Serving the University of Virginia community since 1890
The Cavalier Daily Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunny. High 70, Low 43 See A3
Volume 123, No. 17 Distribution 10,000
CIOs receive less funding Council allocates organizations about $500,000; no carry-forward explains $100,000 reduction By Matt Comey
to allocate CIOs about $100,000 remaining from the previous year. This carry-forward from the 2010-11 school year increased the balance for CIO funding to around $600,000 said Michael Kozuch, assistant director for business services in Newcomb Hall. Neil Branch, the Student Council vice president for organizations, said in an email the situation will have a pronounced effect on funding larger, longterm expenses. “It is always important regardless of the financial numbers to be realistic with your allocations,” Branch said. “However, the current situation has me harder pressed to find where we can make cuts.” SAF funds are only allocated to CIOs after they have been used to fund Council’s fixed commitments such as Student Legal Services, the Off Grounds Housing Office, Madison House and other services. The amount allocated to these groups has stayed roughly
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer
Thomas Bynum | Cavalier Daily
Council has about $100,000 less to give to various student organizations around Grounds because of decreased remaining monies from the 2011-2012 academic year.
Funds available to Contracted Independent Organizations for 2012-13 through student activity fees have decreased by more than $100,000 from last academic year. Funding for CIOs is generated through the annual $44 student activities fee that every University student pays to fund various student initiatives and resources. CIOs receive about half of the revenue created from SAFs. Although SAFs generated about the same amount for CIOs as they did last academic year — almost $500,000 — this year, there was no funding carried forward from the previous year. “Every year, around April, you can get a sense for how much money has been used,” Christina Morell, associate vice president for student affairs, said. “Then you can estimate the amount of carry-forward — unspent monies — that will be available for the subsequent year.” Last year Council was also able
Please see Council, Page A3
Honor debuts website The new Honor Committee website is officially live, featuring easier access to its social media platforms and a new option to file a report or retraction online. “I’m personally really excited about it, because we really think it will give an accessible and informative face and front for the committee,” said Honor chair Stephen Nash, fourthyear College student. Plans to redesign the website began last year in an attempt to create a better interface with the student body than the previous site. “We felt that was the first thing that needed to change — just for basic communication,
we needed to improve our website,” Nash said. Fourth-year College student Anne Russell Gregory, Committee vice president for community relations, spearheaded the initiative to redesign the website. She worked alongside a third-party site designer, Brandon Wooten at Charlottesville-based company Creed Design. Where the old website featured links on the left hand leading to bodies of text, the new site includes upcoming events, recent news, educational supplements and quick links to file a report or retraction online. “We felt it was really impor-
tant to break the mold a little bit and make sure we were creating a website that truly accomplishes all the things we wanted to accomplish,” Nash said. The new site was launched in conjunction with honor’s current engagement campaign, which intends to promote student interaction with the honor representatives and the system. “I think anything we can do to move ourselves out of the fourth floor of Newcomb and into the lives of students is an important step and an important part of engagement,” Nash said. —compiled by Grace Hollis
Will Brumas | Cavalier Daily
The Honor Committee at Sunday night’s meeting announced a new website that allows students to report honor violations and file retractions online.
Foundation creates domestic violence app Be 1 For Change initiative helps victims, family members, professionals discover intimate partner aggression patterns By Joseph Liss
Cavalier Daily Senior Associate News Editor The One Love Foundation, which seeks to uphold the memory of former University student Yeardley Love, last week unveiled a new app to help identify the risk of intimate partner violence. Love was murdered by her
ex-boyfriend George Huguely, former University student and lacrosse player in May 2010. The One Love Danger Assessment Mobile App presents gay and straight men and women with a series of questions about their relationship. If their responses indicate they may be in danger, the app offers them national resources to contact
about intimate partner violence. “Most people who are in abusive relationships know something’s wrong, but they don’t know exactly what it is,” said Claire Kaplan, director of Sexual and Domestic Violence Services. “It helps you realize there is a pattern.” According to the app, warning signs include frequent fights,
to combat relationship violence that references Love’s former lacrosse jersey — number 1. Since victims themselves may not always realize they’re in a potentially dangerous relationship, the foundation designed the app so that potential victims’
violence, controlling nature and verbal abuse. The app was developed with the help of Jackie Campbell, a leading researcher on intimate partner violence at Johns Hopkins University, said foundation spokesperson Chris Daley. This initiative is part of the foundation’s broader “Be 1 for Change” campaign, an initiative designed
Please see One Love, Page A3
Council committees garner 368 applications Last year’s record-breaking recruiting season remains unbeaten, McDaniel cites inability to access Class of 2016 listserv By Joseph Liss
Number of Applications
Cavalier Daily Senior Associate News Editor
Meghan Luff | Cavalier Daily
Student Council received 368 applications this year for limited positions on 16 committees. Interviews will take place this week and applicants will be informed of their status Friday evening.
Student Council received 368 applications for positions on 16 different committees, 26 fewer than last year’s record-breaking fall recruitment. Council could not email out the Class of 2016 listerv this year, which third-year College student Eric McDaniel, Student Council’s director of University relations, said could potentially explain the decrease in applicants. Council was unable to meet with Virginia Carter, director of external communications, who has the ability to send emails to class listservs, until after the application period had ended. “This year students needed to take a more active interest,” McDaniel said. “Hopefully the applications coming in are more quality, [even] if we do not have the same quantity.” Council committees were look-
ing to add to their current rosters, which include members who have remained on the committees from previous years. Demographic information on committee applicants is not collected during the process, but Council surveys accepted applicants after it completes recruitment. This year Council reached out to the Minority Rights Coalition and transfer students to try to ensure that this year’s crop of applicants was from a wide range of University communities, McDaniel said. Fourth-year College student Sarah Steely, Council’s chief of cabinet, said chairs develop the central structure of their committee back in April, during the last round of Council recruitment. “The first years just provide this new, useful, really excited energy that adds to the commit-
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Please see Recruitment, Page A3