Test Draft: Caya! Spring Issue 2015

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CAYA! Community Action is Youth Action!

Spring Issue

63 Reasons to


7 Powerful People You Should Know

Girl Fights. Ending the Trend

7 Reasons Why You Loved the 2014 Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Sports Awards

Stay Beach Ready!

10 Beautiful Beach Bodies CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg.


Hello Hello Readers! As a maturing adult woman, I still believe in the power of play. Play for me is the action of PLACING LIFE

AROUND YOU. When you play, you are taking your soul and placing it in an environment where you are welcoming new ideas, new adventures, new people, and new dreams into your life.

Play is super impactful, and extremely beneficial to a child’s early development. And as we grow from childhood, to adolescence, and into adulthood, play continues to mold our personalities, and shape our lives. We seek new thrills, we bounce around and build on ideas in the work place, and we venture out to network and secure lasting relationships with our peers. CAYA! is a leisure play service built to motivate the nation’s young teens, encourage action in our children, and give refreshing hope to all. The CAYA! philosophy is that Community A ction is Y outh Action, and play is where it starts! By placing life around me, CAYA! was formed, and I can only hope that what drives me to play, inspires you as well.

If you don’t already, always remind yourself to:

Play Hard. Keep Focused. And Have Faith. My name is Mycaiah Camile, and this is my creative peace. Visit www.mycaiahcamile.com to find out more about myself and the CAYA! brand. Articles written by Mycaiah Camile Clemons ©Mycaiah Clemons 2015

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DE I would like to officially introduce you to the CAYA! mini mag, one of my 2015 Creative Projects! CAYA! is all about play, and I thought it would be fun to demonstrate how play, and creative thinking, can transform simple ideas, into actual physical products, or solutions.

PG 30

For the past year, I’ve played around with this idea of a magazine concept that was all about African American health, and action; which featured national, and community play and fitness events, celebrity fitness figures, athletes, and everyday people who believe in the power of play and staying active. Another purpose of this creative magazine project, CAYA! , is to shed added light on the fitness movement in the African American culture, especially amongst women, to highlight the need to bring back play and physical activity within our African American families, and communities, and simply to express myself, and my brands creatively. I want to thank everyone who participated in this project. Without you this wouldn’t have come to life as magnificently as it did!

PG 50

It’s been a long time coming so I hope you all like the finished product. Now is the Time.

To Live Life to the Fullest.

To Dare to Take the Chance of a Lifetime.


To Do it Right. PG 16

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Questions To Ask Yourself


I started this journey, my life’s journey of entrepreneurship, in a imbalanced state of mind and body. I wasn’t checking myself daily to make sure I was taking care of my mental and spiritual health, along with my physical health. So with the added stress of starting a non-profit (KidsKardio Inc.), and the feeling of defeat (when I had reached an obstacle I could not over come) I began to seriously unravel. I had unraveled to the point that I ran out of rope, and hit rock bottom. It was then, in that state of desperation, and depression, that I had to take a hard look at how I was managing my spirit. I started asking myself four questions daily to help me re-build my mind, body, and soul, and to re-gain the confidence in my myself that I needed in order to experience a life full of self-wealth, and abundance.

1. What’s in my cup? One thing that I started doing was drinking hot green tea, with lemon and honey, either at breakfast or before bed. I used it as a calming agent. Something to center my thoughts. Also, I cut down on an extreme amount of my alcohol intake.

2. What’s on my plate? What I ate was never a problem of mine. I always ate clean. Fruits, veggies, lean protein, very little red meat, and of course my pasta! But what I noticed was I wasn’t eating enough, or consistently. I made it a point to begin eating no less than three solid meals a day, and if I was able, two snacks. I also made sure I was eating healthy portions, so that I could keep my weight on and my muscle strong!

3. What’s on my mind? Positive thoughts. Working on your personal (mental/emotional) development is just as important as working on your physical appearance and your career. Furthermore, feeding your spiritual appetite is just as important as feeding your physical body. I suggest developing these three habits that helped me really come out of the dark: 1. Cut out the crap! Read inspiring and motivating publications, and memes you see on social media, that align with your spirit, 2. Come up with affirmations that will remind you of how great you already are, and acknowledges the abundance of wealth you already live with, 3. Take time out daily to pray and mediate on the things that bring love and laughter to your soul, and to your life!

4. What’s on my to do list? It’s important to organize your priorities, and write out your daily action plans. Just make sure you leave space on that list for “Me” time and “Wheee!” time! CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 5

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The Future of

Fitness: Fashion

Fitness & Fashion Looking good is a part of feeling good! When embarking on your fitness, or athletic, journey you encounter new challenges while embracing the new you. What you wear can bring that “do or die” motivation you may need to get you up out of the bed, and go that extra mile. Or maybe you just want to look good when you practice and compete, while you work out, or even afterwards when you are out eating, or shopping.

There are a lot of new (as I like to call them) “athletic-fit” fashion brands being developed by young men and women. While the fitness industry grows, and America pushes for a healthier way of living, this wave creates opportunities for individuals who love fashion to find their big break in the industry. Fashion definitely has it’s place in athletics and fitness, and these young entrepreneurs are developing brands to go up against big guns like Nike and Under Armor. It is important that we support the change, and the challenge of fighting obesity in America, as a culture, and industry. If looking good helps us to feel good, let’s transform the mind by dressing the body!

The Future of Fitness Fashion Lines: Devon Lyons and Beyond Phenom Fashion fit for a champion, Devon Lyons started the Beyond Phenom athletic wear line in 2011. Beyond Phenom provides “unique compression garments” in a line complete with tanks, tees, tights, socks, and bras! The infamous bulls eye branding logo gives a new meaning to putting a target on your back as you go beyond to reach the top! What’s really special about the Beyond Phenom line is that it is customizable! Schools, sports teams, and fitness centers can design their gear to match their teams color and mascots. Let’s not forget the fitness fanatic who can customize their own unique bulls eye compression gear to wear during their big marathon race! Either way, Beyond Phenom is a fitness brand on the rise and ready to take on your fitness and athletic needs! Customize your gear by logging on to www.beyondphenom.com. CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 8

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Fitness: Fashion

The Future of Fitness Fashion Lines: Draya Michelle and Fine Ass Girls FitMe Draya Michelle has made a name for herself in the fashion industry with her clothing line Fine Ass Girls, and her own personal style. She brings the sex, and the sexy, in her sleek looks, and you can see that fashion flare in her new test run FitMe fitness wear line. The FitMe line is every day simple, yet alluring for those women with a high sense to be fashionable while getting fit. You can find more of the FitMe line at www.fineassgirls.com.

