Thursday, December 1, 2016

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VOL. 127, ISSUE 29











Concerns voiced about behavior at LOTL Committee aims to increase inclusivity at annual event RACHEL COLDREN | SENIOR WRITER Concerns about alcohol consumption and an attitude of inclusivity have been voiced by administration and students in advance of the 16th annual Lighting of the Lawn. At last year’s LOTL, while attendees were singing the Good Old Song, a group of University-aged male students voiced a gay slur to a gay couple in attendance. One of the individuals targeted was University LGBTQ Center Program Coordinator Scott Rheinheimer. According to Rheinheimer, he and his boyfriend left after the incident because he did not feel safe. University President Teresa Sullivan and Provost Thomas Katsouleas released a statement the following day calling for a collaborative effort to uphold the University’s community of trust and create a welcoming and inclusive environment. There will be several new structural changes to the event to promote an inclusive environment this year, LOTL committee chairs Matt Golden, a fourth-year College student, and Katie Kozlowski, a fourth-year Education student, said. “One of our priorities is to


The Lighting of the Lawn committee increased their audio-visual budget this year to allow better quality broadcasts of the performances.

make sure that everyone feels welcome at the event,” Golden and Kozlowski said in an email statement. In order to do this, the committee incorporated various University performance groups and the broader Charlottesville community. The committee also increased their audio-visual budget “to ensure more attendees will be able to hear during the event and

have a positive experience” and are hosting a livestream of the event, Golden and Kozlowski said. While there have been no explicit threats to cancel the event as a result of student behavior in the future, the department of the Vice President of Student Affairs offered a strong suggestion to foster a change in student alcohol consumption for the event, Patrick Rice, Fourth Year Trus-

tees president and Engineering student, said. “In the spirit of the holiday season, we hope everyone will come together and enjoy the gathering as valued and respected members of our University and Charlottesville communities,” Marsh Pattie, University assistant vice president for student affairs, said. “To that end, we expect everyone to engage one another with civility and re-

spect.” Fourth Year Trustees communicated to the LOTL committee as early as last spring that an important aspect of the event should be an attitude of inclusivity and an excitement to attend from everyone. “Because it's presented to the broader University community, no one should feel left out or marginalized,” Rice said. Pattie emphasized that alcohol is not permitted on the Lawn, regardless of age. Lawn residents themselves may not host parties exceeding 40 people in attendance, and alcohol served from their rooms must be in an opaque cup. Residents are encouraged to refrain from hosting events until major University events like LOTL have concluded. Because most Lawn residents are of drinking age, there are no regulations prohibiting the consumption of alcohol within their private rooms. However, Trustees, the LOTL committee and Housing and Residence Life have made sure to communicate this year’s agenda with all residents.

Bellamy resigns from Virginia Board of Education Gov. Terry McAuliffe was ‘horrified’ at profane tweets TIM DODSON AND ANNA HIGGINS | ASSOCIATE EDITORS Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy announced his immediate resignation from the Virginia Board of Education Wednesday, following recent criticism of profane tweets he posted from 2009 to 2014. “I would like to redirect my attention and focus to my family, the children and young people whom I serve, and to the City of Charlottesville,” Bellamy said in his statement. This news follows media reports that Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s spokesperson said the governor was “horrified” by the tweets. Bellamy’s past tweets included gay slurs, profanity describing women’s genitalia, anti-white language and descriptions of sexual assault. McAuliffe appointed Bellamy to the State Board of Education in March. Earlier on Wednesday, Del. Steve Landes (R-Weyers Cave),


Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy has taken a leave of absence from Albemarle County High School.

chairman of the House of Delegates Education Committee, had called on Bellamy to resign. “The type of language used by Mr. Bellamy is unacceptable, and certainly disqualifies him from serving on the Board of Education,” Landes said in a statement. This announcement also comes a day after Albemarle County Public Schools had announced Bellamy was on administrative leave from his job as a computer science teacher at Albemarle High School. “As is standard procedure while an investigation is underway, and in the best interests of all who are involved, we agree with Mr. Bellamy’s decision to take administrative leave until such time as our investigation has been completed,” Albemarle County School Board chair Kate Acuff said in the statement. Bellamy apologized for the

tweets in a Facebook post Sunday evening. “Elected officials should be held to a higher standard, and while I was not in office at the time, in this instance I came up short of the man I aspire to be,” Bellamy said. Mayor Mike Signer weighed in on the controversy Tuesday, saying he was “deeply troubled” by the tweets. “As a first step, I’m glad Mr. Bellamy has apologized. Going forward, Mr. Bellamy was elected by the citizens of Charlottesville, and it’s the citizens who should weigh in now,” Signer said in a statement on his Facebook page. “I can only say that I will continue to work with all members of the Council to bring tolerance and compassion to our community both inside and outside our chambers."



In light of email scam, ITS begins education program Students who fall for phishing email sent by ITS to complete online seminar KATHLEEN SMITH | SENIOR WRITER Email scams have become increasingly prevalent in recent years among members of the University community. Many students and faculty members have received “phishing” messages, which appear to come from trusted sources but are actually scams. These emails usually ask for sensitive information such as usernames, passwords or other protected materials. University Chief Information Security Officer Jason Belford said phishing messages have not only infiltrated the University email accounts, but other organizations as well. “The ‘bad guys’ have realized that they can circumvent the technical controls by obtaining user credentials,” Belford said in an email statement. “Most recently, I have seen fake iTunes, Facebook, UPS and FedEx emails trick unsuspecting users.” Belford sent an email Monday warning students of phishing emails. Within the next few days, students will be sent an email message that resembles a real phishing message. If one “fails” by inputting sensitive information, they will undergo on-screen training about how to identify and prevent phishing scams. “If successful, these phishing campaigns put users and the University’s data and reputation at risk,” Belford said in his email to the University community. The University’s Information Security, Policy and Records Office and Information Technology Services have instituted multiple preventive measures

against phishing and spam. For example, the University student information search has recently become more private. Users must go through NetBadge in order to see student information. “While this decision was not specifically related to phishing, I believe it will have an effect where our students will receive fewer phishing emails,” Belford said. The ISPRO and ITS anti-phishing user education program has also been initiated, which Belford said includes the phishing simulation exercises. “Many of our peers in academia have been running phishing simulations for years. We recently ran a simulation for U.Va.’s faculty and staff,” Belford said. “The next phase of this project is to send this message to our students. The purpose of this simulation is strictly a training exercise.” Fourth-year College student Anna Dorsey said her University email was hacked twice last year. After the first hack, all of her contacts received an email from Dorsey asking them to click on a Google Doc she made. “I do not recall ever opening an email that alerted me I was hacked or even seemed like a ‘phishing’ email,” Dorsey said. “I only remember being aware I was hacked when everyone contacted me asking if I meant to send them the Google Doc attachment.” Dorsey said she immediately changed all of her passwords after the initial hack in order to prevent future incidents. Her email account, however, was


This is not the first issue the University has faced with security. There have been issues with hacking in the past year.

hacked again over spring break. After this second hack, a full body email was sent to multiple contacts that resembled a traditional phishing email. “This hacker caused my entire email account to be shut down and I no longer could log into Collab or SIS,” Dorsey said. “I not only had to go through the University to regain access to my email, but also the University then directed me to Apple. So now I have a very long and random password with every

character they allow you to use just so I don’t get hacked for the third time.” Dorsey said she was unsure if a training program would have helped because not all phishing emails are the same or even recognizable. “On the other hand, I think the threat of having to enroll in a University study due to opening a phishing email is an incentive in itself for students to become more aware about not opening suspicious emails,” she said.

Belford said the training program would educate students about how to determine whether an email message is fraudulent or not. “My hopes are that the data from this exercise will help us determine where we should focus future training,” Belford said. “For example, if we find that more people respond to our phishing message from mobile phones then we can concentrate on the phishing training and mobile phones.”

Korte waives right to preliminary hearing Case to continue in court Monday

MATTHEW GITTELMAN | SENIOR WRITER Assoc. Prof. Walter Korte, Jr., who was charged by the University Police Department with two counts of child pornography possession in August, has waived his right to a preliminary hearing. The case will go to Albemarle County Circuit Court on Dec. 5, where an officer of the law will give testimony to a grand jury in order to determine if probable cause exists for further litigation to proceed. This proceeding will

not be open to the public, and Korte will not be present. The University placed Korte on administrative leave after University police conducted a series of searches in both Korte’s home in Albemarle County and his office on Grounds. He was arrested and taken into custody Aug. 2, but has released on bond Sept. 6. Until these recent events, the 72 yearold professor served as the director of film studies since 1970.

