October 2, 2012

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Serving the University of Virginia community since 1890

The Cavalier Daily Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Showers. High 76, Low 63 See A3


Volume 123, No. 22 Distribution 10,000

University bids Wood farewell

Beloved media relations official departs following 17-year term, intends to telecommute until December By Krista Pedersen Cavalier Daily News Editor

Courtesy www.womanscenter.virginia.edu

University spokesperson Carol Wood will depart Charlottesville this week to join family in Birmingham, Ala. Wood will officially retire in January.

A single sheet of white, standard-sized paper with unadorned and purposeful type seemed out of place hanging on a door in the University’s centerpiece property. “2008 Resolution: Unless the Rotunda is on fire, we are out of here by 6 p.m.!” it read, with the “2008” crossed out and each successive year through 2012 handwritten and subsequently stricken down the side of the page. University spokesperson Carol Wood attributes the running joke to a lack of discipline in leaving

the office. This week, however, Wood leaves the office, and Charlottesville, behind for her new home in Birmingham, Ala. She plans to telecommute through December. The running joke is that Wood, so used to working, may have her toughest job yet in retiring. “I’ve never known nine to five,” Wood said in an interview at her home Sunday. When she arrived at the University, she and coworkers in public affairs would sometimes look around in the evening, surprised to find Please see Wood, Page A3

Faculty launch Trump buys local home charity campaign NEWS


Celebrity CEO purchases deceased billionaire’s Albemarle countryside mansion The Trump Organization , owned and operated by celebrity CEO Donald Trump, purchased Albemarle Mansion last week. The mansion in the Albemarle countryside belonged to entrepreneur and TV mogul John Kluge, who was worth $6.5 billion in March 2010. The property sold for $6.2 million, said Roger Voisinet, an associate broker at RE/MAX Realty Specialists. “John Kluge was the wealthiest man in the country at one point,” said Eric Trump , the Trump organization’s executive vice president for development and acquisitions. “There is no more beautiful piece of land than that piece of land anywhere in the country.”

After Patricia Kluge, Kluge’s first wife, lost the house to foreclosure, Bank of America repossessed it. The Trump Organization began incrementally purchasing the estate two years ago when it bought the front yard and the land surrounding the home, Trump said. “We were the first people who got in there,” he said. “After we bought that front yard, it almost made the notion of anyone else buying that house [impossible].” The land the organization purchased two years ago includes the largest winery east of the Mississippi. It has won awards for its wine and is a popular spot for weddings, which are already booked through next September

and October. The Trump Organization saw potential in the Charlottesville and Albemarle County area because of population growth driven by the University and because of the booming wine industry. “Wine is something very sexy that represents the brand very well,” Trump said. Kluge donated more than $63 million to the University. He helped fund the Medical School and Children’s Hospital. In 2001 he gave Morven Farm and a number of nearby farms to the University. The properties totaled nearly 7,400 acres and were then valued at $45 million. —compiled by Joseph Liss

University sets $750,000 fundraising goal; Virginia institutions partner, support 1,300 philanthropies

Thomas Bynum | Cavalier Daily

University faculty raised almost $1 million last year to support charitable organizations through the Community Relations Office, pictured above.

The Trump Organization purchased Albemarle Mansion last week. The property, formerly owned by TV mogul John Kluge, sold for $6.2 million.

By Alexander Stock Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

The University Monday launched its annual drive to raise money for the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign, a collective effort of Virginia public employees that aims to raise money for more than 1,300 charities worldwide. Last year University faculty raised $982,143 , a record for the campaign. This year the campaign is shooting for $750,000. “We are cautiously optimistic

Courtesy www.readthehook.com

[about reaching that target],” campaign spokesperson Jim Fitzgerald said. The University last year was the top contributor in Virginia. Sixty-five of the University’s departments last year boasted 100 percent participation rates, with 3,957 donors averaging about $250 each. The campaign looks to offer a safe way for individuals to donate without fears that their money will be used to fund non-charitable costs, Please see Commonwealth, Page A3

Sullivan to join City’s commerce board University president among eight nominees slated to enter chamber’s policymaking, financial decision-making governing body By Emily Hutt and Claire Fenichel

Cavalier Daily Associate Editor and Staff Writer University President Teresa Sullivan was among eight people nominated to the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors last week. The nominees are expected to be confirmed this month and will serve three-year terms starting Jan. 1. The Board spearheads the

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chamber’s policymaking and financial decisionmaking. The chamber aims to promote business and represent private enterprise in Charlottesville. The department has in the past supported businesses on the Downtown Mall, worked to develop the entrepreneurially focused Charlottesville Business Innovation Council and established economic development partnerships, the chamber’s president,

Timothy Hulbert, said in an email. The Board currently has 26 members but the terms of eight members are set to expire in January. Members of the current Board created a nominating committee to select Sullivan and the other nominees. The University is the largest member organization of the chamber. The Board in 2002

endorsed Virginia legislation that provided nearly $70 million for facilities projects at the University. Sullivan is eager to work with the Board and with Charlottesville businesses, University spokesperson Marian Anderfuren said. “The president certainly appreciates that the relationship between the University and business community is very deep and broad, and will wel-

come the opportunity to work more closely with the board on ways to elevate the entire region,” Anderfuren said in an email. Sullivan will have to balance the Board meetings with her many commitments as University president: administrative and planning responsibilities, as

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