(10) DEFINITION – For the purpose of this Clause 17, the expression “guarantee period” means:
(a) in relation to bulls – the period specified in Clause 17(1) as being the period in which the bull must prove his fertility; and
(b) in relation to females – the period specified in Clause 17(2) as being the period in which the female must go into calf.
18. (a) Each lot shall be at the risk of the Vendor in respect of any damage or injury, whether by disease, accident or otherwise, or whether caused by the negligence of the Auctioneer for the period that the lot be in the custody of the Auctioneer, unless such lots shall have been sold in which latter case such lot shall be at the risk of the Purchaser in all such respects.
(b) If any Vendor brings to the sale premises any lot which is dangerous, or infected with any disease, that Vendor shall be liable for all injury, damages, costs, losses or expenses which the Auctioneer may sustain, incur or be put to either directly or indirectly as a result of the Vendor so doing. The Auctioneer reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to exclude from the sale, or put out of the sale venue or dispose of, any lot which in its opinion shows signs of any disease, whether infectious, contagious or not, or of any serious fault or of being dangerous.
19. DELIVERY — Except at the discretion of the Auctioneer no lot shall be delivered to the Purchaser unless payment of the purchase money together with any additional charges incurred including those expenses incurred by the Auctioneer pursuant to Condition 14 hereof, is first made by the Purchaser to the Auctioneer. Release of lots may be withheld by the Auctioneer until personal cheques are cleared.
20. In these Conditions:—
(a) References to “Auctioneer” shall be taken to mean as the context so admits, the Selling Agent or any member, subsidiary or related corporation or body, officer, agent or employee thereof, authorised by the Vendor to conduct the sale of the lot;
(b) “Purchaser” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 1;
(c) “Vendor” shall mean the person or corporation upon whose account lots are offered for sale and where a stud or farm is named shall mean the proprietor of that stud or farm;
(d) “Lot” shall be taken to mean the animal offered for sale and/or sold by the Auctioneer on behalf of a Vendor.
The Selling Agent, its members, subsidiary or related corporations, officers, agents, and employees for themselves and for those for whom they act while exercising due care provide all information without responsibility and give no guarantee whatsoever as to its accuracy.
All persons who attend the Sale do so entirely at their risk and the Selling Agent, its members, subsidiary or related corporations, officers, agents, employees and its principals, for themselves and for those for whom they act, do not assume or accept any responsibility or liability of whatever nature for any injury or damage whatsoever which may occur.