2017 Goddard Veterans Mural Commemorative Brochure

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FOR OUR TOMORROW February 14th, 2017 5:30 - 7:00 PM Robert H. Goddard High School 138-30 Lafayette Street Ozone Park, NY 11417 Frank Parga, Teaching Artist Ayla Rexroth, Teaching Artist Assistant Join the Conversation!




This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and Council Member Eric A. Ulrich.


About the Mural

These five large canvases honor the diversity, sacrifice and courage of veterans and their families who, “gave up their today for our tomorrow.� The original canvases will be on display at the St. Albans Community Living Center, a Veterans Affairs facility in Jamaica, Queens. Reproductions of the canvases will be used to beautify a local thoroughfare. The artwork was created by students from Robert H. Goddard High School as part of an after-school program that included apprenticeship component. Apprentices were guided by professional teaching artists from the initial concept development through the client presentation, to the final brush stroke and public unveiling. Along the way, they gained tangible employment and life skills such as leadership, teamwork, responsibility and the power of taking initiative. They are empowered by the enduring accomplishment in their work of art and its positive impact on the community.

About Creative Art Works

Creative Art Works is creative youth development organization that empowers young people through the visual and multimedia arts. Our programs equip children, teens and young adults with essential tools and skills; connect them with community, academic success and career opportunities; and inspire them to reach for new possibilities. Students and apprentices learn valuable technical and developmental skills while creating profound connections between themselves, their art and their communities.

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Andrew Reyes

John Mistretta

Alexiss Chimbo

Gabriella Monte

Cindy Thaman


Taylor DiMaria

Ayla Rexroth Teaching Artist Assistant

Ashmaine Sukhoo

Erica Fairfull, Art/Media Department Chair

Jordan Genetski

Tajmattie Bindesh

Malena Baramdeo

Frank Parga, Teaching Artist

Julia Browne Gabriela Serrano

Ashley Cruz

Anisa Purai

Sarah Singh


Cindy Thaman My mother has had the greatest impact on who I am. She has struggled to raise me as a single parent. That is why I decided to join this program, so I could show her that her hard work is starting to pay off. I enjoyed working with everyone because it allowed me to think outside the box. I think we should continue to pay respect toward veterans because they sacrifice their today for our tomorrow. I’ve never really considered myself an artist, because I often compared my work to others; however, through this program, I’ve learned to be more confident in my work and that it’s okay to take risks, because they might just lead you into something as great as this.

Julia Browne I never expected to make so many friends and gain the experience I have from this project. My art skills have flourished from barely being able to draw a stick figure to being able to put a simple idea into a large mural. I applied for this job because I wanted to be a part of something that would enhance my neighborhood, but I also learned a lot about veterans. A lot of veterans go through PTSD, depression, and other mental illnesses. My view on them has changed drastically. I realized that veterans go through a lot of hardships other than fighting in wars. This had influenced my future career choice, which is to be a psychologist. 6

Malena Baramdeo Art has always, and will always, be an interest of mine. As a child, I was drawing or coloring any chance I was given. This year, I decided to challenge myself by taking AP Studio Art, which has advanced my techniques. I’ve always challenged myself, and this mural project is another way for me to do so. My older brother is an army veteran and he is one of the reasons why I wanted to work on this mural. Veterans are often not given the respect and gratitude they deserve for putting their lives at risk for the nation’s safety. Completing this mural is a way of showing veterans that there are people who appreciate what they risk for our protection.

Tajmattie Bindesh Being a student in such a competitive world at a time of mutual misunderstanding and uncertainty can by terrifying. However, your method of finding serenity in the midst of chaos shapes the person you will become, and the exquisite beauty of art can vanquish any anger. Art had never really influenced the way I see the world; however, this experience has altered my perspective of art as well as veterans. It also gave me the chance to cooperate with others and build a professional bond. The fact that we could listen to songs from the 90s to contemporary rap, sing along with every word, and still able to work as team, made me realize how much I appreciated this experience. I wish it was not temporary. 7

Jordan Genetski As a freshman, this was an amazing opportunity to collaborate with older and more experienced grades and instructors. It was great participating with my peers to create a mural honoring veterans, especially one that the public will be able to view and appreciate. The most important part about this mural is that everyone contributed ideas to make it personal. We embraced all races and ethnicities and the mural reflects the diversity of our community. The mural was designed to make sure something new would be discovered with every glance and everyone will interpret it differently. I am so proud of our progress and happy to have been included in this experience.

Ashley Cruz I aspire to pursue a career in the medical field, specifically on the pediatric path. The most important people in my life are my family – without their encouragement, support and unconditional love, I would be nowhere. Prior to working on this mural, I had always been timid about showing my artwork to people, but now I have learned so many new techniques and gained a lot of confidence in my ability to make great artwork. I have made so many great friends and so many good memories. I have also developed a lot of respect for what veterans experience. I am immensely proud of this project and the title of artist that I now hold. 8

John Mistretta I’ve always wanted to see how it was to have a job involving art, whether as a tattoo artist or a muralist. This project helped me to see myself as an artist, because I feel like I can take an idea and bring it to life. My attitude about veterans has most definitely changed. I’ve learned how much they sacrificed and how much they want to protect our country, so I have much more respect for them now. I am very involved in my school. As a member of the National Honor Society, I get to do many things, like help the PTA and give presentations at school orientations. It makes me more than happy when my family and the people I love are happy.

Anisa Purai I’ve grown very fond of art within the last three years. Art lets me express myself in this tough journey through self-discovery. In the future, I aspire to take a profession as an art director. I want to combine the perfect balance of marketing and art to create concepts that are visually attractive. The mural itself has great significance to me, because I feel that veterans should be more recognized for their sacrifice and their dedication. The most important people in my life – my best friends and close relatives, have helped and supported me in the process of this program and for that I am eternally grateful.