Law Prof. Darryl K. Brown said a preliminary hearing deals with the evidence required for a case to move forward. “It’s just an occasion for the judge to confirm that the prosecution has enough evidence to file the charge and take the defendant to trial,” he said. “It requires a relatively low standard of proof.” It is that low standard of proof which Brown cites as a possibility for why Korte decid-

ed to forego a preliminary hearing. “He probably waived it because his attorneys realized that the state has plenty of evidence to file a charge, that the state would definitely win the preliminary hearing and be able to take him to trial,” Brown said. “So, they had nothing to gain by going through that hearing, and probably wanted to avoid the public spectacle of doing so.” Brown said he doubted legal

costs factored into the decision. “I would bet it’s much more a matter of strategy. They probably just don’t see any point in it,” he said. “With the cost of the trial, a couple more hours on the trial wouldn’t be that big of a deal.” Korte’s attorney, Bonnie Lepold of Lepold & Freed, declined to comment for this article.




Alumni Association president to retire in June Tom Faulders, colleagues reflect on 11-year tenure KATHLEEN SMITH | ASSOCIATE EDITOR Tom Faulders, president and CEO of the University Alumni Association, recently announced his plans to retire in June. Faulders is a 1971 graduate of the University and was selected as Alumni Association president in 2006. Throughout his 11-year tenure, Faulders worked to fundraise for the association and increase the reach of the Alumni Association’s Virginia Magazine. He is currently helping to plan the University's upcoming bicentennial celebration and serves on multiple University committees. Faulders said he will continue to serve on the Bicentennial Commission through June 2017. “It will be up to the commission leadership to determine my continued participation,” Faulders said in an email statement. “I will continue as a Trustee with the Jefferson Trust as a regular, as opposed to an appointed, trustee.” Over the past five years, Faulders said there have been multiple events that have negatively impacted alumni perceptions of the University. “Each of these need to be addressed with the alumni in a sensitive, yet informative way. Our alumni care deeply about the University and they want to understand as much as possible about both the good and the bad,” Faulders said. “The Alumni Association has played a critical and, I hope, a useful role in helping this understanding.” Faulders most notably helped to repair the once-strained relationship between the University and the Alumni Association; the University and the Alumni Association had previously disagreed over how to engage alumni. In 2002, the University commissioned a blue ribbon committee to look at best in class engagement, and a report from the Alumni Relations Task Force in November 2004 outlined an updated plan for alumni engagement. “There were substantial disa-

greements on how this should be accomplished and an agreement was reached in February 2005 on how to move forward,” Faulders said. “I arrived in March 2006 and was able to implement this plan in close cooperation with the University.” Last April, the Alumni Association became the official gift-processing center for the University, and helps with the high number of donations and pledges the University receives. The Alumni Association expanded by 25 percent during Faulders’ term. Faulders said this growth was a result of increased engagement programs to meet the needs of a growing alumni base. “When I arrived, we had approximately 170,000 alumni and now we have over 225,000,” Faulders said. “And our alumni base skews younger than most with the mean graduation year of 1993, so our focus has naturally shifted accordingly.” Faulders also expanded the Virginia Magazine to an online platform. “Today, it continues in print, but it also has digital derivatives, and the social media part of the communications effort has grown dramatically,” Faulders said. “So net, the key changes are related to growth, alumni needs and the explosion of communications techniques.” Richard Gard, editor of Virginia Magazine and Alumni Association vice president for communications, said Faulders’ leadership and guidance led to the successful expansion of the magazine. One of the most significant successes under Faulders, Gard said, was coverage of the ousting of University President Teresa Sullivan by the Board of Visitors in June 2012. “Because of our editorial independence we were able to fill an information void on Grounds,” Gard said in an email statement. “As alumni reaction began to flood in, Tom saw to it that the magazine opened a communication portal so we


Tom Faulders worked for the Alumni Association for 11 years.

could relay alumni comments to the board. There’s a famous picture of Tom hand delivering a stack of thousands of pages of printouts, tied with orange and blue ribbons, to the Board of Visitors.” Wayne Cozart, Jefferson Trust director and Alumni Association vice president of development, has worked with Faulders since he came to the Alumni Association. Cozart praised Faulders’ work for the association, as well as the University in general. “Tom is an excellent person to work for. He cares strongly about the University and its alumni,” Cozart said in an email statement. “His goal is to engage and involve as many of the 220,000 alumni as possible in the life of the institution.”

Gard also lauded Faulders’ ability to successfully manage and expand the Alumni Association. “He’s positive and supportive, open-minded yet decisive and, in managing people, he gets the balance right between providing oversight and allowing autonomy,” Gard said. “Add to that his love of the University and you’ve got the perfect match between person and post." A 10-person committee will appoint the new Alumni Association president. Russell Reynolds Associates, an executive search firm, will also work with the search committee. “Tom has been an exceptional leader for the Alumni Association and a valued member of my Cabinet, providing wise counsel to me and other U.Va.

leaders over the years,” Sullivan said in an email statement. “By strengthening the Reunions programming, opening new channels of communications with alumni and enhancing careers services for alumni, Tom has strengthened the bonds that connect our loyal alumni to U.Va. and to the association.” Following his retirement in June, Faulders plans to travel and spend more time with family. “My wife and I have put off several trips and adventures until I have more time,” he said. “We also have some children and grandchildren to which we would like to pay more attention.”



Paths for reporting sexual assault at U.Va. The process of reporting an assault, changes in the aftermath of Rolling Stone MARK FELICE AND ALLIE JENSON | FOCUS WRITER

Available Resources

University Organizations

ODOS Support Deans When an assault is reported to the University, both the complainants and respondents are assigned to an ODOS support dean.

Title IX Office Information and questions about the Title IX process can be requested by both parties of the University’s Title IX Office.

Community Resources

• CAPS • The University Ombuds • The Women’s Center • The LGBTQ Center • The Multicultural Center

• Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) • Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) • The Central Virginia Legal Aid Society *Forensic SANE exams are not offered at the Student Health Center and the Medical Center.


lice Department are often the primary contacts. The UPD and CPD will jointly work on a case if the incident occurred in both University and City jurisdictions. “If a crime occurs on University Grounds, UPD is the primary police agency to investigate the incident,” UPD Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Rexrode said in an email statement. “Similarly, if a crime occurs in the Charlottesville City jurisdiction, CPD is the primary investigating agency.” “The first priority that the University Police Department has when we receive a report of sexual assault is the survivor’s safety and well-being,” Rexrode said. “Our next step is to begin to investigate the crime that occurred.” Once a report is filed, UPD collects evidence that is presented to the Commonwealth’s attorney. At this point, the presiding attorney for the case decides if criminal charges will be filed. However, if a student reports an assault to an administrator who has a reporting obligation to Title IX rather than the police, the process will look different. In that case, “there is then a process in place within the University where that information would be seen and evaluated by a panel that includes a member from our police department,” Rexrode said. “That officer and the panel would then assess the incident and depending on the case, possibly investigate it or refer the case to the respective police agency where the crime occurred.” SUPPORT FOR SURVIVORS With more than one in 10 University students responding in the campus climate survey that they have experienced sexual assault or misconduct, medical resources at the University are an important tool in helping survivors cope with the physical, mental and emotional troubles that may follow an assault. The Women’s Center’s counseling team sees clients for a range of issues, from academic concerns to anxiety and depression, Women’s Center Director Abby Palko said. “Two members of the team are trauma counselors who each have a full-time caseload of about 22 clients at a time throughout the academic year,” Palko said in an email statement. “The trauma counselors’ caseloads include clients who have experienced sexual assault, harassment or interpersonal violence.” The Women’s Center is just one resource on Grounds that provides confidential advocacy, support groups and a safe space for survivors of sexual assault if they need

Average Percentages of Student Beliefs about Reports of Sexual Assault 65

AAU Average

62 Percentage

Almost 13 percent of University students reported experiencing sexual assault or misconduct by physical force, threats of physical force or incapacitation since enrolling, according to results from the 2015 campus climate survey. Of female undergraduates, 23.8 percent said they had experienced sexual assault or misconduct since entering the University. There are many different avenues through which a student can report sexual assault via the University, and many support services for those who wish not to report an incident of sexual violence or misconduct. REPORTING SEXUAL ASSAULT TO THE UNIVERSITY If a sexual assault occurs on Grounds, the University must comply with several different entities in processing a report on that assault. Not only must it abide by Virginia state law, but the University must also adhere to several federally mandated programs, including Title IX, the Violence Against Women’s Act and the Clery Act. An assault can be reported to the University by contacting the Title IX coordinator or through the University’s online reporting system, Just Report It. When an assault is reported, both the complainants and respondents are assigned an Office of the Dean of Students support dean, as well as given information on advisors they can contact, University Title IX coordinator Catherine Spear said. The first step after a report of assault or misconduct committed by a student is an initial assessment by the Title IX coordinator, which addresses any immediate health or safety concerns. Then information about the reported incident is for-

warded to an Evaluation Panel, which conducts a health and safety threat assessment. After this assessment, the panel will decide to resolve the report by a formal resolution or an alternative resolution. In a formal resolution, the University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights conducts an investigation of the incident, which culminates in a review panel hearing. If the hearing finds the respondent responsible for the incident, possible sanctions include expulsion and suspension. An alternative resolution encompasses a variety of informal options, including facilitated meeting between the two parties, educational programming and training and University housing modifications. Students can seek out counseling in addition to making a University report or without making a report. Spear said the University also offers resources through different support centers. Outside the University, several groups in the larger Charlottesville community work with students who have reported an incident of sexual assault. At the University itself, resources include Counseling and Psychological Services, the University Ombuds, the Maxine Platzer’s Women’s Center, the LGBTQ Center and the Multicultural Center. Community resources for victims include the Sexual Assault Resource Agency, Shelter for Help in Emergency and the Central Virginia Legal Aid Society. REPORTING SEXUAL ASSAULT TO UNIVERSITY POLICE Survivors of sexual assault may choose to make a report to the police in addition to or instead of a report to the University. In these instances, the University Police Department or Charlottesville Po-

U.Va. 1 – It is very likely that the victim would be supported by other students in making a report of sexual assault or misconduct to a University official.

