Six Mile Ranch 50th Annual Bull Sale - Fir Mountain, SK
50 incredible years of Bull Sales and we are just getting started! As we reflect on this milestone, we simply could not have made it without the support of our Family, Friends, Employees, Sale Staff and most importantly our Customers.
Grandpa Ken and Grandma Birdie began with very humble beginnings, but they were able to realize their dream of owning a successful ranching operation through hard work and stubborn determination. We (Clayton & Corinne) were fortunate take over reigns of the Purebred Red Angus Herd in 1992 and built on what they started. Our passion and work ethic were tested at times, but we never waivered from our goal of building a world renowned, maternally superior cow herd. We are now in awe, as we watch of the next generation take ownership. Their work ethic, passion and intellect make us proud every day.
Callie and Tyson have become the heart and soul of the Purebred cattle herd and they were both born to raise purebred stock – it is their passion and purpose, and we could not be prouder of their work ethic and drive.
Cade is such an asset to our operation. He goes about things in a quite easy manner, almost under the radar. His desire for production efficiency and quality of land and life are admirable. Cade brings a fresh outlook to every aspect of Six Mile.
Coy is perhaps the child with the deepest love of the land. An innate feeling that this ranch will always be his home. We are so lucky to have him lend a hand when he can, and keep the coyote population in check.
Then there is the fifth generation here at Six Mile in Sloane, Fowler and Rustin – our amazing grandchildren. A really shitty -40 day can be brightened in an instant with a smile and a hug from one of these spitfires. They truly bring so much joy to our lives and promise for the future.
We count ourselves lucky every day for Tyson Buist – better known as Ty Ty. His unwavering dedication to Six Mile makes him an integral and loved part of our ranch family. Rae Tutor is the anchor here. This bull sale marks her 25th year of working with us at Six Mile and although she threatens to retire – we won’t let her.
A sincere Thank You goes to Rick and Mary Hertz, who are here whenever needed. They will brave snow storms and violent stomach flus to lend us a hand. We are incredibly fortunate to have them as an important part of our team. We must also Thank Walter Wall and Clint, Suzie, Eric, Luc and Alexi Smith who are always willing to lend a hand around here.
Throughout the years Six Mile Ranch has been blessed with many wonderful people that worked alongside us as our Ranch Family. We could never list you all, but each one was a building block that helped us get to this milestone bull sale, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We are extremely honored to offer this group of bulls. Clayton is a man of few words, but he calls this year’s offering -off the charts – so there you go! You will find proven and progressive bloodlines that are engineered to move your cattle operation forward. We spare no expense in our search for the best genetics to advance our maternally focused cow herd. The Cattle industry is an exciting place to be right now. We are honored to have you consider Six Mile as the source of your next herd building bull or female.
We take the phrase “Where Customers Become Friends” seriously. Cattle Breeding is, unfortunately, not an exact science. So even though we try our best, there are times thing go wrong. When that happens, we are here – please give us a call.
Join us April 5th to celebrate, and add genetics to your herd that have been 50 years in the making.
With High Regards, Clayton & Corinne Gibson & the Entire 6M crew
Bulls Available for Viewing all day Refreshments and Supper Available
Bulls Available for viewing up until sale time 11:00 Brunch Served 1:00 Customer Presentations 1:30 Sale Time 5:00 Steak Supper
Meet the Team
CLAYTON GIBSON - Owner - Manager
Our quiet “Go To” guy for everything - Loves fixing machinery the rest of us break - Head bale/ cattle hauler - George Strait impersonator – Hard Working - Committed Cattleman
CORINNE GIBSON - Owner - Manager
True Angus Characteristics - Maternal, Easy Fleshing, Stubborn – Deeply loves her cattle, second only to her kids/ grandkids – Adores Hand Warmers & Wool Socks – Boss or maybe just Bossy
TYSON HERTZ – Purebred Operations Manager
Heart and Soul of Six Mile – Surprisingly Introverted – Incredibly Talented Cattleman – Horrible Mechanic – Passionate Cattle Judge – Dedicated work ethic- Committed to Genetic Improvement - Devoted Dad
CALLIE HERTZ – Ranch Administrator
Born to be a Cattlewoman – Highly Organized – Juggler of Many Things – Naturally beautiful – Extremely Efficient –Throws a Mean Right Hook – Does well on very little sleep - The Best Mom
Daily entertainment - Knowledgeable ranch hands - Head Cat herders - Busy Rock Pickers - Loved beyond measureThe reason we do what we do!
CADE GIBSON – Ranch Foreman
Great Sense of Humor – Excellent facial hair – Able to see the big picture – Highly intelligent and practical – Believes in Production Efficiency – Independent Determination
TYSON (TY TY) BUIST – Show & Sale Manager
Ranch MVP - Highly skilled cattle fitter & cattleman - Terrible cook – Huge heart – The little kids favorite – Easy Going –Dependable and Dedicated – Quick Learner -Big part of our Family
COY GIBSON – Slave Laborer
Casual labor when not working as a power engineer or Hunting – Great Mechanical Mind – Early Riser (for hunting only) – Keeps things entertaining – Deep Rooted Love of the Land
RAE TUTOR – Office Manager
Tries her best to keep us organized – Longest Standing Six Mile Team Member – Creative Mind- Home Body – Devoted Mom/ Grandma – Efficient – 25 Years with Six Mile
Larry Toner, Stockmen’s Insurance....................306-834-7652
Golden Thread Livestock Images...................306-681-5340
1. What are the contributing factors to Six Mile Ranch hosting 50 years of successful bull sales?
Six Mile Ranch not only raises quality stock, but they do it in a consistent fashion, year after year. They have built a phenomenal, maternally backed cow herd that is developed to thrive in real world conditions. Then they offer exceptional customer service to back up their product. The Six Mile motto says it best … “Where Customers Become Friends”
2. What’s one unique skill or talent each T Bar team member possesses?
Shane is an avid surfer; Ben can hold a five-minute plank; Levi is a big-time golfer; Chris considers himself a fishing expert
3. What is your craziest travel story?
We have a history of driving across multiple provinces through the night to get to the next sale. So, we were looking forward to a relaxed jaunt from Neepawa to Brandon. Unfortunately, the weather had other plans, and a snow storm moved in. Shane was behind the wheel and we all gave him positive words of encouragement as we kept driving and driving for what felt like forever. Finally, we realized that we totally missed the city due not only the complete white out, but also due to a power outage and no lights in the city.
4. If Team T Bar could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Hands down it would be the ability to teleport. We would get to the next place quicker, get some sleep, have less pieces of paper littering our dash and hopefully a few less speeding tickets.
1. What are the contributing factors to Six Mile Ranch hosting 50 years of successful bull sales?
“Where customers become friends” is the ideal quote for the 6M family as it represents their core values of customer service. They have multiple decades of building a world-renowned cow herd but it is the people in this business that truly make this program special. They value your business and friendship while going the extra mile to ensure your investments into 6M genetics is profitable for you.
DLMS, Mark Shologan......................................780-699-5082
DLMS, Sarah Hasson............................................306-681-5340
RETAINED INTERESTS on certain lots will be announced sale day or prior. We retain the right to draw In Herd Semen on all bulls.
SIGHT UNSEEN PURCHASES If you are interested in purchasing a bull, but cannot make it to the sale, please contact Clayton or Corinne Gibson or Tyson Hertz preferably 48 hours prior to sale day. We will discuss your needs and come up with a list of bulls that will work for you. On sale day we will endeavor to buy bulls on your behalf. Your order will be held in strictest confidence. Your SATISFACTION is 100% guaranteed when you have discussed your order with any of the Six Mile ranch team prior to purchase.
PAYMENT TERMS The terms of the sale are cash or check payable at par at the completion of the sale. If you purchased an animal as an absentee bidder, please make arrangements to mail a checque or wire money within 48 hours of the sale. Free Delivery within 500 miles if paid for within 14 days.
Please contact Clayton or Corinne Gibson prior to the sale, if you require special payment or financing terms.
2. What is your craziest travel story?
At Blairs. Ag Bull Sale a few years back we left the sale barn in Sedley the night before the sale for a quick little 30-minute drive to the hotel in Regina, but as we drove into one of the worst snowstorms, it turned into a seven-hour adventure. After pulling over multiple times and sitting on the side of the highway for 6 hours, we had to make a run for it as we were getting low on fuel and 3 of us had our heads out the windows during the storm trying to watch the paint lines on the highway. We eventually made it and is one we won’t forget.
3.Do you have a favorite quote or inspirational piece of advice that impacts your business/life?
“You shouldn’t worry about criticism from someone you would never ask advice from”
4. What is your teams top three pieces of advice for prospective bull buyers?
1. Buy your bulls from good people that you trust to have your back 2. Sometimes the good things in life just cost a little more, investing in better quality genetics will have a long-lasting financial gain as you build a stronger cowherd on every bull purchase
3. Open cows negatively affect your bottom line so ensure they are in proper condition for breeding season and you have ample bull power on hand
1. What are the contributing factors to Six Mile Ranch hosting 50 years of successful bull sales?
50 years of continued success is no accident. Its dedication, hard work, a keen cattle sense, a strong background and some luck. The founders of Six Mile instilled these qualities into the generations running it today - to use functional, sound cattle, don’t follow fads and be a leader in all aspects of the cattle industry. Well done Six Mile family
2. Describe the Petrosa marketing philosophy?
Treat all my customers equally whether they buy from the bottom of the sale order, the top or somewhere in between. Use their dollars as if I was spending my own money.
3. What would your theme song be and why?
The theme song from BONANZA- this is where the name PETEROSA came from some 60 years ago watching the Cartwright family on the PONDEROSA.
4. What is your craziest travel or marketing story?
I answered an unknown number and ended up selling the Mexican man calling222 head of Purebred Angus cattle - 111 Black and 111 Red Angus. Never know who might be on the other end of the line – answer your phone.
