Caucasus Business Week #314

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February 17, 2020 -



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2 February 17, 2020 #314

Georgian Rail Corridor Becomes Competitive for Shipment of Turkmen Petroleum Products

Trammo to Invest 20 million USD in Building Batumi Seaport’s New Terminal

On February 11, 2020, a meeting was held at the Tbilisi Marriot Hotel between the JSC Georgian Railways and the CIS Azerbaijan Railways.

Archil Talakvadze, chairperson of the Parliament of Georgia has met with the executive director of New York based corporation Trammo and the managing board members.

Turkish Airline Atlasglobal Suspended All Flights due to Bankruptcy On 12 February 2020, the Turkish carrier AtlasGlobal filed for bankruptcy and halted all flights, after a lot of uncertainty for a few months.

Georgia Caries out First Major Exports of Educational Model to Kazakhstan The Parties signed the memorandum on the mentioned cooperation in Nur Sultan on February 10.

EU monitoring Mission Appointed New Head in Georgia

EBRD Allocated Additional Fund for Reconstruction of Enguri HPP The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is allocating €10 million for the reconstruction of Georgia’s Enguri Hydro Power Plant (HPP).

Marek Szczygieł has today been appointed the new Head of the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia, EUMM Georgia.

"Hello, My Name is Tbilisi" Exhibition to Hold in Varna Organized by Georgia's Embassy and young ambassador, Zurab Pertsuliani, Exhibition, named "Hello, my name is Tbilisi" was held in the city of Bulgaria, Varna.

APM Terminals Restarts Procedures for Poti Deepwater Seaport Expansion APM Terminals has restarted procedures to get licensed and launch the Poti Deepwater Seaport expansion project.

Deadline at Dawn to be Launched on February 9th in Film Theatre of National Archive of Georgia National Film Center and National Archive of Georgia present the film "Deadline at Dawn" screened by Neli Nenova and Geno Tsulaia in 1965.

Direct Flights might be Launched between Cairo and Tbilisi Direct flights might be operated between Cairo and Tbilisi. The issue was discussed at the meeting of the Ambassador of Georgia to Egypt and the Minister of Civil Aviation of the Arab Republic of Egypt Mohammed Manar Enabah.

The Editorial Board Follows Press Freedom Principles Publisher: LLC Caucasian Business Week - CBW Director: Levan Beglarishvili WWW.CBW.GE Address: Aleksidze Street 1 Sales: Mob: +995 591 01 39 36 Email: Editor: Nutsa Galumashvili. Mobile phone: 595 380382 Copy Editor: Ellie Rambo Reporters: Nina Gomarteli; Mariam Kopaliani; Merab Janiashvili, Economic columnist: Andria Gvidiani; Technical Assistant: Giorgi Kheladze;

3 February 17, 2020 #314

4 February 17, 2020 #314

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5 February 17, 2020 #314

Dual Education System and Its Consequences The private sector’ engagement is a necessary precondition to ensure the successful introduction of a so-called dual education system in Georgia, because the private sector determines the labor market’s needs, Katie Camerer, Director of the Private Sector Development and Vocational Education in the South Caucasus, the Program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), told the Business Partner TV program. a Dual Education implies a system where a student picks up both theoretical and practical knowledge, simultaneously. As noted by Katie Camerer, the dual vocational education system is a very successful and popular platform in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Therefore, this system is being established in Georgia with the support of the GIZ and the Education Ministry. The cooperation format places emphasis on winemaking/viticulture, and the hospitality and development sectors. In the future, the program will also cover technology, the service sector and logistics and transportation fields. Today, about 300 apprentices are attending training courses in various fields, while several days ago, 26 graduates received certificates in hospitality, she explained. The dual education program runs in Tbilisi, Kakheti, Imereti, and Adjara. The program will cover all regions, in various stages. The success of the dual education program mostly depends on the business sector’s engagement, because it determines the labor market’s needs and, on the other hand, business also pays salaries to students. “We believe that the private sector plays a decisive role in dual education. This practice has worked in Germany, Switzerland and Austria for many decades. This dual model has been running in these countries for many years, and this system is managed by the private sector, because it knows best what skills are required. Therefore, companies play a decisive role, and share the responsibility. 60% of training isat companies, and only 40% are held at schools. A company selects each apprentice, and then sends the student to a school, where students receive a second education. Companies analyze salaries and expenditures. They determine what brings more benefits, because students receive both theoretical and practical knowledge simultaneously, and this factor helps to grow productivity. This practice is much easier than personnel from the street and teaching them”, Katie Camerer noted. To quickly and effectively determine sought-after professions on the labor market, GIZ plans to launch an online platform, together with the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), she added. “Together with the Chamber of Commerce, we plan to launch a pilot

