Monday, May 1, 2017

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MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017

VOL. 127, ISSUE 58



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MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017


A look back at the Rolling Stone case Eramo, Phi Kappa Psi and the future of journalism ALEXIS GRAVELY AND XARA DAVIES | SENIOR WRITERS During this academic year, the lawsuits filed against Rolling Stone magazine have made headlines, from the start to the finish of former Assoc. Dean Nicole Eramo’s defamation lawsuit and the current preparations for Phi Kappa Psi’s upcoming trial. Nicole Eramo’s lawsuit The trial for Eramo’s $7.85 million lawsuit against Rolling Stone magazine, Sabrina Rubin Erdely and Wenner Media, Inc. began Oct. 17, 2016. Eramo was suing over her depiction in Rolling Stone’s November 2014 article “A Rape On Campus,” which she said falsely represented her as indifferent towards the case of an alleged gang-rape victim at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house, who was identified in the article under the alias “Jackie.” The trial, which lasted over three weeks, concluded with the jury finding Erdely, the magazine and its publisher liable for actual malice on several accounts. Attorneys for Rolling Stone, Erdely and Wenner Media, Inc. then filed a motion Dec. 5, 2016 asking a federal judge to overrule the jury’s decision. The lawsuit ultimately concluded when Eramo filed a motion April 11 for voluntarily dismissal of the case. The defendants did not object, and Eramo reached a settlement with Rolling Stone, Erdely and Wenner Media, Inc. — the terms of which are confidential. The future of journalism An investigation by the Charlottesville Police department found

no evidence of the gang rape described in Erdely’s article, and the Columbia Journalism Review published a report on the article identifying its many falsities. This “failure that was avoidable” — as described by the Columbia Journalism Review — left its mark on the journalism industry. Media Studies Prof. of Practice Wyatt Andrews said it’s difficult and a rarity for national news outlets to publish articles as factually incorrect as Erdely’s. “In the largest news outlets in America, most people do not understand how hard it is to get absolutely fake things in a mainstream newspaper or broadcast news account because at the national level there are ethical standards, and there are serious checks and balances,” Andrews said. Andrews said Rolling Stone previously had a reputation of having a “formidable” fact-checking department. The idea that the article was able to surpass this fact-checking to publishing was a wake-up call to the journalism community. “I think it’s very obvious that what happened to Rolling Stone and U.Va. reverberated through the journalist community and reaffirmed to those agencies that have strong fact-checking units, ‘We really need to pay attention when they raise flags,’” Andrews said. “Responsible news editors around the country looked at the collapse of Rolling Stone’s once-impressive fact-checking operation and asked themselves, ‘Could that happen to us?’” Andrews also said the article may have more of an impact on how


Former Assoc. Dean Nicole Eramo settled her suit against Rolling Stone, Wenner Media Inc. and Sabrina Erdely in April.

journalists approach their sources. He referenced advice given to journalists by author Jon Krakauer — who wrote a book about sexual assault at the University of Montana — encouraging journalists to listen to both the accusers and the accused with an initial attitude of belief and then checking the facts to tell the best story. “The answers from a journalistic perspective was ‘believe everyone, talk to everyone and write the facts as you see them,’” Andrews said. “If Erdely had done that, she might have still had an article, but it might not have done the damage that it did.”

Rolling Stone’s next lawsuit The University’s chapter of Phi Kappa Psi is currently pursuing an ongoing $25 million lawsuit against Rolling Stone for defamation. Law Prof. George E. White told The Cavalier Daily the fraternity had yet to be designated as either a private citizen or a public figure and that this will be a “critical” part of the case. “If they are a public figure, then they will have the same burden of proof Eramo had — they will need to show clear and convincing evidence of actual malice,” White said. White added he believes it is “likely” that the fraternity will be

deemed to be a public figure. In order to be designated a public figure, one has to be visible and in the public eye, along with being in a position where they are held accountable to public comment, White said. “They are part of a national organization, they are an integral part of University social life, they engage in activities,” White said. “I am virtually certain they will be treated as a public figure.” Aside from providing evidence that the article was written with “actual malice,” White said the fraternity will also need to prove the statements made were not only false but also damaging to their reputation. White said that one issue he believes the fraternity will face is the question of whether or not the conduct of some members of the fraternity, in spite of Jackie having “made this whole thing up,” is enough to damage the reputation of the institution as a whole. “It is of course damaging to their reputation because among the statements made was that this was an initiation rite — that a gang rape was a part of initiation,” White said. “If it’s initiation, it suggests that the fraternity as an institution condoned this behavior.” White also said the only similarity between the lawsuits filed by Eramo and the University’s chapter of Phi Kappa Psi is that defamation action in both cases was triggered by statements that came from the same article. The 10-day jury trial is scheduled to begin Oct. 25.

In Memoriam: honoring students we’ve lost Remembering the three U.Va. students who died this year ANNA POLLARD | SENIOR WRITER The University community has felt much grief this year in the deaths of three students — Rose “Rosie” Marie Randolph, Holly Edwards and Melanie Wetzel. Even though these students have passed away, their memory and legacy lives on and continues to be honored in the University and Charlottesville community. Melanie Wetzel, who was a member of the Class of 2017, died on Aug. 11, 2016. A valued member of the community, Wetzel was earning her Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies and working as a teacher’s

assistant for Loudoun County. Holly Edwards, who passed away on Jan. 7, was a beloved member of the Charlottesville community and a nursing doctoral student at the time of her death. Edwards contributed to both the University and Charlottesville community, serving on Charlottesville City Council from 2008-11, and also working as a clinical instructor in the Nursing School. Edwards also served as a parish nurse at the Westhaven and Crescent Hall Clinics and as the program coordinator for the Public Housing Association of Resi-

dents. She was a lifetime member of the NAACP. “She could connect people to one another who might not think that they need each other or might not understand how mutually beneficial it is for them to work together,” Jeanita Richardson, an associate professor in the Department of Public Health Services, previously told The Cavalier Daily. “And [she did this] always with the eye towards social justice.” Prior to her death, Edwards received the Drewary Brown Memorial Community Bridge Builders

