Denbie Ranch & Guests Bull


Saturday, February 18th, 2023 2:00 P.M.
Ste. Rose Auction Mart

Saturday, February 18th, 2023 2:00 P.M.
Ste. Rose Auction Mart
Welcome to the 11th annual Denbie Ranch & Guests Bull Sale.
Wow what a difference one year can make! When mother nature opens up the skies and gives us the moisture we need, life is great! Cows had grass up to their bellies all summer and late into the fall!
Forage and grain crops got seeded a little bit later than normal but still managed to give most everyone the feed they need, and even if you had to purchase some it was readily available and reasonably priced.
On the auction side of life a lot of cows got traded last fall and even still into the new year. I guess as time marches on a lot of people are just feeling tired and worn out. Who can blame them with some pretty nasty input costs these days. But all these girls didn't go to slaughter they just moved a little farther down the road to the neighbours. It’s great to see that there is still some enthusiasm left!
The total cow herd is still at an all time low but the human population is at an all time high; just recently creeping over 8 billion people, and all the folks with common sense who don’t want to eat “Lab Grown Meat” need to be fed.
Hopefully the first sales we’ve had in the new year are a good indicator of what is coming this fall. Good quality light calves are trading over $3.00/lb and good high yielding cows are back up over $0.90/lb. As long as the governments of the day don’t stick their noses in and screw things up we should see record yearling and calf prices in the fall.
To help everyone get this done we have the largest selection of bulls for this sale that we’ve ever had. New for us at Denbie Ranch this year we are brining to town the first Black Hybrid bulls we’ve raised, They are bred exactly the same as the Red Hybrids. Myhre Land and Cattle are brining more of their popular big strong two year old Charolais bulls and Bar J always bring some of the fanciest yearling Charolais and Simmental bulls around. Now I’d also like to welcome BASKM Land and Cattle; Brad and Antonia Ginter along with their son Matthew are a most welcome addition to this years sale! They are brining to town some of the quietest, big, deep bodied two year old Black Angus bulls I’ve ever had the pleasure of walking through. As usual all of these bulls have been brought along slowly, developed mostly on grass so they will go out and work and last a long time in your herds! Also all videos of the bulls are on DLMS cattle vids. These are the videos we will be using for the sale as no bulls will be entering the sale ring. All bulls will be at the auction mart on sale day for your presale viewing. We all know pictures and videos are great but there is nothing like a live inspection so if you are unable to be present on sale day please schedule an on farm visit to inspect the bulls before the sale date.
So hopefully you will be able to join us on Saturday February 18th, 2023@ 2:00 P.M
Yours truly,
Denis and Debbie GuillasP.S. If you are new to the sale please come up and introduce yourselves. We would be happy to meet you!
Denbie Ranch
Denis & Debbie Guillas
Box 610, Ste. Rose, MB R0L 1S0
Denis Cell (204) 447-7608
Fax: 204-447-2867
Bull Sale
Guest Consignors
Myhre Land & Cattle
Bar-J Charolais
BASKM Land & Cattle
Saturday, February 18, 2023 @ 2:00 P.M. Ste. Rose Auction Mart, Ste. Rose, MB
38 - Two Year Old & Long Yearling Red Angus & Hybrid Bulls
18 - Two Year Old Charolais Bulls
8 - Yearling Charolais Bulls
2 - Yearling Black Simmental Bulls
8 - Two Year Old Angus Bulls
Sale Staff: Auctioneer: Myles Masson (204) 447-7054
SaleLocation: Ste.RoseAuctionMart Islocated2milessouthof Ste.Roseonhighway#5.
Sale Day Phones:
Ste. Rose Auction Mart (204) 447-2266
Denis Cell (204) 447-7608
Hans Cell (204) 648-6416
Justin Cell (204) 871-3086
Jack Cell (204) 791-0091
Brad Cell (204) 212-2214
Matthew Cell (306) 452-5312
Denbie Ranch Location:
11 Miles north of Ste. Rose on highway #276.
Watch and bid online at
Please register to bid before sale day. Mark Shologan 780-699-5082
Bull videos on DLMS – cattle vids
Bull Photography and Videos by Prairie Pistol Designs
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque payable at par at the sale unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made previous to the sale. All settlements must be made with the clerks of the sale before any cattle will be released Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. All monies are in Canadian Funds. All animals remain property of Denbie Ranch until paid in full.
