April 11, 2012

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The Cavalier Daily Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Partly Sunny. High 56, Low 31 See A3


Volume 122, No. 134 Distribution 10,000

City adopts $146M budget Council unanimously approves next fiscal year’s budget; $3.4 million in new money goes to City schools By Joseph Liss

Cavalier Daily Associate Editor Charlottesville City Council yesterday evening unanimously adopted a $146,269,910 budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Charlottesville Mayor Satyendra Huja said the budget was “pretty stable” despite some challenges. “We have the same tax rate [and] we have the same level of services,” Huja said, but he Thomas Bynum | Cavalier Daily added “there are challenges to Charlottesville City Council yesterday evening unanimously adopted a $146,269,910 budget for the next fiscal year. come in the future.” City schools received the largThe budget will not change tax rates or alter City services.

est injection of funding from the new budget which allocated $3.4 million to education to compensate for large state cuts in funding. But councilwoman Dede Smith expressed concern about the sustainability of the additional funding for schools. “I think we have recognized and made it very clear to the school system that it is not sustainable,” Smith said. “We really just managed with these onePlease see Budget, Page A3

Sabato talks election

Politics Prof. Larry Sabato presented his Crystal Ball predictions yesterday evening about the upcoming presidential election.

Director of Center for Politics consider 2012 race’s likely winner, VP choices By Viet VoPham

Cavalier Daily Associate Editor Politics Prof. Larry Sabato , director of the University’s Center for Politics, hosted a talk yesterday evening in Wilson Hall to present his assessment of the 2012 election . About 500 members of the University community attended the event, which came on the heels of yesterday’s announcement by former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., that he was suspending his presidential campaign. Sabato said he and his team anticipated Santorum’s loss six months ago, so the development did not affect their initial prediction which pegged former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the inevitable Republican nominee. “He had no chance of being

the nominee,” Sabato said of Santorum. “He was simply hurting Romney. It’s difficult to run if you lose your home state twice — once for Senate, once for president.” Sabato said his team had initially considered Romney’s chances of securing the GOP nomination to be 80 percent. “It went up to 95 [percent] ... [and] then we quit because it was over,” Sabato said. Sabato said the candidates’ choices of vice presidential candidates would significantly affect the election results, suggesting that President Barack Obama could, in a strategic move, tap Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the position instead of current Vice President Joe Biden. “Biden will get you nothing,” Sabato said. “Hillary Clinton

would be very useful to Obama in some of the swing states.” Romney could strategically pick a Hispanic politician, Sabato said, as the next president would need a “a minimum of 40 percent of the Hispanic vote” to win. “There are several Hispanic politicians who qualify,” he said. “The obvious one is mentioned frequently and is Senator Marco Rubio from Florida because Florida also has twenty-nine electoral votes.” Sabato also discussed several plausible outcomes for Obama and Romney, depending on which one ultimately won the presidency. “You’re looking at a very Republican Senate ... for the last two years of what might be

Thomas Bynum Cavalier Daily

Please see Sabato, Page A3

City group launches human rights website Eleven-member task force creates page analyzing Charlottesville discrimination, considers establishing permanent anti-bias commission By Sarah Hunter Simanson Cavalier Daily Associate Editor

A Human Rights Task Force website launched Monday indicates the City of Charlottesville is a step closer to ultimately creating a human rights commission to address discrimination in the City. City Council appointed an 11-member committee in March to evaluate the potential human rights commission proposed

during the City’s Dialogue on Race. The Human Rights Task Force lists a phone number on its website for “individuals who believe they have been subjected to discrimination or prejudicial treatment as a result of age, race, gender, religion or disability,” to report their concerns, according to a City press statement released Monday. During the next 10 months, the

task force will collect information through its website, interact with the community through public forums and study human rights commissions across the state before drafting a report for Council which will assess the need for a permanent human rights commission in the City. “Community members, by sharing their experiences, will help the task force make this determination [of whether the

City needs a human rights commission] over the next nine months, and present a recommendation to Council in late 2012,” according to the City press statement. Meanwhile, Charlottesville City Manager Maurice Jones said one of the task force’s main objectives is to “serve as a referral service until [the City] deal[s] with the commission down the road.”

City Councilwoman Dede Smith said the website would help residents suffering from discrimination by referring them to external agencies which can help them resolve their concerns. Assoc. Education Prof. Walt Heinecke, a former member of the policy action team which proposed the human rights com-


Please see Rights, Page A3


Wildfires sweep Albemarle County Dillon Harding | Cavalier Daily

Student Council yesterday validated the appointments of the executive board, presidential cabinet and co-chairs.

New Council officers meet StudCo confirms executive board, presidential cabinet, membership co-chairs By Emily Hutt

Cavalier Daily Staff Writer Student Council validated the appointments of the executive board and presidential cabinet, the membership co-chairs, marketing and communications chair and CIO consultant cochairs yesterday evening at the term’s inaugural General Body meeting. The new executive board appointed the chairs after inter-

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viewing candidates from a pool of applicants. Council President Johnny Vroom, third-year College student, said he hoped Council would be able to increase awareness about its initiatives among the student body during his term. “I want students to be able to say that they know what Student Council does,” Vroom said. Vice President for Administration Ann Laurence Baumer, second-year College student,

also emphasized the importance of creating a clearer image of Council and its aims among the University student body. “Student Council’s motto is ‘your voice is our vision,’” Baumer said. “I want every student to know that they can come to Student Council.” Baumer also said executive board members planned to Please see StudCo, Page A3

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The Albemarle County Fire Department responded to six brush fires yesterday, according to its website. The National Weather Service, after warning Albemarle County Monday that weather conditions may ignite wildfires, announced another Red Flag Warning yesterday from noon to 8 p.m. National Weather Service meteorologist Jared Klein said the National Weather Service would likely extend the brush-fire alert again, making it an unusually long Red Flag Warning period for the Albemarle County area. Warnings typically last one to two days, Klein said, because new air masses tend to move in, resulting in increased humidity and making it more difficult for fires to start. Klein said strong winds, low

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humidity and dry grounds were the three main factors which led to wild fires, Howard Lagomarsino, assistant chief of the Albemarle County Fire-Rescue Division, said the fire department has worked with the forestry service’s Hotshot Team — a group of specially trained local wildfire fighters — to respond to recent brush fires. “The biggest thing with the current conditions is to avoid open burns,” Lagomarsino said . Virginia law restricts outside fires from 4 p.m. to midnight from Feb. 15 to April 30 each year.. The state averages 1,449 fires a year, which usually burn around 8300 total acres, according to the Virginia Forestry Service. —compiled by Thomas Forman II

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