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Fitness: Fashion

The Future of Fitness Fashion Lines: Rosa Acosta and Body by Rosa Rosa Acosta always had her eyes set on a career in fitness. Now she is setting the pace for wearable fitness gear with her clothing line Body by Rosa. Body by Rosa is full of character. It is fresh, exciting, and comfortable. It is playful, colorful, and cool. It’s diverse, and appealing to all ages, from tweens, to 30 something's. The women love it, and the guys dig it. The prices are competitively affordable too. Shop more Body by Rosa online at www.cossamia.com.

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Fitness: Training

FREE Yourself from the WEIGHT It gets heavy sometimes! The financial strain that comes with gym memberships. The weight you carry in excess body fat. The gym equipment you struggle to lift after two sets. Fitness Coach, Nic B, really knows how to build your perfect body without all the excess weight. You can follow Nic B. @GetFitWitNic online, as she shows us body weight exercises we can do virtually anywhere.

Standing resisted band straight leg lifts.

Set your body into a slanted pushup positon. As you push up go into a single straight leg lift. Switch legs each time.

Resisted arm curls.

Working Squats. Place your arms straight out. Go down into the squat position and hold for 5 seconds before coming up.

Resisted Squats with double arm extension over

Set your body into a slanted plank positon. As you hold, perform a bent leg lift,. Switch legs after 10. CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 12

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December 11, 2011- April 16, 2014

“Maiyanna Marie Antoinette Clemons-McCarthy, with her amazing will and strength was a silent leader who showed everyone that she encountered how to love. Even those who never met her were captivated by her pictures and beautiful spirit. Maiy taught us all to fight gracefully, no matter what we are facing.” -www.maiysmiracle.org

Visit www.maiysmiracle.org to hear Maiyanna’s story and to join the fight for a cure! CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 15


Reasons for Play! Play is everything to me. It is how I make friends, build on love, and it is what fuels my career. I can fill your mind with text book explanations as to why play is important for our children, and our communities. But anyone can look that information up, and I encourage you too. I’ll even leave some really good articles, and write-ups I’ve found in my research on the benefits of play on my website www.mycaiahcamile.com. For today, though, as you are reading this, I want to share with you what I believe play to be. It’s important to understand what play means for me, so that I can share that understanding with children, to help them learn what play can mean for them as well. 1. Play is essential for the positive up bringing of our children.

18. Play is laughter of the body.

2. Play is uplifting for the spirits of the young.

20. Play is beneficial to a child learning to communicate and listen to others.

19. Play is magic of the mind.

3. Play is instrumental in the development of social skills.

21. Play is knowledge of risk and reward.

4. Play is exciting for the lives of our little ones.

10. Play is rejuvenating to the body and mind.

5. Play is refreshing when all a child knows is chaos and the heavy burden of their home life.

11. Play is living life on your own terms.

6. Play is empowering for the self-esteem of growing children. 7. Play is education on the move. 8. Play is the easiest way for a child to accomplish a goal. 9. Play is the best way for children to learn themselves how to overcome obstacles.

12. Play is inspiring 13. Play is healthy when done often. 14. Play is safe for children who want to express themselves without repercussions. 15. Play is welcoming. 16. Play is powerful. 17. Play is exercise for the imagination.

22. Play is thrilling when pushed to the fullest. 23. Play is a Sunday afternoon in a flower meadow. 24. Play is a summer evening around the ice-cream truck. 25. Play is relaxing for a hyper child. 26. Play is the difference between a happy and fulfilled child or an angry, deprived one. 27. Play is bicycle races before the street lights come on.

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Pictures on this page are from 2014 Ultimate Play Day by the Playful Pittsburgh Collaborative.

28. Play is enchanting.

41. Play is liberating.

51. Play is theatrical.

29. Play is spontaneous.

42. Play is independence.

52. Play is rhythmic.

30. Play is enticing and inviting.

43. Play is freedom.

53. Play is inventive.

31. Play is crucial to the development of childhood dreams and aspirations.

44. Play is creative.

54. Play is knowing who you are and believing who you can be.

32. Play is centered around peace and happiness.

45. Play is problem solving and decision making. 46. Play is strategic.

55. Play is believing in the unseen and exploring the unknown.

33. Play is engaging.

56. Play is fear pushed aside.

34. Play is inner expression in the physical form.

57. Play is invigorating. 58. Play is life changing

35. Play is adventurous. 36. Play is innovative.

59. Play is excelling at accepting that life is what you make it.

37. Play is explorative.

60. Play is comprehensive.

38. Play is endless opportunity for healthy engagement and socialization for adults and children. 39. Play is about building bonds with others. 40. Play is creating meaningful childhood memories.

47. Play is thinking outside the box.

61. Play is eccentric

48. Play is entertainment for the soul.

63. Play is Placing Life Around You!

50. Play is a child’s right of passage into adulthood, and an adults, right of passage to everlasting youthfulness.

Play is a little love

62. Play is apart of growing up.

shining through!

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Girl Fights. Ending the Trend in the Gym. Worldstar Hip-hop, and Reality TV has been showing girls beating up on each other for years, and it seems it has our young girls thinking fighting solves all conflict. However, if fighting is what our girls think is “just,” what would happen if we took those skills, and energy, and redirected it to something positive.