59 56

2 – It is very likely that a report would be taken seriously by campus officials.

53 50

3 – It is very likely that the individual’s safety would be protected. 1



it. Counselors at the center are part of the University’s network of confidential advocates who are available to listen to victims, but will not bring their cases to University authorities or the police. “Claire Kaplan, who leads our Gender Violence and Social Change team in providing education and outreach around Grounds, is a confidential advocate,” Palko said. “With this status, she can talk with anyone who needs to discuss a sexual assault and she is not mandated to report that information just as the counselors are not.” Confidential employees include University employees who are licensed medical, clinical or mental-health professionals, as well as any employee who provides administrative, operational or related support for such health care providers, according to the University’s Reporting Policy. All other employees — with a few exceptions — are considered “responsible employees” and are required to report all details disclosed to them to the Title IX coordinator. Palko said the center provides a Survivor Support Network training for any University staff, faculty or students who want to learn about dealing with trauma, existing University policies and resources and ways they can help support a survivor. ROLLING STONE’S IMPACT Despite the amount of resources available to students, victims may not want to report a sexual assault they have experienced. There are many reasons why students may not want to report an assault, including fear of retaliation and a potential lack of support. The top reason why students do not report their sexual assault is to protect themselves from future attacks by the offender, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. “[Reasons for not reporting include] harassment from the perpetrator or his/her friends, pressure to withdraw the report, lack of sup-

port or losing friends who know the accused person,” Palko said. “If parents know, and aren’t supportive, this can cause serious issues as well.” The University has seen an increased number of sexual assault reports recently, which could be an outcome of the Rolling Stone’s debunked article “A Rape on Campus” and former Assoc. Dean Nicole Eramo’s subsequent defamation trial, Palko said. “U.Va. has experienced an uptick in the number of reports since the [Rolling Stone] article,” Palko said. “So it’s possible that survivors recognized that their experiences fell into the definition of sexual assault and that there are resources available on and off Grounds.” However, Palko also noted that the article could have a negative effect on victims who are thinking of reporting their assault. “On the other hand, the retraction exacerbated the problem of victim-blaming and the stubborn notion that women lie about rape in greater numbers than the data show,” Palko said. Less than a month after the conclusion of Eramo’s trial, it remains unclear how the article and its aftermath will affect sexual assault reports in the long run. However, some students believe the University should continue working to make Grounds a safer environment for survivors. Schools across the country need to work on their response to sexual violence, and the University is no exception, fourth-year College student Nick Favaloro, One in Four public relations chair, said. “In particular, we hope universities begin to see sexual assault as a substantive issue in and of itself, rather than viewing it as a PR problem,” Favaloro said. “We also hope the University can help us student groups foster a culture of support for survivors.”



No. 6 men’s basketball takes down Ohio State Cavaliers overcome sluggish first half to win raucous ACC-Big Ten Challenge, 63-61 MARIEL MESSIER | SENIOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR The crowd in John Paul Jones Arena was roaring late into the night Wednesday as No. 6 Virginia overcame a slow first half, in which they trailed by as many as 16 points, to beat Ohio State, 63-61. The Cavaliers (7-0) had trouble getting things going offensively, shooting just 28.6 percent in the first half. Meanwhile, the Buckeyes (6-1) shot 54.5 percent in the first nine minutes to go ahead 14-9. “We have played some solid basketball, but we cannot afford a sleepy start,” coach Tony Bennett said. “This team can't do that. The message is: be ready.” Virginia saw a bit of a spark offensively when junior guard Marial Shayok upped the tempo for the Cavaliers with his second field goal of the game to cut the Buckeyes lead to 14-11. However, Ohio State tacked on more points while stifling Virginia’s offense, jumping out to a 22-11 lead before freshman guard Ty Jerome checked in and hit a quick three to pull the Cavaliers closer at 22-14. It wasn’t enough, though, as Ohio State managed to keep the Cavaliers’ offense at bay and continue adding on points, extending their lead to 32-16 with 3:44 left in the half. Junior forward Jae’Sean Tate led the Buckeyes with 14 points and


wish I had heard coach Tony Bennett’s speech at half. He is as calm as they come in the profession, but he showed some fire Wednesday. His Virginia team entered the break trailing Ohio State 36-24. The Cavaliers had shot 26.8 percent from the floor, turned the basketball over seven times and assisted on just four buckets. In the pack-line, they’d given up an uncharacteristic 22 points in the paint. “We got thoroughly outplayed in every way, shape and form in the first half,” Bennett said. “They beat us down the floor. They were the aggressor on the glass. They were just a tough-minded, talented team. And we could not stop them in any way, really.” “For me, it was being assertive and being aggressive and staying confident,” Hall said. “I wasn’t scoring as high as I did

nine rebounds, and sophomore forward JaQuan Lyle followed closely behind with 12 points. “We just had a pretty direct conversation with all of them, and what we stand for, what we built our program on, how it has to be, and not to kid ourselves,” Bennett said. “They were all challenged.” However, after entering the intermission trailing by 12 points, the Cavaliers were able to regroup and become just the second team to rally from a 15-point deficit against Ohio State since 2005. Under coach Thad Matta, the Buckeyes were previously 241-1 when leading a team by 15 points. Virginia started off the second half with a revamped defense, forcing Ohio State to commit a shot clock violation. Over the next three minutes, a scoring flurry brought the score to 36-32, launching JPJ into absolute pandemonium. “I thought they responded,” Bennett said. “It was really quick how they came out… Boy, I thought we closed that gap really quick.” Junior guard Devon Hall added on a layup en route to tallying 12 points for the Cavaliers, then pulled off a long three-pointer to bring Virginia within one point, 36-35, and extend their second half run to 11-0. “I think for me it was being assertive and aggressive and staying

confident,” Hall said. “Being able to step up was big for me tonight, and it helped my confidence.” The Cavaliers also came into the half with a reinvigorated senior point guard, London Perrantes, who led the team in scoring with 19 points, 15 of which came in the second half alone. He gave Virginia its first lead with a jumper to make the score 39-38. The Buckeyes answered with a three-pointer to jump back out the lead, and extended it once again to 50-42 with 9:49 left in the game before Perrantes provided a spark with a long three to make the score 50-45. “I knew I wasn’t playing to the best of my ability or even close, and I felt like that was hurting my team. I was on myself about it and I’m glad [Bennett] got on me,” Perrantes said. “That’s the most I’ve gotten ripped by him since I’ve been here, and it sparked us all just knowing that I can respond to something like that.” Bennett’s halftime advice worked. Virginia fought back against the Buckeyes, culminating in Perrantes’ fourth three-pointer of the night to tie the score at 55 each. The game was once again knotted at 57 with just under two minutes to play when Shayok gave the Cavaliers just their second lead of the night at 59-57, a lead they did not surrender for the remainder of the game.

Virginia forced the Buckeyes to commit 20 turnovers throughout the game, and it was a turnover with just 22.6 seconds left in the game that sealed their fate. On the ensuing possession, junior forward Isaiah Wilkins came up with an emphatic dunk to put Virginia up 63-59 with just 17 seconds left. The dramatic ending continued, however, when Lyle was fouled and made both foul shots to cut into Virginia’s lead, 6361. “The crowd was terrific,” Bennett

said. “That's as good as it gets. One of the best I've heard.” With just six and a half seconds in the game, and tensions high in JPJ, the Cavalier defense held on, as Ohio State missed a three-pointer as time expired, securing the comefrom-behind 63-61 victory for Virginia. The Cavaliers will try to carry their momentum into their next matchup Saturday against West Virginia.


