From your Editors
Dear Readers
And so the year of Covid drags on...and on...Leeds is currently in tier 2, but who knows what the restrictions will be by the time you read this! Whatever they are, we hope you are safe and following the current rules. We appreciate how difficult it is, especially for those of you who live alone, but the only way this will ever end is if everyone follows the guidelines. If you can, check in with your neighbours, it is likely we are all going to have to isolate, and perhaps need a bit of help and support, at some time. For further information or help go to coronavirus. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this month’s Causeway. We have a sourdough recipe from Anne for you to try on page 20; we are currently wondering what inducement she might take to share the sourdough chocolate cake recipe next month. For the organised among you we have some local shops you might like to try for Christmas gifts; or if you are bored at home try making some of your own, we have shared some ideas on page 24. For those of you who enjoy striking exhibitions, you will enjoy Pandemic Inspired Art on page 13.
Although we have fantastic content again this month, it is taking much encouragement and cajoling from your editors. Please
Editor’s Letter Why Poppies? News from our Churches Clergy Letter Sunday Services Thorp Arch Parish Council Local News A Good Life - Remembering Tom Smithson
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consider sending us your contributions, we are sure that others would enjoy reading them. If you have any contributions for the magazine or would like to join the team please email us at causeway.editor@gmail. com Blessings
Now available online at causewaymag and LARGE PRINT VERSION AVAILABLE BY EMAILING CAUSEWAY. EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a voluntary community magazine which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to by 10th of the month prior to publication.
Pandemic Inspired Art Shop local this Christmas Online Events Christmas Gift Donations Heavenly Sourdough Handmade Christmas Gifts The Birds in your Garden Village Contacts
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Available online at and LARGE PRINT VERSION - EMAIL CAUSEWAY.EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a community magazine produced and distributed by a team of dedicated volunteers which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to causeway. by 10th of the month prior to publication. 3