Fitness Boxing. Why not give them more outlets to release this pent up anger, and aggression in a supervised and coachable environment. Fitness boxing is becoming a popular gym time activity, even amongst celebrities like Angela Simmons and Jennifer Lopez. And of course, exercising regularly has many benefits for young children, and girls, in regards to their health, education, and social esteem. Here’s 8 1.

Releases stress


Great cardio


Strengthens core


Strengthens the mind


Creates feminine toughness


Develops athleticism


Invokes discipline


Practices patience

I report on this to say, it’s important to acknowledge the negative behaviors of our youth, and turn them into healthy life lessons. Lessons they can utilize and grow from throughout the duration of their life’s development. Think about it, let’s say gun violence. Have you even though of taking boys to a gun range, showing them the proper uses of guns, talking to them about the dangers, and the safety habits of gun users, and letting them release their trigger happy urges in a secure and supervised environment? Talking “serious ramifications” of negative behaviors in a hands on manner, could potentially change the way of living inside our communities. I mean, who could it hurt?

Pictured: Angela Simmons

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Trey Songz Shows the Sexy in Football and Fitness Music artist and athletes have always had this love-love relationship when it comes to status and career. Usually between the male artists and male athletes. But leave it to my husband, Trey Songz, to do the honors and pay tribute to the toughness, and sexy, of the female athlete! He first “popped the cherry” with his “Hail Mary” video, off the Chapter V Album, in 2012, which featured the Philadelphia passion lingerie football team. Which, I might add, featured my former University of Pittsburgh track and field teammate, Shanae Thomas. With teams across the country, the Lingerie Football League, is a full on contact sport, that once aired on the popular MTV2 station. Another recent video by Songz, that brought the sensual side of fitness and sports, is the “Na Na” video from his Trigga Album, which featured Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Manko Fit, fitness model and ballerina dancer, Rosa Costa, and the WWE Bella Twins.

Filming the video with these women, required Trey to amp up his own workouts to keep pace with the choreographed, workout routines. In both videos, Trey managed to show the athleticism of the women featured. That is what I most respect about his work. He made “harsh” male dominated sports, like boxing and football, look appealing to women and sexy to men. I’m sure his sexy voice had, nothing, to do with it. Now I could be wrong, but I feel that these displays of feminine athleticism has upped the level of “body” that video models should “bring” in this line of work. The feeling is that artist are now less likely to feature women with “big ole sloppy booties” that wiggle and waggle like a cow bell, and are showcasing women who are healthy, classy, and strong in build. It’s encouraging for me as an athlete, to see that music artist are attracted to, and find sexy, the athletically-fit female body. A body type that once carried the stigma of being too manly, and “not very lady like”.

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Why You Should Have Loved the

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I am a sucker for events!

Especially events that are high energy, playful, and full of spontaneous action! An event that touches the heart of a child, and brings out the child like heart of an adult! If you like your events, like you like your drinks mixed, and refreshing, then you loved the Nickelodeon's 1st Annual Kids’ Choice Sports Awards. Here are 7 reasons why: 7. America’s sweetheart, Michael Strayhan, hosted the event . 6. It was attended by some of the sports world’s most beloved athletes, actors, actresses,

and musicians.

5. Pre-event festivities of games and entertainment, created the most magical memories for the children who attended, especially if they made those memories with their families.

4. The musical performances from artist like, Pharrell Williams, made you happy!

3. Marshawn Lynch experienced some major slime time on stage!!!

2. They made it a family affair!

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1. THE BEST of the

WERE SIMPLY CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 22


LOVE! CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 23

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The Best Go Beyond.

USA 200m Sprinter, Cambrya Jones,

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YOU SHOULD KNOW! I’ve been keeping up with some cool kids, as they embark on their own passion driven journeys into career and adulthood! I got a chance to talk with some of them. I truly must say, they are all heart and inspiration! CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 30


Joy Taylor To kick us off, I talked with a woman who truly is remarkable. Recently awarded with Barry University's Rising Star Award, Joy Taylor is the Host of The Zaslow and Joy Show, weekday mornings on FM 104.3 The Ticket Miami WAXY. She works as a host on CBS Sports.com and is the editor, and chief of her sports blog, SidelineHype.com. In 2014 the Miami Dolphins gave her a food item at Sun Life Stadium in Miami, The Joy Burger! She is an avid sports fan, and rightfully so being a former NCAA scholarship Track & Field athlete, the sister of former Miami Dolphin Jason Taylor and finance to a former professional baseball player. I asked Joy what's it been like climbing the ladder in a male dominated industry, and she says, “My journey in this industry hasn't been very different from most of the males I work with. The industry requires that you "pay your dues." Whether that is school, internships, producing, etc. or coming in to the industry with another set of skills, for example, being a former player or coach. I started as intern and worked for free for several years before getting an opportunity as a producer. I worked several jobs to support myself because the pay is low in the early years in this business. The industry is dominated by males, but I've always had the mentality that I belong, so I haven't allowed that to hinder my success. I think women in sports get caught in certain categories or clichés. I have always been of the mindset that you have to be better, not the same, in order to get opportunities. I've certainly had situations where people have over looked me for jobs because I'm a woman or underestimated me, been disrespectful or inappropriate. You have to be bigger than those moments, this industry is not for the soft or sensitive. “

Women are naturally thought of as soft, and sensitive, but do you think woman have more of a presence in sports than before? “Women definitely have more of a presence in sports than in years past. The idea of the woman as a sports fan has become more mainstream and women have proven to be knowledgeable, responsible and talented in the sports industry.” Men can be either good to you or bad to you, what's it like working with mostly men on set, or at the radio station? “I enjoy working with men. I have brothers and my interactions with the men I work with aren't difficult. I don't view my male counterparts as different than me and in turn, they treat me the same.” With those guys, you have to have created a lot of fond memories. What has been your favorite moment of your career to date? “My favorite moment has been broadcasting from Radio Row at the Super Bowl CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 31

last year in New York City. The room was full of energy and it was great to interact with some of the industry legends and be involved in the biggest event in America sports.” I’m surprised you didn’t say your interview with Donald Trump! I’m curious to know, what was your experience like interviewing him back in the days when you hosted for Class Act Sports, and Generation Nexxt. “Donald is a character, he was everything I expected. He is a pro and is great with the media.” Has Jason's career been something of motivation for you to start your own career in the sports arena? “Jason has always been a great role model for me and his career has obviously influenced my involvement in sports. My time with him during his career has given me a unique perspective on sports at every level.”