U.S. Exchange
U.S Exchange U.S. funds will be accepted at the current rate of exchange sale day and will be posted prior to the sale. The U.S. dollar is currently at a big premium in Canada giving our U.S. customers added buying power and value.
Calving Ease Guide
Every year the most frequent question we receive is which bull will work on heifers. Well.....only you know your heifers and must consider breed composition and hybrid vigor - but we try our very best to evaluate each bull to assist you. We developed the following guideline for calving ease by evaluating many traits in making our recommendations:
• actual birth weight
• birth weight EPD
• Calving Ease and Maternal Calving Ease
• Dam’s past birth weight and calving records on progeny
• Sire’s birth weight and calving tendencies
• Bulls physical attributes.
This Calving Ease Guide is our most accurate prediction based on the above mentioned criteria.
Calving Ease 1 Cow Bull - Recommended for mature females only. Not recommended for heifers.
Calving Ease 2 Recommended for use on larger, well grown heifers only, expect to assist some normal births from first calf heifers.
Calving Ease 3 Recommended for heifers, easy calving with minimal assistance on normal births
Calving Ease 4 Highly recommended for heifers, expect little to no assistance on normal births
A Note about EPDs
CAA Average Black EPDs for all calves born in 2024
CAA Average Red EPDs for all calves born in 2024
The EPD’s you find in this catalog are the product of Canadian AngusONE Genetic Evaluation. These EPD’s are calculated in partnership with the American Black Angus Association. The aim of this brand new system is to eventually make ALL ANGUS in Canada- red and blackcomparable with each other, as well as U.S. Black Angus cattle.
We listed BOLT EPD’s on Red Angus Bulls on page 72.
A Note about Weaning and Adjusted Weights
BW-Actual Birth Weight, WW-Weaning Weight adjusted to 205 days, YW- Yearling Weights adjusted to 365 days
We are able to fill your needs whether you need one or a trailer load of bulls this year. We are pleased to offer the following discounts to those needing multiple bulls:
• 3 – 4 bulls 3% discount
• 5 – 9 bulls 5% discount
• 10 or more bulls 10% discount
This discount will only apply to bulls that are paid for in full on sale day. Absentee buyers will have a 14 day extension for their discounts. Partnership bulls will not apply.
Our warranty program is now in its sixth year and was developed to help you protect your investment at a reasonable rate. Under our warranty your bull is covered for injury, sickness, accident, disease fertility, structural breakdown or death. Should such a problem arise- we will service your needs with a replacement bull or credit to next year’s sale. We keep high quality bulls out of the sale for this reason, to ensure we can assist you our customer. We offer the following options to be paid the day of the sale. Maximum Value is $15,000 or less.
Option 1- 3 Month Duration at 3% - we strongly suggest for bulls not going home on sale day
Option 2- 6 Month Duration at 6%
Callie Hertz will be available to discuss these options the day of the sale. If a problem is to arise please contact Callie immediately at 306-640-9275 or We will require a veterinarian to complete a report.
Six Mile will not warranty any injury or death due to malicious, willful or intentional acts of mistreatment.
Larry Toner with Stockman’s Insurance will be available for all other Insurance Needs
A standout from birth, Rockwell 76M is a blend of the most potent and proven genetic lines at Six Mile. With an elite caliber phenotype and balanced EPD profile, 76M highlights the initial offering of the Cold Open sire group. This sire group sets a higher standard in the Red Angus breed for foot quality, maternal potency and an envious dark red hide. Lot 1’s dam, Dynamo 395H, is a sound footed, larger outlined, dark red John Wick daughter who exhibits a great udder. The Dynamo cow family are known for their fertility, productivity and mothering ability; cows that stand the test of time and the harsh realities of life here at Six Mile. She has an average lifetime wean index of 103 on her calves so far.
Rockwell 76M was the National Western Stock Show Champion Red Angus Bull and a member of our Champion Pen of Three Red Angus Bulls in Denver as well.
National Western Stock Show Grand Champion Red Angus Bull
Dam – Dynamo 395H
Sire – Cold Open 82K
Lot 1
High Road 71M is a unique and high-quality herdsire prospect. He is sired by one of the most influential bulls to be bred and born at Six Mile, the legendary John Wick 882E. Lot 2 was produced by just a first calf heifer, a cherry red Lincoln daughter with a gorgeous udder. The added stretch, frame, muscle shape and structural soundness earned High Road a trip to the National Western Stock where he was a member of our Champion Pen of Three Bulls.
National Western Stock Show Champion Red Angus Pen
Granddam- Miola 910E
Sire – John Wick 882E Lot 2
Five exciting flush mates with a fresh pedigree to the Canadian Red Angus herd book. These dark red herdsire prospects boast breed-leading EPD profiles and high caliber phenotypes with heifer pen credentials. Donor dam Lass 49F is a designated ELITE dam in the CAA and produces at the highest level. Sons have been selected by Kevin Nelson, Horse Creek, Running JR, Rossers and William Sentes. Lass 49F produced one of the high selling females (a flushmate to Lots 3-7) in our Genetic Focus Female Sale last fall to Corbin Reid at $40,000 and has 4 gorgeous milking daughters employed in the Six Mile herd.
Sire of Lots 3 to 11 – Long Haul 1344
Dam – Ms Lass 49F
Another dark red herdsire prospect from the Long Haul sire group. Long Branch 114M stems from one of the most potent, predictable and profitable cow families in the Red Angus breed, the Frado’s. His dam, 401J exhibits a tight and tidy udder, flawless skeletal structure and beautiful Angus head. Her first son highlighted our 2024 bull sale commanding $36,000 to the good people at Walsh Farms. Wean ratio of 115 on 2 calves. 8-10 years down the road, this cow could be one of the most valuable females in the Red Angus breed.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Lot 9 is a high growth, high maternal option in this impressive Long Haul sire group. He stems from one of the longest tenured cow families at Six Mile, the Lassie’s. 475G is long-spined, sound structured and milks heavy. A daughter sold through Genetic Focus 2024 to Heather Martin in Montana. One son resides with Kelly VanDorne. Average wean index of 102 on 3 calves.
Another high performing, growth oriented herdsire prospect in Lot 10. This guy is arguably the longest spined bull in this sire group and was a member of our Reserve Champion Pen of Three bulls in Denver this past January. Lakota 213C is a big bodied, sound footed female. Daughters have sold through Genetic Focus sales to Blake’s Red Angus and Bar H Ranch. One daughter is retained in herd. Average wean index of 101 on 6 calves.
Long Term ranks in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW and REA and top 5% for Marbling. This dark red herdsire prospect was a standout from early on with his genuine muscle shape and added body capacity. His dam, Annie 108E is a powerhouse producer who transmits length of spine, solid foot design and calm disposition into her progeny. Maternal siblings to Long Term 162M have found homes at L83 Ranch, Drennan Farms, Riverside Angus and Paul Murray’s. Average wean ratio of 110 on 5 calves. AngusGS & Parent Verified
Dam – Lakota 213C
Republic 31M is another sale feature sired by John Wick 882E. This herdsire prospect commanded attention from his early days with an undeniable presence and explosive growth curve. He left his contemporaries in the dust weaning with a 114 ratio. Lot 12 is a unique combination bull balancing calving ease, growth, maternal and milk EPD’s with added phenotype and quality. His moderate statured, heavy milking dam, comes from the highly productive Frado cow family. 566J has an average wean ratio of 111 on 2 calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Dam – Frado 566J
Sire of Lots 2, 12, 13 and 14 – John Wick 882E
John Wick’s offspring consistently find their way to the top of the contemporary group. They do so with quality as well as pounds of payweight. Lucky Lot 13 will add hair, performance and profit to a calf crop without sacrificing maternal characteristics in his female offspring. Polly 309K weaned this stud off with a wean ratio of 119. 309K is dark-red in color, sensibly sized and has a great udder which the Lincoln females are known for. She bred back early and has a very exciting Confidence 3089 bull calf at side right now.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Showstopping presence here in Lot 14 with a royal pedigree. He boasts an ELITE arsenal of Red Angus royalty on both sides of his pedigree. It should come as no surprise that Tafetta 294K was one of the best uddered first calf heifers we calved out and did a great job weaning this rascal off with a 117 wean index.
Parent Verified
National Western Stock Show Reserve Champion Red Angus Pen
Lot 15
One of the most sensational herdsire prospects to sell in 2025 is found here in Lot 15, Six Mile Havasu 138M. This stud represents some of the most exciting, exclusive and explosive genetics that have been created and offered at public auction in Six Mile’s storied history.
His sire, NIO Mojave 2029, was the talk of the Red Angus world in the spring of 2023. We identified him as the most intriguing red hided bull in our travels, however after laying eyes on his dam, Six Mile Kassie 535F as a mature female, he entered “must own” status for us. Mojave fetched $220,000 USD that day and exclusivity became paramount for Six Mile and our partners at Sandridge Cattle.
Havasu 138M’s greatest feature is undoubtedly the strength of dam and cow family that anchors his pedigree. The Alana’s are known across North America for their superior productivity. Alana 301G (designated Elite dam by the CAA in 2025) is a gorgeous female from every angle and more importantly produces at the highest level. Wean ratio of 107 on 4 calves.
If Fir Mountain isn’t already in your herd bull shopping travel plans, this bull is worthy of the trip.