Senior guard London Perrantes’ 19 points led the Cavaliers, although he needed a halftime pep talk from coach Tony Bennett to reach his potential.

BENNETT WORKS HIS MAGIC tonight, but that comes and goes. … Being able to step up was big for me tonight.” As sweet as it was to see the Cavaliers rally back and ultimately pull out the 63-61 victory Wednesday night, that kind of first half won’t lead to many victories this season, especially when you consider who’s looming on the schedule. The way the Cavaliers play, possession by possession, it’s not easy to fight back, to dig out of that kind of hole. “We watched the tape the other day on when we beat Ohio State there, and we were a little sleepy,” Bennett said. “I said, ‘Maybe last year’s team, at times, though we never said it, they had a little more firepower and could afford to be sleep … This team cannot do that.’” Fighting back takes up a lot of energy. Virginia has only two days to recover before it faces

a talented, up-and-down West Virginia team Saturday. A firsthalf lull for the Cavaliers isn’t a new thing as Bennett suggested. They came out flat against the Mountaineers in the 2015 Jimmy V Classic. Without those two this season, especially Brogdon, a player who could take over on both ends of the floor for long stretches, it makes getting back into a game even more difficult. Remember two seasons ago in the ACC Tournament semifinal versus North Carolina when the Cavaliers couldn’t buy a bucket in the first 20 minutes? They shot only 37.5 percent, 16.7 from behind the arc. Virginia faced a 30-23 deficit at intermission, and had trouble chipping away at it once play resumed. Anderson was still recovering from his appendectomy and injured finger. He wasn’t himself, couldn’t handle the bas-

ketball. The Tar Heels had held him scoreless. Brogdon single-handedly brought the Cavaliers back into the ballgame. He scored 22 of his career-high 25 in the second half, hitting eight-straight makes. Virginia fell to North Carolina 71-67, but had No. 15 not been on the court, it wouldn’t have been so close. Bennett found himself calling a play for “Malcolm” when the going got rough Wednesday night. His players in the huddle looked at him funny. Then Bennett realized he was talking to Perrantes. Perrantes could be that guy to carry the Cavaliers out of trouble this season. He caught fire in the second half after scoring just four points on 1-5 shooting in the first. The Los Angeles, Calif. native shot 5-7 over the final 20 minutes, including three of three from downtown. Perrantes

scored a game-high 19 points. “I knew I wasn’t playing to the best of my ability or even close, and I feel like that was hurting our team,” Perrantes said. “I was on myself about it and I’m glad coach Bennett got on me. That’s the most I’ve gotten ripped by him since I’ve been here.” Bennett has said he likes the balanced scoring this team provides. But if Virginia is going to have dry spells like the one it had against Ohio State, Buckeyes coach Thad Matta better be right when he said to Perrantes, “Last year it was Brogdon, and this year it’s you.”

GRANT GOSSAGE is a Senior Associate Editor for The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at



Women’s basketball clashes with Northwestern Cavaliers look to stay hot at ACC-Big Ten Challenge ALEC DOUGHERTY | ASSOCIATE EDITOR A solid first few weeks of play has the Virginia women’s basketball team confident that they can build a special season as they continue to grow as a team. The Cavaliers (5-1) will face their biggest test of the season Thursday when they travel to Evanston, Ill. to take on Northwestern as part of the ACC-Big Ten Challenge. Virginia has gotten a good glimpse of Big Ten basketball thus far this season, with wins against Rutgers and Nebraska under its belt. The Cavaliers dominated the Cornhuskers, 73-51, Saturday, a solid response to their first loss of the season against St. John’s Friday. “We just didn’t play our best basketball against St. John’s,” assistant coach La’Keshia Frett Meredith said. “So we went back and watched some film, and as a staff we were very proud of how [our team] responded. They were able to fix what they were doing wrong … so kudos to them for taking ownership of the energy and level of play they have to bring to any opponent.” Junior forward Lauren Moses led the Cavaliers in scoring against Nebraska, earning All-Tournament honors for her 19-point performance. Moses has come into her own thus far this season as one of the team’s most consistent scoring threats. “I think confidence has been a big help for me — going into games knowing that I’ve put in


or the past six seasons, the Virginia women’s basketball team has not received a bid to compete in the NCAA Tournament. That could very well change this season based on the Cavaliers’ performance through their first six games. From the beginning of the season, the Cavaliers have been a team on a mission to return to prominence. With a 103-40 victory over Coppin State in the second game of the season, Virginia made a statement — it is not a team to be taken lightly. This chip-on-their-shoulder mentality has done wonders for the Cavaliers thus far. Standing at 5-1, the Cavaliers have been putting on a defensive clinic. Allowing opponents an average of just 53 points per game, Virginia has the second-best scoring defense in the ACC. Considering the team let up an average of 61.5 points per game last season, this is a remarkable


Junior forward Lauren Moses looks to build on her early season success as the Cavaliers travel to Northwestern and face their toughest opponent thus far.

the work in my mid-range game and on being strong on the post,” Moses said. Though Moses herself has helped the offense a great deal, the Cavaliers have had success using many different players on offense. A few players have taken charge each game to add balance to the offense, giving the team multiple scoring outlets. “Any given night, anyone can be on,” Moses said. “If someone is off, you always have someone reliable you can go to for shooting and drawing fouls to get to the free throw line.” More than a few Cavaliers will have to bring their A-game to beat a very talented Northwestern (5-1) team. The Wildcats have started strong, earning 18 votes in the Associated Press’ top 25 national ranking. They have yet to lose at home this season, their only loss coming against in a true road game against DePaul, now ranked No. 15. The team responded to that loss with a signature home win over then-No. 16 Florida and are currently on a two-game win streak. “They’re a great basketball team,” Frett Meredith said. “They have a lot of scorers and very talented players, so we’re expecting a great game against a very quality team.” As expected, the Cavaliers have been hard at work this week in preparation for their most dangerous opponent yet.

“We’ve just been working on us, trying to fix the things we didn’t do too well in Vegas,” Moses said. “Mostly rebounding, taking care of the ball and pushing the ball in transition.” Frett Meredith recognizes the quality of Northwestern’s game, and said the team has been preparing for it with a playoff mentality. “The main thing is just bringing that effort — that championship-type basketball, and teaching a young team what that is and what you need to do to beat a team like Northwestern,” Frett Meredith said. Frett Meredith and the other coaches have so far this season seen their players are willing to put forth the work to learn how to win at a championship level. “They have a will to win,” Frett Meredith said. “They’ve been a very coachable team for us, they’ve done what they ask us to do and for the most part we’ve gone out and played hard. We’ve just been working to make sure they’re more consistent with the level of play we expect from them so we can continue to win games.” Virginia has its sights set on making a statement when they travel to Evanston Thursday. The Cavaliers and the Wildcats will tip off at 8 p.m. in Welsh-Ryan Arena.

ENDING A DROUGHT improvement for the Cavaliers. Freshman center Felicia Aiyeotan has been an integral part of this defensive stand. At 6-foot-9, the Nigerian native is averaging 3.17 blocks per game — leading the ACC and ranking 11th nationally in this category. Considering the fact that Aiyeotan is coming off the bench and only averaging 14.2 minutes per game, this statistic is even more impressive — she is averaging one block for just over every three minutes of playing time she has. To reiterate: Aiyeotan — the team’s best defensive player — is coming off the bench. The way Virginia coach Joanne Boyle runs her team is very similar to how men’s basketball coach Tony Bennett runs his — focusing on tight defense and teamwork to win games. Sticking to the same starting lineup through the first six games, Boyle has confidence in her start-

ers to work together. Just as point guard London Perrantes is the one scholarship senior on the men’s side, point guard Breyana Mason is for her team. With the Cavaliers losing three starters at the end of last season, Mason had high expectations to lead the team this year. She has done so seamlessly. Averaging the most points and steals per game on the team, Mason has facilitated the offense and has been a rock on the defense. This is her team to lead, and she is hungry for success. Her younger teammates are just as driven to end the six-season drought of missing the postseason. Junior forward Lauren Moses, who started every game of last season, is doing her role in the frontcourt — leading the team in points and field goal percentage. Additionally, junior guard Aliyah Huland El, who was first off the bench last season, has been a solid role player in her starting position, averaging

12.3 points per game. In addition to the returners, two freshmen round out the starting five — guards Dominique Toussaint and Jocelyn Willoughby. Together, the two have transitioned into the team smoothly and average 19 points per game. Between Toussaint, Willoughby, Aiyeotan and freshman forward Lisa Jablonowski, the future is bright for this Cavalier team. Speaking of Jablonowski, she makes up part of a very deep bench for the Cavaliers. In addition to her and Aiyeotan is junior guard J’Kyra Brown, Virginia’s sixth man who is averaging 20 minutes per game and is leading the team in assists. The road ahead isn’t an easy one for the Cavaliers. Although they’ve had a strong start to this season, they have many tough conference games ahead. Currently, the ACC has five teams in the top 25, including No. 1 Notre Dame, who

the Cavaliers will have to play Jan. 29 in South Bend, Ind. Yet, this is a Virginia team that has played very well from the start of the season. Although they placed ninth in the conference last season, the Cavaliers finished the season on a high note, making it to the round of 16 of the WNIT. So far this season, it seems as if they have carried on that momentum from last year. For the past three seasons, Virginia’s record has improved every single year. With an energetic team this season that’s playing with a chip on its shoulder, hopefully the Cavaliers can make it back to the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2010. BEN TOBIN is a weekly Sports columnist for The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at bjt5ed@ or on Twitter at @ TobinBen.