He works as a sports broadcaster, too, now that he's retired. Does he give you tips, or share information with your appearances on screen? “I actually think I give him more tips than he gives me! We talk about the big stories in sports often and since I host a show 5 days a week, I tend to be more saturated in the topics and am able to give stronger opinions on the talk show.” A couple summers ago, we were talking about your past relationship, and your experience with domestic abuse. And last year, a private issue has now become public for you. I need to know, what emotions did you feel when you went on air on MSNBC with Al Sharpton and News Max Today to talk about the Ray Rice situation, and shared with everyone that you yourself have dealt domestic abuse? “The situation with Ray Rice was very

emotional for me. During the whole controversy I had anxiety having to discuss it and hear the response from people and listeners who didn't know my experiences with Domestic Violence. I decided to write a blog about it after people began attacking Janay Rice about her Instagram post. I felt compelled to explain some of the emotions and issues that I felt she was being faced with, being a victim of Domestic Violence. I am very glad I shared my story because it helped to spread awareness and educate many of my listeners to the reality of the issue.” Definitely a difficult situation to go through. And you’ve showed exceptional strength through it. But on a lighter note, what brings Joy the most joy in what she does each day? “Entertaining people. I like reaching people on a personal level and having the ability to give them something to talk about or enjoy.” Any advice can you give young children who love sports?

“Sports are the greatest. They allow us to find common ground with people we would otherwise never know. They teach us about loyalty, hard work, sacrifice, business and emotions. I have loved sports since I was a child and now it is my career. My advice would be to keep enjoying sports, you never know where it will lead you or how it will steer your life. “ Thank you Joy! And if you all are ever down in Miami and have an opportunity to stop through the Sun life Stadium to eat make sure you make it The “Joy” Burger!

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Brianna Rollins I ran at Clemson with Brianna Rollins, and I am exceptionally

proud of her success. She has grown so much and so beautifully. In a time where doubt tried to consume her, she managed to overcome, and conquer, not only that doubt but the competition. In a year’s time she became the World Record and America recorder holder in the Women's 100 meter Hurdles, and NCAA Indoor and Outdoor National Champion to list a few thing. I asked Brianna,

What has it been like to go from a college athlete to one of the top professional track and field athletes in what seems like overnight?

“It has been nothing but a blessing. Things haven’t really changed much besides me being a professional athlete living out in Los Angeles, CA. I never imagined being one of the top track and field athletes so fast. My coach, Lawrence Johnson always told me how talented I was but I never actually believe until 2013. It’s still kind of surreal. I am just so thankful and blessed to have come so far and this is only the beginning.” Being one of the youngest to do it. Were you intimidated at any point during your races? Let's say, when you had to compete against Lolo Jones. “Intimidated, I wouldn’t say. Nervous (good nervous) and excited at the same time would explain how I felt. With God on my side, being completely focused, and a great support system that’s I all needed.” What has been your most memorable moment to date? “This is always a tough one for me to answer because I had so many memorable moments in 2013. It’s so hard to choose, so how about I go with them all. Breaking the NCAA indoor and outdoor collegiate was my first memorable moment in 2013. Being the 2013 World champion and breaking the American record. I never imagined or even thought about doing any of those things the start of my season but God had a plan.”

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How has your experience been working with Nike? “I love my sponsor, I couldn’t be more thankful to have this opportunity of working with them. They keep me in the coolest gear, given me opportunities I never imagine doing; such as being in Nike stores, having my own workout on their Nike Training Club app. It has been awesome.” You attended the Nike Women's Week last year for their brand launch. How has that experience impacted your perspective of this journey, because you got to be in a room with some of the best female athletes in the world, like Allyson Felix and Skylar Diggins.

LA is all about looks. How important is it for you to take care of your health and beauty, and be feminine, while still being taken seriously as an athlete?

push you. So having her as a training partner is always good. The intensity at practice is always there and having that is great, it gets me prepared to compete alongside the other top hurdlers.”

“It’s always important to take care of your health and beauty as a women period. I just think that when people speak about female athletes they think of muscular or tomboy, that’s why I try to spice it up a little bit when I step on the track. I want people to see me as that strong female athlete that can still look fabulous on the track.”

You both are coached under Lawrence Johnson, who respectively can be considered one of the best hurdle coaches of all time, how has it been working with him?

What style do you say you have when it comes to fashion?

“I couldn’t say this enough but I am just really thankful and blessed to be in a room with such great female athletes. Being a part of Nike Women is awesome it’s like its own huge family that any women can aspire to be.” You live across the country now. Away from your biological family, being that your originally from Miami. What can you say about the move? Does LA do it for you? What's life an as athlete like in LA? “LA is awesome. I spent my last 4-5 years in Clemson, SC, I loved it in college but there weren’t many things to do there after that. The weather here is great, which is always good cause we can train how we want. Things haven’t changed much from being an athlete in Clemson to being an athlete in LA. There’s just a lot more things to do so I’m not bored anymore during my spare time.”

“I like versatility but right now I have this hipster style going on. “ Speaking of fashion and beauty, Your training partner is Queen Harrison. What is it like practicing, and then competing, along side someone who is already an Olympian in her own right? “It’s always great to have someone to train with that you know is going to

“It has been great working with Coach Johnson. He believed in me before I believed in myself. He pushes me to be all that I can be and I appreciate that.” The Road to Rio has officially started, how do you plan to drive down it Are you pedal to the medal, are you cruising, or are you driving with traffic? “Being that is still 2015 I would say I’m cruising. I try not to get too ahead of myself. Focusing on this year defending my title at the World Championships this year is all that I’m focused on right now. But don’t get me wrong I’m super excited for the 2016 Olympics. 2015 is the set up for 2016.” What can we expect from Brianna Rollins in 2015? Have you set any personal goals for the season? I know Worlds is this summer, can we expect to see a repeat World Champion? “I look forward to defending my title at the 2015 World Championships. My main goal is to remain focus, work hard, and believe. If I can do those things then this year will be an amazing year.” Well I sure can’t wait to see you on the track. Thank you Brianna. Best thoughts for a healthy winning season! “Thank you Mycaiah. Be Blessed!”