& Parent Verified
Dam – Alana 301G
Sire of Lots 15 to 20 – Mojave 2029
Alana Matriarch 13X
These Mojave’s are easy to identify in the pen. Their structural superiority and attractive arrogance immediately draws your eye. Added phenotype and maternal prowess found here in Lot 16. Fanny 320K is a larger outlined, flexible and athletic, female with extra look and ample milk production. She has an outcross pedigree to mainstream Red Angus genetics. Fanny 320K did a great job raising this calf, her first, off with a 103 wean ratio.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
One shaggy, good-looking dude. Lot 17 is a younger ET calf that knows he is royally bred and high quality. His donor dam Marta 928E is a powerful, potent producer that has a son working for Oultons in Nova Scotia, a daughter at Walsh’s in Ontario and 7 daughters employed in the Six Mile herd. She is also the dam of Lot 89 in the extra age section of this years offering.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Granddam – Fanny 41F
Dam – Marta 928E
Act BW 78 Adj WW 685 Adj YW 1239 Calving
Mojave 180M is the calving ease prospect of this impressive sire group. On paper he reads in the top 15% for Calving Ease and Birth Weight, and couples that in the flesh with added spine length and super smooth build. The dam of lot 18, Taffeta 419H, is one of the most phenotypically stunning females on the ranch. She is sound, practical and wedged like Angus females should be. Her 2023 daughter sold through Genetic Focus 2023 to Walsh Farms. Average wean ratio of 114 on 3 calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Rugged, burly and stout, this performance-oriented stud is wide gauged and will add profitability to a calf crop. Dixie 714J is a direct daughter of donor Dixie 546C. This cow line is creating a new and exciting chapter in the Six Mile herd as they propagate their awesome foot, added power and elite quality. Dixie 714J is a maternal sister to a $35,000 Genetic Focus Feature selected by KT Ranches last fall. Her son last year sold to Jim Haneke in South Dakota. Average wean ratio of 115 on 2 calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
The reoccurring theme on this page of Mojave sons is the strength of our ET program. Lots 18-20 all are backed by generations of Six Mile donors; females that have “earned their stripes” in the herd and proved their way to our donor pen. Marta 180E is as potent as they come. Her daughters have been selected by Walsh Farms and Anchor Cattle (the Christman girls), her son was a high seller selected by Soderglen and Duralta, and her daughter retained in herd is the dam of sale feature Lot 28! Marta 180E is also the dam of lot 22 in this sale. Cow power!
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Cold Open stamps his offspring with added dimension, genuine muscle shape and superior foot quality; lot 21 fits the mould. His dam, 278E comes from the Gloria cow family who are prominent and profitable ranch cows. Her sons have sold to Smoky Y Ranch and Robin Pirness. One daughter is retained in herd and one resides with the Score family in Montana. Wean ratio of 98 on 6 calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
The darkest shade of red. This stud is square on the corners, awesome footed, big backed and shapely. The potency of the Marta 180E donor is explained in great detail across the page on maternal brother, Lot 20. She is awesome footed, perfect uddered and long spined with an impressive 115 wean index on her 4 natural calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Granddam – Gloria 746W
• dark red, added presence, incredible foot quality, stout
• Larkaba 22D is owned by our favorite American College student - Eric Smith of Breed Creek. She is a gorgeous female with stout features, added length of spine and a problem free udder. Sons are working for Ryan Smith, Gavelin Farms, Breed Creek Ranch and Frontera Reds. One daughter is retained in herd. Wean ratio of 105 on 6 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• awesome foot structure, big topped, heavy muscled, blood red
• 309E is another extremely productive Reckoning daughter with a sleek front end, dark cherry red color and excellent teat size and placement. Sons have sold through bull sales to M Bar Ranch, MGM Red Angus and Breed Creek. One daughter is retained in herd. Wean ratio of 96 on 6 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• large outlined, stretchy, performance leader
• 325F is a hardworking Reckoning daughter with perfect feet, awesome structure and beautiful udder. She sent one son to Ken Solberg in our 2021 bull sale and one daughter is retained in herd. Average lifetime wean index of 102 of 5 calves.
• Parent Verified
• big scrotal, square built, high maternal pedigree
• a direct Indeed daughter here in 8H. She exhibits a tight, tidy udder, ample milk production and lots of hair.
• Parent Verified
• burly, rugged, cherry red color
• another powerful Marta female here. The Marta’s are prominent here at Six Mile and, more specifically, very prevalent in this years’ sale offering as dams of many bulls. One daughter of Marta 463G sold in Genetic Focus 2022 to Premier Reds.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
Lot 28
Three Rivers 20M is a sight to behold! This outcross herd sire prospect is packed full of power and performance. His unique pedigree brings Ellingson Three Rivers 8062 into the Red Angus gene pool. Marta 490K is a powerful first calver who weaned this stud off with a 107 wean ratio. From there, Lot 28 exploded on test earning the #1 yearling index of 124 in his contemporary group. Marta 490K has an interesting pedigree twist on her top side, being sired by an Australian born and raised AI sire, The Knight, raised by the Hobbs family. She is also anchored by the maternal strength of the dominant Marta cow family. 490K herself is larger statured, with perfect feet and a tidy near perfect udder. We expect big things from this young cow in the future.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
• calm and curious disposition, heifer pen friendly
• Bayberry 516J is a dark red, big bodied Rolex daughter with a picture perfect udder. Her Lincoln daughter 132L is one of our favorite first calvers. Average wean index of 105 on 2 calves.
The gentle natured, sleep easy calving ease prospect from the 3 Rivers sire group in a dark red, awesome footed package. Lot 30 comes from the famed Alana cow family and an Elite Dam with the CAA since 2023. 488E lets her production record speak for itself. Sons have found homes at LCB Farms and Hamco Cattle. One daughter is retained in herd and another sold to Rae Tutor. Average wean index of 104 on 6 calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Another great disposition on this 4star calving ease herdsire prospect. This stud was an early standout on pasture alongside his hard working 2year old dam. Fanny 363K has a very unique pedigree with black on both sides of her pedigree. She is a moderate framed female with tons of hair and a nice udder. She weaned this calf off with a respectable 110 wean ratio. She bred back early and has a promising Long Haul bull calf at side this year. We believe this outcross pedigreed cow has the fundamentals and early track record success to do big things in the future.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Ragtop 250M is a high quality sale feature from our resident herdsire, Jackson 5J. Lot 32 is easy to find in the pen with his unique combination of muscle mass, structural integrity and gorgeous angus skull. His actual performance matches his genetic estimates. Ragtop 250M was our highest weaning weight bull calf at 892 lbs, which translated to an impressive 127 wean index for his young dam Ruby 560K! He didn’t let off the gas on test either, earning an impressive 110 YW index.
3 to
• super dark red, long and smooth, heifer pen candidate, excellent foot shape
• Sire Verified
• a sensibly sized, cherry red female, Lady 26G; we appreciate her added shag and flawless structure. Her daughters have sold through sales to Outset Cattle Co ad Kirwan Red Angus. Average wean index of 103 on 3 calves.
Reg No: 2370590 / Tattoo: SIXM 326M / DOB: March 10 2024 Angus One EPD
• A Wrangler daughter that is stunning to look at. Syringe’s 127K is a first calf heifer that understood her assignment and raised this rascal off with a wean ratio of 113. She is flawless in her udder design with a perfect fore udder attachment. She is currently raising a stud Fifth Gear bull calf.
• Parent Verified
Reg No: 2363336 / Tattoo: SIXM 172M / DOB: February 17 2024 Angus One EPD
• Rebecca 241K is a black red carrier female with an exciting and fresh pedigree for the Red Angus world. She is hairy, big bellied and sound. She weaned 172M off with a 119 wean ratio.
Upper Hand 231M is our feature Jumanji herd sire prospect and it should come as no surprise that this stud comes from the Marta cow family. Marta 520K is a beautifully constructed young female. She is flexible, sound, soggy made and has a great udder and calm demeanor. We think very highly of Upper Hand 231M. Soft sided, heavy muscled and good looking.
Parent Verified
A maternal brother to the legend, John Wick 882E. Lot 38 is a shapely, calving ease prospect from the Jumanji sire group. His flushmate sister was a Genetic Focus highlight last fall selling to Amber Hallgren. Donor Dam Gloria 29A has made a lasting impression in the Red Angus breed through her numerous sons and daughters. Daughter of Gloria 29A is the dam of feature extra age bull, Lot 80. 29A is a Premier Dam in the CAA. AngusGS & Parent Verified
• awesome foot design, extra hair, rugged
• Bayberry 271G is a sound footed Reckoning getting the job done in production. One sold son to M Bar Ranch in our 2023 bull sale. Two sons are on offer this year with the other being a feature black red carrier Lot 77. Average wean index of 104 on 4 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• burly, heavy muscled, added growth and power, high maternal option
• Baneberry 524F was Designated Elite with the CAA in 2024. She is a heavy milking, larger outlined female. One son sold to our neighbours and friends at Triple Z Ranch. Two daughters were retained in herd. Average wean index of 110 on 6 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• long and smooth, athletic, cherry red, female maker
• Lass 254K has a bit of a throwback pedigree stemming to BarEL Approval 4L. We loved our Approval females for their productivity and excellent foot shape. She did an admirable job on her first attempt at motherhood raising this calf with a 101 wean index. She is a daughter of donor dam Lass 49F, the dam of Lots 37.
• Parent Verified
Granddam of Lots 41 and 43 – Alana 13X
Ms Extra 373H is a past “show cow” who claimed Top 5 Female honours at Farmfair International Supreme. Six Mile “show cows” need to earn their keep in the real world and 373H does just that. A son highlighted last year’s bull sale to Nicklason Stock Farm. One daughter is owned by Gus Reid. Average wean index of 110 on 3 calves.
AngusGS & Parent Verified
Take the Cake 237M is royally bred combining three high octane cow families from Six Mile; the Tafetta’s, the Alana’s and the Cheta’s. This sale feature is wide, square and true at the ground with genuine skeletal width. His donor dam, Alana 50E, is carrying on the Alana cow family legacy here at the ranch producing high quality offspring from a wide variety of matings. A ¾ sibling to Lot 41 was a Genetic Focus Feature Bred Heifer in 2023 selling for $25,000 to Yeguada EL in Mexico. Natural calf from Alana 50E sells as Lot 43 and grandson is featured in Lot 15!