All announcements made from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are cautioned to pay close attention to such disclosures.
The cattle will be sold under the terms of the Standard Breeding Guarantee of the Canadian Angus and Charolais Associations. All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements. If your bull fails to be a satisfactory breeder we will replace him with a bull of equal value or give you your money back. We will not provide a replacement if your bull has been mismanaged. At no time shall the liability exceed the purchase price of your bull.
Agents will be on hand to insure purchases the day of the sale. They are very knowledgeable and can handle any type of coverage. We recommend insurance coverage for breeding or physical injury. All hybrid bulls can be insured, they all have a permanent tattoo.
Credit terms are available in some cases. Contact Denbie Ranch prior to the sale for more information.
Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the owners, the employees, auctioneer and representatives assume any responsibility in the matter and disclaim any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property. All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk.
Not everyone has room to accept a new bull this early in the year. We will take the bulls home after the sale and board them till April 1st and then will deliver them at no charge. Bulls are managed at the new owner’s risk. Bulls going home to Denbie Ranch must be insured. Delivery will be as close to the date that you request your bull, but will be at our convenience or Haul your own bull on sale day and receive $150.00 off each bull .
Phone& Online
Bidders unable to attend the sale may bid online or by phone their bids and instructions to the auctioneer or special representatives.
Rights and Obligations
The above terms and conditions of the sale shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller and be equally binding to both. Resale of animals, following purchase in this sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the rights and obligations of the two parties connected there to are not covered by the terms and conditions of the sale.
This is a bull we bought from M.C. Quantock at their 2019 sale. 2562 has that real “Angus” look about him; low set long bodied. And a real easy keeper. A little bit of an international flavour with his grandsire being bred in Argentina. His sons will impress the most discriminating buyers!!
Reg# 1988282
Tattoo: RIV 2562E EPDS
Birth WT: 82lbs Red WAF Cachafaz 351 U
Birth Date: May 05,2017
Sire: Red LFE Lewis 3004Z
Weaning WT: 726 lbs Red LFE Mildred 629 U
Mature Sc: 44 cm
Red QLC Quantock 829 2141X
Dam: Red QLC Quantock 2141 Ms 2453A
Red QLC Quantock LEW Ms 2095Y
Moderate boned and easy doing best describes Enforcer! We bought him for his calving ease and use him on both cows and heifers. He is a big soggy bull that travels freely and maintains his condition while covering big groups of cows and heifers
Reg.# 1966500
Birth WT: 78 lbs
Tattoo: EU 36E
Bar-E-L Warden
-K Rina 87X
RC Approval 31 X
Mature Sc: 45 cm Dam: Red T-K Anna 25 Z
Red T-K Anna 16 X
Legal has fast become our go to bull to use on heifers and cows that we want to breed to make those light birthweight heifer bulls. He breeds like a champion on a very moderate frame with a great set of feet underneath him!
Reg.# 2001372
Tattoo: EU 176E
Birth WT: 75 lbs Red U-2 Mama’s Boy 167X
Weaning WT: 780 lbs
Red YCLC Mama’s Boy 556B
Birth Date: April 12,2017 Red YCLC Irene 111Y
T-K Chimo 90W
Mature Sc: 42 cm Dam: Red Kenray Missy 78C
Red Hazy Hollow Missy 7X
Milk +28
First Class is our gentle giant! If you want to add body volume, thickness and pounds to your calves here he is. Mulberry as you know was one of the top Red Angus bulls that ever walked in Canada and even with all his performance and ideal structure, he added calving ease to his progeny. This unique pedigree will add maternal and paternal strength to your program.
Iron Man has good balanced EPD’s with much above average weaning and yearling performance. He is extremely long bodied and we all know that is where the pay weight is when selling those good commercial calves by the pound!
Daytons PP Susan
Hombre is another great, long bodied, moderate framed, calving ease bull that we purchased from Double Bar D. He is a stylish bull that sure adds some chrome to his hybrid sons and daughters.