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Wesley Lyons In 2013 Wesley Lyons now shares a stage with superstars like Andrew McCutchen, Wiz Kalifa, Mac Miller, Marc-Andre Fluery, Christian Bale, and Hines Ward after making the cover of WHIRL magazine, as one of the 13 Under 30 outstanding men and women who are making their mark on Pittsburgh. Now a bestselling author wit his first book, “The Pursuit with Patience”, Wesley is touring schools, and organizations, as a motivational speaker, and sharing his knowledge of the benefits of patience and hard work.

So Wes, my first question has to be, "Did you ever see this coming?" Did you ever see yourself being a bestselling author? Because you have been an athlete basically your entire life, you ran track, played baseball, had a successful career in football playing at WVU and having your run in the NFL with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Did you know being a published writer was in the cards for you? “No. I didn’t realize I was even going to write a book. I didn’t like to write. I didn’t like to write in high school, I never liked to write in college. But it was something I felt had to be done. It was a message I had to send. And that’s kind of what fueled my passion, and initiative, to write this book. I needed to vent, and give information to the people coming up behind me. I felt like it was a necessity, and that’s why I wrote the book.” Your book is a first and second edition book titled, "The Pursuit the Patience" What is that exactly? The Pursuit with Patience? “’The Pursuit with Patience’ the book in general is a guideline for students. That talks about a lot about values that will be relevant for years. The second edition is has an extra chapter called “Beyond the Sport”.

It’s just talking about things beyond football. Things that I needed to know that that are so important in life. So that the reader can understand and put everything into perspective, like knowing your social security number, because I didn’t know that, and talking to other athletes I found out they were in the same boat. More importantly is something I can leave behind for my kids, and my grandkids. Something to inspire them, and give them values to follow down the road.” Do you feel the more patient you are with pursuing your career, the more doors you see opening? “Yeah, I think everything happens in its own time, and in God’s timing. I see doors opening, and yeah you want

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things right away. Even my career after football. I wanted things right away, which I wasn’t able to attain. But now I’ve attained a lot of that. Like now. I have a workbook I came out with and two years ago, I could not have had a clue I was going to have a curriculum and a workbook done. It’s something I would have loved to have then, but the quality of it wouldn’t have been as good as it is now. So by me taking two years of studying and learning, I created this curriculum, that is a really excellent curriculum, and that a lot of people are benefiting from.” With the workbook obviously you are going to be working a lot with young students, and you’ve been doing a lot of touring as a public speaker. What about that experience, is inspiring to you? “What really keeps me going is seeing how interested the kids are, and that really pushes me to do more, and want to expand more. That really inspires me because they love it. There are kids who don’t even like to read a lot of the time, and they are picking up my book right away. They are not even being told to read it! And it’s like ‘Wow I created that!’ We are giving kids something they can read on their own and they enjoy reading. At the end of the day it is helping their education. That’s really interesting and inspiring to me, because I see them learning and benefiting from what I’m doing.” So you do find that a lot of youth are connecting with your story? “Yes, they’re definitely connecting with my story. A lot of us are connected through sports. I’m connecting with girls at some of the schools that play lacrosse. They are relating what I’ve done in football to their lacrosse career. They can relate to the hard work, and everything that goes into it. It takes initiative, staying after practice, catching some extra balls, or whatever I did, they relate to it in

their own way. It’s not missing anybody; white black, Asian, girl, boy, it doesn’t matter who is it we are having an effect on them.” They are relating to your story, and background as an NFL athlete… “Not even just as an athlete. I’ve had some people come up to me facing tough situations in their life. We’re it’s like ‘I’ve lost a loved one. What do I need to do? And how do you handle this? And how do you cope with that? How do you keep a level head? How did you do this with education? And how did you stay humble through the whole experience?’ So kids are connecting not even just through sports. And that’s just an amazing thing right there.” That is really cool. I was on your website researching your curriculum under the program you keep referring to when you say your “workbook” called, "The Pursuit". It’s being implemented into schools around the Pittsburgh region. And my belief based on what I read, and heard from your site, is that it's used to strengthen the way children look at planning, setting goals, and the realities of obstacles and temporary failure. “The curriculum is a life skills curriculum. So when you look at life skills you have to plan, you have to set goals, work on your decision making skills. If you have to make a positive decision what are the factors that go into it. Time management, money management. Stuff that the kids want to talk about. And that is what’s in this workbook.” How has the response been with that program? From not only an educators stand point, but more importantly the student's standpoint? “Well the founder of the Propel schools in Pittsburgh, is actually interested in picking it up. Everybody is seeing this as something they can benefit from.”

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What about the student’s? “They are enjoying the motivation. They’re seeing that I’m there to help. To see a positive African America male in a positive light. Seeing me as more than just an athlete. They’re seeing that they can do some of the things that I have done. Just because I’m coming back there showing them how I did it. I’m showing them that I grew up, and I’m just like them. That we’re all special and put a little bit of hard work behind it, and that’s all it takes to be successful.” I’m going to get back to a question I asked you earlier. You gave me a response that explains to me what the book “The Pursuit with Patience” is. But what is this pursuit that you are pursing patiently? “Oh yeah, I understand what you’re saying. The pursuit with patience is I simply knowing that I have goals, and I have dreams. And reaching those dreams I was faced with so many obstacles. So at the end of the day I had to be patient to obtain, and achieve, those goals. That’s where I got the title from, and that is my story. I wanted to play in professional football and I got there. But the book is about the obstacles I had to overcome even just to get there. Even now, I really believe in being patient in your pursuit because things are not going to come overnight. And a lot of times you have to keep on digging, and being persistent, and plan and at the end of the day you will reach your goals and dreams.”

