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R-series !"#$%&'()#%*(+,-.-&/0 R-series bicycles are engineered to optimize strength, stiffness and comfort, while offering low weight in every situation. Whether you are sprinting for victory, or climbing the highest cols, an R-series bicycle offers the best collaboration of our Project California engineering. The Smartwall™ optimized second generation Squoval™ tubes place material where it is needed most, and remove it where it is not. This not only allows us to increase stiffness, but maintains maximum comfort in all conditions. With four different Cervélo R-series !"#"$%&' ()' "*))&%' +,)-.' #)/' 0,%' 1/0,02(%%3' ()' 423' 0' 56/)70$8' bicycle which meets your needs, but exceeds your expectations. 12#3/-4(5%&,6#27,%(8/-97#&#:. 9' :$$';<&%,!%&' !"#"$%&' %2%4('+,)-'(*%'$%&&)2&'$%0,2%3'!2'=,)>%"('?0$!+),2!0@ ;&42%<49,7(0/%4(04%.0 9' A*%' &%")23' 1%2%,0(!)2' ;<&%,!%&' +,0-%&' +%0(/,%' %7%2' (*!22%,' seat stays than before further enhancing vertical compliance and vibration absorption for a smooth ride. ,7:&/(=/7*(-%=&/(2#"4,7: 9' B2%' "/,7%.' !2' )2%' C$02%.' D!(*' (*%' C%,+%"(' ,03!/&' 023' 3!,%"(!)2' eliminates friction and ensures smooth, crisp shifting in all conditions. ++2,:94' 9' Oversized axle and wider bottom bracket on the non-drive side provides an asymmetric, stiffer and lighter bottom bracket system. To learn more, go to BBright.net
5/2$>&#(#?4,@,A/*(B3/8C(4%?/2/*(04//2/2(4"=/ 9' There are several standards for the fork’s lower bearing diameter, and it might seem obvious as we push the limits of rigidity and low weight, that bigger should be better. However, Project California research showed that if the fork gets too big, it becomes too stiff to absorb enough energy. Excess energy then gets transferred to the frame, requiring additional material for adequate strength, while increasing weight and reducing comfort. Project California analysis and testing showed that 1E/8” bearing is the optimum: ' &(!++' %2)/1*' +),' (*%' -)&(' 011,%&&!7%' *023$!21.' /(' >/&(' F%G! $%' enough for comfort and energy absorption without adding excess weight. In fact, since Cervélo developed this optimum combination of stability, strength and comfort, it has quickly become the new industry standard. @%24D%&&' 9' H%'C/('-),%'-0(%,!0$')2'(*%'&!3%&')+'(*%'(/ %&.'!2"$/3!21'&(,!C&' of ultra-high modulus carbon, to enhance side-to-side stiffness for better handling and power transmission. At the same time we reduce material elsewhere for greater comfort and lower weight. /-#7*(E/7/2%4,#7( !"#$%&' 9' 56/0,%,' (/ %&' *07%' -),%' -0(%,!0$' +0,' +,)-' (*%' +,0-%' "%2(%,' plane to increase side-to-side stiffness. 9' ?)27%G' D0$$&' I' ,)/23%3' "),2%,&' !-C,)7%' (),&!)20$' &(!++2%&&' I' prevent denting and buckling. 9' A*%' ,%&/$(J' 0' &(!++.' &(,)21' 023' $!1*(' (/ %' %21!2%%,%3' &C%"!4"0$$#' for bicycle loads.
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