Weaning weight Summer Grass Gain On Test Gain
625 lbs 1.5 2.3
Our philosophy in developing these older bulls is to “Not” push them. This group of coming two year old bulls were born in April-May , just 60-90 days ahead of the long yearlings and then weaned in late November. They received “No” creep feed while on their mothers! They are lightly backgrounded and then put out on good tame pasture so they can slowly develop and mature. Then they were brought back in to the feedlot and put on a well balanced high roughage diet of oats and corn Silage with good grass hay. These bulls are athletic, sound, hard muscled and even though they are in really good condition the one thing you will “Not” find on these guys is a couple hundred pounds of excess fat that’s going to melt off when you turn them out!
Reg# 2223906
Birth Date: April 26,2021
Tattoo: DDG 810J
Red YCLC Mama’s Boy 167X EPDS
Birth WT: 86 lbs Sire: Red T-K Legal 176E Age of Dam: 2
Red Kenray Missy 78C Calving Ease: u
Jan 9,2023
WT: 1490 lbs
Actual W.W.: 749 lbs
Red Maple Lake 4392B Summer Grass Gain: 1.1
Dam: Red Denbie Miss Winchester 109F Test Gain: 3.3
Red Denbie 683Y
Wow! What a job this first calf heifer did on her first calf! 810J is just a smooth made bull that will add style and performance to your herd. He is a great two way bull who can be used on cows as well grown out heifers.
Reg# 2223868
Birth Date: April 14,2021
Tattoo: DDG 39J
Red LFE Lewis 3004Z EPDS
Birth WT: 84 lbs Sire: Red QLC Quantock Cat 2562E Age of Dam: 11
Red QLC Quantock 2141 Ms 2453A
Calving Ease: u
Jan 9,2023
WT: 1468 lbs
Actual W.W.: 759 lbs
Red Soder Canyon 126M Summer Grass Gain: 1.3
Dam: Red Denbie Xaviera 22X Test Gain: 3.2
Red Matilda 23M
This 22X cow just keeps cranking out these big, long bodied, growthy sons. At eleven years of age she just won’t quit! Definitely longevity built in to this pedigree.
Not everyone has room to accept a new bull this early in the year. We will take the bulls home after the sale and board them till April 1st and then will deliver them at no charge. If needed to stay longer arrangements need to be discussed and delivery will be made as close to the date you request, but will be at our convenience.
All bulls coming home to Denbie Ranch are managed at the new owner’s risk so insuring them is strongly advised. Or haul your own bull on sale day and receive $150.00 off each bull.
Reg# 2223869 Tattoo: DDG 309J
Another great calving ease bull to use on heifers! He is low-set and really fine boned.
413J is a super thick, deep bodied two way bull. Use him on well grown out heifers or thrown him on some cows as well.
This guy is real heifer friendly. He is low set, long bodied, smooth shoulder with a nice small head and perfect feet. A no worries heifer bull.
Reg# 2223876
Another long bodied, fine boned two way bull to use on heifers or cows.
622J is one of the best, strongest cow bulls in the lineup today. He is a really thick long bodied bull. Power full herd bull prospect here!
620J is a real heifers dream bull! Light birthweight and small framed. Calving ease specialist!
This guy is low to the ground and really long bodied. A real smooth made bull!
2223883 Tattoo: DDG 712J
A definite cow bull here. Exceptional big deep mid section on this guy. Will leave you steer with lots of capacity to pack on the pounds.
Another two way bull to use on either cows or heifers.
These Enforcer sons are really deep soggy well balanced bulls with great feet under them. A really great cow bull here!
A really nicely put together bull here! He will work well on cows! Good thickness and depth of body.
is a real fancy little heifer bull. Nice small head, fine boned and smooth shoulder.
Another really good heifer bull prospect, with a nice small head, smooth shoulder and fine boned.
A light birth weight guy who would make a great two way bull to use on cows or heifers.
Reg# 2223896 Tattoo: DDG 821J
821J just might be the longest bodied red bull in the sale today. He is definitely a great candidate for the heifer pen.