You and your brother Devon, are embarking on amazing journeys, and seeing tremendous success and support thus far, you with your books, and him with his clothing line. But that has not been without your own hardships, especially with the loss of your father. I understand that he was, and I'm sure still is, a staple of excellence and strength in your life. What do you KNOW he is most proud of when it comes to you two? “I think just the morals that he instilled in us. The respect that we have for authority, and adults, peers, and even to youth. The respect that we show on a daily basis. Even just opening doors. We were drilled on that growing up. Saying no sir, yes sir. Those morals that he instilled in us, seeing that they still exist even with him not here. He wasn’t around to see me sign with the Steelers, his favorite team, or even with me writing this book, I couldn’t even imagine what he would think. He would be proud of all that stuff. But he would be more proud of the character that we have, and that we maintain and the men that we’ve developed into being.” There are a lot of people proud of you, myself included. So, Thanks so much for talking with me Wes. It's been a pleasure. Sign onto www.weslyons.com to find out where you can get “The Pursuit with Patience” and “The Pursuit” program workbook.

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Heather Sumpter A fellow graduate of The university of Pittsburgh with a BS in health and physical activity and MS in exercise physiology. Heather Sumpter, currently lives in Tampa, FL working as a community health educator and editorial board writer of health and fitness articles for Humana. She competes as a national figure athlete in the national physique committee, and has is a top 5 placer in numerous NPC figure competitions on the east coast. Heather is actively pursuing her IFBB pro status!

So Heather, What sparked your interest in competitive figure modeling? “Just being around the fitness industry. At Pitt I was around people who competed. It tied into what I was studying in exercise physiology with sports nutrition. and strength and conditioning. I wanted something to focus my energy on and have goals so I decided to commit myself to the sport.”

You seem to really enjoy competing now, did you always think you would like it as much as you do? “It was hard at first to get used to the lifestyle change and dealing with other people's reaction. But once I got over that hump it became easier, and I started to love the results and competing on stage.” Do you mind explaining what some of those reactions people had were? “Just people being confused not understanding why I want to do this,

annoyed I don't do the same things I used to, didn't believe I would be able to accomplish competing, or I would quit. Straight up laughing.” Yeah, that would create a hefty “hump” to get over. and I can imagine it took a lot of mental strength to over come it. So tell me, where did you go mentally to gain the confidence you needed to train hard and see success competitively? “I didn't really go anywhere mentally. I just did it because I wanted to for myself. It doesn't matter what other people think ,or say, it just gave me more will to prove people wrong.” Your boyfriend has been there the majority, if not all, of your fitness journey. How has he felt about it? “For the most part it he has been supportive. I have a coach and he is an athlete, so sometimes it is like a power struggle between what they tell me to do and what he thinks, but he doesn't really get that this is an aesthetic sport verse physical. CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 38

But I know he wants the best and it shows. I know sometimes my diet may make me cranky so he is very patient with that but with everything it was a learning curve so it took some getting used to.” You mentioned earlier that you stopped doing things. How has competing changed your life style? What did you give up, and what did you truly gain by doing so? “Well it changed my life because I am healthier. I never get sick or have to go to the doctor. I have more energy and can focus on my daily tasks. I feel confident not only on the stage but doing other things at work, and speaking in front of others. I know I can do anything I want now. I gained peace of mind and happiness. I don't drink or party like I used to and eat crap. I hated how I looked and did not feel comfortable.” That's honestly really inspiring. Can you give me a two sentence testimony about your experience? “Competing has changed my life. I have become a better version of myself met amazing women from all over the world and know I can accomplish anything I put my mind to!” Thanks Heather! It's been a pleasure talking to you. I pray for your continued success! “Thank you for thinking of me!”

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Justine Herron Model-Actress, Justine Herron is as sweet as they come. Extremely humble, Justine moved from Michigan to LA in pursuit of an acting career. She has since been apart of some serious productions; with roles in movies like the Avengers Grimm, Kevin Hart’s Let Me Explain, LAPD African Cops, Cleaver Family Reunion, and The Broken Legacy. She also can be seen in Mindless Behaviors music video “All Around the World”, and as a featured model for KISS Magazine. Humble as she may be, Justine is taking on Hollywood, gloves off. I had the pleasure to talk to Justine to find out more about her journey with the Hollywood experience.

Hey Justine! Tell me as an aspiring actress and model, what are some things you do to keep balanced and healthy? Mind, body, and soul?

“PRAYER has always been good for me. I grew up in the church so that communication had always been my place to go for balance and peace. Especially with this industry being as crazy and unbalanced as it is, being grounded and spiritual will definitely help the longevity in my career. Working out is a good stress reliever too, & it's obviously a big factor in keeping me fit so I can keep getting hired. It's a lot of pressure so I try to stay realistic with my goals and expectations - nobody is perfect! Watching GREAT movies and TV shows helps clear my mind. The good thing about my job is doing that is STUDYING! Can't beat that!

You starred in the movie Cleaver Family Reunion. You were so funny by the way. But in there you had a scene out front of the house performing morning yoga. Most people find yoga challenging. How difficult was it for you to get those moves down?

"Ummm, I'm no 'yogi' but I can do a few basic moves. And they were like, "great, do them....and, ACTION!" It was a lot of pressure but it turned out cute. I have an athletic background and I danced at

“Thank you so much! That movie was my first film project out in LA so I'm proud that it was able to get good exposure and introduce people to me as an actress. Yes, that good ol' yoga scene! That was one I was nervous about. It was freezing outside because it was like 6am when we shot it, so granted my muscles were not warmed up at all. I had to do jumping jacks and stretches to try and wake myself up before shooting. But yoga is definitely challenging! When they asked if I knew any yoga poses I was like, CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 40

one point in my life so luckily, all of that helped with those few basic poses and it translated on camera.” I would think like yoga for some, acting is a hard industry to get into. I've been watching you and you seem to be knocking roles out. I mentioned the Cleaver Family Reunion, you've worked with Kevin Hart in the opening scenes of Let me Explain, and you got a role in Avengers Grimm, releasing March 17th. What has been your favorite role, or set experience to date?