Award in October 2016 to commemorate her efforts to strengthen the Charlottesville community. Edwards was conferred her doctoral degree posthumously. Randolph, who was a former first-year College student, passed away on April 8. Randolph was a Jefferson Scholar from Front Royal, Va. who took a leave of absence during her first semester in the fall and did not return to the University before her death. “A gifted musician and softball player, she had many other interests, including human rights, robotics,

reading and international travel,” Dean of Students Allen Groves wrote in an email to the student body. Randolph is survived by her parents, Michael and Laura, her sisters, Bridget and Veronica and her brothers, Maximilian and Nathanael. Student Council will host a student memorial service to honor and remember the lives of Randolph, Edwards and Wetzel on Tuesday, May 2. The service will be held in the University Chapel from 5 to 6:30 p.m.



Approved ice rink demolition creates uncertainty After Main Street Arena bought for $5.7 million, student groups contemplate future of their organizations SAM HENSON | SENIOR WRITER With demolishment plans recently approved, the Main Street Arena is slated to become a new office space on the Charlottesville Downtown Mall. The arena, which is home to the city’s only public ice rink, is used by several University organizations who must now plan for the future. In a March 2 press release, Payne, Ross & Associates announced the arena was under the new ownership of Jaffray Woodriff and Taliaferro Junction, LLC. The owners plan to turn the large property into a space with “iconic architectural design.” April 18, the Charlottesville Board of Architectural Review approved the demolition of the arena and Escafé, an LGBTQ-friendly bar and restaurant. The properties slated for redevelopment include the skating rink, as well as the local concert venue The Ante Room and Escafé. Many student groups use this space on a regular basis. The men’s and women’s club ice hockey team practices at the rink, as well as club figure skating. Without the ice skating rink, the future of these groups is now in question. History of the arena The ice rink first opened in 1996, and struggled to turn a profit for years. In July 2010, local real estate investor Mark Brown bought the rink for $3 million. He helped make the space more profitable and placed it

on the market last September for $6.5 million. In March, it was announced that Woodriff and Taliaferro Junction had purchased the arena for $5.7 million. Escafé will also be demolished as part of the project. The restaurant and bar were previously at a different location downtown before moving into its current Water Street home, which is a part of the Main Street Arena complex. Escafé has been a hangout space for the LGBTQ community since its inception. Third-year Engineering student Dominic Ritchey said Escafé provided a safe and necessary space for the LGBTQ community. Ritchey said he hopes Escafé will find a new location, preferably closer to Grounds. “I can’t speak for all gay people,” Ritchey said. “But the closing of Escafé is really sad for me. It was frequently visited by many students and locals of all genders and sexualities.” An April 20 release from the Blue Ridge Group provided more details about future plans for the property. The new development will be called the Charlottesville Technology Center. “The development concept for this multi-use office building includes flexible space for existing local technology companies,” Payne said in the press release. “The building design will include retail space and also support the incubation and development of startups in areas including software, hardware, biotech and data

science.” The release also says a preliminary site plan is expected to be submitted July 1, with a final plan expected by Oct. 1. Demolition will begin sometime in 2018 and will take approximately three weeks. “[Woodriff] intends that the building will foster talented developers and energized entrepreneurs by creating office space conducive of collaboration, mentorship and the scalability of startups,” the release said. “Ultimately the building will serve as a statement about the already vibrant startup community in Charlottesville as well as its potential for the future.” Student groups face uncertainty Raffi Keuroglian, a fourth-year College student and former president of men’s club ice hockey, said he had heard rumors of the rink closing for a while before the demolition was announced. “I had heard a few rumblings about it going back to early last year so it didn’t really take me too much by surprise,” Keuroglian said. Keuroglian said in the short term, there is not too much for the team to worry about since the rink will still be around for the beginning of next season. However, if there is no new rink by the time of the demolition, the team would have to travel. “ We would prob-

ably have to travel to Richmond, so [it’s] not particularly close.” Keuroglian said. “But then again, [James Madison University] had to use our rink and that is 45 minutes away so I guess that’s about the same amount of distance.” When asked if this travel would be sustainable, Keuroglian said yes, but he also said he hopes a new rink is opened locally so that travel doesn’t become a long-term challenge for the team. “For a season it could be,” Keuroglian said. “I’m not sure how that would be long-term, we would have to experiment with that. We really hope it won’t be a long-term issue though.” Joyce Chow, a second-year College student and incoming treasurer for club figure skating, said she was surprised to hear the rink is actually closing, and finds it to be a valuable part of Charlottesville. “I feel like every few years, they say the rink is closing,” Chow said. “I think it is a very unique part of Charlottesville, and it collects a very interesting group of teams and people.” Chow doesn’t believe the figure skating team of roughly 20 students could continue if there is no ice skating rink in Charlottesville. “If it closes, I think that is the end,” Chow said. When asked about the possibility of traveling for practice, Chow didn’t think a long commute would be feasible for the team.