Swimming enters competitive waters at Georgia Fall Invite Cavaliers look for strong performance heading into break NOAH KIM | ASSOCIATE EDITOR After a couple weeks off, the Virginia swimming and diving teams return to action this weekend at the University of Georgia Fall Invitational. The meet will feature strong teams such as the University of Michigan, the University of Georgia and the University of California, Berkeley. “These are literally the best teams in the country right now,” junior Jennifer Marrkand said. “Those three teams alone have amazing men’s and women’s teams. It’s going to be very tough competition and it will be great for racing.” Led by head coach Augie Busch, the Cavaliers men’s team (2-1, 1-0 ACC) and No. 5 women’s team (3-0, 1-0 ACC) aim to use this meet to prepare themselves for competitive meets after winter break, and eventually for the ACC and NCAA Championships in February and March. “We have had a lot of good success so far,” junior Luke Georgiadis said. “The first years have really stepped up. On the men’s side, our goal is to have a lot of people qualify for NCAAs. We want our first years to show us where they are headed into ACCs, in order to set the stage for some bigger meets coming up next.” One thing on each swimmer's’ mind headed into the weekend is making cuts, or getting fast enough times, for ACC and NCAAs. Fast meets such as these provide excellent opportunities for swimmers of all ages to meet them. “Our team’s goal is to swim fast and get best times,” Marrkand said. “But we also want to get cuts for NCAAs and relay cuts. I think it’s definitely doable and that it’s going to be a great weekend for the team. We have to focus on improving

every meet, but our goal after the Georgia Fall Invite is winning ACCs again. At NCAAs, we want to place higher or the same as we did last year.” Things are looking good for the women’s team, which is currently ranked fifth in the nation and have won the ACC Championship the last nine seasons. Although not as strong when compared with the competition, the men’s side is also confident. “We went head-to-head against Michigan in our dual-meet with them, especially down the stretch,” Georgiadis said. “The Auburn men are always a great team to face. [Berkeley] and Georgia will also be strong. In certain events, all of those teams are within reach. It’s just about being able to compete for three days without losing energy.” Virginia will have plenty of competition to tire them out. The No. 17 Auburn men (5-0, 4-0 SEC) have had an excellent season to date, and host an array of talented swimmers, including senior Michael Duderstadt, who holds one of the fastest 100-yard breaststroke times of the year, clocking in at 53.73. The Cavalier women’s team will have their hands full as well. They will face the No. 2 Georgia women’s team (5-0, 2-0 SEC), the No. 10 California women’s team (3-1, 2-0 Pac 12) and the No. 4 Michigan’s women team (2-1, 1-0 Big Ten). Specifically, Virginia will be looking out for three swimmers in particular: Golden Bears’ freshman Abbey Weitzeil, who holds the nation’s fifth-best 50yard freestyle time, Georgia’s senior Olivia Smoliga, who has outperformed her entire team in the 100-yard freestyle and Michigan’s sophomore Siobhan Haughey, who holds the nation’s fastest time in the 100-yard IM.


Junior Jennifer Marrkand and the Cavaliers will face some of the nation’s toughest competition at the Georgia Fall invitational this weekend.

The Cavaliers will hope to use the invitational to continue their successes this season. Overall, Busch is convinced his team is poised for success in Georgia. “We want to stay focused on

racing at this meet,” Busch said. “If we do that, everything else will fall into place. We need to be in the moment, and focused on racing. Although Cal, Georgia and Michigan will all be strong, I think our teams are

ready.” The meet will begin this Friday and run through Sunday at the Gabrielsen Natatorium, the University of Georgia’s aquatics center, in Athens, Ga.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2016 COMMENT OF THE DAY “Unprofessionalism is an important nuance that it seems a lot of people are missing. Also, I appreciate the even-handed defense of Sullivan.” “ben” in response to Jesse Berman’s Nov. 30 article, “UPD firing was the right call.”


What can Sullivan do to connect? President’s office should establish better lines of communication with students A recent Cavalier Daily poll regarding administrators’ favorability found approximately 30 percent of students didn’t know enough about University President Teresa Sullivan to have an opinion of her, contrasted with approximately 13 percent of students who said the same for Dean of Students Allen Groves. The poll begs the question: How well should students know their president? While Sullivan’s interactions may be limited with some groups on Grounds, the polling numbers are not representative of her commitment to students. For many, one of the first memories of officially being a University student is going to Carr’s Hill for ice cream. Sul-

livan also teaches 21st Century Labor Market, a COLA class, as well as a January term class, showing her interest in getting to know students, even if it’s not in the same way as Groves’ informal approach. Sullivan’s commitment to students doesn’t necessarily reflect her day to day work, which remains somewhat mysterious to many students. In order to help students better understand her role, her office could send out a regular president’s newsletter, detailing agenda items and University initiatives of which students should be aware. Student groups often look to Sullivan for action, and a newsletter would establish a regular line of communication out-

side times of crisis. It would also help students understand when it’s productive to call on Sullivan and what tools are at her disposal when they do so. A University president’s strong presence on Grounds is important because it emphasizes a commitment to being genuinely interested in bettering student affairs, rather than solving a problem when it comes to her desk. The poll doesn’t necessarily speak to a lack of commitment, but it does highlight a clear gap in connection between Sullivan and students, a relationship that is vital for establishing a strong community that serves the needs of all students.

THE CAVALIER DAILY THE CAVALIER DAILY The Cavalier Daily is a financially and editorially independent news organization staffed and managed entirely by students of the University of Virginia. The opinions expressed in The Cavalier Daily are not necessarily those of the students, faculty, staff or administration of the University of Virginia. Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the editorial board. Cartoons and columns represent the views of the authors. The managing board of The Cavalier Daily has sole authority over and responsibility for all content. No part of The Cavalier Daily or The Cavalier Daily online edition may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the editor-in-chief. The Cavalier Daily is published Mondays and Thursdays in print and daily online at It is printed on at least 40 percent recycled paper. 2016 The Cavalier Daily Inc.

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STOP FOREIGN ACTORS FROM INFLUENCING OUR ELECTIONS America’s politicians must denounce foreign entities that intervene in our elections


ost-election, there has been a lot of discussion over the moral and policy implications of Donald Trump’s victory. But there’s also another key result of this election that is generating more discussion — the role of foreign agents. The election is supposed to be a wholly domestic affair, reflecting the attitudes and beliefs on the American people. Yet in this election foreign powers tried to influence the outcome in extra-legal ways. This problem worsened with Trump legitimizing many of the narratives foreign actors pushed. Our leaders need to strongly and unequivocally condemn this interference as unacceptable in any circumstances. It is not secret that Russia favored Trump in the presidential election. It is the official consensus of the U.S. intelligence community that the Russian government was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s emails, as well as the emails of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta. Russia’s motivations are not

hard to figure out — Clinton is a strong proponent of continuing the crippling sanctions against Russia for its actions in Eastern Ukraine. Trump, on the other hand, wants to strengthen our relationship with Russia and has questioned the need for sanctions. Even more than supporting Trump for his stances, Russia praised Trump in order

new examples provided by these email dumps were a major factor in continuing the “lock her up” narrative of Trump supporters. You may be thrilled that we learned about all this leaked information, or that the Russian government is helping to publish the “truth” that our entrenched media interests will not cover. I personally don’t agree with you,

If we don’t stop such foreign influence immediately, other countries will only become emboldened to further manipulate our elections.

to increase partisan fighting in the United States. Working in connection with Russia was WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks seemed to have clearly preferred Trump. The organization trickled out Clinton campaign emails that have been the fodder for many news cycles. The

but the substance of what Russia and WikiLeaks have done shouldn’t really matter. What we need to recognize is that these foreign actors have what’s best for themselves in mind, not America. This does not mean that these cannot run parallel at times, but we should be already

naturally suspicious of anything a foreign actor says. Once we start to accept foreign actors as legitimate and having the shared interests, we leave ourselves open to manipulation. The trust people have started to put into Russian news sources has led them to accept false stories. Such trust could encourage greater intervention in our elections by other interested parties in the future. Every day that our leaders fail to denounce, in actions and words, foreign intervention in our elections, our sovereignty is eroded. There is also a large moral and ethical problem of politicians not denouncing foreign intervention in the election. Russia and WikiLeaks work outside and against our laws. By supporting them, even passively, we are accepting the undermining of our laws in order to obtain political advantage, which is unacceptable. If you want to read Clinton’s emails, work through our current system; if you don’t like the system, change it. After Trump’s victory, no one can argue that people cannot create

change even if the entire system is against them. Russia and WikiLeaks work outside our democratic institutions and thus outside our legal reach. We cannot punish them with jail, so we have to do the next best thing. Condemn Russia’s actions, condemn WikiLeaks and condemn any country that tries to subvert our democratic process. More than that, we must actively work to keep foreign countries from influencing our politics. Yet, many of our leaders, including our president-elect, can be part of the issue. If we don’t stop such foreign influence immediately, other countries will only become emboldened to further manipulate our elections.