“Well I'm glad it looks that way (haha)! The entertainment industry is a VERY hard and competitive business to get in to. You are always going to hear "no" way more than you'll hear a "yes". I really have been lucky and haven't had too many crazy bad experiences. You're always going to have to endure weather elements and LONG hours. But I think my favorite set experience has been Cleavers. We all really got close and became a real family in such a short amount of time. It was an amazing introduction into the business and it will always be special to me. Working with Kevin was of course, amazing. He's so fast paced and so smart so it was challenging to keep up. But he was great and I was honored to be in the same scene as him. I don't think I've done my favorite role yet. But each role I've done so far has a small piece of me in them. It's how the character becomes truthful and genuine. I love them all.”

so I'm just really looking forward to challenging myself. Who am I acting along side? Wow, tough question. Women, I would love to act along side Kerry Washington, Meryl Streep, Angelina Jolie & Zoe Saldana. Men, I would love to work with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washington, and Charlie, Hunnam.” Now, I'm not too hip on the workings of a career in the entertainment industry, but I really want to know, are you a model who likes to act. An actress who likes to model? Or do they go hand in hand when building a career in entertainment? “I'd say I'm an actress who likes to model. They definitely can go hand-inhand but they don't always have to. I'm not shaped like a traditional model so realistically, it's not something I could make a full-time living off of. It's something I've always LOVED to do since I was a toddler. My sister used to dress me up and take pictures of me while I posed. I was her living baby

doll. But acting is that thing I always wanted to do. I used to beg my mom to move me to LA as a young kid. I knew I could and would make a living out of what I loved. I grew up on the live stage and I was always very creative and emotional. Translating those personal emotions and feelings into a character - THAT'S the thing that touches people.” So with all you do, is there room for love? I think there is - when the time is right. Love is something I stopped looking for. This industry takes a lot of focus and dedication - I know I'm the type that invests a lot in a relationship. It's too early in my career to get distracted. I've Loved before and lost it. It's something that I look forward to having in my life again, but for now, I can use those experiences to my advantage and apply it to my work. I look forward to seeing you in Avengers Grimm! Thank so much for talking with me. No. Thank You! Catch Justine in Avengers Grimm, coming March 17, 2015.

What type of characters do you like to play, or aspire to play. What is your dream role? And furthermore, who are you acting along side? “I just aspire to be an actress with range. I want to play the broken, abandoned drug addict - the mean girl that everyone loves to hate - the action hero. I'm able to play them all

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Charles Clark When I was in college, I lived to go to track meets and see the finals of certain events, the 200 meter sprint being one of them. And for years, I would watch talent like, Charles Clark, excel above the rankings. He will forever be known to many, and the FSU sprinter who wore his war paint confidently, and dominated the 200 meter field. Today, Charles is still competing on the track circuit as a professional 200 meter sprinter, but he is also exceling above the rankings off the track as an entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. He is the founder and CEO of the Charles Clark What Matters Foundation, has inspired over 24,000 individuals, and his foundation was named one of the Top 25 Foundations in the Nation by Wells Fargo’s Projects Works. I can say proudly, that I admire Charles’ work ethic on and off the track and wanted to ask him, “What matters to you?”

What really matters to me is

inspiring people to take action and to fulfill their dreams. To give them actionable steps and gains to help ignite those dreams. Primarily with youth and young adults.”

And so what’s that message of Inspiration? What do you want those you’re working with to internalize and take away from their experience with the Charles Clark What Matter’s Foundation? “Stay motivated. With the mentorship program, and a lot with my motivational speaking, I stress the importance of staying motivated.

What research has found is 100% of students that are motivated come to school, and I believe, 90% of their grades increased, and maintained their GPA. Working on the things that the school can’t focus on helps them to see a much greater success academically. And so a lot of students want to know ‘How can I stay motivated. How can I have that passion other people have? How can I be like that person I see on TV or hear on the radio? How can I be successful like them? Is it possible?’ I want to teach them the steps, and those habits. Teach them concepts that helps with their overall growth and show that it is possible.” CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 42

As a motivational speaker you do work one on one with a lot of youth. And children also want to challenge adults, especially if they are fellow athletes. I know I get that a lot, how about you? Do you get a lot of the “I’m faster than you.” “I’ll beat you in a race.” comments, or asked to race? “Yes I do. Normally I just respond, ‘I just raced you! (haha) I ran to the end of that hall and back. You didn’t see that?’ I love to be engaged with them.” I’m curious to know from your perspective. In order to be a national champion, you have to know a lot about hard work, and you have to be willing to work hard, and put in a tremendous about of time and effort to get yourself to a level of performance to win those titles. The same can be said for entrepreneurship, and starting a nonprofit. Which one do you think has been the tougher challenge? “Well anything you want you can get. If you have passion for it you can see it manifest. It does take that hard work, that will, that dedication, and surrounding yourself around people who will help you get there.

But the two experiences are different and hard to compare. They’re like apples and oranges. I love them both. There’s the physical challenge and there’s a mental challenge. Starting the foundation brought more of a mental challenge with the educational process of learning how to develop curriculum and understand the business. I didn’t know how to write bylaws, or polices. But the experiences, they are both just different.” Absolutely, and there are a lot of new entrepreneurs that may struggle with that, as well as, time management. But you seem to do well with balancing all three of your careers, as a motivational speaker, CEO, and professional athlete. What do you do that helps with managing your time and getting everything done?

planning and thinking. That’s the big key.

Align yourself with people. Be


people person, and be able to delegate tasks to others. This will help get things done faster. But be aware of the people you work with. Find people who care about what you care about.

Be anchored. I have my ‘Will Statements’ that I say three times daily, like ‘I am strong. I am confident. I am a successful business man.”