“I have no idea where the closest rink is,” Chow said. “I don’t think [traveling] is worth it since we don’t practice more than once a week.” What comes next? With the construction slated to begin in 2018, the futures of the teams are uncertain. Keuroglian speculated that a new ice skating rink will open in Charlottesville. “Most of our guys are hopeful that there will be a new skating rink in the future,” Keuroglian said. “We have heard there are people looking to build a new rink.” The March 2 press release said Woodriff plans to donate all of the ice park materials and equipments to anyone who is “seeking to get a new ice skating park up and running in a new location.” It is also unclear how long Escafé and the Ante Room have left to operate or if they will be able to stay open through the fall while the architectural plans are being finalized. Escafé’s owner Ted Howard told the Board of Architectural Review that the bar “can and will move.” Howard said Escafé will remain open until the patrons say otherwise. The owner of the Ante Room has also said he will look for a new space. The ice skating rink is expected to reopen after the summer for one final season.


The Main Street Arena is located on the Charlottesville Downtown Mall. It was recently purchased by Jaffrey Woodriff and Taliaferro Junction, LLC for $5.7 million and is slated for redevelopment.

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017


Hoos retiring: Carolyn Frey and Mary Lane Two members of Engineering School’s registrar’s office to retire ELIZABETH CORNICK | FEATURE WRITER The Engineering School’s Office of Undergraduate Programs will be missing Registrar Mary Lane and Assoc. Registrar Carolyn Frey this coming fall. After working for 23 years and 21 years, respectively, Lane and Frey will be retiring after this academic year. Frey left working in the private sector to come work at the University, and although she does not directly have a background in engineering, she said working with the engineering students was her favorite part of the job. Frey most enjoyed meeting students from all over the world and learning about their unique cultures. “I had the pleasure of taking one student under my wing and invited him to be a part of my family during his four years at the University,” Frey said in an email to The Cavalier Daily. “I had him at my home for Thanksgiving and other special occasions. He is from Malaysia and we have de-

veloped a lifelong friendship.” Since she came to the University 21 years ago, Frey said the Engineering School has grown extensively. Along with the school’s growth, necessary changes and expansions of programs also increased Frey’s workload, as she needed to respond to students’ requests in a timely manner and process more work. Frey said she will always remember working with these students. In addition, Frey directly involved herself in students’ lives as a volunteer for the Cavalier Marching band for two years. Frey said she had been in her school’s marching band and loved watching the football halftime shows to see the marching band, in which many Engineering students were members. Frey said in retirement she looks forward to gardening, landscaping and spending more time with family, especially with her six-year old grandson. She also plans to pursue her interest in photography and said

she has already bought a new digital camera. During Frey’s time at the University, she forged a very close friendship with Lane. They even planned their leaving the University together. “Over the years, we have become more like sisters, and she is truly my best friend,” Frey said. Lane, who was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in 2005 and Engineering Distinguished Service Award in 2016, said her favorite part of her job was also helping Engineering students. One student went so far as to tell her that he could not have graduated without her help. After she retires, Lane said she hopes the many students and faculty she has assisted throughout her career will remember her passion for helping others. “U.Va. Engineering students are wonderful and I can only hope that many of them will remember me as a knowledgeable and helpful Undergraduate Registrar,” Lane said.


Carolyn Frey (left) and Mary Lane (right) forged a close friendship during their time at the University.

Like Frey, her plans for retirement include gardening, and Lane is also interested in doing more cooking and baking. “After working for over 46 years, I also plan to sleep a little later in the mornings,” Lane said. With a total 44 years of dedicated service to the University, Frey and

Lane have left an impression on the faculty, student body and each other. “It will be bittersweet not seeing one another very often, but we are very excited that our time has come to finally relax and just enjoy life,” Frey said. “We were a great team.”

Top 10 Moments of 2016-17 Some of the most pivotal, surprising moments of the school year ASHLEY BOTKIN | FEATURE WRITER





1. TRUMP’S WIN OVER CLINTON According to a poll of the student body conducted by The Cavalier Daily, 75 percent of respondents supported Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Given the overwhelming support for Clinton on Grounds — and the fact that numerous national polls projected a Clinton win — this was definitely one of the more surprising moments of 2016 for many students. 2. HATE SPEECH ON GROUNDS It’s 2017, shouldn’t we know that hate speech is a huge no-no? We are all officially adults, and we could at least act like it in the sense

that we are respectful to one another. So next time you have a dryerase marker in your hand, think a little harder about what you’re about to write and grow up a little — try a dad joke instead! 3. BRONCO MENDENHALL I wasn’t really expecting anything amazing from Bronco Mendenhall in his first year as football head coach, but I thought we would at least do better than only two wins out of 12 games. But apparently he likes a challenge, and he has certainly found one with the University football team. I’m excited to see where he will

take us, but it would be nice if the football team could get it together before the matchup against Virginia Tech. 4. BASKETBALL TRANSFERS There was a week or two where the University’s basketball players were dropping like flies. There were whispers throughout Grounds about who would be leaving next and where would they be going. An underlying panic set in since basketball is arguably our best sport. So long Jarred Reuter, Marial Shayok and Darius Thompson. Good luck, and once a Wahoo, always a Wahoo. 5. 1515 OPENING This spring, 1515 University Avenue opened on the Corner as a student space to hang out, do work and get some good eats. It’s especially geared towards students that don’t want to hang out in bars on the weekends, but don’t want to stay at home either. The space used to be a bowling alley, diner, apartments, drugstore and a used book store! It’s seen a lot of history, and it is a great place to get Crumbs, play skeeball and foosball or relax with friends in the reflection room. 6. PROTESTS, PROTESTS AND MORE PROTESTS The day after Trump’s inauguration, people started taking to the

