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The Cavalier Daily Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Mostly sunny. High 62, Low 34 See A3
Prof. salaries reported
Top 10 Faculty Salaries
Average full University professor salary highest in state at $141,600 By Anna Milligan and Valerie Clemens
The University pays full-time faculty higher salaries than all other higher-education institutions in Virginia despite a four-year state salary freeze, according to an annual report released yesterday by the American Association of University Professors. The University pays full professors an average of $141,600, associate professors $95,000 and assistant professors $80,300, according to the AAUP report. All figures are more than 70 percent above the median for the data the AAUP collected from 1,251 accredited colleges and universities nationwide. The survey also found a salary discrepancy between the University’s male and female faculty members. Full-time
Hostler, Sharon L
Knaus, William A
Sabato, Larry J
Lazo, John S
Nataro, James P
Thorner, Michael O
Hillman, Bruce J
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer and Senior Associate Editor
Annex, Brian H
Casteen, John T III
Kron, Irving L
Volume 122, No. 133 Distribution 10,000
Curtis said this is the third year of “historically low” faculty salaries. “In general, full-time faculty salaries tended to be stagnant over the last couple of years,” Curtis said. “Salary increase was less than the rate of inflation, so in terms of purchasing power they [salary earnings] are less.” University Executive Vice President and Provost John Simon said in an email the University does not offer cost-ofliving salary increases which reflect inflation. “We have not had the funds to do so, and we have focused what limited resources we do have on merit based pay increases to recognize performance,” Simon said. Curtis said the data highlights a “long-term trend” of not providing competitive salaries, as well as the conversion of full-
female professors are paid nearly $20,000 less on average than their male counterparts, making 87 percent of the average salary of a full-time male professor. Like University teaching and research employees, University administrators, including University President Teresa A. Sullivan, also did not receive salary increases this year, University spokesperson Carol Wood said in an email. “President Sullivan believed that in the wake of no state raises for University employees for the previous four years that the University’s vice presidents should decline to take any salary increases — in order to make more funds available for faculty and staff,” Wood said. John Curtis, AAUP director of research and public policy, said even though the recession ended a couple years ago, the damaged economy continues to impact salary numbers.
Please see Salaries, Page A3
Douglass holds Exonerated man gets $1M town hall forum NEWS
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell signed Senate Bill 41 Thursday, giving Thomas Haynesworth $1,075,178 in compensation after he served 27 years in prison for rapes he did not commit, according to a statement released by the Governor’s office. Haynesworth was in prison from 1984 until last March, but he received a writ of innocence for all convictions in December last year, according to the statement. Attorney General spokesperson Caroline Gibson said in an email Haynesworth’s conviction was overturned after an “unprecedented review” of files retained by the Department of Forensic Science which looks at, among other things, DNA evidence. “This review and testing process has been in place since 2005 and is winding down,” Gibson said of the state-wide review of old cases. Haynesworth will receive part of his compensation as a lump sum and most of it as a 25-year annuity, Gibson said. Sen. Henry Marsh , D-Richmond, the bill’s sponsor, said the legislation included a pension for Haynesworth proposed by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Sen. Donald McEachin , D-Richmond, so he will receive compensation for his entire life. Haynesworth has worked for Cuccinelli for about a year doing clerical work, Gibson said. “He was hired last April after it became clear that he was having difficulty securing employment
while he remained on parole awaiting the complete vindication we all worked hard to secure,” Gibson said. “[He] is a great addition to our team.” Marsh said he introduced the bill because Haynesworth would be more likely to gain compensation through state legislation than through a lawsuit. “If you try litigation, you might be hampered by a hostile jury,” Marsh said. “You’re rolling the dice [with litigation]... I’ve been practicing law for 50 years, and you never know what you’re going to get.” Marsh said Haynesworth had been “articulate and reasonable” throughout the whole process, which helped his case. “He realized that no amount of money could make him whole,” Marsh said. Marsh added that although a million dollars sounds like a large number, especially during stretched budget times, it is not much considering the length of Haynesworth’s wrongful sentence and punishment. “That’s the least we could do,” Marsh said. Gibson and McDonnell said the criminal justice system, on the whole, is “overwhelmingly successful” in only convicting truly guilty criminals. “[T]here are exceedingly rare occasions when our justice system... results in the conviction and imprisonment of someone who, through further investigation of evidence or improved technology, is later proven to be innocent,” McDon-