BOBBY DOYLE is an Opinion columnist for the Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at

REINVIGORATING THE ROLE OF SPORTS Sports help strengthen civil society in times of divisiveness


or the majority of the American population, watching sports is an integral part of everyday life. Gallup polls show that 63 percent of the American public considers themselves “sports fans,” with incredible diversity in the types of sports people choose to watch. Regardless of the specific type of sport played, both watching and playing sports are critical aspects of civic society. In an increasingly divided America, sports represent one of the final frontiers where people can still come together and bond without irony or prejudice. While sports personalities can be quite political in their orientations and behaviors, the continued presence of sports in society is critical to reviving national conceptions of American society. By reinvigorating the role of sport in our national public consciousness, we can increase civic engagement among the population and strengthen ties between clashing groups. Sports are an example of what University Prof. Mark Edmundson calls an “irony-free zone,” where traditional virtues can be celebrated and upheld rather than being torn down. In a world that has become increasingly hateful and distrustful of the other side, to the point

where unfavorable ratings of people in the opposite party have reached over 80 percent in many cases, sports allow for opposing teams to confront one another in a clean contest of wills and ability. Sports cheating scandals offend the American public not because of the gravity of the of-

constitutes a society as a whole. Organizations in civil society play a major role in preserving unity in times of crisis, as well as providing outlets for individuals to become more involved in the world. For example, George W. Bush’s ceremonial first pitch after 9/11 helped reunite the

By reinvigorating the role of sport in our national public consciousness, we can increase civic engagement among the population and strengthen ties between clashing groups.

fenses, but rather because we tend to see sports as a refuge from the foul play and corruption that plague other aspects of society, such as politics and business. Sports is meant to be an arena where groups of people with different politics, races and beliefs can come together to set aside their differences and compete on equal playing fields. Sports are a fundamental to holding civil society together and allow for the creation of a common identity. The United Nations defines civil society as a “third sector,” along with government and business, that

nation after devastating news. Sports, when considered in such a larger context, takes on a value greater than mere participation in an athletic event. Sports then become part of the greater fabric of national unity: Communities and neighborhoods bond and work together through the promotion of local sports leagues and teams, thereby strengthening the connections between otherwise unrelated persons. Part of the increasingly divisive nature of American society, as witnessed by the bitter nature of the recent election, has to do with the erosion of social capital

in the United States. Sociologist Robert Putnam identified this phenomenon in his “Bowling Alone,” which discussed weakening in-person connections between individuals. When Americans spend less time interacting with each other in social organizations outside of work and the family, they necessarily spend less time interacting with members of their communities, thus undermining public participation in civil society. Many of these civil institutions, such as the Rotary Club, League of Women Voters and Boy Scouts have all experienced significant decreases in membership over the past few decades, indicating that Americans are perhaps becoming ever warier of civic organizations. However, in contrast with some civil organizations, sports institutions stay strong today. National basketball, soccer and football leagues (to name a few) are experiencing stability if not growth at a time when many other civic organizations are collapsing. Sports still bring Americans closer together more than they drive Americans apart: Even the great rivalries in American sports still bring people together to similar venues in order to socialize with other fans of the game. Sports are still

a healthy way of healing our nation and getting people excited about a common set of virtues, namely, hard work, dedication and mastery of a craft. Participation in local, community activities is crucial to individuals feeling like they can make a difference in their communities, as well as on a national level. In an increasingly individualized world, the best way to maintain a communal identity through times of crisis must be through shared collective experiences. Sports are the quintessential representation of individuals working hard to improve the team as a whole. As a nation, the United States has always been drawn by that mission, and by getting involved in local sports organizations, every individual can take steps towards plugging into the fabric of our civil society.

ERIC XU is an Opinion columnist for the Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at e.xu@cavalierdaily. com.



WE LEARN MORE BY CHALLENGING JEFFERSON’S LEGACY A further reflection on the role of our founder’s legacy in modern times is essential


n response to a post-election email from University President Teresa Sullivan urging “a spirit of inclusivity,” several hundred members of the University community wrote an open letter expressing disappointment and concern about Sullivan’s decision to include a quote from Thomas Jefferson, positioning him as a “moral compass.” This event has sparked a series of further responses, and we were heartened to learn that the Student Council will address this issue. As educators and alumnae of the University, we were moved to respond to and continue this important conversation. Rather than argue for or against quoting Jefferson in University communications, we want to contextualize the letters, and subsequent responses to them, in relation to the ethical and educational responsibilities of institutions like the University in this contemporary moment. During our time as undergraduates at the University in 2007, the Board of Visitors issued an apology for the school’s “employment of enslaved persons” prior to the Civil War. Notably absent from the apology was an acknowledgement of Jefferson's institutional participation in

slavery, his own role as an enslaver, his active participation as a statesman in naturalizing the colonization of the continent, his advocating for the assimilation of indigenous peoples and his rationalizing the enslavement of what he believed to be the naturally inferior black people. The letter in response to Sul-

but she does not thoroughly consider their implications, suggesting Jefferson’s racism was a product “of his time” — we might then ask why Jefferson’s vision of American democracy is presumed to be timeless. We note that nowhere did the letter call for censoring Sullivan, or for banning the use of Jeffer-

We note that nowhere did the letter call for censoring Sullivan, or for banning the use of Jefferson’s words.

livan’s email signals a growing willingness of the University faculty and students to engage in the difficult and self-implicated conversations that are necessary for making sense of the contradictions of liberty and domination, and of equality and exclusion, that have animated this country since its inception. In many ways, Jefferson embodied these contradictions. In her response to the letter, Sullivan does acknowledge these contradictions,

son’s words. Rather, it suggests that “it is time to rethink their utility” in relation to supporting “the spirit of inclusivity” that Sullivan herself called for. We are concerned that many immediate responses to the letter have rushed to Jefferson’s defense, while ignoring its primary concern: that some members of the University community might negatively perceive the fact that a man who exhibited racist thought and action is being held up as a

model for students, regardless of his other accomplishments. Responding to this concern does not require removing every trace of Jefferson from Grounds, but it does demand further reflection as to why some would refuse him as a moral compass. If the University is going to embrace Jefferson’s legacy, then it can no longer do so selectively, celebrating his achievements while ignoring the racist and sexist ideologies and actions that animated much of his public work and personal life. This means facing up to the truth not only about Jefferson himself, but also about how the contradictory beliefs that he embodied continue to characterize this country’s society at all levels. It also means addressing the ongoing presence of white supremacy on and around Grounds, as is evident from recent events. If our responses to this exchange of letters are calibrated primarily by a concern to defend Jefferson’s legacy, including the claim “Thomas Jefferson was a racist. But he was a reluctant racist,” rather than by the need to have more honest conversations about our national and institutional histories, then we may inadvertently perpetuate harmful systems. We suggest that

many of the tools and frames we have previously used to analyze and act in the world may be insufficient for contemporary contexts, and we embrace the new possibilities that might arise out of efforts to face up to the contradictions that continue to unevenly shape our relationships and experiences in the present. Rather than try to make peace with these contradictions, we need to ask what they are teaching us about how even our great institutions have been subsidized by violence, and why we continue to defend unchanging values in an ever-changing world. We read the letter to Sullivan as one example of how educational communities like the University might foster conversations that are not premised on arriving at the “right” answer, but rather on a commitment to imagining and practicing alternatives for living together in ways that Jefferson himself could not imagine.

SAMANTHA CLARKSON AND SHARON STEIN are 2008 graduates of the College.