streets in protest against his presidency. Then against his immigration ban. Then against his proposed cuts to scientific research. It seems like there are protests every weekend, even now in April. Charlottesville has also been home to quite a few satellite marches. 7. T. SULLY ANNOUNCES SHE’S STEPPING DOWN I respect President Teresa Sullivan’s choice to step down as the University’s president when her contract expires in the summer of 2018, but where else are we going to find a president with a name that lends itself so easily to nicknames? T. Sully, Sully, The Sullinator … I could go on. She’ll probably miss Carr’s Hill and the beautiful view of the Rotunda from her office at Madison Hall, but not as much as we will miss her. Best wishes, President Sullivan. 8. THE ROTUNDA OPENS Finally! The beauty of the Rotunda has been restored. Now streakers can say they ran the full expanse of the Lawn. Hopefully we’ll get at least a year without scaffolding covering the Rotunda before they decide it needs repairs again. So enjoy it while you can! 9. SPECIAL “HEADS UP” LIST FOR RICH KIDS If the University had a signa-

ture ice cream flavor, it would be Daddy’s Money. Documents have surfaced revealing a “heads up” list in the advancement office for applicants connected to major donors, but the University claims that it does not influence admissions decisions. Other schools have a special list of donor’s kids, but it’s still kind of embarrassing to have it out in the open. Student Council investigated the alleged preferential treatment, but found nothing. It all seems rather fishy to me. 10. THE INTENSITY OF THE STUDCO ELECTION The Student Council presidential election was highly contentious. There was an anonymous letter written against third-year Batten student Kelsey Kilgore and controversy over her spending, which was projected to total around $2,490. The University Board of Elections interim expenditure report estimated student elections would cost a total of about $6,800, but less than half of that was actually spent and Kilgore spent $1,125 on her campaign. Her opponent, third-year College student Sarah Kenny, only spent $337 on her campaign — but won with 82.5 percent of the vote.




As the 2016-17 year comes to an end, the Sports staff takes a look at some of the most memorable moments from this past year. From on-the-field to off-the-field moments, writers explain why their moment is the most impactful of them all. VIRGINIA BASKETBALL RETIRES MALCOLM BROGDON’S NO. 15 JERSEY Virginia may have lost to Miami Feb. 20, but the highlight of the night was the pregame ceremony in which Malcolm Brogdon’s No. 15 jersey was retired. In the midst of a potential Rookie of the Year NBA season, Brogdon became the eighth player in program history to have his jersey retired. Brogdon received his master’s degree diploma and was welcomed back to John Paul Jones Arena with a standing ovation from the crowd and speech from Coach Tony Bennett.

— Mariel Messier, Sports Editor


COACH BRIAN BOLAND ANNOUNCES HE WILL BE LEAVING VIRGINIA With three national championships, Coach Brian Boland has helped propel Virginia men’s tennis to the best tennis program in the nation. After 16 years at the helm, Boland will be leaving Virginia to head men’s tennis for USTA Player Development. With a 436-57 record at Virginia, Boland will go down as one of the greatest coaches in Virginia history.

— Rahul Shah, Sport Editor


VIRGINIA FOOTBALL LOSES TO LOUISVILLE Even though this game culminated in a loss, leading a topfive team in the nation in the fourth quarter showed the kind of atmosphere Scott Stadium can have when the Cavaliers are competitive. The excitement in the stadium was palpable, and in a year that featured relatively disappointing finishes in both basketball and football, this moment stands out as the most fun.

— Jake Blank, Senior Associate


WOMEN'S BASKETBALL UPSETS #5 FLORIDA STATE AT JPJ This was undoubtedly one of the biggest upsets for Virginia sports this year. The game was a back-and-forth thriller until Virginia took over in the fourth quarter to get its best win of the season. Freshman guard Dominique Toussaint, who was named to the ACC All-Freshman Team, broke out with 14 points to lead the Cavaliers. The game showcased the great promise Virginia's young stars will carry into the future.

— Alec Dougherty, Senior Associate


VIRGINIA BASKETBALL LOSES THREE PLAYERS IN TWO DAYS The week following Virginia men's basketball’s exit from March Madness was undoubtedly the most hectic for Virginia sports. Starting with dismissed junior transfer Austin Nichols declaring for the NBA Draft Tuesday, the Cavaliers proceeded to lose sophomore Jared Reuter and junior Marial Shayok Wednesday and junior Darius Thompson Thursday. Add in rumors surrounding Coach Tony Bennett's potential departure and the Cavalier fanbase was in a frenzy — making these moments the most memorable of the year.

— Ben Tobin, Sports Columnist


MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017 CORRECTION In the April 27 edition of The Cavalier Daily in the article, “StudCo creates Vice Chair for Women, Gender Affairs,” the article misspelled Raiya Al-Nsour’s name on two occasions.


E-school should not keep students in the dark Students need to be involved in any decision which relates to their education


ast Wednesday, the University’s Systems and Informations Engineering department held its first meeting with undergraduate students to discuss a potential merger with the Civil and Environmental Engineering department. The discussion provided roughly 75 students an opportunity to voice their thoughts and concerns on the potential merger. Student opinion was overwhelmingly opposed to the idea, and some undergraduates expressed concerns regarding student involvement in the process. Engineering students have been wrongly kept in the dark throughout the early-stages of the process,

according to fourth-year Systems Engineering student Jeannie Blackwood. Blackwood said she was never officially notified of the merger plans until the weekend before the Wednesday discussion. Administrators began discussing the merger as early as January, and the idea has been debated by faculty for the past few months. Students should have been aware of these early-stage discussions and their input should have been solicited well before the end of the school year. This lack of involvement disrespects and contradicts the principle of student self-governance. Students also expressed con-

cerns regarding the effect the potential merger would have on the quality of their education and their ability to follow their existing academic plans. According to Assoc. Systems Prof. Peter Beling, combining the two departments presents the Engineering School an opportunity to upgrade its research standing and improve every department in the school. However, shifting the school’s focus towards top-tier research instead of toptier teaching would detrimentally affect undergraduates’ classroom experience. Moreover, students are concerned that the specificity of Systems and Information Engi-

neering courses will decline as a result of the merger. Students highly value teaching professors and the existing curriculum, and the Engineering School needs to ensure the quality of teaching is not even slightly affected by the merger. Students need to be involved in any decisions which concern their education, and the Engineering School has a responsibility to ensure student involvement in a merger which could drastically change their academic plans. While improving the school’s research standing certainly has its benefits, it must not come at students’ expense.

