5TH ANNUAL online APRIL 4th to 5th 2025

5TH ANNUAL online APRIL 4th to 5th 2025
Welcome to our 5th Annual online sale! On offer this year will be 16 yearling Speckle Park bulls, 2 yearling Charolais bulls, 6 open purebred Speckle Park heifers, and 4 lots of open commercial Speckle Park heifers.
The commercial heifers again come from Ker-kain Farms in Shaunavon Saskatchewan. These are spring born heifers. They have been on feed here in Didsbury, Alberta since January of this year. Vince and his family have been buying bulls out of our sale from the beginning and we are happy to offer these heifers in our sale.
Our purebred heifers on offer come from the heart of our replacement pen. We believe in the production and maternal strength of our cow herd. These
heifers are no exception. In the last few years we have trimmed down our cow herd a lot and this has left us with a really solid group of replacement females.
This years bulls are the thickest and stoutest group we have yet to offer. They are fed a TMR ration from weaning consisting of barley silage, hay and rolled oats as well as a mineral supplement from Bullseye feeds. We work closely with Brayden Schmidt at Bullseye Feeds to formulate a ration that supports growth and performance as well as longevity. I believe these bulls will have the ability to go out into anyones operation and work. The bulls are raised on pasture alongside their mothers. They have been vaccinated with 5 and 8 way at pasture turnout as well as weaning. They have been given Clean-up II as well as a footrot vaccine at semen testing. We maintain a nutrition program through Bullseye for our entire cow herd. We work closely with them to use the right mineral and supplements as well as testing all of our feed and formulating rations. They have been ultrasounded as well.
New this year we also have on offer 2 purebred Charolais bulls. We have been expanding our Charolais program over the past couple years and are excited to be offering more in the future. We are very optimistic of the cows we have been putting together and their progeny to come.
We again will offer a buyback program. We extend the offer to anyone who has bought KFC bulls in the past. We will buy back speckle park steers at fair market value. See the commercial buy back program for more information.
Thank you to everyone that has supported and shown interest in our program.
Ashley Anderson, Farm Manager, KFC Farms
Ashley Anderson
We would like to extend this offer to any past or new customer who has bought bulls from us. We will buy back steer calves sired by KFC bulls in the fall at fair market value. We know that marketing these calves sometimes can be challenging and we would like to do anything we can to help. These steers will be put on a feed test program with Speckle Park Reserve where we can collect data from them in with the hope to market the Speckle Park breed for what its good at; Carcass quality and feed conversion!
Twisted F Ranch
Kootenay Meadows Ranch
Poplarview Cattle
Ker-Kain Farms
Ferme Vignon
Raise the Bar Farms
Adelia Farms ltd
Barry Sagon
Underhill Speckle Park
O’Reilly Holdings INC
4 Winns Livestock
Crooked Creek Speckle Park
Octave 40 Ranch
• Bulls will be fed free of charge until June 1, 2025. Bulls remaining in the yard will require insurance at the cost of the buyer.
• Deliveries to Western Canada on purebred bulls and heifers. We will split the cost of going East.
• Commercial heifer delivery is the responsibility of the buyers. We will work with you if we are going that direction.
• Bulls have been vaccinated at pasture turnout and weaning with Express FP 5 LV5 and Fermicon 7 as well as treated with Bimectin insecticide. They have received the Fusoguard footrot vaccine this winter as well as Clean-up Pour on insecticide.
• They have been inspected and semen tested by a certified veterinarian and are deemed healthy and satisfactory to breed.
#MC881392 - KFC 4M - 1/1/2024 - PUREBRED #MC881670 - KFC 219M - 1/1/2024 - PUREBRED
Michelin is a big, growthy Bourbon son with lots of hair. His dam, a Whiskey Bent daughter, has a really nice udder and lots of milk. Michelin is above average in weaning, yearling and milk numbers.
Memphis is a stout Apex X 748E combination. He is in the top ten percent of the breed for Scrotal Circumference. He is a big middled smooth made bull with ample muscle expression.
- KFC 17M - 2/1/2024 - PUREBRED
Maui is another Knight Train son with some added frame and performance. His dam is a Guardian daughter giving this bull calving ease on both sides.
It is again a pleasure to be working with the great crew at KFC Farms. The KFC program continues to increase the quality of bulls on offer year after year. The 2025 sale offering is as deep as it has ever been, and the bulls have developed very well during the feeding period this year.
The KFC cow herd utilizes an organic mineral package throughout the year to ensure proper immune function and overall health of the mother cows and progeny is maximized. The bulls are grown on grass with their mothers, and then moved onto a total mixed ration that is designed to promote lean muscle growth. It is important that rumen health stays a priority throughout every stage of the bull’s development, therefore the ratio includes organic minerals to maximize the overall nutritional health and development of the bulls. The feeding program is built to maximize forage utilization, enhancing longevity is the focus when developing the sale
bulls. The total mixed ration consists of barley silage, mixed hay, oat grain, and a low inclusion protein supplement formulated for the ration. The nutrition and development of the bulls along with the entire cow herd is continually being monitored to meet environmental and season conditions to compliment the animal’s overall health.
