Burnett Angus Bull Sale 2025

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Wyatt Cell (306) 750-7822

Bryce Cell (306) 774-6878


Donnie Peacock (306) 662-8288


Grant Barnett (306) 690-9717


Brett Jensen (306) 773-3174

Burnett Angus & Tarentaise

Box 86, Swift Current, Sask, S9H 3V5

Tel: (306) 773-7065 or (306) 750-7822

Email: wburnett@xplornet.ca www.bryceburnett.com

Insurance Rep

C.W. Millar’s Insurance, Hodgeville, Sask.

Anita Knutsen (306) 677-2207

Thank you to Justine and Kevin Taylor

For doing our sale photos.

Thank you to Jamie-Rae Pittman For developing our catalogue.

Canadian Angus 2024 born average EPDs

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Welcome to the 41st edition of the Burnett Bull Sale. Thank-you for considering our program. It’s a great time in the cattle industry, with record prices, mostly adequate feed in 2024, and an abundance of snow this winter, looks like a promising start to 2025! Cattle numbers are low, demand is high. Summer of 2025 will be a great time to breed heifers, as bred cattle prices this fall will be incredible again. Breed those heifers!!

The Bulls on offer April 5th are a continuation of our breeding theory/ beliefs. We select for easy calving, low maintenance cattle that thrive and survive with no fuss and little management. It all starts with a healthy, moderate sized calf. Most of our bull power, both through AI and natural service are bulls that can be used on heifers. After many generations of these genetics, we are selecting for calving ease, and in turn we are achieving a consistent result. Most bulls on offer can be used safely to breed your heifers.

Please consider this your invitation to join us Saturday April 5Th. Complimentary lunch will begin at 12pm and sale at 2pm. Bulls will be penned inside our sale facility for viewing prior to sale and bulls will sell by video. If you would like to see the bulls and their dams prior to sale day ,please contact us. Our herd is available for viewing anytime. Sale will be broadcast online with DLMS. Bidding online is available for those unable to join us sale day. To view videos of the bulls please visit DLMS website closer to the sale. www.dlms.ca

As always your friends

270 Day Gestation

268 Day Gestation

Really long, eye appealing 0128H son here. Dam side is very strong all the way back. Great calving ease bull here. 79 lb birth weight. Top 6% in breed for birth weight.

A true calving ease bull. 78 lbs birth weight with a nice spread to weaning weight. Great Shoka cow family behind this bull.

269 Day Gestation

A soggy, deep sided Specialist son. Thick top and full of meat. 73lbs birth weight to impressive weaning weight. This is your curve bending heifer bull.

272 Day Gestation

Really attractive Specialist Son. Long body with good hind quarter. Complete kind of bull.

top line and lots of thickness here.

his calves with that smooth head and neck. Good performance numbers. Heifer Bull here.

ease, Birth Weight and maternal Calving Ease.

Correct, square, specialist son. Good bull out of a great Charlo daughter. Calving ease with some added performance, some very predictable genetics here. Heifer bull. 77 lbs, 279 Day Gestation

273 Day Gestation

Specialist son. Long



275 Day Gestation

Rainmaker has produced some sale feature bulls over the past 3 years. Rainmaker daughters have been top of the pen. A little more performance and length of body in this sire group. Good 2 star bull here. He’s not giving up any performance.

280 Day Gestation

Really nice Rainmaker son again. Been a calf to watch and admire all summer long. Dam is a very moderate, feminine hard working female.

281 Day Gestation

Found some New Design semen to use. Used the bull years ago and he produced some beautiful females that lasted in the herd for many years. These 878 sons are very maternal and should be top of mind if you’re producing females. Cow maker.


For the past 16 years we have focused on calving ease when selecting bulls for AI and natural service. Birth weight is a part of calving ease, combined with other factors such as gestation period, pedigree and environment. For your convenience we have rated the bulls based on all 3 factors.

272 Day Gestation

267 Day Gestation

Calving ease Heifer Bull. 71 lb. bw.

The Cull

Raising cattle builds character that’s for sure but working cattle builds vocabulary as we endure.

