Raw Food Cleanse
Let me begin by stating my adversity to encouraging all-or-nothing approaches, strict regimes or to ideas of the body as a vessel that requires “detoxing” or “cleansing”. The body is a highly efficient and intelligent being, with a liver and kidney. For that reason, I am not going to be encouraging “cleanses” to anyone as I believe that people need to adopt sustainable practices with a realistic daily approach to loving and caring for their body. This is a mindset for life, not for seven days. With that in mind, I will complete the assignment but I want to be honest in my approach to working with people. I believe in “your vibe attracts your tribe”. Even when I teach classes around Melbourne daily, I know that within classes of 20 – 30 people, there will be those who don’t like the way I teach or struggle with the advanced moves and decide they can’t stand me. But for all of those people, in 12 years of teaching fitness classes of all variety, I’ve had fabulous responses, loyal participants who will follow me from one club to another wherever I end up working, and people who tell me they’ve never been able to achieve the sort of cardio fitness and strength that they have in my class. This is much more important to me that focusing on the people who don’t buy my style. Similarly, I do not intend on spruiking cleanses or detox plans to people just to win over the majority who want an easy fix. I intend on sharing a message of self-care and respect, love for the environment and all living things as a basis for choosing to eat raw, eat seasonally and eat primarily plant based foods. My message is: this is for life, not for a brief cleanse every time you overdo everything else in your life. Day 1, 3 and 5: Start the day with lemon juice, warm water and taking five minutes to bring yourself into silence and avoid all distractions. Don’t look at your phone. Don’t fiddle. Look out the window and just embrace the morning. Follow with a green juice spiked with ginger for flavour and for extra heat to get the tastebuds and metabolism fired up. Much preferable to coffee. If you’re hungry, eat a banana and a small handful of raw, sprouted almonds (soaked overnight to ensure easier digestion or bought sprouted), otherwise wait until mid-morning.