AngusGS & Parent Verified
• high performance, big scrotal, dark cherry red
• Alana 50E’s accolades in production are highlighted above in Lot 41. Phenotypically she is the darkest shade of red with incredible milk production and an added shot of frame and performance. Her daughters have found homes at Outset Cattle and Yeguada EL (MX) and one daughter retained in herd is the dam of feature Lot 15.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• powerhouse, excellent foot design, long and level top and hip
• Shadow 151F is a stout featured, big barrelled cow sired by one of Clayton’s all time favorite bulls raised at Six Mile King Ranch. Her Rolex daughter sold in Genetic Focus to Dustin Buchert and a son sold through last year’s bull sale to Danny Reimer.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• extra muscle shape, proud and sound, strong maternal pedigree
• dam was struck by lightning and Lot 45 was orphaned during the summer
• Lady 4D was a simply beautiful female who is a direct daughter of Lady 2X, a female who has had a profound impact on the Duff Cattle program. A daughter of Lady 4D, is the dam of Lot 33. Parent Verified
• outcross pedigree, dark red with extra shag, square and balanced
• Stealth JR was selected as the high seller from Running JR a few years back. His added frame, excellent feet, extra hair and high maternal worth is injected into his offspring.
• Frado 576H is a gorgeous BlackRed Carrier female. Swooping rib cage, great teat size and placement with a feminine featured front end. She offers an outcross, highly valuable pedigree with Showman 338 as her sire!
• Parent Verified
• striking presence, high growth, high maternal pedigree
• Enid 118F is a cherry red, hairy daughter of Reform. One daughter sold to William Shankles. Sons are working for Breed Creek Ranch, Rock’n R Angus and Daniel Ruest.
• Sire Verified
Maternal Grandsire- Showman 338
• sleep ease heifer bull, high maternal pedigree
• 546H is a moderate framed cow with the exceptional feet that Barry offspring are known for. Cheta 546H adds superior calving ease properties to her offspring.
• Parent Verified
• loose hided and deep sided, powerhouse, heavy structured
• 515J has a strong lineage stemming to the productive Cheta cow family. Wean ratio on this calf of 108.
• Parent Verified
• excellent foot design, sound and athletic, female maker
• Bess 421J is an ultra complete female with nice teat size and placement. Her son sold through last years’ bull sale to Strongbow Farms. Average wean ratio of 106 on 2 calves.
• Parent Verified
• low birth high growth bull, big hipped and wide based, impressive EPD predictions
• Taffeta 295J was a dark red, tidy uddered, sound female with extra grow and frame. We sadly lost her this fall. She was a flushmate sister to Mr Wicked 288J, the resident herdsire at KC Cattle (the Pamlers). One daughter retained in herd. Average wean index of 104 on 2 calves.
• Gloria 959E has a stellar track record with sons and daughters all selling through sales. Sons have become herdsires for Mike Tilleman and Rooke Farms (look for a grandson in Lot 75). Daughters were selected by Trae Eklund and Towaw Cattle Co.
• Parent Verified
• calving ease with adequate performance, smooth made
• Blockana 16K is an easy fleshing, beautifully uddered Lincoln daughter. Her first calf, Lot 53, weaned off with a wean ratio of 106.
• Parent Verified
Maternal Granddam
Maternal Granddam to Lot 51 – Taffeta 142B
Sire of Lots 54 to 56 – Lincoln 106H
Lot 54
• heavy haired, calving ease expert, impressive EPD profile
• Susie 203K is a dark red Stealth daughter with a nice udder. She weaned this guy off with a wean ratio of 108.
• Parent Verified.
• dark red, big time maternal pedigree, sound and athletic
• Lassie 495K is a phenotypically beautiful female. Excellent teat size and placement, feminine front end and ideal Angus head. She did a nice job raising her first calf with a wean ratio of 100 and breeding back to calve early.
• Parent Verified
• sure fire calving ease, maternal masterpiece, extra shaggy
• A cherry red, shaggy female here from the Marta cow family. Marta 773J is a flushmate sister to Marta 238C, lead donor for Lucas Cutler in South Dakota! One daughter retained in herd, being one of our favorite first calvers.
• Parent Verified.
No: 2366778 / Tattoo: SIXM 80M / DOB: February 01
• calm and curious disposition, smooth and square made, long spined
• A first calf heifer here who did a commendable job raising this calf with a 104 wean ratio. Lakota 264K represents the first milking Mossy Oak females. We believe they are the real deal producing pounds at weaning, breeding back in a timely manner and maintaining appropriate body condition through all seasons.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
Ease Level 3 Reg No: 2359933 / Tattoo: SIXM 34M / DOB: January 24 2024 Angus One EPD
BW 84 Adj WW 697 Adj YW 1190
• sensible frame sized, athletic structure, deep ribbed
• Dam of Lot 58, comes from the powerful producing Meg cow family from the great Bar EL herd. Her son sold through last year’s bull sale for $16,000 to loyal customer, Kevin Nelson. Average wean index of 109 on 2 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
Act BW 81 Adj WW 671 Adj YW 1248 Calving Ease Level 2 Reg No: 2359937 / Tattoo: SIXM 38M / DOB: January 24 2024 Angus One EPD
• blood red, sound footed, early maturing
• Frado 817E is a big bodied dark, red, sound member of the Frado cow family. A daughter was named Reserve Champion Female CWA 2023 for the Bragg Family and Eric Smith. Another daughter sold through Genetic Focus 2023 to Blair.Ag and Jackson Cattle. Average wean index of 102 on 5 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
Maternal Granddam of Lot 60- Lassie 377P
Dam of Lot 62- Bayberry 477F
Lot 61
• large outlined, powerful construction, proven maternal prowess
• 317F is from the famed “Lassie” cow family. She transmits her maternal characteristics and dark color into her offspring. A daughter sold to Westway Farms and a son sold to Topham Red Angus. One daughter is retained in herd. Average wean ratio of 106 on 4 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• rugged construction, awesome foot, loose hided
• Bayberry 477F is a moderate framed, dark red Barry daughter who stands on dark perfect feet. One daughter sold to Matt’s Red Angus and a son sold to M Bar Ranch.
• Lakota 650J is a feminine featured, long spined Payload daughter with a picture perfect udder. She has an average wean ratio of 99 on 2 calves.
• Parent Verified
• heavy muscled, big topped, early maturity pattern
• Duruba 589F was designated an Elite Dam in 2025 through the CAA. She is a stellar producer with one daughter calling Anchor Cattle Co home where she was campaigned very successfully as a junior project. Sons have sold to Ernest Beasse and Creekside Ranch. She boasts an impress wean ratio of 110 on 5 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• long spined, athletic stride, excellent foot shape, smooth shouldered
• Goldie 104E is a hardworking ranch cow that comes from a long line of youthful, sound structured females. One daughter resides at Oulton Cattle Co. Her son, Showman 87L, was recently named Reserve Grand Champion Bull at Canadian Western Agribition and will play a large role in the Six Mile program moving forward.
• dark red and rugged, loose hided, great foot design
• Favorite 280F is a stunning female with an elite front end and great udder. Daughters have been selected by Eastern residents at Oulton Farms and Thunderbrook Farms. One son sold to Spencer Kirby through our 2021 bull sale. Average wean ratio of 100 on 4 calves.
BW 90 Adj WW 762 Adj YW 1356
Ease Level 1
• deep rib and flank, long spine, high growth cow bull option
• 466H was an attractive, sound uddered female who we sadly lost to lightning this past fall. She weaned this guy off with an impressive 105 wean ratio and he has continued to explode ever since!
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• Lakota 320H is a hardworking Rolex female. She is long spined, structurally correct and productive. One son is working for Bar V Ranch and a daughter is retained in herd. Average wean index of 105 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• shapely and rugged, heifer pen friendly, female maker
• Bess 128H is a moderate framed, soggy made female. One daughter sold to MX Ranch in 2022. She has a Black Red Carrier daughter retained in herd that we are extremely excited about. She is also a maternal sister to the dam of Lot 50. Average wean index of 101 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• perfect dark foot, blood red, calving ease option
• Goldie 200H is a high phenotype female that produces quality offspring at a high level. Two daughters have sold out of Genetic Focus sales to Reverse GC Angus and our awesome office manager Rae Tutor. She’s blood red, smooth shouldered, and wedged with true Angus characteristics. Average wean index of 101 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• high quality bull with added shape and scope, rugged and hairy
• Miola 590J is a sound made Fifth Sense daughter. She has an average wean index of 106 on her first 2 calves. 590J is a maternal sister to the dam of feature lot 2.
• Parent Verified
• high performing, maternally driven, stout pinned
• Lassie 781G is a female we are very excited for here at Six Mile. She is beautiful on the profile, exhibits a feminine head, great feet and a sound udder. One daughter is retained in herd and is the mother of Lot 54. Average wean index of 106 on 4 calves.
• Parent Verified
• stout and square, easy keeping body type, dark red female maker
• Meg 915E is a CAA Elite Dam as of 2023. She earned this accolade by her productivity which is shown by an average wean index of 108 on 6 calves. Sons are working for Paul Lacasse, Batho Farms and the Webb family. One daughter was selected by Maple Oaks Red Angus. Meg is gorgeous to admire with a pictureperfect udder, maternal rib shape in a moderate, efficient frame size. Parent Verified
Lot 73
• Black Red Carrier, low birth high grow option, outcross genetic package, rugged herd bull
• 423F is a Complete daughter who is perfect footed and balanced from every angle. One daughter is retained in herd and one son was selected by longtime customers – Mitchell Ranch. She is a heavy milking female with an average wean index of 107 on 4 calves.
• Parent Verified
• Black Red Carrier, heavy structured, sound at the ground
• A hardworking first calver here in 156K who boasted a wean ratio of 106 on this fella. Granddam Queen 357H is producing at a very high level with one daughter selected by Gus Reid in Genetic Focus 2023 and a favourite in the replacement pen.