These fall born bulls have been brought along slowly while developing mostly on grass with absolutely “NO” supplemental feed provided on pasture. These bulls will be 20-22 months of age at breeding time and will be big enough to go out and breed even the biggest cows out there and still maintain there condition. They will last a long time in your herd.
unregistered Tattoo: DDG 105J
Birth Date: Aug 18,2021
Red LFE Lewis 3004Z EPDS
Birth WT: 82 lbs Sire: Red QLC Quantock Cat 2562E
Red QLC Quantock 2141 MS 2453A
Age of Dam: 11
Calving Ease: u
Jan. 9,2023 WT: 1278 lbs
Actual W.W.: 808 lbs
Red Hamco Logan 141W
Summer Grass Gain: 1.8
Dam: Red Denbie 105Y Test Gain: 2.0
Red Denbie 44U
105J is a really long bodied bull that will be able to go out and breed cows as well as grown out heifers. His mama was 11 when she had him and just keeps on going. She is one of my favorite cows in the herd.
Reg# 2241750 Tattoo: DDG 204J
Summer Grass Gain: 1.2
Dam: Red Denbie Umpire 683Z Test Gain: 2.4
Red QLC Quantock 168 Miss 314J
Another great old cow that just keeps on going at 10 years of age. With the combination of Enforcer and Umpire 204J will leave you with daughters you will really like!
Reg# 2241756 Tattoo: DDG 407J
407J is another light birthweight heifer bull prospect.
Reg# 2241759 Tattoo: DDG 603J
If you got heifers to breed 603J will get the job done. Fine boned with a nice smooth shoulder and head.
611J is a nicely made little bull who will work well on heifers.
Reg# 2241765 Tattoo: DDG 710J
WT: 1223 lbs
Actual W.W.: 856 lbs
Red Dimler Full Throttle 171T Summer Grass Gain: 1.5
Dam: Red Denbie Full Throttle 205E Test Gain: 1.3
Red Denbie Umpire 728Z
710J will make a great 2 way bull. He is big enough and stout enough to go out and breed cows but could also be used on well grown out heifers.
There are some misconceptions or misunderstandings with regards to polled cattle. I will try to simplify and clarify this with a few simple points.
1. The polled gene is dominant to the horned gene.
2. Homozygous polled means all offspring will be polled regardless of breeding.
3. Double polled means both parents are polled; this increases the likelihood of the offspring being homozygous.
4. Scurs are the result of an independent gene unrelated to either the horn gene or polled gene. For the most part scurs are loosely attached to the head.
5. Scurs is sex linked being dominant in bulls and recessive in heifers. That’s why if you think about it we see a lot of scurred males but very few scurred females. It is also the reason why scurs do not present a problem in your cowherds. Scurs are not a big concern as they seldom show up at weaning time and don’t affect your calf sales.
6. A horned animal may carry the gene for scurs but it is masked by the horned gene, making the scurred gene hard to eliminate from a population.
These hybrid bulls allow you in one shot to get that perfect cross breeding mix you are looking for in your commercial steer calves and also in your replacement heifers. They have the thriftiness of the Angus built in with a little bit more muscling of the Simmental as well. These bulls are out of some of the Best Angus cows we have on the place! We usefullblood non-dilutor Simmental sires on these cows so that you will not get any smoky or rat tailed calves.
1/2 Red Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 30J Polled
Birth WT: 88 lbs Sire: Double Bar D Hombre 18G
Red Angus Jurassic 48H
Dam: Red Denbie 662T
Red QLC Quantock SPR Miss 418J
30J is a really nice long bodied smooth made bull out of one of the most productive cows on the place. She just keeps on going!
1/2 Red Angus 1/2 Simmental
DDG 313J
Red Denbie 15Y
Just like last year this guy is one of my favorites in the pen! 108A consistently cranks out these big long spined athletic bulls with great hair coats. Turn this guy out with a big group of cows and you won’t be disappointed with the stylish steers and heifers he will leave you!
1/2 Red Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 422J scurred
April 29,2021
Dam: Red Denbie 118B
Red Denbie 2200Y
422J is a really nice, low set, thick bull. These two year olds will go out and breed a pile of cows and then come back in great shape.
1/2 Red Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 500J Polled
Birth Date: April 27,2021
Birth WT: 95 lbs Sire: Double Bar D Hombre 18G Age of Dam: 6
Calving Ease: u
Jan. 9,2023 WT: 1456 lbs Actual W.W.: 668 lbs
Red Denbie 2215-21Z Summer Grass Gain: 1.4
Dam: Red Denbie Turbo 53C Test Gain: 1.7
Red Denbie 866X
This guy had a bit of a rough go of it his first year. His mother died on pasture, but this didn't stop him from growing into a big powerful bull that will go out and cover a lot of cows for you!
