In this issue:
- The new normal is digital
- Making Digital Transformation a Reality
- Challenges for growing biofuels sector
- A new view for oil and gas maintenance (assisted reality wearables)
- From zero to hero (automated tag management)
- Protecting pipelines against product loss
- Seven steps to completion heaven
- Winds of change (The North Sea Transition Deal)
- The changing face of asset management
- The investment dilemma
- Preserving innovation in the era of low oil demand
- Innovations in produced water management
- Decarbonising the energy sector
- Ensuring the seal for pipeline safety
- Slick data-centric approaches
- Gaining new value from inspection
- Succeeding with Digital Twins
- A new direction for directional drilling
- Wireless comes of age for gas detection
- What is the future of seismic imaging?
- Breathing life into brownfields
- Bringing the connected enterprise to life
- Solar powering the digital oilfield
- Considerations for oil and gas electrical connectors