Taylor DiMaria I am still trying to figure out who I am, but as of right now, I’m a girl who spends her free time drawing, watching movies, and reading the newest books. My family and friends are extremely important to me and encourage me to fulfill my dream of becoming an animator. This experience has allowed me to expand my range as an artist by collaborating with others to create one image to honor our veterans. Veterans devote themselves entirely to our country and creating this mural was a way for me to pay my respect. This experience has allowed me to grow as an artist and learn from my peers. I am grateful for being able to work with such passionate people.

Gabriela Serrano I’ve always loved art, for example sketching and just being creative. Someone’s creativity can be interpreted in different ways, and that’s the most interesting thing about art. This program has helped me grow as an artist and to come out of my comfort zone and work as a member of a team. Art is not only sketching and painting, it also includes music and dance; similarly, working as a group and combining all our ideas into one is also a kind of art. I’ve made great friends along the way, and I feel this mural is going to come out perfectly, just the way we imagine it would be.


Ashmaine Sukhoo With college being so near in the future, I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to achieve in life. Art and design have been a great interest of mine for as long as I can remember. I can finally show my love for art to others through the completion of this mural. Having the opportunity to join the Creative Art Works team really impacted the way I see myself as an artist. Before starting this program, I was not as confident in my artwork as I am now. I have learned many new skills throughout the weeks that I can use in the future. Working on a canvas of such great size has really pushed me to go beyond what is expected.

Andrew Reyes I would love to become a psychologist to help people become emotionally and mentally healthy. My role in my community is to help people in my school feel safe and welcomed. I have experienced so many emotions while painting this mural with my fellow co-workers. I met new people from my school that I’ve never had a conversation with and I’m grateful for my new friends. While I personally don’t have a connection with veterans, this job helped my realize veterans should be respected more. Veterans don’t get enough recognition on how hard their job is. I am grateful for this wonderful experience, because it really benefited me in so many ways. 11

Sarah Singh One of my favorite things to do in my spare time is draw. I want to become a registered nurse because I have the ability to help people get through their daily difficulties. Community is all about peace and taking care of each other, so I often contribute to my Queens neighborhood by helping in nearby parks, schools, and even the stores. I associate with many people, because they are always surrounded with positivity, which makes me feel more happy and motivated to connect to more people. Artistic inspiration elevates the lives of many people. It was an absolutely phenomenal experience contributing to this mural along with each and every person on this team.


Alexiss Chimbo I am 17-years-old and a senior. I’ve always have had a great passion for art and fashion. One of my career goals is to become a fashion designer and, hopefully, one day create my own global clothing brand. All this inspiration to become a fashion designer came from my interest in art. I never really knew any veterans or anything about them before I joined this program, but through research and brainstorming I’ve come to understand the significance of being a veteran. From this program I’ve learned many new art techniques, and opened my mind up to new opportunities for my future. I’m grateful that I was able to be a part of this experience.

Gabriella Monte Being in the last year of high school has broadened my horizons of what I plan to do with my future. With college being right at my doorstep, it’s good to take new opportunities so I can understand who I am as a person. This program allowed me to develop a better and different way of painting. I learned new techniques, such as gridding, which made me a better artist. I like to paint and draw in my free time, because it is relaxing. When I can’t find the words to say exactly what I am thinking, I can do it through drawing. I can share my feelings through art without saying a single word, but it can have all the meaning in the world.


Frank Parga, Teaching Artist Frank received his BFA at the University of Texas at El Paso and an MFA in Studio Art from NYU. He is a Teaching Artist with Lincoln Center, Creative Arts Works and the Brooklyn Arts Council, working on various mural projects and creative workshops. Frank has been the recipient of multiple fellowships and residencies, including the Jacob Lawrence Foundation’s Visual Harlem Grant Program. He was selected as Resident Artist for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Residency at the Woolworth Building and later received the Weir Farm Trust Residency in Wilton, CT. as well as the Joshua Tree National Park Artists Residency, CA. His work has been shown internationally.


Ayla Rexroth, Teaching Artist Assistant Ayla is an artist living and working in Brooklyn. She earned her BFA from the Kansas City Art Institute in 2010 and in the same year founded the Subterranean Gallery; an underground apartment gallery in Kansas City, Missouri. Subterranean continues to serve the local artistic community under new direction. Ayla received her MFA from Hunter College in 2016 showing paintings, sculptures, and fiber works as part of her design solution storefront. Her work is held in the collections of the Europa Museum of Art and the Schengen Peace Foundation.

Erica Fairfull, Art/Media Department Chair Erica has been teaching high school visual art for the past 12 years. She founded the visual arts program at Goddard High School, which has expanded to include digital art and AP studio art. Erica graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Fashion Institute of Technology in 2003 with a BFA in Illustration. She recieved her Masters in Art Education from Adelphi Universtiy in 2005. In her free time, Erica works in her home studio, which she shares with her twin boys, her cat, and her husband, who is an art teacher and a tattoo artist. Her work is a mix of illustration and collage. She exhibits at art shows and events in New York City and the surrounding area. 15

“We think it is important to honor our veterans from all branches of the military, because they gave up their privileges so we could keep ours. It is also important to pay respect to the families of our veterans, because it is not easy to let go of a loved one. It takes a lot of courage to voluntarily put yourself in a situation even though you are aware of the risks and dangers. In other words, our veterans gave up their today for our tomorrow.” Excerpted from the student design presentation

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