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Moving to a cementless future for completions By utilising an innovative cementless technology Total were able to reduce risk and increase operational efficiency for their Moho North field in The Congo.


he cementing process that isolates the various down hole formation zones as well as firmly fixing the casing in place has been core to the completion process since it was first used over a century ago. Despite its maturation as a completing technology is still presents a myriad of challenges to operators which has led them to seek new and better ways for zonal isolations.


Oil & Gas Technology |

During the drilling process, you will have to do several tests to make sure that you have correct pressure and a nonleaking well. Cementing is central to the discussion of zonal isolation and well integrity because cement typically provides at least one barrier in a well and is a component of the barrier envelope or barrier system during well construction and the operational phases of the well.

Three cementing challenges in deepwater Part of the process of preparing a well for further drilling, production or abandonment, cementing a well is the procedure of developing and pumping cement into place in a wellbore. Most commonly, cementing is used to permanently shut off water penetration into the well. Part of the completion process of a prospective production well, cementing can be

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