THE CAVALIER DAILY THE CAVALIER DAILY The Cavalier Daily is a financially and editorially independent news organization staffed and managed entirely by students of the University of Virginia. The opinions expressed in The Cavalier Daily are not necessarily those of the students, faculty, staff or administration of the University of Virginia. Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the editorial board. Cartoons and columns represent the views of the authors. The managing board of The Cavalier Daily has sole authority over and responsibility for all content. No part of The Cavalier Daily or The Cavalier Daily online edition may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the editor-in-chief. The Cavalier Daily is published Mondays and Thursdays in print and daily online at It is printed on at least 40 percent recycled paper. 2017 The Cavalier Daily Inc.

HAVE AN OPINION? The Cavalier Daily welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns. Writers must provide full name, telephone number and University affiliation, if appropriate. Letters should not exceed 250 words in length and columns should not exceed 700. The Cavalier Daily does not guarantee publication of submissions and may edit all material for content and grammar. Submit to or P.O. Box 400703, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4703


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PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH COMMITTEE OFF TO A STRONG START There is still a lot of ground to cover to find the best president for U.Va.


homas Jefferson once referred to the University as “the future bulwark of the human mind in this hemisphere” in his private correspondence. If this lofty goal is to be achieved, the University must be led by people who share Jefferson’s enthusiasm for intellectual engagement and the lived experience of scholarship. As the University enters a search for its ninth president, it has grand visions for its place in the world for the coming century and must choose its leader carefully. Fortunately, the Presidential Search Committee is prioritizing community engagement, global leadership and student experience — areas which, if pursued, will lead to the selection of a worthy new president. The Search Committee has been remarkably transparent and open to community input, concurrent with Jefferson’s ideal of democratic self-governance. The presidential search website contains numerous details regarding the intricacies of the process, including the members of the committee, a step-bystep outline of the search pro-

cess and information regarding the search firm which has been contracted. The job description is also available, as well as general information regarding the organizational hierarchy at the University. While there are ob-

community in general. Tangibly, on April 21 there was a public forum where people had the opportunity to voice their concerns with the present and hopes for the future. Members of the Search Committee were present

Having a solid process does not guarantee a good outcome, but it certainly helps.

viously some parts which must be confidential, all meetings of the committee are open to the public, and the committee has committed to fair processing of Freedom of Information Act requests. This transparency shows the community that the search is moving forward with the correct priorities and procedures. Even more impressive is the commitment to community involvement. Students are encouraged to take a survey to share their thoughts, and general input is being solicited from the

and engaged, describing their search as “the most open presidential search we’ve seen in the sense of outreach to constituents, listening and engagement.” This openness demonstrates the University really exists first and foremost for the students and community. When Thomas Jefferson visualized the Academical Village, he was seeking to create the ideal student learning environment. Everything he designed was intended to make the learning experience easier and bet-

ter for the students. The Search Committee has prioritized students, by placing concern for them prominently in the job description for the president. It is the first area mentioned in the “Foundations for the Future” section, as well as in “Challenges and Priorities.” Other areas of focus such as hiring professors and fundraising are all subservient to the overarching goal of supporting students. In a world more interconnected than ever, it makes sense to search for a president who would broaden the University’s universal mission, turning it into more of a global university. The search has already put forth global engagement as a pillar of any future success. The University already has a strong presence overseas, with over 2,000 students studying abroad each year. The University also attracts international talent, with almost 150 nations represented on grounds. The University has an opportunity to build on the previous two centuries of growth and move strongly into our third century, and “extending our global influence” must

be a top priority. Having a solid process does not guarantee a good outcome, but it certainly helps. The Search Committee and the Board of Visitors have put in place an open and forward-looking plan, that seeks to engage the community and enhance the student experience. The University community must hold the Search Committee accountable to its promises. The committee could easily disregard the communities input, and it is up to us to ensure that they stick to their commitments. As the University heads into its third century it must be lead by someone who shares Mr. Jefferson’s lofty view of the University. The current process is well-suited to finding such a president.

CONNOR FITZPATRICK is an Opinion columnist at The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at

KEEP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS SEPARATE Students deserve detailed justification for merging the two disciplines


he Systems and Information Engineering and the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department recently sent a mass email to the current students of both departments about a novel and potentially exciting initiative: merging the two departments together. While the impetus of the initiative still remains unclear, the email, sent on April 20, was the first notification most students received regarding a fairly monumental decision with potentially immediate ramifications. Students and faculty alike are generally mixed in their support of a potential merger. Some cite concern for curriculum change and others hoping that the merger could foster interdisciplinary analysis and study of engineering systems. While both sides have merit, the merger ultimately is an imprudent initiative. Not only would it dilute the engineering focus of the respective merging departments, but it would not necessarily encourage interdisciplinary thinking when tackling enigmas of engineering. Dilution of material and curriculum is inevitable when expanding the scope of a class, let alone an entire engineering major, a consequence which is

ill-advised and simply not worth the tradeoff. There is no doubt interdisciplinary approaches to engineering are not only important, but imperative to possess in industry nowadays, but there are certainly other avenues to explore to harness such approaches. In fact, almost all engineering degree programs at the University include on average two to three classes devoted to taking engineering classes in other departments to further the interdisciplinary line of thinking requisite to engineering. However, by broadening the scope, systems engineers and civil engineers alike would start to lose classes and material which further penetrate the deep-rooted complexities of their respective majors. The time constraint of four years is quite rigid and although five- and six-year degree completions are available, they are generally undesirable for students. As such, there is a finite quantity of classes, material and knowledge students can gain from any given major. With both systems and civil majors already packed to the brim with necessary courses, it is only logical that certain once necessary courses will be excised from study.