1/2 Red Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 512J Polled
Birth Date: April 24,2021
Birth WT: 85 lbs Sire: Double Bar D Hombre 18G Age of Dam: 6 Calving Ease: u
Jan. 9,2023 WT: 1419 lbs Actual W.W.: 638 lbs
Red Denbie 2215-21Z Summer Grass Gain: 1.5
Dam: Red Denbie Turbo 2204C Test Gain: 2.2
Red QLC Quantock RR Miss 856S
I turned out the Hombre 18G bull out at the beginning of breeding so I was able to tell which cows he bred first before putting the other bull in. He stamps all his sons the same. Moderate framed, light birth weight, and easy keeping. Just the way you want them!
1/2 Red Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 623J Polled
Birth Date: April 29,2021
Birth WT: 98 lbs Sire: Fullblood Simmental Age of Dam: 5
Calving Ease: u
Jan. 9,2023 WT: 1402 lbs
Actual W.W.: 690 lbs
Red QLC Quantock 2029 2835Z Summer Grass Gain: 1.3
Dam: Red Denbie Miss Mac 203D Test Gain: 1.9
Red Denbie Umpire 2200Z
Another big long bodied bull with a great set of feet and polled as well. Great value here!
1/2 Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 5000J Scurred
Birth Date: Mar 27,2021
Birth WT: 75 lbs Sire: Fullblood Simmental Age of Dam: 3
Calving Ease: u
Actual W.W.: 632 lbs
Jan. 9,2023 WT: 1488 lbs
Summer Grass Gain: 1.7
Dam: Purebred Black Angus cow#5000 Test Gain: 2.3
This guy came out a little bit early. He was born up in the pasture before they got moved home. He is a very moderate and long bodied bull with a great disposition. Likes to come up to you for a little attention in the pen.
This is another really long bodied, easy keeping bull with a great set of feet under him. These white faced bulls sure add some Chrome to their calves making them very sought after when they come in the auction ring.
5647J is a real power bull. He has tremendous depth of body and length and his calves will really push the scale down come sale time.
DDG 5691J
A little bit of a smaller framed bull here. He has a great set of feet under him and will cover a lot of ground this breeding season.
1/2 Angus 1/2 Simmental Tattoo: DDG 5753J Polled Birth Date: June 11,2021 EPDS
This guy will sure add some chrome to his offspring. He is another one of these deep, long bodied bulls that will add some style to your calf crop. And he’s polled which is an added bonus.
DDG 5850J
Dam: Purebred Black Angus Cow#5850
5850J is a real soft made, soggy bull with lots of girth in his mid section. He is just the easy keeping kind we’re all looking for and he’ll add a splash of white to his calves.
This guy is a very moderate framed bull. He is another one of these smooth, long bodied easy keeping guys that will really get the job done. 1/2 Angus
DDG 5883J
This is a very nicely put together solid black bull. Has a beautiful polled head and is just the kind to put some power and performance into your herd.
Mossy Acres Ltd., Ron Warkentin– Fork River, MB
Corey Flower– Ste.Rose, MB
* Gamache Farms, Darren Gamache - Laurier, MB
* Stone Ridge Ranch, Dean Gamache- Ste.Rose, MB
NI– BO Farms, Nick Loach and Bobbi Jo Ganner– Ochre River, MB
* Bryan and Krista Mozdzen- Alonsa, MB
* LeGall Farms Ltd., Miguel Legall – Ste. Rose, MB
* Lance and Gerry Bonin– Ste.Rose, MB
* Northside Farms, Emile Brunel– Ste.Rose, MB
* Dean Capp– Alonsa, MB
* Rob and Gisele Vandepoele– Ste.Rose, MB
* Jan and Adriana DuPlessis– Toutes Aides, MB
* D Double J Ranch Ltd.,Darcy James– Grandview, MB
* Clinton Cleave– Ochre River, MB
* Gord Evenson– McCreary, MB
* John Butterfield– Laurier, MB
* E + C Livestock, Eugene and Christine Gingras– Laurier, MB
* G.V. Thompson Farms Ltd.– Ochre River, MB
Gord and Joanne Perih– Dauphin, MB
* Dunning Farms, Greg Dunning– McCreary, MB
* Kelly and Colleen Kien– Glenella, MB
Kunzelman Farms, Lorne– Inwood, MB
* Galen Spence– Waterhen, MB
Alvin Stewart– St.Pierre Jolys
Ron Robbins– Rorketon, MB
Steven Winters– Winnipegosis, MB
* Repeat Buyers
Welcome fellow cattlemen to the annual Denbie Ranch and Guests Bull Sale. Thank you to all of our bidders and buyers in our previous sales. We are raising these 2 yr old bulls in a very no nonsense program. They are grown out slowly for your benefit rather than being pushed hard to show big performance numbers. They are born on pasture without a bunch of babysitting and they will work for you regardless of your system. We have done DNA testing and many of the bulls are homozygous polled.