BW 80 Adj WW 757 Adj YW 1312
Ease Level 3
73 and dam pre-weaning
• Black Red Carrier, long level spine and hip, rugged build
• Queen Kate 639K hit the show road as a bred heifer for our daughter Sloane (age 4) and longtime family friend, Eric Smith. Her extremely docile demeanour is admirable. She is now a productive ranch cow with a great udder and deep soft rib cage. Impressive wean ratio of 104 and moved up in her calving to calve in February this year.
Sloane and dam of Lot 75
Lot 76
A sale feature that we are excited to offer to the Red Angus industry. This Black Red Carrier herdsire will be an integral part of the Six Mile Red Angus herd moving forward. He represents the first opportunity to incorporate LT Galleon 1229 into the Red Angus gene pool. Galleon was selected from the LT program in South Dakota a few years ago with the Oberle crew of Circle 7 Ranch. His first daughters freshened this winter and they are simply incredible. Galleon 1229 offers an outcross yet predictable genetic package, a gorgeous and highly productive dam, and a very high level of actual calving ease.
Dam of Lot 76, Ruby 380F, is the last natural daughter of past donor, SVR Ruby 16P. 380F offers high maternal outcross genetics on the top side of her pedigree from Vision Unanimous. Ruby 380F is blood red, huge bodied, flawless uddered, with added flexibility and a perfect black foot. Her track record includes a wean ratio of 103 on 4 calves with daughters being selected by NuHorizion and Jack Jaggers and one son to Gerry Gropp.
Galleon 4M is a phenotypic outlier. He is a mile long with a rugged herd bull presence that was evident at a very early age. He is uniform in his body depth, square on the corners and clean in his joints. Genetically, he is even more impressive on paper ranking in the top 30% for over 16 EPD traits, and in the top 10% for 7 of those including SC, Docility, Marb, HPG, MCE and Milk.
Side View of Lot 76
Dam – Ruby 380F
Sire of lots 76 and 77 - Galleon 1229
Another sale feature Black Red Carrier herdsire prospect incorporating LT Galleon 1229 into the red gene pool. This time in a higher performance package. Galleon 515L ranks in the top 1% for WW and YW without sacrificing milk (top 30%) or maternal calving ease (top 10%). Similar to his paternal brother across the page, Lot 77 offers unparalleled spine and hip length with a stride that can cover big country with ease. His Reckoning dam, Bayberry 271G, offers a highlevel phenotype; incredible feet, heavy milk production, flawless structure, while also producing at a high level. One sold son to M Bar Ranch in our 2023 bull sale. Two sons are on offer this year with the other being Lot 38. Average wean index of 104 on 4 calves.
Parent Verified
Dam – Bayberry 271G
Galleon Daughter Udder
These Extra Age Bulls (Lots 77-101) are all coming two-year-old virgin bulls. They represent the same breed leading genetics found in our yearling bulls, but with more breeding capacity from their added age. All of the Extra Age Bulls are managed in a totally different environment from our yearling bulls therefore their performance data is not comparable.
A sale feature, Stapleton 505L, is sure to be on a lot of short lists come sale day. He’s a burly, stout, square built herdsire prospect that is incredible at the ground with a solid dark foot. He travels with added reach and flexibility off both ends of his skeleton while maintaining a level spine and hip. His dam, Dynamo 705G comes from a highly productive cow family. Her maternal sister is the dam to lead off Lot 1 bull in this sale! She is moderate in stature, has a near perfect udder and excellent foot structure. Maternal Granddam Dynamo 860E is a Premier Dam in the CAA producing high quality stock that always make the top end of the sale. Lot 78 was identified as a standout in his contemporary group at an early age.
Parent Verified
Front Shot of Lot 78
Lot 78
Feature donor, Dixie 546C is a herd bull factory. Her sons have been selected as high sellers in previous sales to Sandridge Land and Cattle, Richmond Ranch, M Bar and Resch’s. Her daughter was a recent sale feature and high seller to KT Ranches in Genetic Focus last fall at $35,000. Her daughter, Dixie 714J, retained in herd is following in her mothers’ footsteps cranking out herd bulls. She is the dam of Lot 19 in the yearling section of this sale. Lot 79 is a dense made, deep sided herd bull prospect that has added presence and look. Please note that he is a twin, this is a common occurrence when breeding donors a short time after super ovulation for embryo transfer.
Parent Verified
Another outstanding herdsire prospect sired by the great 3SCC Northbound F344. Northbound F344 left a lasting legacy on our herd, siring high quality offspring of both sexes. His daughters are crushing it in production and his sons always sort to the top of the sale order. Lot 80 is a performance leader ranking in the top 2% for WW and YW coupled with a high level of calving ease. His gorgeous dam is a material sibling to John Wick 882E. Gloria 699H has the donor pen in her sights combining high level phenotype, production record, fertility and genetic predictions. Average wean ratio of 110 on 2 calves.
Parent Verified
Daughter – SIXM 473J
Northbound Daughter – SIXM 336H
• added spine length, high performance bull, exceptional foot quality
• Cheta 527D is a definite survivor. A couple falls ago she was unaccounted for in the inventory and presumed she had died on pasture after weaning her calf. We were certainly surprised late the next spring when we went down south and saw her come over the hill with a calf beside her. Sons have sold to Creekside Ranch and Gavelin Farms (2). Average wean ratio of 107 on 6 calves.
• Sire Verified
• sound structured, powerful pedigree
• Bayberry 932E is larger framed and big bodied with large, sound feet. A son sold through bull sale to Stephanie Jaeger and one daughter was selected by Walsh Farms. One daughter is retained in herd and is the dam of Lots 38 and 77. Wean ratio of 101 on 5 calves.
• Parent Verified
• dark red, added rib and body, bold and stout
• Cresta 393E is a heavy milking, dark footed Reckoning daughter with a feminine front end. A son sold through last year’s bull sale to Twin Creek Land and Cattle.
• Parent Verified
• excellent foot shape and design, maternally superior lineage
• 419F is a sound structured Barry female with great feet. A daughter sold through Genetic Focus to the Castonguay family.
• Marta 816G is a flush sister to influential donor Marta 238C that now resides at Cutler Cattle. We had the misfortune of losing 816G last winter, which was a big loss. A daughter sold through Genetic Focus 2022 for $14,500 to Beita Livestock. Average wean ratio of 110 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• deep sided, moderate statured, easy keeper
• Enid 516G is moderate framed, big bodied and sound uddered. One son sold to Garlyn Farms through our 2023 Bull Sale. Average wean ratio of 103 on 2 calves.
• A striking, dark red female, Dynamint 95G, was purchased from young red angus enthusiast Lane Steen. The Dynamint cow family has had a major impact on Steen’s herd with Moose Creek Dynamint 95D hitting the donor pen producing many high profile offspring. One son of 95G sold to Barry Mielke in 2023.
Act BW 84 Adj WW 702 Adj YW 1201
Angus One EPD
• royal pedigree, blood red, early standout
Calving Ease Level 2
• Donor dam Marta 928E is a powerful, potent producer that has a son working for Oultons in Nova Scotia, a daughter at Walsh’s in Ontario and 7 daughters employed in the Six Mile herd. She is also the dam of Lot 17 in the yearling section of this year’s offering.
• Bridget 518H is a long stretchy dark red cow with an awesome foot shape. Her first son was selected by Mitchell Ranch.
• Parent Verified Act
• moderate statured, heifer pen candidate, added look and presence
• Gloria 433H is a flush sister to John Wick 882E. She is feminine and refined in her features with a tidy udder. Average wean index of 101 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• dark red, shapely muscled pattern
• donor dam Ellie 8H was a past Genetic Focus feature that commanded $22,000 for ½ embryo interest. She is stout featured and awesome structured.
• Parent Verified
• maternally driven, stout
• Duruba 673H is a moderate framed, eye appealing female with a gorgeous teat size and placement.
• Parent Verified
• balanced profile, bred for longevity, level top
• Lakota 614A is moderate framed, excellent footed, has a level udder with great teat placement and remained youthful through the years. Sons have sold to Holland Lane, Mitch Fisher, Mackenzies (2) and Kevin Nelson. Daughters have sold to JD Pastures and Troy Promisberger. One daughter is retained in herd. Wean ratio of 102 on 10 calves.
• Parent Verified
• big bodied, loose hided
• 21E is a big bodied, easy keeping Game Face daughter with a beautiful fore udder attachment. Sons have sold to KT Farm and Ranching as well as Martens Ranch.
• Sire Verified
• pen favourite, smooth shouldered, square on the corners
• Miss Quality 9129G is a feminine fronted, long bodied Range Boss daughter that came from the good people at Merit Cattle. She exhibits a sound udder with exceptional teat size and placement.
• Sire Verified
• dense muscled, sound and proud, herdsire presence
• 455E is a deep sided, long and level female with ample milk production. She has one son working for neighbours and friends Justin and Laura Greffard.
• Sire Verified
• rugged, heavy muscled, high performing
• June 541G is a super sound, hardworking, heavy milking Diesel daughter with an average wean ratio of 103 on 4 calves. She has another son is this sale selling as Lot 118.
• Parent Verified
• large outline, performance bull, proven pedigree
• Donor dam Lassie 260B was a power house producer. She was a stout pinned herd bull producer, with sons selling to Dot Bar Dot, Burrow Ridge, Kevi Nelson, Benchview, Okraincee’s and East Raymond. She has 3 daughters employed in the Six Mile herd with one being up and coming donor Lassie 217H.
• Blackbird 149B was Designated a Premier Dam with the CAA in 2020. She has been a stellar producer for us here at Six Mile with sons and daughters landing in awesome homes across North America. Daughters have sold to Hollinger/Dusty Rose and Ranch Covey Hill. Two daughters are retained in herd with one being the dam of Lot 110. Sons have found homes with Richard Rieder and family, Kelly Cutler, Breed Creek, Kevin Goruick and family as well as Montgomery Livestock. She has another son in this sale as Lot 112.
