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Editor’s Letter

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Village Diary

Village Diary

From your Editors



Dear Readers

Welcome to the October issue of Causeway. The evenings have suddenly got darker and the trees are all turning those beautiful autumnal colours which show the change of seasons. Where has 2020 gone? We are certainly feeling as though we have lost several months this year and now it’s nearly over we’re trying to make the most of the time that is left.

The annual Harvest Supper at Walton Village Hall has been cancelled for the first time that we’re aware of, as it seems such a shame to let this occasion go uncelebrated when lots of us have seen bountiful crops of our own this year (even if it’s mostly courgette and apple based!) so see page 13 for more details of how to celebrate at home whilst supporting the St Peter’s Church.

It is also the time of year where we are looking for new advertisers for Causeway. Would this be a suitable way of advertising your business? See more information on page 17 and get in touch with Emma Shellard.

As ever we’re looking for your news and contributions. If you have anything you’d like to share for November please do get in touch. What traditions can you share for this time of year, do you have any great recipes for all the apples or any rituals you follow to bring in the darker evenings that you’d like to share with the local community? We’d love to hear from you! If you have any contributions for the magazine or would like to join the team please email causeway.editor@gmail.com


Now available online at issuu.com/ causewaymag and LARGE PRINT VERSION AVAILABLE BY EMAILING CAUSEWAY. EDITOR@GMAIL.COM.

Causeway is a voluntary community magazine which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to causeway.editor@gmail.com by 10th of the month prior to publication.


Editor’s Letter Martin House News News from our Churches Clergy Letter Sunday Services Thorp Arch Parish Council Local News Halloween - Trick or Treat 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Harvest Supper at Home Apple Cake Recipe Village Diary Advertise in Causeway Eating Like a Refugee Summer in Walton and the Surrounding Area The Birds in your Garden Village Contacts 13 15 16 17 20 24 26 29

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