This booklet is designed to be a step by
step guide on how to deliver archaeology
themed, hands-on, creative activities to
children and young adults. The Flow of
Time workshops have been designed to
encourage participants to think about
people and communities in the past, how
they would have lived and what objects
they would have created and used.
Using artefacts found at sites around the
Clyde and Avon Valley as inspiration we
have developed hands on learning
activities that will encourage discussion
around the particular objects, including
Celtic stone heads, Bronze Age pottery,
axes and moulds, Roman coins, cordage
and Iron Age beads.
This booklet will give a list of materials,
clear photographs and instructions
showing the correct methods for each of
the six different activities, as well as
information on health and safety
precautions. The booklet also has a section
at the back outlining some ideas for further
reading and places to visit to learn more
about the history of the Clyde and Avon