• donor dam Tibbie 280C was a powerful producer for Six Mile. She produced high quality herdsire prospects that were selected by Youngdale, Iron Plains, DMV GenetiQ and VanDornes. She is also the maternal granddam to Lot 104.
• Parent Verified
Dam of Lot 99 – Blackbird 149B Dam of Lot 100 – Lassie 260B
Lot 102
A remarkable sale feature, Ovi 8M, was special from early on in life. His presence, body shape, muscle mass and power, set him apart from the competition. He was successfully campaigned through the summer and fall by Laramie Greenwood alongside his stunning dam, Lady Lee 281K, where they collected numerous accolades. The most noteworthy and impressive was being crowned the 2024 Canadian National Champion Black Angus Female! This was a remarkably proud moment for all of us at Six Mile, but more importantly for young Angus breeder Laramie Greenwood and her family. Lady Lee and Ovi, wrapped up their outstanding fall show season with “Top 10” honors in the CN Supreme Show at Agribition.
Ovi 8M continued his winning ways as a member of our Champion Pen of Three Bulls at Medicine Hat Pen Show and garnering much attention “In the Yards” and at the National Western Stock Show.
Lady Lee 281K is the type of cow that anchors a big time herdsire prospect. She cuts a stunning shillouette with an absolutely gorgeous udder. She is flexible, sound, deep sided and heavy structured. Lot 102’s sire, Helix J339, is a true and honest beef bull, whose first daughters hit production this winter at Six Mile. We have never calved a set of daughters with the incredible udder quality found in the Helix daughters. They are truly worthy of a drive to Fir Mountain to see.
Sire of Lots 102 to 108 – Woodhill Helix
Dam – Lady Lee 281K
National Champion Angus Female alongside dam
A burly, heavy muscled herdsire prospect and sale feature. This Helix son is thumping his contemporaries on test earning the top spot with a 122 yw index. His dam is a heavy milking, Showman daughter. Miss May 164H has two high quality daughters retained in herd with one being the dam of Lot 123. Average wean ratio of 106 on 3 calves. Parent Verified.
We are really impressed with the consistency found in this Helix sire group. Lot 107 is another heavy muscled, wide gauged sale feature that is sound at the ground and backed by a powerful producing mother. 316H comes from the productive Tibbie cow family. She is a moderate framed female with lots of muscle shape and dimension. Wean ratio average of 112 on 2 calves. Parent Verified.
Helix Daughter Udder
Maternal Granddam of Lot 104 and Dam of Lot 101– Tibbie 280C
• deep sided, balanced phenotype, stout and square
• Erica 476H is a powerful Cash Out female. A daughter of hers sold through Genetic Focus 2024 to Angus Perla Blanca in Mexico.
• Parent Verified
• level top and hip, long and extended, smooth made
• Another very nice Showman daughter here. She is easy on the eyes with a really tidy udder and maintains an appropriate body condition through all seasons.
• Parent Verified
• sound footed, square on the corners, great disposition
• 25H has been a productive female; big square feet, sound udder, calm demeanour and high fertility. Sons have sold to Benchview Ranch and Montgomery Livestock. Average wean index of 101 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• 161H is one of the most phenotypically stunning Showman daughters we have elevated front end, sound, flexible and nice uddered. We love the Crossfire x Showman combination. Granddam of Lot 108 is the dam of Lot 114.
• Parent Verified
• sale feature, soggy ribbed, elite phenotype, incredible foot quality
• 902E is a long spined, high performance female who exhibits a sound udder and produces quality offspring. Sons have sold to Quarter Circle 7 and Strongbow farms through previous bull sales. Wean index of 101 on 5 calves. Granddam Queen Mother 849U was an incredible female placing sons in purebred operations Double F, Wilbar and Iron Plains.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
Sire of Lots 109 to 111 – Vegas 49M
Dam – Queen Mother 902E
Maternal Brother – SIXM 241L
• sale feature, elite phenotype, heavy hair coat, high growth with added frame
• Blackbird 24D is from the highly productive and phenotypically impressive Blackbird cow family. She was Designated Elite in 2023. Previous sons have sold to Sayers Farms, Darren Manske and Chad Nittler. One daughter is retained in herd and another highlighted Genetic Focus 2021 for $21,000. Average wean ratio of 107 o 6 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
Dam – Blackbird 24D
Champion Pen of Bull Medicine Hat
Maternal Granddam – Blackbird 149B Lot 110
• soggy made, wide and square, high maternal
• Echo 607H is quickly making a name for herself here at Six Mile with her productivity and high level phenotype. She is moderate in stature, sound at the ground, big bodied and has an exceptional udder. One daughter highlighted Genetic Focus 2024 to Ivy Livestock. Another daughter is retained in herd and is the dam of Lot 141. Average wean index of 106 on 3 calves.
• Parent Verified
• sound and proud, extra shag, added herdsire presence
• Blackbird 149B was Designated a Premier Dam with the CAA in 2020. She has been a stellar producer for us here at Six Mile with sons and daughters landing in awesome homes across North America. Daughters have sold to Hollinger/Dusty Rose and Ranch Covey Hill. Two daughters are retained in herd with one being the dam of Lot 110. Sons have found homes with Richard Rieder and family, Kelly Cutler, Breed Creek, Kevin Goruick and family as well as Montgomery Livestock. She has another son in this sale as Lot 99.
• Parent Verified
• sale feature, quality from every angle, bold ribbed, low birthhigh grow
• Blackbird 432F is a consistent producer that is Designated Elite in the CAA. She is bigbodied and has a great udder. Her calves wean off heavy and are extremely high quality. Previous sons have been selected by DragonView Angus, Kevin Nelson and Manske Ranch. Average wean ratio of 111 on 5 calves.
• Parent Verified
Dam – Blackbird 432F
Alternate View of Lot 113
• heifer friendly, long and smooth
• Fanny 224D is another productive Crossfire daughter who is big bodied and sound with a youthful look. Sons have sold to Sayco Farms and Twelve Mile Ranch in the past.
• Parent Verified
• rugged and masculine, heavy muscled, big scrotal
• Ms Oakleaf 509D is another sound, functional Crossfire female. She has two daughters retained in herd, one being 161H the mother of Lot 108.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• calving ease pedigree and build, smooth made, awesome dam
• June 675F is a female who was born in our May calving program and is now part of our JanMar calving program. 675F is a hardworking mother cow with an elegant front end and awesome foot quality. Average wean index of 99 on 4 calves.
• Joe 18M is backed by one of our favorite Crossfire daughters, 166E. She is a pasture favorite with her easy keeping looks, sound structure, big body and picture perfect udder. Her daughter Lady Lee 281K (dam of Lot 102) was slapped National Champion Black Angus female in 2024 for Laramie Greenwood. One other daughter resides at Graco Angus ad a son sold through last year’s bull sale to Summit Creek Ranch. Average wean ratio of 105 on 6 calves.
• AngusGS & Parent Verified
• shapely, rugged, high quality
• June 541G is a super sound, hardworking, heavy milking Diesel daughter with an average wean ratio of 103 on 4 calves. She has another son is this sale selling as Lot 98.
• Parent Verified
Dam – Lady Lee 166E
• sale feature, explosive from every angle, checks all the boxes
• Tibbie 80F is a big barreled, sound uddered Kozi daughter who continually gets the job done. She has one son and one daughter working for great customers Iron Plains Ag the Blake family. Average wean ratio of 103 on 4 calves. Granddam TIbbie 449D has also put together an impressive track record through her years here, with 4 incredible daughters retained in herd and 3 sons selling through previous bull sales.
• Parent Verified
Dam – Tibbie 80F
Maternal Brother – Jet Set 298J
No: 2366834 / Tattoo: SIXM
• chunk, big barrelled, level made
• Rose 482H boasts an impressive 107 wean ratio on 3 calves. Daughters have been selected by Wade Bartkiw and Allencroft Angus.
• Blackbird 458K is a South Point daughter from the donor female Blackbird 1916Y. Heavy milking, feminine featured and correct in her angles. She worked hard and weaned this calf off with a 102 wean ratio. Maternal Granddam, Blackbird 1916Y is the dam of “Droptine”, the lead herdsire at Valley Blossom Ranch as well as the high selling female from the 2023 RAWF for the Blue Shoe Crew.
• Parent Verified
• fresh genetic profile, big topped and wide pin set
• 38K is a larger framed South Point daughter who did a very good job raising twins. She is a maternal sister to feature lot 103.
• Parent Verified
• smooth and streamline design, level and correct, maternal masterpiece
• Duchess 172B is a flawless cow, but more importantly, produces at the highest level and proved she needed to become a donor. Her sons always surface to the top of the bull sale; being selected by North Point Angus, Anderson Ranch, Fesers, Rock’n R Angus, Colven Cattle, Greffards and Quarter Circle 7. 172B is also a maternal sister to Duralta’s lead black donor that is responsible for the first 7 sons in both their 2024 and 2025 Bull Sales.
• Parent Verified
• high quality, added look and presence, robust rib hip shape
• Lassie 317K is royally bred; a Natural Law daughter from the matriarch of the Lassie cow family and Premier Dam, 373Y. She is a full sister to Lassie 230H, a gorgeous female we drug around on the show road this year. With the Lassie cow family behind her, it’s no surprise that 317K weaned this calf off with a 110 wean ratio. She exhibits a flawless udder construction.
• Parent Verified
An absolute stud here to lead off the Simmental division of our 50th Anniversary Bull Sale. Grindstone is one cool cucumber! Grindstone 89M offers an incredible combination of look and presence with genuine mass, muscle and skeletal width. In motion, he is athletic, comfortable and eye catching.
