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Editor’s Letter

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Village Contacts

Village Contacts

Fro yor Editos



Dear Readers

Welcome to the March edition of Causeway. Hopefully, with it, we bring an improvement to the weather after all the storms we’ve been having recently! It will be nice to go out into the garden and find that the furniture hasn’t been completely rearranged by the wind and rain!

This month we are as ever very grateful for the contributions we’ve received; if you have anything you’d like to send in please don’t be shy, it would be great to get some new stories from villagers or anyone who has anything they want to share. This month we have a wonderful account from Bernard Crooks about his recent river cruise down the mighty Mekong River to Vietnam all on pages 20 - 21.

There have been a lot of changes going on at Walton Village Hall in the last few months and we caught up with Brian Eldred the new chair about the improvements and changes they’ve been making - did you know you can now book the hall via their new website? More on page 12 including a call for willing volunteers!

Are you a parent with young children (or older ones too) in Walton or Thorp Arch? We had an email from newcomer to the area, Helen, who is keen to meet other parents and arrange a regular group meeting if there is enough interest - see details on page 11. We’ve both been busy doing our research about the history of the area this month, and we’re keen to speak to anyone else who might have some stories that others won’t already know or might like to hear again. Next month we’ll have a first insight as to how the village has changed over the last 70 years; if you’ve not been here that long (like us!) then you might be amazed at how many shops and businesses used to be run from what are now the dining rooms or living rooms of houses in the village.

If you have any contributions for the magazine or would like to join the team please email us at causeway.editor@gmail. com

Your Causeway Editors

C o tents

Editor’s Letter 3 Spa Surgery Update 6 News from our Churches 7 Clergy Letter 8 Sunday Services/Occasional Offices 9 Thorp Arch Parish Council 10 Thorp Arch News 11 Walton News 12 Better photographs with your mobile phone 15 Village Diary and Notice Board 16 Slow Boat to Saigon 20 Walton through the Eyes of a Three year old 24 Caring for Our World 25 The Birds in Your Garden 26 Village Contacts 29

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