nell said. Gibson said the thorough collection of evidence about three decades ago allowed the courts to review and overturn Haynesworth’s conviction. “This and similar cases really are situations in which the science caught up with the facts,” Gibson said. The University Law School launched an initiative in 2008 known as the Innocence Project which works to exonerate wrongfully convicted persons. The Innocence Project investigates cases in which convicted offenders claim innocence. Matthew Engle, legal director of the Innocence Project, said persons who claim they have been wrongfully convicted must meet a high burden of proof. “They have to be able to explain that the testing wasn’t available at the time of their conviction,” Engle said, and they must also prove in court that the DNA evidence proves innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. The Innocence Project successfully overturned a death penalty conviction last July, according to the initiative’s website. McDonnell said the state’s compensation of Haynesworth was “morally right.” “This restitution will help ensure that Mr. Haynesworth is able to build upon his freedom and return to society in a successful way,” McDonnell said. Both Virginia houses unanimously approved the bill last month. —compiled by Joseph Liss
Democratic Congressional hopeful hosts meeting at Downtown Mall discussing policy issues
Thomas Bynum | Cavalier Daily
Douglass, a Fauquier farmer and Air Force veteran, met with about 50 community members to campaign for U.S. Congressman Robert Hurt’s seat.
By Sarah Hunter Simanson Cavalier Daily Associate Editor
Democrat John Douglass, who seeks to challenge U.S. Congressman Robert Hurt, R-Charlottesville, this November, held a town hall meeting yesterday evening at the Downtown Mall to discuss gun control, women’s reproductive health, the prison system and other policy issues. Douglass is vying for the Democratic nomination for the fifth district against Charlottesville resident Peyton Williams. Speaking to an audience of
about 50 community members, Douglass fielded questions about his stances on campaign financing, health care, veterans’ assistance and other topics. Douglass is running on a platform which seeks to improve policies affecting working families instead of enacting laws benefitting the “one percent,” he said. “This is a time about families versus greed,” Douglass said. “This is a time when we all need to serve together.” Douglass said town hall meetPlease see Douglass, Page A3
Oxford professor talks art Martin Kemp delivers three-day Page-Barbour lecture series about da Vinci By Monika Fallon
Cavalier Daily Senior Writer
Thomas Bynum | Cavalier Daily
The Page-Barbour lecture series, founded 1907, brings specialists in arts and sciences to the University. Kemp speaks again today and tomorrow at 4 p.m.
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Martin Kemp, emeritus professor of art history at Oxford University, kicked off this year’s three-day Page-Barbour lecture series with a talk yesterday afternoon at the Harrison Institute about art history, nature and science. Founded in 1907, the PageBarbour Lecture Series at UVa bring specialists to the University to lecture within any field of the arts and sciences. Kemp’s lecture, titled “Platonic Solids,” drew on both art and science in its examination of Platonic solids — polyhedrons, such as cubes or tetra-
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hedrons — and their variants. The lecture dealt largely with the art historian’s study of Leonardo da Vinci. “The background for this lecture [consists of] the essays I began to write in 1997,” Kemp said. “[I’ve] been lecturing on these and developing them since 2000. It’s a continuing process; these [Page-Barbour lectures] gave me a chance to have another deep breath and gather in more ideas.” Art History Prof. David Summers introduced Kemp and described him as an expert in his field. “Kemp is not only an exemplary scholar, he has also devoted his energy to bringing the past into the present and
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the art of the present as well,” Summers said. Kemp joins the ranks of past Page-Barbour lecturers, including President William Taft, T.S. Eliot and John Dewey. “I’m honored to be part of such a prestigious set of lectures at this university,” Kemp said, adding he was pleased to be back in Charlottesville for the first time in about 25 years. Richard Jones, assistant to the Page-Barbour & Richard Lecture committee, said the PageBarbour Lecture Series at UVa offers a range of interdisciplinPlease see Page-Barbour, Page A3
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