And finally, live

in the moment of what your expecting.” So Planning. Prioritize. People. And Purpose. I love it! I did say this year is all about the P! Thank you Charles!


“You’re welcome. Thank You.”

It really helps to plan weekly and separate your days. Prioritize what get’s done. Your number one priority stays your number one priority. When track is the priority, I keep training above the foundation. When the foundation is the priority, I keep it above practice.

If you want to learn more about Charles, and The Charles Clark What Matters Foundation go online to ChalresClarkUSA.com and follow the links. Also, log on to Facebook and type in The What Matters Foundation to stay up to date on what matters.

“Believe so much that you forget failure exists.” -C. Clark CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 43

Gary Curtis A native of New Jersey, Gary graduated from the University of Pittsburgh, and soon after found himself a new home in Los Angeles, CA. Active in the Hollywood scene, Gary can be seen performing stand up comedy in locations such as the Comedy Store, and Inside Jokes Comedy Lounge. He is a cast member of Buzzfeed News, and currently training at Baron Brown Studio. I am very excited about his accomplishments, but I wanted to know more about why a successful business banking man picked up and headed West from Pittsburgh, to LA?

My understanding Gary, is that

you were a business Major at the University of Pittsburgh, and began working at PNC Bank after graduation. What happened that you decided to take a chance to try your chops with comedy and acting in the entertainment industry in LA? “I hadn't been truly happy for a while. Then I realized I couldn't give my all or truly be happy doing something that I didn't love. I always loved being on stage and said I wished I had pursued acting. So I finally decided it was time to stop wishing and just do.” Since I've known you, you have always been a character, full of life. How much of your natural personality goes into your comedy?

“All of it. I think the best comedy comes from a person being the individual they are and sharing their version of the world. So I bring my truth to the stage every time.” What's it like standing up on stage, having 100 beady eyes staring at you hoping they laugh at what you're about to say next?

“They produce original content and cover current events in a way to keep the younger generations interested, entertained, and informed.” What's your experience been like working with that cast? “It's been a great time. It's always a fun and collaborative environment. Shout out to Becky Harris for bringing me on board.”

“Scary but empowering. You get used to it like anything else. After the first good laugh though, it's the most fun you can have.” You're currently working with Buzzfeed.com. Which I feel is mostly comedic entertainment. But for those who don't know what Buzzfeed is, how would you describe it? “They're the biggest, most popular social media news and entertainment website.”

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Rumor has it, you actually had a chance to work directly as an extra in the classroom, with a major TV cast on ABC's How To Get a Way with Murder. Is on set, as intense as we see it on TV? “That is definitely an intense show but set is actually pretty laid back until they yell ‘action’. The actors are joking with each other but when it's time to act, it's like a switch is flipped.” What's Viola Davis like up close and personal? “She's actually so cool and laid back. While they changed cameras and lighting she was singing "sunny days, wishing the rain away" or however that song goes. She even jokingly said "you better pay attention" to me since I was in the front row of the classroom. It was great to be up close and interact with her.” What inspiration did you gather from your time working with a production of that genre, and size? Has it made you look deeper into yourself for diversity as an actor?

“Just being in that environment and watching their professionalism and how they work made me want to reach their level even more. I know that I'll always be working on my acting and diversifying my skillset.”

I had so much fun hearing more about the careers, and experiences of Joy, Brianna, Justine, Charles, Wes, Heather, and Gary. I learned a lot about what it takes to get yourself closer to making your dreams, a real life reality. There’s a lot to be said for those making their way up the ladder of success. I can only hope that as we all work to fulfil our goals we make change a long the way!

These are 7 powerful people you should know.! My name is Mycaiah Camile, and this has been my Creative Peace. ~♥

I asked, Justine Herron this question, and I want to get your take on it from a male perspective. You recently were featured as a model on the Jordan website, do you consider yourself a model who acts, an actor who models, or do they go hand in hand when building a career in the entertainment industry? I consider myself an actor who got paid to model. But really they go hand in hand. It's the same way a big name actor will get paid to "model" with a certain brand. Theirs are just called endorsements because they come with a lot more money in their contract. For a lot of actors, commercial work keeps the lights on while trying to find that next gig. Alright, thanks Gary for this little one on one and best thoughts and prayers for your continued success! CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 45

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10 Beautiful Beach Bodies

Fit for the Sun! CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 50

1 Skylar Diggins WNBA


Lita Lewis Celebrity Trainer

3 Brittany S. Hall Actress/Model

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4 Nic B Celebrity Trainer

5 Brittany Renner Fitness Model

6 Kim Glass Pro Volleyball

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7 Justine Herron Actress/Model

8 Kristi Castlin Pro Hurdler

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9 Tanyka Renee Philadelphia LFL

10 Nicole Chaplin Fitness Trainer

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www.shapetrain.com CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 55

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believes that community action is youth action, and play is where it starts!

CAYA! 365 is a play campaign, hosted by myself, Mycaiah Camile. Every day for 365 days, I will play in some form or fashion! Meaning, card

games, board games, playground fun, kick ball, whiffle ball, obstacle courses, basketball, volleyball, twister, tag, tug-o-war! Whatever inspires me to get up and move is what I shall do every day for the next year! With CAYA! 365, I will be traveling America setting play dates with kids and communities, after school programs, and at special events! This year I will be talking the importance of play and declaring myself:

A PLAY LEADER! My mission as a play leader is to let kids know anything is possible, and it is possible through play! _______________________________________________________________________________ What is CAYA!? CAYA! is a play service project. CAYA! believes that community action is youth action and play is where it starts. CAYA! features uniquely designed games, and activities, for children, and adults.

This year, CAYA! is dedicating it’s days of play to my niece, Maiyanna Marie Antoinette. Maiyanna taught me how to play again. She showed me how to play hard, and love softly, how to scream at the top of my

lungs, and laugh even louder. To find out more, and follow along beginning March 28th. Just log on to www.mycaiahcamile.com!

www.mycaiahcamile.com CAYA! Spring 2015 Pg. 58

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