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Village Contacts
THORP ARCH All Saints’ Church Rev. Tricia Anslow 844789. Priest In Charge for Bramham Benefice, Rev. Nick Morgan 849471, 07387 728009, revnjmorgan@gmail.com. Parish Office 844402
All Saints’, Parochial Church Council Church Wardens: Kathleen Sanderson 844818. David Spurr 842772, david@mulberrycroft.me.uk. Secretary: Georgina Squires 849747, Treasurer & Covenant Secretary: David Spurr 842772. Flowers: Margaret Smyth 841181
Lady Elizabeth Hastings School Head: Michele O'Donnell, secretary@thorparch-leh.co.uk
Friends of the School Chair: Hayley Cullen 07712 175178
TABS Cricket Club Chair: Adam Gough 07725 047555
Thorp Arch Community Association Secretary: Ian Hall 842665, ian.m.hall1@gmail.com
Thorp Arch Parish Council Chair: John Richardson, Clerk: Tina Wormley 0113 289 3624, clerk@thorp-arch.org.uk. Members: Ian Grainger (Co-opted), Steve O'Loughlin, Nicola Midgley (Co-opted), Andrew Peacock (Co-opted)
Thorp Arch Tennis Club Chair: Neil Brooks. 07960 934497, brooksneil@hotmail.com. Secretary: Jill Tarr. 07709 893046, tarrhigh@hotmail.com. Treasurer: Rob Seldon 541797
Thorp Arch Village Society Chair: Gaby Morrison 843376, gaby.morrison@virgin.net. Secretary: Sue Clayton 843181. Treasurer: Shirley Davies 541976. WALTON St Peter’s Church, Village Church Council Clergy: See All Saints’. Church Wardens: Doreen Lister 842344, Bill Kilby 842561. Secretary: Anne Kilby 842561. Treasurer: Fiona Robinson 843338, fionarob@outlook.com. Flowers & Cleaning: Liz and Geoff Harrison 845978
Walton Cricket Club Chair: Caroline Hobson 07860 615154, caroline.hobson@btinternet.com
Walton Parish Council Chairman: David Aspland. Vice Chair: Brodie Clark CBE. Clerk: Helena Buck, secretary@walton-pc.gov.uk. Members: Stephen Sharp, Edward Simpson, Mark Wake, David Taylor.
Walton Village Hall Booking: Brian Eldred info@waltonvillagehallwetherby.org
THORP ARCH & WALTON Wetherby Ward Councillors Norma Harrington 01133 788 557. Alan Lamb via The Fox and Hounds. Linda Richards 0113 3788557 linda.richards@leeds.gov.uk
Causeway Magazine Chair: Ian Hall ian.m.hall1@gmail.com. Secretary: Jane Clayton 843153. Editors: Lisa Sherratt and Victoria Etherington causeway. editor@gmail.com. Design: John Pendleton jlp@proportionmarketing.co.uk. Advertising: Emma Shellard 07903 632590 emmashellard@outlook.com.
Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association (YCA) Chair: Judith Symonds 541799. Sec: Fiona Spence 520271 tawyca@ outlook.com, Treasurer: Fran Bowers 01423 880112
Leeds City Council general.enquiries@leeds.gov.uk
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