Our cattle are on a full vaccination and mineral program and we welcome any questions regarding the management of our herd. As always, we are offering to take the bulls back home and feed them until April 1st at which time they must be delivered before we start calving. This is at no cost to the buyer. After April 1st we will charge $5/day for keeping the bulls. All bulls returning to our yard do so at the risk of the new owner and should be insured. The bulls have all passed a semen test but it is recommended that the new owner retest the bulls if they are not going to work for a few months. The sale will once again be available online and we encourage all prospective buyers to come and view the bulls at the farm any time before the sale.
See you February 18.
Sincerely, Hans
1. We will keep your bull free of charge until April 1
-Bulls returning to our farm must be insured (insurance will be available at the sale)
-Delivery within 500 kms will be free and at our convenience ASAP after April 1
-After April 1 we will charge a fee to keep the bulls
2. Terms of sale are cash or cheque payable on sale day unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made prior to the sale.
3. Each bull will carry papers issued by the Canadian Charolais Association. Papers will be transferred to the buyer after the sale.
4. Delivery will be available at the sellers convenience after the sale for those buyers not wanting to send the bulls back to our farm.
5. All the bulls will have a satisfactory semen test within 30 days prior to the sale
6. The seller retains the right to collect semen on any bull sold in the sale at a future date for in herd use only. This would be at the sellers expense and the bull owners convenience.
Myhre Land and Cattle
Hans, Mary, Ethan & Noah Myhre
RR#4 C.9A
Dauphin MB
Sparrows Kingston 139Y x Val End
Appraiser 24J
Homozygous Polled
February 10,1999
Butte Lee Designer x OCR Omega Strain
Homozygous Polled
LT Ledger 0332 P x Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y
Homozygous Polled
“If you’re happy with our bulls – Tell your neighbours!
“If you’re not happy with our bulls – Please tell US!”
THANKS to our buyers & bidders in last year’s sale!!
Albert Russell, Eriksdale*
Ryan Loewenberger, Corning Sk*
Ken & Alvin Foster, Dauphin*
3K Holdings, Roblin*
Anton Kreutner, Roblin
Justin Hozack, Marwayne AB*
*repeat buyers
“Charolais, No Tag Required”
Here at Bar J our selection has been based entirely upon what it takes to top the market with Charolais sired calves. The sales ring is our show ring and that is where we strive to excel, the group of Charolais yearlings we are offering in this sale are the product of a small select group of cows Jack and Justin bred to do just that.
When the main cowherd was dispersed in 2009, Jack and Justin retained the foundation cows over 10 years of age to carry on the Bar J herd. From these females we have built a family of Charolais that are easy maintenance yet still pack the performance and growth we are looking for come sale day.
Bar J Charolais Terms
Bar J will keep your bull free of charge until April 1st, after which time the charge will be $5 per day.
Bulls returning to Bar J MUST be insured prior to returning. (Insurance will be available at sale)
Bulls will have been semen tested and scrotal measurements will be available at sale time.
Payment Terms
50% of purchase price at time of sale and a postdated cheque for April 1st for balance.
Bulls being taken home on day of sale must be paid for in full.
Right to Semen
Bar J retains the option to collect semen on any Bar J bull sold in the sale at a future date for their in herd use only. This would be at the sellers’ expense and at the bull owner’s convenience.
Bar J will deliver your bull free of charge up to a maximum of 150km. up until April 1st.