From an early age, we knew this calf was special. He kept his foot on the gas through all phases of life weaning off at 800 lbs actual weaning weight from a first calf heifer, and continued to accelerate on test with a 1330 lbs yearling weight.
Sire of Lots 125 and 126- John Wick 882E
Head Shot
Maternal Granddam – Tyra 64H
Lot 125
A ¾ brother to the stud across the page, Lot 126 solidifies the mating consistency of crossing John Wick with an Epic daughter. This bull has a shot more frame while still maintaining enough rib, body and flank and a big heavy structure under him. His dam, Ms Granite 19K is a heavy milking female with a sound structure and solid feet. She weaned this calf off with an impressive 790 lbs actual weaning weight. Maternal granddam, Granite 207H, is the dam of bull below, lot 127. A long spined, dark red baldy bull that is rugged and heavy haired. Lot 127 represents the first calf crop from Revolution 2194, a past feature and high seller from the Wheatland bull sale. Granite 207H is a large framed, sound uddered female who stands on big, square, solid feet. One daughter is retained in herd and is the dam of the bull above, Lot 126.
Lot 128
• dark red, long bodied, square built
• Montana 253H is a gorgeous female that we fell in love with at the Meadow Acres Dispersal where she was the high selling bred heifer. She has an elite look; high tying, huge bodied, ultra flexible and perfect uddered.
Lot 129
• burly and rugged, big scrotal, heavy muscled
• Apollo was selected from the Ultra Livestock program with the main selling feature being his dark red, perfect uddered, youthful dam. We are sure impressed with the set of replacement females we have from him and look forward to getting them into production next year.
Lot 130
• deep sided, powerful, high maternal
• Madonna 923G is an impressive female – easy keeping, sound uddered and dark red. A daughter highlighted Genetic Focus 2023 to Rohrich Red Angus. Average wean ratio of 103 on 4 calves.
It seems fitting to lead off our 50th Anniversary female offering with a daughter from the legendary John Wick 882E. We are still yet to find a Red Angus bull that breeds with as much quality and consistency as John Wick does. I guess that is why his semen commands over $2500 USD/unit (if you can find it for sale). Lot 131 is a maternal built, sensible framed female that is sound made and soft ribbed. Her dam Marta 66K exhibits an exceptional udder that the Lincoln daughters are known for.
Phoebe 394M is stout featured and big bodied. Her dam was one of our first picks from the Bar E L program when she was a heifer calf. She matured into a gorgeous female with a tight tidy udder and elite look. Our Northbound daughters are sound uddered, fertile, and extremely productive; weaning off heavy calves every fall; I would expect Lot 132 to fit the mould.
Sire- John Wick 882E
Dam – Phobe
A sale feature found here in Frado 440M. She is a maternal sister to the 2023 CWA Grand Champion Female that was campaigned by the Harviecrest crew. Lot 133 is also maternal sister to the senior herdsire, Wick 60H, working at Ward’s Red Angus. This female is cherry red and attractive with a gorgeous teat size and spread.
Bayberry 434M represents the first red hided female offered at public auction from the powerhouse sire, Ellingson Three Rivers 8062. It seems like the Red Angus world is longing for outcross genetics that still can accomplish the fundamentals in foot and udder quality, structural soundness with a predictable level of maternal strengths. We think Three Rivers 99K adds this to the gene pool. Lot 134 is elegant fronted, long bodied and attractive from every angle.
Maternal Sister- SIXM 344J
Paternal Grandsire- Three Rivers 8062
The highest YW heifer at Six Mile in 2025. This female is powerful from head to toe. We are excited to get the Cold Open females into production as their teat placement and size looks promising.
The dam of this female came in the CCY herd acquisition, Duchess 9Y was dark red in color and cut a stunning silhouette. A daughter highlighted our females in the 2022 Bull Sale selling to Oscar Gonzalez in Mexico. Duchess 105M is an elite quality female that we believe can follow in her mother’s footsteps, producing quality calves every year.
A high quality black-red carrier female here that is soft sided, awesome haired and super correct. A maternal brother was selected in 2022 bull sale by RJ Lanoie Ranching. A maternal sister was selected as “Pick of our Pen” at the 2024 National Western Stock Show in Denver.
Serena 399M is super fancy and comes from a high-quality, high production Razor daughter. A maternal sister to Lot 138 found a great home at Hanold Show cattle in Illinois. This red hided Three Rivers might be the sleeper of the group.
Two moderate framed, big bodied Lincoln daughters that are oozing with maternal worth. The Lincoln females are causing quite a stir in the Red Angus world. Folks are finally realizing how consistent and high quality they are. The Lincoln daughters are fertile, excellent uddered and wean off heavy calves. Buy a few Lincoln’s and 10 years from now you will thank yourself.
Sale feature. This heifer is the real deal. Echo 92M stems from the 2018 CWA Supreme Champion Female PM Echo 8’16. Her maternal granddam 607H is leaving her mark here at Six Mile producing elite progeny as seen in Lot 111. LT Galleon daughters have ideal teat size and placement, added spine length and sound structured. This female reads with a bullet proof maternal pedigree and we feel she has a huge future.
Sire- Galleon 1229
Maternal Sister – SIXM 479L
Lot 141
An elegant, refined female here from the high octane Blackbird cow family. 304M’s dam is a Designated Elite Dam who is sound structured, deep ribbed and functional. Maternal siblings to Lot 142 have been selected by Olympic Gold Medalist, Murray Linthicum as well as Kelsey and Malissa Campbell of 66 Ranch.
OPEN COMMERCIAL HEIFER CALVES sold in lots of 5 to 10. These Heifers are from the heart of our own commercial program and from our progressive customers. They will be both BLACK and RED Angus influenced females.
We are still accepting consignments from our customers if they are interested in offering open heifer calves. Contact Clayton or Corinne as soon as possible to join the list. In order to have the heifers videoed prior to the sale you need to consign by March 10th.
Side View of Lot 142
1975 Six Mile Red Angus held its first bull sale. The first two sales were smaller on farm events with no catalog published. The bull sale was moved to Swift Current in 1977 and held on May 7th and the first catalog was published; a sale manager was hired and Gail Wildman of Towaw Cattle Co served as the secretary.
2025 Six Mile Ranch Celebrates our 50th Annual Bull Sale with the Fifth Generation at Six Mile already a big part of our program. Every new generation has increased the viability of Six Mile by adding individual strengths, talents and knowledge to the operation.
Our goal and dream for the future is to see each generation evolve and prosper - the cattle, the land and the people.
Top Three Volume Buyers, the past five years
Volume Buyer Profile - M BAR RANCH – THE GOODS – WALSH, AB
M Bar Ranch, is a 50,000-acre cattle ranch located Southeast of Medicine Hat, Alberta, in the Cypress Hills. The Good family has been ranching in this area since 1893. The ranch is run by Graham, his family and father Dewayne. The ranch consists mostly of native range, and has pivot and flood irrigation for feed production. Our cow herd was initially straight bred Hereford. In 2011, a complete switch to Red Angus was made. We retain our own replacement heifers. The main cow herd is on a tight 45-day breeding season and start calving the second week of April. We background all our calves and grass yearlings. Our yearlings are marketed in the spring and fall through Balog Auction in Lethbridge, Alberta. We normally buy 10-12 bulls a year and started buying bulls at Six Mile in 2016. What brought us to Six Mile was high quality bulls in volume. The Six Mile cattle have eye appeal, perform on the range and in the feed yard. We have found Six Mile to be a reliable source of genetics with deep consistency. Congratulations to Six Mile on their 50th Anniversary Sale!
Volume Buyer Profile - ANDERSON RANCH – FIR MOUTAIN, SK Anderson Ranch is owned and operated by Miles and Sheri Anderson, with help from our 4 daughters and their families. We raise angus cattle south of the Six Mile Ranch on Rock creek. Our cattle herd is moderate sized angus cows that are bred to red and black Angus bulls. They graze for at least 300 days a year after 2 years age. We usually keep the steers until they are 900 lbs. and are sold on DLMS. Heifers are much the same, we keep about half for replacements with some sold at the Six Mile sale in Swift Current in Dec. We have had a long-standing relationship with Six Mile. Our families have been trading and dealing with each other now for 4 generations. Six Mile cattle work well in our low input environment. Usually, our outfit is the buyer, but this year we got to be the seller. I hope the heifers treat you well Cade. We congratulate Six Mile on their 50th Bull Sale. It’s one thing to start a good thing but it is hard to keep it fresh while maintaining the tradition that started it all. Thanks for the great cattle and for pulling one of us out almost weekly.
Volume Buyer Profile - HORSE CREEK RANCH –
SK Horse Creek Ranch is managed by Daryl and Kathy Eklund. We are third generation ranchers with my dad, Doug, still helping out at age 91. Our three children are also involved. Trae runs cattle with us and owns his own land. Ty also runs a few cows here and helps out when he has time off. Our daughter Daphene and her fiancé Ben are always willing to lend a hand. We run about 450 red cows with few blacks. Most or our land is located at McCord, Sk but we also have pasture in the Crestywyn hills near Moose Jaw. We use red angus bulls - with most of them come from Six Mile. We calve in March and April. We wean end of October, with big steers being sold at auction at an average of around 580 lbs. We do background a few steers and keep most of our heifers. Heifers are exposed to bulls for 30-35 days. We keep our own replacements and offer some for sale in the Range Royalty sale hosted by Six Mile in December. We started using Six Mile Genetics in the 80’s. They have been good friends and When Six Mile says they stand behind their bulls, they really do. We sell bred heifers in their Range Royalty sale and one year we had trouble with a heifer bull we got from them. Clayton looked after it - he phoned all our heifer buyers to give them heads up and he helped us and our buyers out. Now that’s looking after customers. Thank you to Six Mile for all you do.
50 Years of Valued Customers
Many Buying Six Mile Genetics for Generations
Box X Ranch – the Smith Family – Mankota, SK
Charlie Smith & Mike Smith bought at our very first sale, Alan Smith, Clint Smith and now Eric Smith have all purchased Six Mile Genetics. Five generations of the Smith Family from the very beginning.