method for rapid assessment of the labor market’s needs, to quickly determine what needs may arise in the next 6 months. This is an online instrument based on feedback with companies to outline what business opportunities may appear, what new markets may emerge. This database must be updated quickly, and frequently. Long-term research projects are also required, but this platform will ensure short-term online inquiries. This is the right decision”, Camerer said. As noted by a German expert, a similar format for information exchange runs between the tourism, hotel-restaurant business and the Education Ministry. However, it is necessary to improve information exchange mechanism, and the dual education platform will foster this process. “The business sector should better exchange information with the public sector’s representatives about what professions they will need in the future. Dual education connects these two sectors with each other. These segments generate confidence. Colleges should trust companies that an education is going well, and the reserve: companies should also trust the schools, that they give valuable and high-quality education. This reciprocal confidence is of crucial importance. This practice was established in Germany long ago, and it has a very good reputation. A vocational education includes socially recognized and highly-paid professions. We can learn from this experience in Georgia too; for example, in the development sector. Maybe, it is unknown to a wide audience, but this is a wellpaid field, and this should be promoted. There are many high schools, but their graduates cannot find job places due to their professions. Georgia should place emphasis on vocational education. The number of students should increase in the vocational educational sector. Many interesting things will take place in this field in the next few years. There is a tendency to modernize the infrastructure of vocational schools, to provide a better environment for training. The private sector has the opportunity to engage in this process. We expect the number of students to increase. GIZ is ready to support this process. We have the proper preconditions to improve and expand the scale and quality of vocational education”, Katie Camerer told the Business Partner TV program.

6 February 17, 2020 #314

USAID and Georgia television show producers. We want to support them, and help them choose Georgia’s beautiful landscapes for shooting films. We want to strengthen the movie industry in Georgia”, McCord said, and specified key mechanisms of the program to provide potential beneficiaries with easier access to the program benefits. “We aim to provide easier access to this program. Therefore, we have selected several mechanisms: a five-year grant program of 4 million USD for small and medium enterprises, We believe that the Georgian television industry which have the right ideas and potential for has real potential for development. Therefore, creating new jobs. This instrument will place we have been promoting the film industry, emphasis on innovations to ensure inclusive Mark McCord, Director of Economic Security development. At this stage, we work to create Program of the US Agency for International a program focused on skills development, Development (USAID) told the Business and we plan to implement standards and Partner TV Program. certificates program. We will also launch a The TV program’s participants discussed product development and grant program. USAID’s economic security program that aims We want to see new products on the market, to promote an inclusive economy in sectors including in tourism and light industry fields. with great potential of creating new jobs. The The key condition is that the products must 5-year program calls for enhancing 600 small be innovative. We also have a new assistance and medium enterprises, and creating about mechanism as part of a 1.5 million USD 4,000 new jobs. Partnership Development Fund for developing Based on comprehensive research and analysis, more complex employment opportunities. This the program has selected 4 priority fields will be a catalyst for another sort of growth, to such as: tourism (including gastronomy and expand the visibility of Georgia on international culinary), the production of furniture and markets. packing materials, the television and film Technical assistance is an additional tool to industry, intellectual services, as noted by offer expert assistance and experience with Mark McCord,and added that the program the aim to expand business’ access to financial will cover the whole country, and the regions resources, and ensure their steady operation”, will be actively involved in the program’s Mark McCord told Business Partner TV implementation process. Program. As explained by McCord, they aim to achieve inclusive growth, first. “Our objective is to involve people, widely, across the regions, so that they enjoy maximum benefits. We aim to promote shaping a highly qualified workforce in all the regions to improve living conditions there. Besides urban development, this program will also cover the whole country”, McCord said. “We believe that the Georgian television industry has a good potential for development. Therefore, we cooperate with filmmakers,

