Catalogue Cervelo 2012 P-Series

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!"#$%&'()#(*) "+,) !"#&)-"./.&,0 Cervélo Triathlon/Time trial bicycles have won more pro races than any other, and they are by far the most popular bicycles at Ironman and time trial events for athletes of all levels. Boasting revolutionary designs developed through our extensive testing, Cervélo has become the most copied TT bicycle in history.

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!1,2,!'3)0%#4,0 ! "#$%&'()*!()+,#)*-!'#!*#./+!0+(%1! ! Cervélo!2-/-!'3/!)0/(*!-3(4/!,#+!/5/+6!7#.!8#$0)')#$!,+#9!'3/! TrueAero™ shape library.

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5+#!$6#&&3 ! :/! 42'! 9#+/! 9('/+)(*! #$! '3/! -)0/-! #,! '3/! '2;/-! )$8*20)$%! strips of ultra-high modulus carbon to enhance side-to-side stiffness for better handling and power transmission. At the same time we reduce material elsewhere for greater comfort and lower weight. 7($,!(#&)8#9&,)5$'40)785: ! <#! 3#2-)$%! )$-)0/! '3/! ,+(9/! ,#+! 8+)-4/+! -3),')$%! ($0! =>>%! less weight. ! ?3/!)$'/%+('/0!'#4!'2;/!(0@2-'/+!(**#.-!#$&'3/&76!-3),'!A$/&'2$)$%1! ! B!A+-'!,#+!($!)$'/+$(*!8(;*/!-6-'/91

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Track Bicycles Superior stiffness for sprints and the best aerodynamics for pursuit events–all at low weights previously unheard of on the track. Our track bicycle delivers performance whatever the discipline or your performance level.


The aluminum T1 is quickly changing perceptions of what a world class track frame should be. While over 500 grams lighter than most wellknown carbon track frames, its torsional and bottom bracket stiffness surpass all others.

T4 The T4 is based on the P4 design – with changes to improve its performance and optimize it for track use. The bottom bracket gusset boosts the overall stiffness, and lowers the aerodynamic drag. Also the carbon layup was tuned using Project California technology to further boost lateral and torsional stiffness to meet the heavy demands of track racing. This bicycle is ideal for timed events, but often used for sprint and mass-start events too.

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