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Halloween - Trick or Treat

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Although most people in Britain accept Halloween festivities, they may have mixed feelings and some discomfort about trick or treating.

Many communities in Britain are concerned about antisocial behaviour and criminal activity hidden under the cloak of trick or treat. The number of police forces who mount special operations around Halloween illustrates the potential for trouble either real or perceived.


The practice of trick or treat may place children in danger, even if they go around in small groups. Many parents who would normally keep a close eye on their children’s whereabouts allow them to walk about the streets, calling at stranger’s doors and demanding treats. Sadly, there have been a number of incidences of contaminated candy over the last few years.

We also need to ask, who is having the ‘fun’ in this context? Is it fun for those who choose not to take part, the elderly or those who feel intimidated and frightened? The fear for many elderly people is so great that charities now offer help and support specifically for Halloween.

If we are involved in the lives of children and young people, we have a number of choices; ignore Halloween altogether; go along with it without making any comment; protest and be labelled as killjoys; or to reclaim the festival for ourselves.

Here are a few ideas of things you might do instead of trick or treat this year. Whatever you do, I wish you a safe and blessed Halloween this year.


Friendlier Alternatives

Visit a neighbour (during daylight) to say hello and ask how they are, do they need help with anything?

Watch a film such as Harry Potter with your children and use it as an opportunity to talk about the difference between fantasy magic and the occult. With the young people I work with I suggest that this is to do with choice and control. If you are casting a spell you can choose whether it is for good or evil. If you are summoning a spirit you have no control over what might happen.

Carve pumpkins and talk about how the light from the candle can get out through the smallest of cracks and holes in the pumpkin. Love is like that, it doesn’t need much of a space to shine out.

Visit some websites such as www. bakerross.co.uk/halloween-2020 or www. thebestideasforkids.com/halloween-crafts-forkids/ and do some of the crafts together.

Play traditional games such as apple bobbing as a family – it is surprisingly hard! As a bonus you might get some fruit into your children!

Cook together, I am not convinced about pumpkin pie, but cooking and icing biscuits with a Halloween theme is always a tasty option.

Get dressed up and go trick or treating to a few trusted houses that you have agreed to visit beforehand. This way you can be sure it is safe and fun for both the adults and the children.

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