7 February 17, 2020 #314

Tequila Regulatory Council to Register Tequila Trademark in Georgia

Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and Nino Chikovani, the Deputy Head of the National Intellectual Property Center Sakpatenti, have met with representatives of the Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) of Mexico. As reported by Sakpatenti, at the meeting the parties agreed to register a Tequila trademark in Georgia. The Mexican delegation was led by CRT President Miguel Angel Dominguez Morales. Levan Davitashvili stressed the importance of the Tequila trademark’s registration, and hailed cooperation between the two countries. The Minister also updated the guest on Georgia’s aspiration to harmonize its legislation with EU requirements, and underlined the importance of intellectual property protection. As noted by Miguel Angel Dominguez Morales, the recognition of the Tequila trademark by the homeland of wine creates the preconditions for effective cooperation between the two countries. When visiting the Business Partner TV program, Nino Cikovani, Sakpatenti’s Deputy Director, and CRT President Miguel Angel Dominguez Morales discussed the registration of the popular Mexican liquor, Tequila, in Georgia. As noted by Chikovani, for Georgian wine, Mexico is a new market with many millions of consumers. The Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) will assist Georgia in introducing and popularizing Georgian wine on this market, she added. Several days ago, Sakpatenti hosted a presentation and tasting of Georgian wines for the Mexican Delegation. Cooperation will be intensified, Nino Chikovani pointed out. As noted by the CRT president Miguel Angel Dominguez Morales, the Mexican delegation’s members have already tasted Georgian wines, and liked them very much. “We have tasted Georgian wines, both red and white varieties, and we liked them very much. I believe these wines will be appreciated in Mexico, too”, Morales noted. The Tequila Regulatory Council is a state-owned body that controls the full chain of Tequila production, and is responsible for its protection, Chikovani specified. Georgia is the first country in the region that has directly registered Tequila, and the CRT will ensure the Mexican beverage’s protection in the region with the support of Georgia.

At the same time, the protection of Tequila is only one aspect in Georgia-Mexico cooperation. Another aspect is the introduction and popularization of Georgian wines in Mexico, Nino Chikovani pointed out. “The first part of this cooperation calls for protecting the Tequila trademark, but this cooperation also has another aspect, and this is a priority for us: the protection of Georgian wines abroad, and its popularization in Mexico, where the Tequila Regulatory Council will be our partner. They offered to cooperate with us in terms of imports and the popularization of Georgian wines and the protection of appellations of Georgian. Besides the CRT, the high-ranking officials of the Patenting Office of Mexico have also arrived in Georgia. We held meetings at the Agriculture Ministry with representatives of the National Wine Agency, and we plan to sign bilateral memorandums regarding the popularization and export of Georgian wines to Mexico. At this stage, Mexico is a new market with over a hundred million consumers that remains untapped by the Georgian wine making industry”, Nino Chikovani concluded.