Additionally, the merging of civil and environmental engineering and systems and information engineering does not necessarily help to produce the highly desired interdisciplinary frame of mind. While perhaps

ers in the Engineering School, the two departments almost seem arbitrarily picked and not fundamentally overlapping in material. Students, especially in the Systems and Information Tech-

A steady stream of communication between those spearheading the merger and the parties that will be directly affected by it is not only encouraged, but mandatory for such an initiative to find success. more interdisciplinary together than independently, the benefit is negligible in comparison to the significant dilution of knowledge students would gain from the merged major. If the Engineering School administration wanted a more holistic course of study, why not merge computer science and biomedical engineering for bioinformatics or mechanical and electrical engineering for vehicle design? While the choice to merge civil and systems may have been the result of faculty approval in those departments and no oth-

nology Department, have voiced concerns over such a merger. Some students believe research will be a primary focus post-merger, a characteristic they believe will perhaps sour the engineering experience for students not interested in performing research. While this remains to be seen, it is nevertheless important testimony to the uncertainty of what this merger will actually look like. Perhaps the biggest concern of students, and some faculty, is the nebulousness encapsulating the entire issue. The char-

acterization and presentation of the merger by those that have spearheaded it will be critical in not only coming to a consensus about the merger, but also the success or failure of it. While in theory the merger may have flaws, its execution may be more successful, though in such early stages, it is simply too hard to tell. A steady stream of communication between those spearheading the merger and the parties that will be directly affected by it is not only encouraged, but mandatory for such an initiative to find success. These individuals pioneering the merger, or at least the discussions regarding its imminent benefits, should meticulously and thoughtfully detail justification, as well as provide a clear chronology as to the steps of the merger. Only then can we be satisfied that student voices are heard.

SEAN SEQUEIRA is an Opinion columnist for The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at opinion@

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017




Monday 5/1 RUF Presents: Last Large Group and Class of 2017 Celebration, 7-9pm, RUF Building the Free University: A Glance at the UPR Student Strike, 7-8pm, Minor 130 Tuesday 5/2 Baseball vs. Liberty, 6pm, Davenport Field Student Council Presents: Student Memorial Service, 5-6:30pm, University Chapel Yoga at IX Art Park, 5:30-6:40pm, IX Art Park Wednesday 5/3 The Virginia No Tones Present: Boats and Tones Spring Concert, 8-9pm, Boylan Heights Class of 2018 Presents: Morven Farm Reading Day, 10am-4pm, Morven Farm Academical Village People Present: Alderman Sing, 5-7pm, Alderman Library Alumni Association Presents: Study Break, 11:30am-1:30pm, Alumni Hall MSC Presents: Finals Study Break, 2-3pm, Multicultural Student Center





Editors’ Picks Arts and Entertainment editors recount favorite works from this year


TELEVISION SEASON FINALE ‘Girls’ created by Lena Dunham

Prior to the sixth and final season of “Girls,” many speculated about what an endgame would look like for a series that had been casually fumbling through protagonists’ lives for five seasons. The confusion at the prospect of the the end of “Girls” is actually a testament to how skillfully showrunners Lena Dunham and Jenni Konner have rendered the niche slice of life of four exceedingly flawed, privileged white twenty-somethings in Brooklyn. “Girls” has never conformed to the conventions of dramatic structure, instead opting for a messy and episodic yet emotionally true narrative and posing a fundamental question. Can these characters break out of their selfish, destructive ways and change into autonomous, fully realized adults? “Girls” explores this question to unparalleled heights in its heartbreakingly superb final season. Dunham and Konner have never

been interested in depicting characters on a clear trajectory to self-actualization. Accordingly, Ray (Alex Karpovsky) and Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) — easily the show’s most likeable characters who make sincere advances toward success and contentment — receive minimal screen time across the season’s 10 episodes. Instead, the season focuses on Hannah (Dunham), the show’s painfully self-centered heroine who gets pregnant, attempts to make career strides and detaches herself from naive ideals of friendship and love — all authentic storylines with a compelling undercurrent of despair and denial. The sixth season is “Girls” at its best, as well as a shining example of a serial narrative that doesn’t overstay its welcome and stays grounded in its characters. — Darby Delaney, Senior Associate



‘American Teen’ by Khalid



‘Arrival’ starring Amy Adams

It seems almost unfair to put “Arrival” in the category of sci-fi films, because it outshines any other movie in recent memory. Admittedly, the plot is without a doubt in the realm of science fiction — it’s about the arrival



‘S-Town’ narrated by Brian Reed “S-Town” is the latest project from the creators of both seasons of “Serial,” but don’t call it season three of “Serial.” This new project narrated by Brian Reed is not a mystery, but a tragedy.