Some words can be testy and others worse than mild, patients wear thin and tempers rise as phrases progress into wild.

Cattle have a mind of their own as they wrench and twitch, why won’t you take that calf? - I’ll CULL you – you son of a gun.

There’s that word cull – the final deed – we’ve got no use for that critter, attitude, old age and fatigue – no longer the pick of the litter.

We cull ‘em for long toes or sand cracks, sound feet are a must, I sort ‘em off as my swollen foot and bruised toe kick up the dust.

We cull ‘em for cancer eye from the sun burning on a white face, observing this with my right eye, as the left one blindly stares into space.

We’ll cull that bull with the bad hip, limping with pain, I watch as my aching back cracks using a sorting stick for a cane.

So cull that old girl with the dragging bag and the cow with the blind tit, Now I can’t relate to that cause transgenders ain’t allowed on this outfit.

But that old bull failed his semen test so he’ got to go, I think I can relate to that, I’ve past my prime long ago.

And so it is we sell them off cause they’re old, crippled and dull, You know I’ve just realized, I reckon I’ve become a CULL.

been invested in history and archives, including the 2019 Canadian Angus history book.

Keeper of the Gate

Throughout my years of ranching I’ve finally found my fate, to be graciously summoned as keeper of the gate.

And so it is at branding time, the boss who runs the crew, divies up the job as to what each ranch hand has to do.

There’s those that rope the calves and drag ‘em through the dirt, those that throw ‘em and those that hold ‘em so no cowboy gets hurt.

Someone burns the brand on and someone vaccinates, then there’s those that tag the ears as a buddy castrates.

So I ask the boss – what’s this old guy do? He replies -I’m glad you asked, there’s a gate needs tending to.

So after the calves are processed they get sent on down my way, and I get yelled instructions as to let ‘em go or stay.

Now the jobs pretty easy, even for this old guy, just wait for the bosses motion, put ‘em in or send ‘em by.

It’s in or by, in or by, that’s all he has to say, then he tries to trick me, yelling put ‘em the other way.

Now my wife saunters by saying you’re pretty important today, they got grandpa holding onto the gate to send calves on their way.

Using her nursing profession, she’s got it all figured out, see the procedure’s like the human body processing food no doubt.

There’s those that bring in the calves – like a mouth don’t ya’ see, then those that process ‘em like a stomach, liver or a kidney.

Then there’s the intestines pushing ‘em along the way, and your at the end holding ‘em in or passing ‘em away.

So old man if you screw up it’ll all plug up you see, Now that’s just her way of calling me an asshole, she can’t fool me.

That’s okay I reply to her -when the job’s all done my dear, as keeper of the gate, this old asshole still gets a beer.


TERMS OF SALE: Cash or cheque payable to the Clerk on Sale Day. Satisfactory settlement must be made before cattle are released. Animals become the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold, however, every precaution will be taken for the animals welfare.

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: All registration papers will be transferred to the buyer for each registered animal after full and complete payment is made.


Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over any printed matter. Any disputes on bidding will be settled by the auctioneer.

BREEDER’S GUARANTEE: Our breeding program is as important to us as it is to you. All bulls have completed a breeding soundness evaluation. Should any Burnett bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder, we will replace him with a bull as close to quality as possible or a credit given toward another purchase of a Burnett bull. If you have a problem with your bull, please notify us immediately. We will work with you as long as the bull has not been mismanaged.

SEMEN RIGHTS: Burnett Angus and Tarentaise reserve the right to collect semen for in-herd-use, at our expense and buyer convenience, on any bull in the sale.

INSURANCE: Will be available sale day.

DELIVERY: We realize it is not always possible to take your purchase the day of the sale. We will gladly retain your new purchase at the Ranch and look after it until arrangements can be made or delivery made. All USA purchases will be retained at the ranch. We will arrange for health export status to be completed.

LIABILITIES: All persons who attend the Sale do so at their own risk, and the owners along with sales personnel assume no liabilities, legal or otherwise for any accidents that may occur.

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