8 February 17, 2020 #314

Sophio Makatsaria: "PR Field is Never Separated, It is Always in a Polyphony of Different Projects " Interview with the Director General of the Communications Agency “Kaleido’’, Sophio Makatsaria. Tell us about how you got into the field of marketing, and what factors played an important role in choosing this profession? I am a journalist by profession, and have worked as a journalist for 10 years. Naturally, as with most journalists, I love my profession so much, and I could never imagine working anywhere other than television. However, one day, there was a moment where I had to move to the other side of the table, and become a person who, along with other target audiences, would talk to the journalists themselves, and look for or think about the keys to their relationship. While working in the press for three years, I was given the opportunity to move, and grow, professionally in the field of public relations, though the main incentive and the turning point was a program in Japan where I learned about the branding and marketing of agricultural products, and the idea of starting a new business came there. Japan, a country - for all its qualities, is frequently a source of inspiration for many. Upon arrival, my partner Keta Gogitidze and I, who is an extraordinary marketing specialist and, most importantly, a very creative person, created Kaleido. Our first project was the branding of an agro-product, a wine that spread the message of the Russian occupation of Georgia, and is still very important. It is one of the projects that we are most proud of. Today, there are many praiseworthy projects in Kaleido's portfolio, and several large permanent contractors, which is a great result for only one year, especially when there is such competition in the market, and it is difficult to find a niche that will bring you success. What challenges do you face as a leader in marketing, during a time of technological change? As technology changes, the requirements of our profile companies are changing as well. Often, depending on the content of the order, we have to find new staff who work with us as freelancers. As you know, there is a shortage of professional staff in Georgia, which is why the units that follow modern technology step by step are very expensive, and the balance between demand and supply is broken. I think the main challenge in this area is still vocational education, just like in other business sectors, and I can't say that we don't have professional staff in the market, but they are not enough. What has changed in the field in the last 5 years, and what changes are expected? The digitization of the field is one of the major milestones in this field all over the world, and of course Georgia, to this day. This poses a lot of challenges - first of all, traditional mass media is slowly losing its relevance, and we in the field are facing a new reality every day, as the practice of public relations 10 years ago is no longer effective today. The most interesting thing in this area is that there are almost no theorems that are constant. Every project here is a different organism that has its own character and needs its own approach. What do you think are the most important qualities a marketing manager should have,

and what is his or her role in the organization in general? The PR manager is a person who constantly juggles information, asks questions, but has the most answers. Mentally, or in the team after processing the information, he or she creates a communication language with the outside world. The PR manager shares responsibility for every negative detail and event - not because it's her fault, but because she’s the one to correct it. Being a PR manager is a big responsibility, because you associate with the brand, and you are no longer an isolated individual in the public eye. Therefore, it is important that management link is in active communication with the PR manager, and that all information is shared instantly to make communications management more effective. What do you do to keep the organization from falling behind on the latest trends, and keep applying innovative approaches to marketing? Of course, the path to innovation is precisely the continuation of new experiences and knowledge. Accordingly, my partner, Marketing Specialist Keta Gogitidze, always strives to get involved in training programs, attend events in our field in Georgia and in different countries, and not only in our field, but also in the areas where we have projects to do. And there are many - from the medical field to business law. Our field is never separated - it is always in the polyphony of projects and the content of orders. What is needed for successful communication with the public?

I have to talk about one of the trends that has been particularly relevant in recent years - that is, social responsibility. While social responsibility is often used to improve the reputation of a company, it's still a very positive trend. We need to take care that our sense of social responsibility remains a trend in our field for as long as it is a path that, along with other outcomes, does a great deal of good and, in a step-by-step way, serves to improve public opinion on one or another other issue. This direction seems, to me, inexhaustible, so far as I hope it will remain actual for a long period of time. Also, a key factor in establishing successful communication with the public is personal relationships. Furthermore, it is the largest capital in this field, built on experience and practice. I think, besides the knowledge and experience, that is why customers are choosing our agency. One word that describes your job. This is a kaleidoscope. We called our agency "Kaleido” on purpose. The main idea is that any reality, with its constituents, can be arranged so that the image becomes more attractive and appealing to the focus audience. This is like spinning a kaleidoscope, which is why we say we are working on a kaleidoscopic principle. The most useful advice you’ve ever received in your life. All new ideas cause euphoria, but an idea is valuable when it causes euphoria in at least 5 out of 10 people, even after 1 week.

9 February 17, 2020 #314

Business News

Rooms Batumi - One More Project From Adjara Group

JSC Liberty Bank today announced the appointment of Mr. George Makaridze as Retail Banking Director. Mr. George Makaridze has over 15 years of experience in the financial sector in Georgia, Israel, UAE and Uzbekistan.

Adjara Group plans to open hotel "Rooms Batumi" at the end of 2020. As they noted, the hotel will have at least 100 rooms. The investment of the project at this moment is nearly $22 Million.

New Application for Film Education Supported by Creative Europe

BAG Representatives Meet with IMF Mission

New online application of film education will be available in Georgia supported by "Creative Europe", which is the part of the EU program. Apart from Georgia, in the project "The Film Corner" Italy, Great Britain, North Ireland, Serbia and Slovenia are participating.

