September 5, 2012

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Serving the University of Virginia community since 1890

The Cavalier Daily Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cloudy. High 85, Low 70

Volume 123, No. 7 Distribution 10,000

The University: from ’08 to ’12


Republican National Convention talking point prompts four-year reflection on developments By Katie Lewis and Abby Meredith

Cavalier Daily Senior Writers

Courtesy of In the Capital

The University has begun a renovation of the Rotunda’s roof and has covered the tops of the columns, mirroring other big changes that have taken place around Grounds in the past four years.

The Republican National Convention, which concluded last week in Tampa , directed national conversation to reflect upon the changes the country has undergone in the past four years; similarly, changes at the University affect the experiences of many. From budget freezes to changes in financial aid policies, from growing class sizes to construction around Grounds, the University too has experienced innumerable changes in the last four years. The 2008 financial crisis, which shook global financial markets,

had a significant impact on the University before President Barack Obama even took office. The Capital Campaign , a University fundraising drive to generate $3 billion that was originally expected to have been completed by now, saw giving fall sharply following the crash. Campaign commitments in fiscal year 2008 came in at only $216 million , compared to $309 million in the 2012 financial year, following a slow recovery process. “The recession of 2008 certainly affected philanthropic giving everywhere, but we’re grateful that giving to U.Va. Please see 2012, Page A2

Huguely trial leaves uncertain legacy University reforms Sexual Misconduct Policy, criminal activity disclosure requirements; students, advocacy groups question impact By Monika Fallon

Cavalier Daily Associate Editor Some students are concerned that policy changes implemented by the University in the two and a half years since former Uni-

versity student Yeardley Love was murdered by her ex-boyfriend George Huguely haven’t been as effective at making the community aware of the signs of relationship abuse as administrators intended.

The changes since the highprofile murder include revisions to the Sexual Misconduct Policy and procedure, as well as a new criminal disclosure requirement instructing students to inform the University of violations

if they are more grave than a minor traffic infringement. University administrators intended these changes to help victims of domestic violence deal with abuse after being victimized. Because Huguely showed signs

of alcohol abuse and violence before he shook Love to death during the spring of 2010, rules such as the criminal disclosure requirement are meant to be Please see Trial, Page A2

Election 2012

ID law to delay results

New voting policy takes effect Election Day, requires citizens show identification By Joseph Liss

Cavalier Daily Senior Associate Editor A Virginia voter identification law set to take effect this fall will likely have a limited effect on the election’s outcome, pundits say. But rules that delay the counting of provisional ballots until days after Election Day could create problems for campaigns and election officials in the commonwealth, which is shaping up to be a battleground state.

The new voter ID policy overrides former procedures that allowed a voter without identification to sign an affidavit swearing the truth of his identity. Instead such voters will submit provisional ballots. Citizens casting provisional ballots on Election Day will be required to submit a copy of acceptable identification by noon on the Friday after the race. The verification process would be most burdensome

to lower-income voters, who are less likely to have identification and are less able to take time off work to submit the appropriate documents after Election Day, said Valerie L’Herrou, chair of the Albemarle Country Democratic Party. The provisional ballot deadline may even cause fewer votes to be counted, L’Herrou said. Please see Vote, Page A2

Election 2012

Data courtesy of National Conference of State Legislatures

Virginia, along with many other states, introduced new voter ID legislation that changes the types of identification accepted at polling places.



DNC features youth issues Ambassadors to

finally made it to college, nearly all of our tuition came from student loans and grants,” she said. Former Gov. Tim Kaine, who is currently the Democratic candidate for Virginia’s open Senate seat, also spoke during the afternoon, emphasizing the importance of Virginia’s participation in the upcoming election. Virginia voted for Obama in 2008, but has otherwise not gone blue since 1964, he said. “A few years ago, few imagined that Virginia would be a battleground state,” Kaine said. “How did Virginia go from red Courtesy of Times Dispatch to purple? We did it with grassroots excitement and Higher education was a hot topic at the DNC Tuesday evening. hard work.” Virginia is expected to be The Democratic National dent Barack Obama’s reelecConvention kicked off last tion campaign, he told them one of the closest of the swing night from Charlotte, N.C. “you don’t even have to put states this fall and has been centrally targeted by both with appeals to youth voters pants on.” First Lady Michelle Obama, liberal and conservative canwho will likely prove central to the political conversation the night’s closing speaker , didates. Romney announced a d d r e s s e d t h e c r i p p l i n g his selection of Rep. Paul in the coming weeks. Kal Penn, comedian, former student loan debt the First Ryan as his running mate at White House staffer and the Couple faced when they were a rally in Norfolk , and the DNC’s host, earned a prime- first married , saying their president has made the state time spot last night to encour- combined student payments a priority for campaign stops age young adults to get out were larger than their mort- as well. —compiled by News Editor and vote. As further incentive gage. “When my brother and I Krista Pedersen to get involved with Presi-

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encourage tourism

Charlottesville City Council members met Tuesday evening and unanimously approved a Downtown Mall ambassador program — a scheme intended to curb recent downtown behavioral problems and to help welcome tourists to the area. The proposed plan would provide a resource for tourists who have questions while visiting the Charlottesville area and would also help ensure law enforcement. The pilot program is anticipated to fund four seasonal, paid ambassador positions and to cost about $80,000, which will come out of the City’s strategic investment fund. Despite complaints about recent juvenile behavior on the Downtown Mall, some residents said they worried that such a program could take the enforcement aspect too far. Community resident Nancy Carpenter expressed concerns that the pilot program could allocate police powers to the ambassadors. “I’m concerned that it’s a slippery slope to an abridgement of constitutional freedoms,” she said. Council member Dede Smith emphasized the importance of selecting the right people for the

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job. “I think that it’s absolutely critical who these people are and that they represent our community as a whole,” she said, even suggesting Council members take volunteer shifts themselves.. The program will begin this fall and is expected to be active in the fall and summer seasons.. Council also approved the proposed master plan for the east side of McIntire Park, which includes the relocation of the skate park and the removal of the golf course in the next four years. The revamped park will play a vital role in enhancing the Charlottesville community and serving as “the gateway to the city,” Council member Kathy Galvin said. To create more accessibility to the park for pedestrians, bikes and wheelchairs, the master plan also includes the construction of additional trails. After nine months of community involvement in the planning process, a draft was presented to the Council in July. Following adjustments, Council members engaged in a lengthy discussion of the plan’s specifics with each other and community members before approving the final version 4-1. —compiled by Emily Hutt

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