UPD FIRING WAS THE RIGHT CALL U.Va. should uphold standards of professionalism


n the night of the 2016 election, a University Police Department officer shouted President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” following the Republican nominee’s victory. After several students complained about the unprofessional and instigating nature of this action, the officer resigned. Although Pat Hogan, executive vice president and chief operating officer, claimed,“the inappropriate use of the PA system undermines the [University Police] Department’s goals and objectives,” a backlash over the resignation occurred via the comment section on The Cavalier Daily’s news article, where many commenters attacked what they saw as the administration’s obstruction of free speech. While concerns about obstructing free speech are potent, it is crucial that those on the right realize this resignation likely occurred more so because of the officer’s unprofessionalism rather than what he actually said. Another post-election free speech controversy occurred when 469 students and professors signed a letter to discourage President Teresa Sullivan from quoting Thomas Jefferson in her emails to stu-

dents. The uproar occurred after she quoted the University founder in an email the day following the election with the hopes of reassuring students of the results many likely found disturbing. As various other writers have discussed, such a letter does inhibit free speech be-

ing students, saying in her email that Jefferson felt University students “are exactly the persons who are to succeed to the government of our country, and to rule its future enmities, its friendships and fortunes.” She then said,“I encourage today’s U.Va students to em-

It is crucial that critics of this officer’s resignation realize that this decision was made solely because of his unprofessionalism.

cause its goal was to dictate what a leader of a university can say in accordance with politically correct norms. I agree with critics of this letter who felt it overextended its reach into Sullivan’s freedom of speech and that it failed to observe a middle ground on the issue. Yet the goals Sullivan sought by utilizing Jefferson’s quotes differs drastically from that of the UPD officer, which is precisely why the former won her battle and the latter lost his. In her letter, Sullivan sought to use her stature as the University’s president by reassur-

brace that responsibility.” Thus, although nearly 500 members of the University interpreted Jefferson’s inclusion in the email as divisive, given his unfavorable position on race, her goal in using this rhetoric was unquestionably well-intentioned, as it encouraged students to act, lead and take action in order to undertake the change they desire. This is precisely what one would expect of the University’s president. The motives of the UPD officer late Nov. 8 were entirely different and contrary to the expectations of

any individual who wears a police uniform. Given that The Cavalier Daily conducted a poll that found that an unprecedented 75 percent of the student body supported Hillary Clinton for the presidency, it is not surprising that the atmosphere on Grounds would be quite tense following the unexpected victory of Trump. Although it would be unreasonable for the officer to know the exact extent of Clinton’s favorability on grounds, he should have understood the anxious state many students were enduring. It is the responsibility of police officers to mete out where problematic situations might arise and to respond to them in a professional manner that upholds the peace of the University environment, not excite the tense emotions of those in the community. Instead of acting in this manner, the UPD officer used Trump’s campaign slogan on the PA speaker to inflame the University community rather than preserve peace. To undertake such an action in such an anxious environment demonstrates a lack of understanding of what the role of a police officer is. If this same officer lost his job chanting “Make America Great Again” off duty, then this situation

would have to be examined differently. Yet, this officer’s blatant unprofessionalism on duty cost him his employment, not his political beliefs. It is crucial that critics of this officer’s resignation realize that this decision was made solely because of his unprofessionalism. While political correctness has at times threatened civil liberties at the University as it did with Sullivan, we must restrain from blaming political correctness for each outcome that we do not desire. Instead, we must recognize that the officer’s actions were harmful and dangerous given the anxious and uncertain environment that he was tasked to oversee. Even if some might see his forced resignation as an overstep by the University Police Department, it was a necessary punishment given his blatant inability to meet his responsibilities as an officer.

JESSE BERMAN is an Opinion columnist for The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at






week before the election, I argued now-President-elect Donald Trump’s continuous childish, uncivil and abusive behavior in the public arena made him unfit to serve as our next president. The degrading comments he made about women in a 2005 recording and his overall disagreeable behavior throughout the campaign trail were enough to make my case. This week, a series of sexist, racist and offensive tweets made by Charlottesville Vice Mayor Wes Bellamy were uncovered by a local blogger in his public Twitter account, reigniting the debate of what should be expected from our public officials. Bellamy’s abhorrent tweets reflect poor judgment and a lack of common respect for his constituents, and although he has recent-


ine, classic pieces of art are what keep civilization moving forwards. Without a couple of Rembrandts to look at, you know for sure that humanity would suffer a quick and gruesome demise. If it weren’t for a nice Botticelli, the Huns would have been doing their thing for twice as long. World War III hasn’t happened several times because of Monet. It is fine art

ly resigned from the Virginia Board of Education, the people of Charlottesville should request his immediate resignation from the office of vice mayor. Public officials — to whom younger generations frequently look up — are meant to represent their constituents and should be held at a high standard when it comes to public behavior. It is absurd to allow someone who has publicly tweeted racist, homophobic and sexist remarks to continue to represent the people of Charlottesville. Representation comes with integrity and honesty, and anyone trying to associate these with Bellamy’s statements on his public Twitter profile is going to have a hard time. In his account, Bellamy wrote, “I really tune out when

white people talk in community meetings. I really need to work on that smh… *Obama Shrug*.” This type of comment reflects a mindset that does not serve his constituents. The vice mayor of Charlottesville should be open to everyone’s concerns in community meetings, not just those he deems worthy of his attention. These tweets came as a shock to many (including myself ) because Bellamy has often spearheaded socially progressive causes, such as an empowerment program for young women. He has also been described by others as a renowned figure in the Charlottesville black community. While it’s a shame to see such a prominent figure with potential going through this type of scandal, it shouldn’t make us go

easy on him. The fact remains that the tweets reflect seriously poor judgment. Although his track record reflects exemplary accomplishments, Bellamy’s statements cast significant doubts on his fitness to serve as our vice mayor. Charlottesville is a community with a significant number of students and young adults. Allowing Bellamy to remain in office would set a bad example for them and might even validate this type of behavior in public platforms. If Bellamy truly cares about the type of role models young people look up to, both in the streets and on their phones, he should do the right thing and step down. This past election has been characterized by a significant shift in the culture of political

decorum, including a blurring of the lines between private and public talk. The resulting rise in incivility and change in public discourse has forced many individuals to reconsider what they value in their public officials. We should fight against this type of behavior and demand a higher standard from them. The uncovering of Bellamy’s tweets provides the people of Charlottesville an opportunity to take a stance against this type of behavior by public officials.

CARLOS LOPEZ is an Opinion columnist for The Cavalier Daily. He can be contacted at c.lopez@

DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT DESTROYING ART alone that keeps the savage tendencies of the human race at bay, and for that reason we should do everything that we can to protect it. One of the most grave crimes I could imagine is endangering a piece of fine art in any possible way. However, human depravity remains a force to be reckoned with, and many errant souls fight against what is innately good for them! This brings me to my point: we need to stop jinxing the Mona Lisa. Seriously, we need to stop talking, thinking and dreaming about bad things that could hap-

pen to the Mona Lisa. For example, if you like to consider that the Mona Lisa might fall and get cut on a knife in a security guard’s back pocket, then you are part of the problem. Once any idea such as this is proposed, some cosmic forces will increase the probability of it occurring. In layman’s terms, this is what people are referring to when they say “jinx.” While some people know of jinxes as those things you have to do when two people say a word in unison, they are partially mistaken. That is what we call a “beverage jinx” and only applies to the odds of

you drinking soda pop. If you ever hear a friend say, “What if someone sneezed on the Mona Lisa with a mouth full of vinegar and sunflower seeds and destroyed it?” you should promptly silence them any way you see fit. Just because your friend hypothetically said this in a purely hypothetical situation, doesn’t mean that it can’t do real damage. If this idea were to get into anyone’s head then the Louvre better install a sneeze shield. What if you wear a shirt that reads, “Imagine that some kidnappers mistake the Mona Lisa as a child and steal her”? Don’t

do it — a kidnapper could read your shirt! I imagine if a kidnapper even once read those words that they would be catalyzed into art thievery right then. A better idea is to wear a shirt that says “loose lips jinx art” . Keep these dangerous ideas to yourself and don’t do something silly like publish them in a newspaper.

SAM PADGETT is a Humor writer.



