Serving the University of Virginia community since 1890
The Cavalier Daily Monday, April 16, 2012
Sunny. High 85, Low 59 See A3
Volume 122, No. 136 Distribution 10,000
BOV approves tuition hikes
The Board of Visitors Friday unanimously authorized 3.7 percent and 4 percent tuition increase for in-state and out-of-state students, respectively.
In-state, out-of-state undergraduate students will pay 3.7, 4 percent more next year, respectively By Sarah Hunter Simanson Cavalier Daily Associate Editor
The Board of Visitors Friday unanimously authorized a 3.7 percent and 4 percent tuition increase for in-state and out-ofstate students, respectively. Michael Strine , University executive vice president and chief operative officer, said the Board’s decision represented the lowest tuition increase for instate students in the last decade. “In setting tuition each year, we have worked hard to remain mindful of the need to keep the cost of a University education affordable,” University President Teresa Sullivan said in a University press statement released
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Friday. “For many years, we have been looked to as a leader in quality and value. With the changing economic landscape, including increased pressure on families and a 20-year trend of declining government investment in higher education, that is becoming more difficult with each year.” Strine said the University would increase investment in AccessUVa, the University’s financial aid program, to “keep pace” with the tuition increase. The Board expects AccessUVa’s budget to exceed $95.4 million during the 2012-13 fiscal year. “We expect to meet full [finanPlease see Board, Page A3
City hosts race dialogue Charlottesville committee, UCARE discuss stereotyping, racism problems By Viet VoPham
Cavalier Daily Associate Editor The Dialogue on Race Steering Committee and the University and Community Action for Racial Equity (UCARE) hosted an event Saturday afternoon to discuss race-based issues and incidents in Charlottesville. The Dialogue on Race is a City committee which promotes ongoing discussions about race, ethnicity, racism and diversity to identify solutions for any community problems, according to the committee’s website. Saturday’s event was designed to further these goals by creating “a space for discussion on these topics that challenge how we communicate with each other as a community,” according to the website. Event organizer Charlene Green said the recent
murder of African-American teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida, in part, made the two groups decide to host an event addressing the problems inherent in stereotyping individuals according to their race or ethnicity. Regina Pencile, project manager for UCARE, said the recent Martin incident not only inspired the event, but also provided people in the Charlottesville/ Albemarle area with an opportunity “to express their grievances” and discuss the larger implications of racism. “The community needed the same opportunity to address how they felt about what happened with [Martin] or how they feel about just stereotyping in general,” Pencile said. The discussion began with short introductions from everyone in the room followed by per-
sonal stories about stereotyping. Charlottesville Vice Mayor Kristin Szakos, who is also a member of the City of Promise Steering Committee, said she attended the event largely because of her black children and the racial problems she felt they had faced growing up in the United States. “There’s things in the air in Charlottesville and the [United States] ... that we have to take responsibility for, so I have been working with the City of Promise to try to reform the schools,” Szakos said. Dorenda Johnson, a member of the City’s Human Rights Task Force, said she worries her two teenage sons, who are black males, would be the ones who would feel the effects of a future characterized by unfair stereoPlease see Dialogue, Page A3
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Local middle school teacher Pam Philips participated in the City’s Dialogue on Race Saturday afternoon.
Police arrest three armed robbery suspects Charlottesville Police responded to an armed robbery which occurred Sunday between the hours of 2:30 and 3 a.m. in the 500 block of 14th Street NW, Charlottesville Police Lt. Ronnie Roberts said. The victims were University
students, according to a press statement released yesterday by Charlottesville Police. A group of male assailants “entered the residence with a handgun,” Roberts said, and took property belonging to the residents. He declined to
release any information about the type of residence involved or about the value of the stolen items. The assailants then “fled on foot toward the Corner commercial district,” University Police Chief Michael Gibson said
in a University-wide email. Charlottesville Police yesterday arrested Quintorrian Carter, Lee Butler III and one juvenile, all from Martinsville, Va., in connection with the incident for possession of a deadly weapon, robbery and use of a
firearm in the commission of a felony, according to the release. Roberts said police are currently searching for a fourth suspect in the crime, Quadre Amon Dickerson, also from Martinsville. —compiled by Greg Lewis
U.Va. honors Founder’s Day Honor aims for University hosts tree planting, presents architecture, law, leadership awards Thomas Jefferson impersonator William Barker was at the Rotunda Thursday evening to kick off the University’s Founder’s Day events.
more involvement Committee announces new Engagement Campaign Task Force subcommittee to aid education efforts By Valerie Clemens
Cavalier Daily Senior Associate Editor
Will Brumas Cavalier Daily
By Kelly Kaler
Cavalier Daily Associate Editor The University hosted a series of events to celebrate Founder’s Day Friday, including a tree planting and the presentation of the three
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Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medals in architecture, law and citizen leadership. The tree-planting ceremony took place on the Lawn Friday morning and honored the late professor Mario di Valmarana, a Venetian
professor who spearheaded the University’s study abroad programs in Venice and Vicenza. Di Valmarana’s international programs took students out of the Please see Founder, Page A3
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The Honor Committee yesterday evening announced the creation of the Engagement Campaign Task Force, a new subcommittee which aims to unify and engage the community with the Committee. At the Committee’s inaugural meeting, members also announced the Committee would maintain two subcommittees — the Policies and Procedures Committee and the Technology Committee. Committee Chair Stephen Nash, a third-year College student, said the Committee spearheaded the new task force at a “goal-setting meeting” Wednesday in response to the Committee’s “unified desire to engage the community in a very serious way ... in a way we
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haven’t seen in recent years.” Nash said the task force aims to consolidate the visions and engagement efforts of each school represented by the Committee to provide a “unifying message and goal.” He said he hoped the new subcommittee would be “tremendously effective in centralizing and coordinating all efforts under the umbrella of the Honor Committee.” Mary Kidd, vice chair for education and third-year College student, said the task force aims to engage students by working with residence life to plan mock trials for first-year dormitories. Nash said the members of the engagement force plan to organize consistent, frequent events, such as an “honor beyond Please see Honor, Page A3
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