Fitzpatrick Ranch – Wood Mtn, Sk
Pat Fitzpatrick was volume buyer at our 1987 sale and we are now onto the third generation of Fitzpatrick family as customers.
Nelson Ranch – Opheim, MT
Carl Nelson purchased bulls from Six Mile in our early years and his son Kevin is still one of our best customers.
Mitchell Ranch – Glenworth, SK
Grant Mitchell bought bulls in the early sales, Clint and Dawn continued, and last year we saw the third generation, Garrett, doing the bidding.
Bar V Ranch – Climax, SK
Bill Hamm purchased bulls in the first sales, then Robbie and now we proudly host the third generation of the Hamm family.
COLD OPEN / SIXM 82K / CAA #2259739
Cold Open is a solid made, beef bull in the darkest shade of red. He sold through our 2023 bull sale to Handhills Farming. His calves have his eye catching color, impressive muscle shape and are pen favorites. His dam Patsy 947E is an Elite Dam which adds to his worth.
JOHN WICK / SIXM 882E / CAA #1994984
We believe John Wick is one of, if not the only, Red Angus sire who can blend so many lines of livestock breeding. He offers consistent calving ease with predictable performance, unparalleled foot quality with breed leading EPD profile, captivating show ring appeal with real world maternal quality, cat like flexibility with genuine muscle shape. John Wick Does Not Miss.
LONG HAUL / IMP 1344J /CAA #2338355
Long Haul was a powerful specimen in the Pieper bull pen and we were fortunate to purchase Canadian semen rights. His first calf crop are dark red and we feel are extremely impressive individuals. His first daughter commanded $40,000 in our 2024 Genetic Focus Female Sale.
MOJAVE / IMP 2029K. / CAA #2311850
Mojave was the $215,000 high seller in 2023 coming from Niobrara Red Angus. He is striking on the profile, alert and eye catching as well as sound and powerful. His first set of calves are impressive with a daughter being our high selling female in 2024 at $50,000 to Sandridge. His sons are impressive with their pen presence and athleticism.
JUMANJI / SIXM 642J /. CAA #2229243
Jumanji is a maternal dream being a son of donor Taffeta 142B and sired by Northbound. We used Jumanji to add some calving ease properties while not sacrificing any growth or stretch. Owned with Hillcrest Colony.
JACKSON / IMP 5J / CAA #2256834
Jackson came to us from OHR Red Angus in North Dakota. He is a dark red, smooth made, long-spined individual. Jackson has instilled some calving ease properties into his cattle with an average birth weight of 77 on female and 79 on bulls.
STEALTH / JRRA 37H / CAA #2147453
Stealth 37H came to us from the Remples at Running JR Ranch. Stealth 37H is a bull who transmits good feet, lots of hair, structural integrity and maternal qualities into his offspring.
LINCOLN / KOF 106H / CAA #2141405
Lincoln was purchased from Mar Mac along with MC Quantock. He sires bulls with muscle shape and dimension. His first daughters have hit production this year and we couldn’t be happier with their udder structure, teat size and placement.
STARK / MFW 67G / CAA #2104790
Stark was our selection to integrate Banknote into our red program. The added rib, body and flank is what makes this sire group easy to identify. We appreciate the docility Stark has added into his progeny. A Stark daughter was 2023 Grand Champion Red Angus Female at CWA for HarvieCrest Cattle.
/ IMP 344F / CAA #2104666
Northbound was selected from the Sonstegard family in Minnesota. His outcross pedigree and added stature have blended perfectly in our herd. Northbound daughters all exhibit tidy udders ad we believe his true worth could be in the maternal qualities he brings to a herd.
/ TMP 604H / CAA #2164490
Typhoon was acquired with Wheelers Stock Farm from the W Sunrise Program. His daughters sold very well in our 2023 Genetic Focus Female sale as they are attractive and square made. Sons are the rancher type with a moderate build, stout structure and lots of hip.
/ IMP 339J / CAA #2280752
Helix is son of the popular Stellar who is known for injecting excellent feet into his progeny. Helix has calving ease properties in a moderate and stout package. The daughters are just hitting production and we feel their udder structure and teat placement and size are ideal.
GALLEON / IMP 1229J / CAA #2280751
Galleon is a bull we own with the Oberle family of Circle 7. He adds length of spine, sound structure, solid feet and a proud presence to his calves. Galleon daughters and sons both have us very excited to continue implementing him in our program. Galleon daughters exhibit tight and tidy udders.
VEGAS / TCM 49H /. CAA #2177186
Vegas is the Casino son that is increasing the frame and stature of our herd. He does this while maintaining a proud look and progeny with lots of hair. Vegas was the Reserve Champion Black Angus Bull in 2023 at NWSS. His semen is available in the US through Griswold.
SHOWTIME / SIXM 80H / CAA #2163634
Showtime is the Showman son that we have implemented back into our Angus program. He is owned with Everblack Angus. Showtime progeny are born easy and exhibit great hip shape and hair. His first daughters have now calved and we are very happy with their maternal instincts, udder structure and fleshing ability.
/ CKM 448H / CAA #2171850
Chism was a bull we purchased from 66 Ranch. This is his first calf crop here at Six Mile. We appreciate the Chism cattle for their calving ease abilities while still maintaining muscle shape and dimension.
BIDDING: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder. Whenever there are two or more bids the auctioneer will settle any disputes. TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash. The right of property shall not pass until after the settlement is made. All settlements will be made with the clerks of the sale immediately following the conclusion of the sale and before any cattle will be released from the ranch. Financing terms are available if prior arrangements are made with Clayton and Corrine. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Cattle will be kept free of charge until May 1, 2025, when they are to be picked up or delivered. We strongly urge the buyer to insure any bulls left, as they are yours when the hammer falls. INSURANCE: A Livestock Insurance Agent will be present to care for the insuring of cattle. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: A certificate of registry and transfer will be furnished on all cattle sold as registered animals. Six Mile will ensure all animals sold internationally are transferred in the proper country.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Changes of catalogue information relating to the animals offered for sale will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over the printed matter in this catalogue. BREEDERS GUARANTEE: Six Mile Red Angus guarantees to sell you a bull that has passed a semen test and breeding soundness evaluation completed by a qualified, licensed veterinarian. However, should a problem arise, please let us know so arrangements can be made without delay. Should your bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder - as agreed upon by the buyer and seller - he will be replaced with a bull of equal value. Should this not be possible, an adjustment will be made to reflect the value of the bull in question or a credit given towards the purchase of another bull. Yearling bulls shall be guaranteed breeders for no more than 20 females. AGAIN, each bull has passed a semen evaluation, however, it is the buyer’s responsibility to make sure that your new bull can physically service a female and can settle them. We will not provide replacement or adjustment for physical injury or mismanagement. Bearing this in mind, we stress the importance of insurance on your bull. At no time shall the seller’s liability exceed the purchase price of the bull. In the event of any unlikely dispute the standard terms and conditions of the Canadian Angus Association will apply. IDENTIFICATION: Each purebred animal carries a readable tattoo.
LIABILITY: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of the buyer, neither owners, sale manager, clerks or anyone connected with the sales assumes any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for damage of any kind.
HEALTH STATUS: All Six Mile cattle have been under the following vaccine schedule: Birth: Vitaferst-Care, Nasalgen 3PMH, Branding: Vista Once SQ, Vision 8 Somnus, Pre-Weaning: Vista Once SQ, Vision 8 Somnus, Clean-UP II, fenbendazole dewormer, Yearling: Clean-Up II & Vira Shield 6+ Somnus (females)
US FUNDS & EXPORT: American money will be accepted at the most current rate of exchange on sale day and announced before the sale. Bulls will be export-tested for $150 per bull and delivered as soon as possible following the sale. RIGHT TO DRAW SEMEN: Six Mile reserves the right to in-herd semen uses on any bull sold in the sale. Semen Collection will be at our expense and buyer’s convenience, with a minimum of 100 units collected. DNA TESTING: Bulls have been DNA tested and Dam Verified with most being Parent Verified. SIGHT UNSEEN PURCHASES AND GUARANTEE: If you are unable to attend our sale, but are interested in our bulls - We can take an order on any of the bulls in the sale. Our sales consultants can also help you make selections. Give Clayton, Corinne or Tyson a call to ensure the bulls you (or our sales consultants) have selected are ones we feel will work for you. If you have discussed your selections with Clayton, Corinne or Tyson before the sale, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. When the bull is delivered to you, you are under no obligation to take him should he not meet your needs.
We will continue to offer FREE DELIVERY for the first 500 miles. This is for all purchases paid for in full within 14 days of the sale date. (Unless other arrangements are made) We may not be able to deliver directly to your ranch location, but rather to a central location close to you, where you will meet us and pick up your bull. We will give you as much notice as we can prior to delivery. Beyond 500 miles, we will still coordinate delivery and will add the charge to each invoice.
Cost of Delivery Beyond 500 Miles
0-500 miles Free Delivery
500 – 700 miles $350 per customer (Up to 3 bulls)
700 – 900 miles $550 per customer (Up to 3 bulls) Over 900 miles – we will work with you to coordinate the remaining distance which will be your financial responsibility
If you are not ready to receive your bull when we arrange delivery to your area, we can keep your bull FREE OF CHARGE until May 1st. Following May 1st, we will charge $3.50 per day per Bull until you are able to pick up. Please notify us if this is an option you need.
For all International Purchases (U.S. and Mexico) We will do all of the health and export testing required for a charge of $150 per head which will be added to your invoice at time of sale. Delivery will be the same as any other, with the first 500 miles free and the balance being added to your invoice.
$100 Rebate per bull will be offered if you pick up your bull at the ranch within one week of the sale and your purchase is paid for in full at that time.