‘Get Out’ directed by Jordan Peele

Jordan Peele’s directorial debut “Get Out” is surprising in a number of ways. At the most basic level, it’s an incredibly well-written, well-acted and well-directed movie. Daniel Kaluuya and Allison Williams star as Chris and Rose, a mixed-race couple en route to visit Rose’s white upper-class family for the weekend. It’s hard to go into much more detail without revealing major plot points, but if that teaser sounds like it could be a comedy just as easily as a horror movie, that’s because it is. Peele shows impressive directing chops in this movie, which at times is hilarious, horrifying and a

little of both. Perhaps most importantly, “Get Out” is self-aware on an uncomfortable level. Many of its characters parody and reflect the white liberal demographic — the same white liberal demographic that swarmed en masse to see the movie in theaters. Parts of the film undoubtedly had audience members squirming in their seats, the desired effect of any provocative and relevant work of art. “Get Out” is the perfect blend of horror, comedy and social commentary America desperately needs. — Dan Goff, A&E Editor

The unifying theme of Khalid’s debut album is youth, but the 19-year-old Texan presents his adolescence with remarkable fullness, reflecting an incredibly broad emotional spectrum. “8TEEN” captures the anxious wanderlust of being just on the cusp of adulthood, while “Young Dumb & Broke” is energetic without ever letting go of the bubbling undercurrents of insecurity that inevitably swirl through any coming-of-age story. Khalid blurs genre lines throughout the album. On “Coaster” he sings over almost nothing but a piano, while “Another Sad Love Song” fea-

tures vocal harmonies and a pop beat. The thread holding it all together is Khalid’s airy, emotional croon. His voice is both optimistic and vulnerable, allowing the album to be reflective without ever being self-absorbed, soft without being saccharine. It has all the heart of R&B without ever relinquishing a certain pop vitality. Khalid’s angst is measured with pride and his confusion is measured with joy. His growth feels personal and realistic. “American Teen” is multidimensional in a beautiful way — mature yet youthful, melancholy yet delightful. — Ben Hitchcock, A&E Editor

of alien spacecrafts to Earth — but the movie’s excellent writing delves deeper than the typical alien flick. Most remarkable is the movie’s unbelievable twist. It’s hard to explain a final twist without giving away any spoilers, but suffice it to say that it’s the rare plot twist which simultaneously surprises viewers and makes it feel as though everything in the movie has fallen into place and tied together beautifully. But it’s not just the impressive twist that makes “Arrival” so noteworthy. The film’s main conflict is not humans repelling alien invaders, as one might expect. Rather, it’s a con-

flict over how to approach those who are new and alien to us — Dr. Louise Banks’ (Amy Adams) diplomacy and understanding or the military’s hostile and aggressive response. It’s a universal question — how do we respond to the unknown, to that which is different and even, at times, scary? “Arrival” stands out because it asks these hard questions and urges self-contemplation. Perhaps most impressively, it raises all these issues while still being immensely entertaining. — Thomas Roades, Senior Associate

“S-Town” follows the life of John B. McLemore, a haunted yet brilliant man stuck in his town of Woodstock, Ala. (which McLemore calls “S—t Town”). What starts as a lead on a potential unsolved murder quickly becomes a meditation on McLemore’s tragic life. The podcast released all seven episodes simultaneously, a change from the weekly and biweekly format of “Serial.” This bingeable story weaves in and out of many facets of McLemore, dissecting difficult themes about life, legacy and entrapment.

Throughout the course of the seven episodes, Reed delivers the narrative in such a personal manner, it feels as if he is telling this story directly to you. Be prepared to laugh and cry and feel disturbed but also hopeful. “S-Town” is not easily summed up — it’s philosophical, anecdotal, demanding yet ultimately rewarding. This story of a small town in Alabama is one of the most important and special pieces of pop culture to come out of this year. — Sam Henson, Senior Associate


MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017



There have been several discoveries made at the University this past year, from the development of a program to reduce reincarceration rates to the discovery of a link between yogurt and mental health. These are a select few of the University’s most recent scientific advancements.

SPY SATELLITES SHOW CLIMATE CHANGE Environmental Science Prof. IMPROVED FOOTBALL GEAR Howie Epstein conducted a PATHOGENS OF DIARRHEA COURTESY OF VIRGINIA study UNIVERSITY that used spy satellite Researchers from the University The Center for Applied Biomechanics at the University images from the Cold War to Health System also developed a HEPCIDIN AND PNEUMONIA has been working with the NFL SPY SATELLITES SHOW examine the change in better method of quantifying COURTESY UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Researchers found a link shrubbery the Siberian CLIMATEinCHANGE the pathogen-causing agents of to engineer position specific between hepcidin— a liver gear so that players are safer. tundra. Epstein compared diarrhea. The researchers used Environmental Science Prof.these IMPROVED FOOTBALL GEAR PATHOGENS OF DIARRHEA hormone— and treatment of Howie declassified images to current PCR — a method which Epstein conducted a study YOGURT AND DEPRESSION The Center for Applied BiomeResearchers from thesmall Universipneumonia due to a bacterial using spy satellite images from the for Applied high-resolution imagery and amplifies quantities ofchanics Center at the University has been ty Health System also developed a A team of neuroscience labs in Cold War to examine the change in infection. School of Medicine Biomechanics, investigates how found 11 locations where the DNA— to recognize most with the NFL to engineer better method of quantifying the the six working the Medical School discovered a shrubbery in the Siberian tundra. researcher Bona Mehrad and his gear cangear be improved so shrubbery increased. According and increase prevalent pathogen-causing agentspathogens. of diar- New position-specific link between yogurt and depression. Epstein compared these declassified found that hepcidin Jeff players Crandall,do director football not sustainIn micelab to Epstein, thishigh-resolution increase in rhea. The researchers used PCR exhibiting symptoms of de-could images treatments such—asa vaccinesplayer safety. to current the Center for Applied Biomeblock iron from entering method whichand amplifies small quanpression, researchers found reducedthe imagery short-term and long-term shrubbery is likely to and found 11 due locations antibiotics are being of chanics, investigated how gear can tities of DNA— to recognize the six levels of lactobacillus, and causing highbloodstream thereby where shrubbery increased. Acinjuries. Initially, the Center’s climate change but may also be developed to address somebe ofimproved so football players do most prevalent pathogens. New er levels of kyneurenine — a mecording to Epstein, this increaseofis prevent bacteria from surviving. research focused on designing due to fires and thawing these pathogens, such as not sustain short-term and longtreatments such as vaccines and antabolite associated with behaviors likely due to climate change but may researchers arefindings testing term injuries. Initially, the Center’s However, the arctic Shigella and adenovirus, which tibiotics are being developed to adrelatedThe to depression. These alsopermafrost. be due to fires and permafrost researchfields. focused on designing bet- of suggesthepcidin in other animals dress some of were these pathogens, such recognized the possibility of using diet to see However, the focus ecosystem is the very dynamic not previously thawing. However, arctic ecosys-as ter cleats for different turf fields. as Shigella and adenovirus, which to as a means to treat depression, whether it could be ableasto tem there is verywere dynamic and there regions thatwere also as major contributors However, the focus of research has were not previously recognized as yogurt contains the probiotic lactoalso regions showing a decrease in protect them from infection. prevention of concussions. observed a decrease in shrubs. diarrhea. shifted to concussion prevention. major contributors to diarrhea. bacillus. shrubs.









