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Village Contacts

Wydale retreat 2020

Ladies of the Benefice, our Wydale retreat runs from Monday 1st to Wednesday 3rd June. There are 14 places booked already with the possibility to stretch it to more!


The cost is £150 for the two nights. Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you would like to join us.

This retreat is for ladies from any of our four churches, or their friends. We are a merry bunch who enjoy talking, listening, learning, walking, eating and even the occasional drink!

It would be lovely to see you make new friends from the other three churches -be brave and step out in good company!


Faith at Work - Moral Support for Business

Being in business can be both challenging and lonely. We know that a lot of businesses are based in the area and that many business people make their homes in the villages. Support networks and hubs often lie a considerable distance away, so your local churches want to offer moral support to you, right on your doorstep.

Being able to network with other local businesses is useful, but there are questions about our businesses which churches can help us engage with. In an ever-changing commercial environment, what are the ways in which our businesses can be a force for good? What ways might the Christian Faith and your local church be able to offer you and your business support and encouragement? Faith at Work is an opportunity to network with other local business people. Meeting in the parish room at St Mary’s Church, we will hear from Company Director and Church of England priest, The Rev’d Dave Walker, as he shares the tale of how Lazarus inspired his sales team to develop an approach to reviving seeminglydead sales leads. Dave will also share insights into how his faith has underpinned his role as a Commercial Director in a water management company, Dectronic, and what some of the moral and ethical issues are in his line of work. We also want to hear from businesses about the challenges you see ahead of you, and the ethical and moral questions your sector may be facing.

People of all faiths and none are very welcome to attend, light refreshments provided. Booking via Eventbrite is recommended (and helpful for catering purposes) but not essential. Book at tinyurl.com/ComeAndSeeFaithAtWork

Hosted by the four churches of The Bramham Benefice (the Church of England in Boston Spa, Thorp Arch, Walton and Bramham) as part of the Come and See mission. All welcome.

7pm at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa, High St, Thursday 12th March 2020.

Confirmation Classes

These classes are for children from the age of 12 upwards, with a separate course for adults. We also have a joint away day to round off both courses. The course is free of charge, and is suitable for adults who are already confirmed but would appreciate a ‘refresher’.


Children: 4pm Sunday 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd March.

Adults: 6.30pm Sat 29th Feb, then 7th, 14th & 21st March.

Joint away day: Saturday 28th March.

Confirmation service: Wed 22nd April 7.30pm.

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