If you have any questions about the nutrition or the sale bulls, please feel free to contact me.
Best of luck to the KFC Farms crew on sale day!
Matrix is a stout made moderate framed individual with loads of shape and presence. His dam 50K is one of the first Hawkeye 273H progeny we have here. She is moderate with a lot of rib shape and capacity. He indexed above average in both weaning and yearling weights.
Monument is a large framed, growthy Guardian son. His dam, a Monument 107D daughter, has a near perfect udder. 62M indexed 112 weaning and 113 yearling weights putting him near the top of our bullpen for performance.
Mars Bar indexed 110 for weaning and yearling weights. Super docile, this is Riley’s favourite bull in the pen and was a part of his 4H string last year. His dam, 17K, is a Gladiator 1G daughter that was sucessfully shown in 2023.
The last Guardian son we have to offer. Guardian has put in added frame and length to his calves. If you’re looking for a bigger framed bull that will calve easy put this bull on your list.
Monterey is a moderate framed easy fleshing bull. He comes to the top of the group of Knight Train calves. He is a stout made sound individual that will work great on heifers.
McCoy is the first of our Colgan Kingpin bulls to be offered for sale. He is a thick, well muscled and proud individual with loads of hair. He was halter broke as a calf.
Marlboro is a big middled, wide topped, smooth made Kingpin son. His dam is a moderate framed Geaza daughter. She has ample rib shape and a really nice udder. 98M is a structurally sound bull with extra extension through his neck and front end and added performance.
Maverick is the highest performing bull in the sale with a yearling weight indexing 125. He is a masculine bull with a proud look. His carcass data measured him with the biggest rib eye at 16.77 inches. He is a long bodied thick topped bull. This bull is also halter broke.
Merle is a moderate framed white bull. His dam came from the Spots n Sprouts program. She is a big bodied cow with a great udder.
Miami is a powerful made, moderate and heavy muscled black bull. His dam comes from the Legacy program. She is a moderate cow that milks heavy and has raised 7 calves here. His carcass data shows high marbling and high lean meat yield.
#CAN20601-PT - KFC 110M - 5/2/2024 - PUREBRED
Mandilorian is a Gladiator x 10A embryo. He is very similar to a full brother we successfully showed last year and sold to Adelia Farms in Climax, SK. A dark pigmented bull with lots of length.
- KFC 113M - 6/2/2024 - PUREBRED
Michigan is the youngest Kingpin son. He, like the other Kingpin’s, is heavily muscled and proud. His dam is a large framed End to End daughter that milks heavy with a tidy udder. Her first son sold to Jody Nichols at Erskine, AB. 113M is a masculine individual that also carries impressive carcass data.
Markerville is the last Smoke Em son we have to offer. Smoke em was an exceptional breeder here, leaving us calves with lots of muscle shape and presence. We have calved a few daughters now and they milk well with really nice udders. His dam Electra 43E is a cow we have flushed here and successfully shown. Markerville was the champion Speckle Park bull in the President’s Classic jackpot at Agribition as well as the Champion Intermediate bull calf. He was the highest yielding bull when ultrasounded, measuring 67.86 %. A maternal brother to him sold to Hiller Hay Farms at Calmar, AB.
Modelo is a long bodied growthy, December born Guardian son. Yearling weight indexes 114.
Magnitude is another December born bull. The first of our JSF Night Train 50K bulls. Knight train has been a true calving ease bull with over 30 calves recorded averaging 70lbs. 203L indexes 120 yearling weight.
A really nice, moderate framed heifer out of our calving ease bull. Her granddam 7W was a donor here.
A feminine, nice fronted Codiak Captaine 5C daughter with lots of hair. Her dam 43F has been flushed and is owned with Wheaton Brothers in
Thick made Kingpin Daughter, this heifer is the type that raises big stout bull calves. Her dam 44H is a bigger framed End to End daughter with a really nice udder.
T he commercial heifers on offer this year are a mixture of heifers form Ker-Kain Farms in Shaunavon SK, as well as a handful from Ken’s ranch - Hat Creek Ranch in Cache Creek, BC. The majority of these heifers come from Angus or Angus influenced mothers and are sired by KFC Speckle Park bulls. We are excited to work with Vince and his family to bring these heifers to you. The heifers have been vaccinated with Express FP 5 LV5 and Fermicon 7 in the fall as well as treated with Clean-Up insecticide this winter.
Heifers are videoed in their lots. The numbers are listed below.
A - numbers 2409, 2410, 2412 & 2414
B - numbers 2405, 2406, 2413 & 2415
C - numbers 2401, 2404, 2408 & 2416
D - numbers 2402, 2403, 2407 & 2411
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