Thanks to our buyers in last year’s sale!
Home: 1-204-843-2246
Jack’s Cell: 1-204-791-0091
Justin’s Cell: 1-204-871-3086
Facebook Page: Bar J Genetics
Sun Dance Charolais,Amaranth, MB
Otto Kopp,Amaranth, MB
Jan Du Plessis, ToutesAides, MB
Krista Davidson, Haley Station, Ont.
Triple Oak Farms, Eriksdale, MB
Nick Loach & Bobbi-Jo Ganner, Ochre River, MB
Birthday: February 12, 2020
Birthday: January 19,2017
Birthday: January 1, 2020
Birthday: 2 January 2022
Birthday: 8 February 2022
Birthday: 2 March, 2022
Birthday: 11 March, 2022
Birthday: 13 March, 2022
Greetings from all of us at BASKM Land & Cattle. We are excited to be consigning to the Denbie Ranch & Guests Bull Sale for the first time this year. We would like to thank all our bull buyers from previous years. It has been very humbling to be supplying elite genetics for your programs.
We have a great selection of calving-ease and performance bulls again this year. Our program has relied heavily on a strong AI program using industry leading AI bulls, as well as building a strong maternal cow herd with the focus on longevity, tidy udders, structurally correctness and easy keeping females. This years sire group highlights our AI sires: SAV Renovation 6822 and Musgrave 316 Stunner. As well as our walking herd sires: JL Authority 2098.
We think our bulls speak for themselves, we solely run a 2-year-old bull program. Our bulls are fed an oat silage/hay forage as well as a oat/barley based ration as coming 2 year old’s. Our bulls walk on a quarter section of pasture all winter long, to keep them hard and athletic.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. We encourage everyone to come tour the bulls prior to sale day. Videos can be viewed online at, if you are unable to make it to the sale, there will be online bidding available at for those that cannot make it sale day.
Looking forward to seeing and visiting with you all sale day!!
The GintersBrad Cell (204) 212-2214
Matthew Cell (306) 452-5312
JL LADY 8026
MGB 31J #2211732
Birth WT: 95 Sire: JL AUTHORITY 2098
WW: 714
31J is a power bull. Great muscle expression in his hip. Capacious through his middle, all while standing a solid foot. Top 25% of the breed for WW. 31J is a ¾ brother to 32J (same cow family). His dam 6C has gained Elite/Premiere Dam status raising 5 calves with an average WW ratio of 107. Look to 31J to raise calves that are thick made and will put on the gain above the rest. Recommended for cows.
Birth WT: 68 Sire: Unregistered Angus Bull
WW: 672
YW: 990 Dam: BASKM ELBA 61E
There’s a story behind 2J and his paternal brother 5J. We synchronize and time AI our cows out on pasture. The morning of AI ing the cows the neighbors bull got into our pasture. He only bred 2 cows, and these are the results of that mating... These bulls are unregistered black angus bulls because the sire wasn’t registered but are still 100% angus. 2J comes from the Elba cow family out of a beautiful young Soo Line Motive daughter that has been raising the good ones from day 1. Maternal brother sold to Josef Upgang. Recommended for heifers.
Birth WT: 94 Sire: Unregistered Angus Bull
WW: 861
YW: 1110 Dam: HF JUNE 119B
5J is arguably out of one of our most consistent producing cows HF June 119B. A moderate framed HF Syndicate daughter with lots of capacity, great udder structure and an abundance of milk. Maternal brothers have sold to Mel & Rae Huber, Triangle Acres, BLS Ranch, and McGee Livestock. And a daughter retained in herd that’s going to follow very closely in her footsteps. 5J has massive muscle expression throughout his body and will raise some phenomenal feedlot cattle + great females. Recommended for cows.
Birth WT: 96 Sire: MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER
WW: 609
YW: 1020
Dam: BASKM 12B
30J is a Musgrave 316 Stunner son out of a beautiful Brooking Warrant 214 (Soo Line Motive son) daughter. 30J dam 12B is an unregistered angus cow because we lost her dam before we could pull hair and DNA her. But that hasn’t stopped her from consistently raising some of our top calves every year. 30J is smooth fronted bull, with lots of length and depth of body and wide hip structure. Recommended for cows