PURIFICATION OF HEPCIDIN AND PNEUMONIA MODULE TO DECREASE DNA TESTINGFOR FOR FAMILIAL ZINC BINDING SITES ON DNA TESTING ZINC BINDING SITES ON MODULE TO DECREASE PURIFICATION OF HOPS HOPS Dr. Christopher Stroupe, Researchers found a link REINCARCERATION RELATIONSHIPS ALBUMIN HEPCIDIN AND FAMILIAL RELATIONSHIPS ALBUMIN REINCARCERATION Christopher Stroupe,ofassistant assistant professor molecular Dr. Wladek Minor, professor of between hepcidin— a liver Jennifer Doleac, Asst. Prof. of Archaeology Prof. Stephen Plog PNEUMONIA professor of molecular physiology Archaeology Prof. Stephen line in Wladek Minor, professor and of Jennifer Doleac, assistant prophysiology and biological hormone— and treatment of Public Policy and Economics in discovered a matrilineal molecular physiology and biological physics, purified molecular physiology and biolog- Plog discovered a matrilineal line Researchers found a link be- fessor of public policy and ecophysics for the Medical School,ical physics, pneumonia to a bacterial the Batten School, and Mexico biological physics, and his lab human HOPS, a protein complex in New New Mexico using using DNA DNA and and tween hepcidin — a liverdue hormone and his lab discovered nomics, and Benjamin Castleman, purified —a infection. of Medicine Benjamin mitochondrial discovered multiple binding which plays human a role in HOPS the recycling testing. testing. Pueblo Pueblo — and treatment of School pneumonia multiple binding sites for zinc on mitochondrial assistant professor of Castleman, education Asst. Prof. function ofcomplex the lysosome andplays fu- aalbumin a burial in Chaco due to a bacterial infection. Pul- and protein used for aBonito — protein which researcher Bona Mehrad andpublic his of Education Public Policy Bonito — asite burial site in Chaco sites— fora zinc on albumin— policy in the and Curry sion of in cellular material with the oftransporting Canyon— was foundwas to hold gen-to hold monary and researchrole the recycling function labcritical foundcare that hepcidinSchool, could launched in the Education School, Canyon— found proteinbiological used for molecules transporting a tablet-based membrane-bound endosome. The throughout the human body. Zinc erations of an elite family. This er Bona Mehrad and his lab found module to decrease reincarcerathe lysosome and fusion of block iron from entering the launched a tablet-based biological molecule throughout generations of an elite family. purification of HOPS in human acts as a catalyst in many processes discovery indicated an upper class that hepcidin could block iron tion rates. Currently, two-thirds cellular with theinto including bloodstream and thereby module to decrease This the human body. Zinc acts as a cells allows material for more research presided overdiscovery society andindicates oversaw that fromanentering the bloodstream wound healing and regof people released from prison HOPS fusion-directed treatments membrane-bound endosome.ulating prevent reincarceration rates. Currently, upper class overand thereby catalyst in many processes the development of thepresided large Puebpreventbacteria bacteria from sur- surviving. the immune system. are rearrested within three years. forThe Ebola and cancer,ofas both in of lo houses. Furthermore, this study researchers are testing purification HOPS researchers are testing people released society and oversaw the vival. The The including wound healing and The moduletwo-thirds asks inmatesofpersonthese diseases use this lysosomal set a precedent, as it wasofthe other animals to animals de- al to questions so they can are receive human cells allows for more hepcidin in other see from prison rearrested development thefirst largehepcidin in the regulation of the immune function to spread. to use DNA testing to establish termine potential protection from better guidance during their tranresearch to go into HOPS whether it could be able to within three years. The module Pueblo houses. Furthermore, system. familial relationships without any infection. sition from prison to the outside fusion-directed treatments for asks the inmates personal this study set a precedent, as it protect them from infection. written records. world. Ebola and cancer as both of was the first to use DNA testing questions so they can receive these diseases use this better guidance during their to establish familial lysosomal function as a means transition from prison to the relationships between people to spread. outside world. without any written records.






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