At the meeting, the parties discussed Georgia’s economic challenges, including how the GEL exchange rate affects the Georgian business and energy industry.

Ski Road in Ratcha to Serve 10,000 Visitors According to the development plan in Ratcha, Ambrolauri, there is a potential to settle ski road over 40 km, which unites 1700 hectares. Improving Customer Service Skills among Direction of Adjara Tourism Development Nature, culture, traditions, distinguished culinary these are the characteristics that Tinatin Zoidze, the head of the Department of Tourism and Resorts, cited as the reasons for the growing interest of tourists towards Adjara.

The project of GoandGrow - Future Laboratory for Development and Creativity of Students

How Georgians Contributed to Integrating Georgian Language Into Microsoft’s Programs Before 2015, the majority of the Georgian population used the Latin alphabet while texting. Considering the fact that probably half of the world population uses the Latin alphabet when writing, this may not seem strange. But it really is, as Georgia has its own alphabet, created back in the 10th century, and is something the Georgian nation is proud of. Museum of Holograms Opens in Tbilisi "Museum without Borders" is the slogan of Museum of Holograms. Supported by Bank of Georgia and SOLO, it will be opened in Tbilisi on February 17th. The museum gives an opportunity to visitors, to travel through the world of paintings.

"Students of GoandGrow will gain the experience of using digital technologies and will develop cognitive abilities. They will receive factual knowledge within the different disciplines. The process wil arise divergent, convergent, and analytical thinking in students, sustainability in changes and will promote discovering new ideas. " Jsc Liberty Bank Announces Senior Management Appointment

Success Georgian Startups to Attend Startup Grind Global Conference in San Francisco Startup Grind Global Conference 2020 will be held on February 11-12, in Silicon Valley, San Francisco. Successful Georgian startups will attend the conference. Biocure, Clothes to Me, Raven, Phubber, Pulsar, Stack, Georgian Wine Finder, Qvevri, Goforit, Ztractor, Elven Technologies. Boxette Georgia- Opportunity to Import, Store, and Deliver Products to the United States Boxette Georgia offers you to start selling your products in the United State's $ 500 billion online marketplace. To sell goods in the US or trade on such large online platforms as Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, etc. You no longer need to register a company in the US, set up your own office, set up a warehouse and hire people, all of this is provided by Boxette Georgia.

10 February 17, 2020 #314

Academy Skin Code - The School of Professional Cosmetology Invites Students for Upcoming Course noted. The best team of expert-level doctors (from Georgia and Ukraine) in dermatology, cosmetology, trichology, resuscitation and psychology share their knowledge and experience to the Academy students during the whole course. “Our results shape our reputation. Therefore, with intermediate tests, we carry out constant monitoring of teaching the program and practical skills. Employment of our graduates is one of the priority directions for us. We are interested that our students get employed shortly after graduation. We are proud to say that today Georgia has acquired several professional cosmetologists. They have The aesthetic medicine school “Academy Skin Code” already obtained an access to beautiful and soughthas held a graduation ceremony for a new group after profession. We believe that very soon they will of beauty therapists. The students are certified achieve financial independence and success. We bear graduates of Skin Code Academy. the responsibility for our graduates and we realize During the course, the students have attended how important it is to provide valuable assistance the most comprehensive authorial program in and support to our graduates at the beginning of compliance with international requirements. this way. Thus, we welcome everybody interested in At the end of the course, the students passed learning esthetic medicine at professional level – for prescribed examinations. For excellent grades and consultations, support, employment and improving permanent attendance, the Academy handed over qualifications. I wish all the success to all of them diplomas and special gifts to them. and Academy invites those wishing to attend the Established at Skin Code aesthetic medicine clinic, next course of our Academy”, the head of Academy Academy Skin Code is a school of ultramodern Skin Code noted. esthetic medicine and cosmetology that continues Academy Skin Code is ready to cooperate with successful operation for one year. Interested persons clinics, medical centers and beauty centers. Specially with both higher and secondary medical education for them, the Academy will train or recommend a are welcome to learn new profession and improve beauty therapist from successful graduates. qualifications at the Academy. The aesthetic medicine school Academy Skin Code The key objective of the Academy is to provide has already started accepting applications for a basic training of new specialists for the beauty the next course. For appointment and open days, industry and improve qualifications and professional interested parties are welcome to contact us by skills of the current specialists. dialing 595 723 723. It is noteworthy that the training program provides both theoretical and intense practical courses. The students have the opportunity to use their theoretical skills in practical work and perfect their knowledge. The academic process is carried out by cutting-edge technologies at auditoriums, while practical courses are held at the aesthetic medicine clinic Skin Code. Academy Skin Code provides students with waste materials and preparations for practical courses. 70% of the training course are dedicated to mastering arm manipulations and secrets of the technique. This is very important for specialists of the future aesthetic medicine”, Ukrainian doctor and trichology specialist Julia Chorna, Head of Academy Skin Code,