EVENTS THURSDAY 12/1 President Sullivan’s Holiday Open House, 4-6pm, Carr’s Hill SYC Presents: Hooliday Giving, 7-9:30pm, Pavilion VIII Paint it Black: Fenton’s Rolling Stones LOTL After Party, 10:30pm-1:30am, Boylan Heights Athletes for Equality Presents: LGBT Issues, Athletics & the Media, 5:30-8pm, OpenGrounds 16th Annual Lighting of the Lawn, 7-10pm, The Lawn FRIDAY 12/2 UPC Presents: Happy Hoolidays, 7-9pm, Newcomb Theater UPC Presents: A Night at Luke’s Diner, 10pm2am, Newcomb Game Room The Virginia Glee Club’s 76th Annual Christmas Concert, 8-9:30pm, Old Cabell ISA Mezeh Fundraiser, 5-9pm, Mezeh SATURDAY 12/3 UPC Presents: Winter Wonder Breakfast, 10pm-2am, Ern Commons Men’s Basketball vs. West Virginia, 2pm, John Paul Jones Arena Craftacular Holiday Market, 10am-5pm, IX Art Park Wells Fargo Holiday Heritage Parade, 1011am, Downtown Mall SUNDAY 12/4 Arc of Piedmont Presents: The Great Charlottesville Santa Fun Run/Walk, 11am-12pm, Downtown Mall Mac&CheeseOff, 3-5pm, Common Grounds The Sil’Hooettes Presents: GroupRaise at FIG, 9am-9pm, FIG Bistro Bar



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TED Talk competition sparks reflection Speakers compete for place at February conference ALEXIS JONES | SENIOR WRITER “All empowered people know their history,” third-year College student Makeda Petiri said, after asking the audience to grapple with their deepest fear — themselves. Petiri was not the only speaker who shared a call to action at the TEDxUVA Student Speaker Competition Tuesday evening at Boylan Heights. Nine students spoke, and most of them shared a personal story of struggle or passion, each one more thought-provoking than the last. Fourth-year College student Onyinyechukwa Ijeh and second-year College student Ashwanth Samuel both spoke about what it means to accept a multicultural identity. Ijeh said she is proud of her cross-cultural identity because it has made her more empathetic to the experiences of others. Samuel told an anecdote about struggling to reconcile his Indian and American heritage and finding the middle ground between his mother’s curry chicken and mashed potatoes. Fourth-year College student Atthar Mirza gave a talk titled “Virtu-


Based on their submissions, student speakers were chosen to speak at Tuesday’s event.

al Reality is Not the Matrix.” Mirza began his speech by debunking the myth that virtual reality is an isolating medium. He then went on to explain his own passion project, which allows people in the United States to experience the refugee crisis of the Middle East. “We really live each other’s stories,” Mirza said. “[While] technology can be scary, we have to remember, we are the ones wearing the headsets.” Other speakers also challenged the audience to adopt a new perspective. Third-year College student Malcolm Stewart delivered an emotional talk about mental health and coping with his mother’s passing. His speech revolved around the idea of mankind’s kryptonite — feelings. He took a simple greeting — “How are you?” — and turned it into an important life lesson about being okay with not being okay. “In the process of being superman, I almost forgot how to be human,” Stewart said.

Other student speakers included fourth-year student Shreyas Hariharan, second-year student Ben Tobin, third-year student Kyle Guthrie — all of whom are in the College — and Darden graduate student Tom Barbour. Topics ranged from the power of kindness to gender in terrorism and criminal justice reform. All of the student speakers competed for a chance to deliver their speech at the TED Talk conference in February. Audience members voted at the end of the night, ranking their first, second and third picks. The results have yet to be released. There’s no doubt this competition will be a close call. While they discussed different topics, every one of these students was able to make the personal relatable. It’s as if they all held up a mirror and said, “Can you see yourselves in me?” The opportunity for reflection should not be taken for granted, and each of the speakers should take comfort in knowing they gave that to the audience.

From underground poster boy to billboard hero The Weeknd attempts to grow into newfound popularity MARSHALL PERFETTI | SENIOR WRITER The term “pop artist” is an oxymoron for self-proclaimed music aficionados around the world. With repackaged cookie-cutter ideas constantly being churned out by producers and songwriters, there never seems to be a shortage of pop artists. However, rare individuals who resonate with the masses while avoiding the vapid yet profitable milieu of pop music typically go down in history as musical legends. The context surrounding “Starboy” truly makes it an interesting album. After releasing his record-shattering, commercial-breakthrough album, “Beauty Behind the Madness,” just one year ago, Abél Tesfaye (The Weeknd) faced an incredible dilemma. With the rapid rise of success comes not only fame and fortune, but also a huge increase in fans, many of whom are merely casual listeners and know nothing of the artist’s roots. A larger fan base makes it difficult to maintain a mainstream appeal while still honoring your muses. Pop has thus garnered such negative connotations due to its fairweather nature. One artist makes a particularly cool sound, and then a seemingly endless flow of similar-sounding musicians springs up and ultimately fade into obscurity once a trendier sound emerges.

Tesfaye has created the cool sound. His “Trilogy” mixtape series, originally released in 2012 on the mixtape-hosting website, quickly became an underground flagship. Sampling artists such as Siouxsie and the Banshees, Beach House and The Smiths while singing about the sinister aspects of nightlife, The Weeknd brought sounds and ideas into rhythm and blues that paved the way for the genre’s modern transformation. While “Beauty Behind the Madness” compromised that initial sound, it did so in a manner that intimated change was coming. After painting a vignette of night-crawling despondence on “Trilogy” and his debut album, “Kiss Land,” Tesfaye was left with two options — ride around in circles and wear down the road he created, or swerve out of his lane and navigate the unknown. And that’s exactly what we hear on “Starboy.” Even after the first listen, the album sounds extremely uneven. Tracks like “Rockin’” fit snugly in pop radio station airwaves, while songs like “Sidewalks,” featuring Kendrick Lamar, display a more introspective and learned perspective. The production on “Starboy” is also highly variable, adding to the unsteady vibe of the album. The project starts and ends with Daft Punk-pro-

duced songs, and everything from cloudy lounge house to sultry and passionate rhythm and blues rests in between. The lyrics showcased on the al-

bum are also quite mixed. Perhaps the greatest contrast appears between “Party Monster” and “Reminder.” The prior sounds like a generic club banger, while the latter addresses is-


Last week, The Weeknd released his long-awaited album, “Starboy.”

sues such as the ironic Teen Choice Award nomination for “Can’t Feel My Face” — a song about the face-numbing effects of cocaine — and reminds listeners that “Every time we try to forget who I am / I'll be right there to remind you again.” Perhaps one of the most pivotal moments on the album in terms of change from the old Weeknd to the new, is the song “True Colors.” Prior to this album, sex, drugs and money were tools in an existential exercise rather than vehicles of hedonism — no light shined through the shut blinds of Tesfaye’s hotel room. Lyrics such as “Paint me a picture with your true colors / These are the questions of a new lover” would have never appeared on previous projects, all of which were tied together by a similarly lonely and claustrophobic theme. All-in-all, “Starboy” appears to be the second phase of metamorphosis for The Weeknd. Last year’s “Beauty Behind the Madness” was full of growing pains, and “Starboy” begins to show its effects, some good and some bad. Listeners should go into this project with their breath held tightly, exhaling slowly as the track list progresses and keep in mind this is the outcome of transitioning from “... homeless to Forbe’s list."



Virginia women unaware of breast density risks Recent U.Va. study shows majority unaware of link to breast cancer JENNIFER CYPHERS | STAFF WRITER The majority of women are unaware of how breast density affects their risk of breast cancer and the ability of mammograms to detect cancer, according to a recent study conducted by the Medical School. The study is a part of a larger project, directed by Radiology Prof. Jennifer Harvey, MD, which involved analyzing 4,000 mammograms and working to find an efficient and accurate method for measuring breast density. The study was conducted through phone surveys of Virginia women ages 35-70, the age range at which women are at the highest risk for breast cancer. Sociology Prof. Thomas Guterbock, director of the Center for Survey Research, said that the survey was only sent to women, and that the surveys were done in Spanish and English using both cell phones and landlines in order to gain a fully representative sample of Virginian women. The results indicated that only one in eight women knew that breast density is a risk factor for causing breast cancer and that one in five were aware that dense breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammograms to detect tumors. Specifically, having denser breasts puts women at a higher risk for breast cancer. “In the highest density cat-


The density of the tissue in a woman’s breast affects both how accurately a mammogram detects the presence of cancer and a woman’s risk of developing cancer.

egory, women may be three to five times more likely to develop breast cancer,” study co-author Wendy Cohn, associate profes-

sor of Public Health Sciences Administration, said. Additionally, the study demonstrated that the strongest

predictor of whether a woman is aware of what breast density means is whether or not her doctors have notified her about

the density of her breasts. However, women who live in Virginia are only notified if they are in the top two out of four categories, and many states do not require physicians to notify their patients about breast density as a part of mammogram results at all. Cohn recommends that women become aware of their breast densities as they would for other risk factors for breast cancer, such as family history. She said she believes that a state mandate is a possible solution to ensure women can gain access to this information. Guterbock and the study’s researchers emphasized the importance of communication between patients and their healthcare providers, especially since density readings are subjective and unique for each patient. “The thing to realize is that there are a number of risks for breast cancer, and they vary according to the individual, from genetics to smoking and other risk factors that are well understood,” Guterbock said. “There is no one-size-fits-all [answer] except [to] talk to your doctor and be aware that breast density is one of the risk factors.”



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