Anna Zaalishvili: Technical Acquisitions Need to Be Targeted at the Future

11 February 17, 2020 #314

Interview with Anna Zaalishvili, Co-founder and Director of Azon Tell us briefly about your company, what is Azon all about? Azon is a computer hardware company that supplies equipment to law firms on a corporate basis. We help small, medium and large businesses make future technical investments, and we are the official and trusted partner of brands such as Dell, HP, Asus, Lenovo, Acer, Huawei, Microsoft and more.

find all kinds of information in the online space, which greatly simplifies knowledge acquisitions, but IT is an inexhaustible field, and we need to make sure we are up to date with the news in technology, daily. Fortunately, our country is paying attention to this issue, and most importantly, we do our share of things that will be useful for our promotion. What challenges do you encounter in this field?

Describe your management style, how has it changed from the beginning? Do you have any ‘’I wish I knew then…’’? Our management style is orientated towards simplifying customer communication, decision-making, and purchasing. In our field, it is very important that technical acquisitions are targeted toward the future. This is certainly helped by having qualified employees, personal corporate managers who continuously assist customers. Of course, we have changed, grown, come a long way, which has increased our experience, we have gained the status of a trusted company with a high standard of service in the market, and the greatest achievement is, of course, the honor of working with our customers. First of all, the company ought to maintain our trustworthiness, which of course is defined by the behavior of all of us, the people working in this company. I would like many technology projects to be implemented in the country, which will help us keep pace with technological development at the same pace as it develops worldwide. How did you get your first customers? I remember our first customer really well, and I can’t say we had much trouble attracting them; we offered our services, they trusted us, and we did more than the whole team expected, we think our motivation outweighed our inexperience. From the first days, the company had loyal customers, and we appreciated it, we still do, and always will. The technical solution is expensive for everyone, so our goal was to get the right results at the best possible cost. What methodologies and techniques do you implement to adopt novelties? The first source is, of course, foreign brand representatives who run seminars very active in our region, and our company is one of the first to know what products should come out in the near future. We attend all the technical workshops, and provide the most up-to-date information to our users, which is also the basis for our future relationship. Our company has never been behind the news; on the contrary, we are on a path of rapid development in this regard. What’s still missing for Georgia to fully mature in the technological field? First of all, there should be places in Georgia where the younger generation will be able to get higher or practical education in IT. This is the first and most important step that companies in this field should take together. It’s very easy to

As the director, it’s a dayto-day challenge to maintain a high standard of customer service, provide innovation for the customer, and be competitive. It is important for to stay in touch with the and most importantly, take into

me customer, account their feedback. As you know, IT is the fastest-growing field in the world, we need skilled IT managers, engineers, technicians in the country. However, there is no technical platform for that, and creating one will play a big role in our further steps. How do you define success in a company? The key to success in our company is the people and companies that trust and actively use our services. For me, this is the most important and primary factor in determining success - who trusts us, how efficiently and rapidly we communicate with new customers. These people define our success, and I always thank them for their support. Will your company be expanding, bringing on any new products or new services?

Fortunately, we have very big plans, our service’s demand grows, and we are staying competitive. Therefore, we started the year 2020 with the addition of new directions, starting a large scale work, and we decided to test our strength in terms of infrastructure and technical services to offer to our customers, and we plan to provide comprehensive information about new technologies and increase the awareness of this field for the next generation. By Nina Gomarteli

12 February 17, 2020 #314

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