Cayman Island (CI)
Presentation by:
“Always asking questions, Always providing Answers”
To provide insight and direction to policy makers and key stakeholder groups in terms of the areas to be addressed to successfully meet the future needs for jobs both on the demand (employers) and supply (employees) side.
• There were two study population groups:
1. Employers across all industry groups including the four target industries for the RESEMBID project specifically
Construction, Hotel & Tourism, Information
Communication & Technology (ICT) and Solar Photovoltaic (renewable energy)
2. Underemployed and unemployed Cayman Nationals in the 18-45 years age group.
• Market Surveys Featuring:
1. Discussion/Interviews with Sector Leaders and Heads of Businesses from the four target industries.
2. Surveys involving the completion of a structured questionnaire by a sample of 123 employers from across all the different industry groups present in the CI.
3. Surveys involving the completion of a structured questionnaire by a sample of 435 Cayman Nationals who are either unemployed (do not have a full time or part-time job) or underemployed (work less than 30 hours per week)
Employers currently hire more persons on work-permit than Caymanians!
Q: How many persons does this company employ who are: a. Cayman Nationals b. Other nationals on work permit?.
Based on 2474 workers ( n=123 Firms)
Of the 2474 persons currently employed across all 123 firms surveyed, 57% (n=1410) are reported to be Cayman Nationals and 43% (n=1064) Other Nationals on work permit.
Q: How many persons does this company employ who are: a. Cayman Nationals b. Other nationals on work permit?.
Firms in the construction industry accounted for 19% of employees reported on and was the largest employer overall followed behind by Hospitality and Tourism which accounted for 17% of all employees reported by participants in the survey. However, firms in Solar Photovoltaic and ICT industries reported being the largest employers of Cayman Nationals.
“Good staff such as carpenters that are trained finish carpenters... It's very hard to find here.” Construction
“It’s a cultural thing. Caymanians are only interested in certain types of jobs. I just had to hire a bartender from Jamaica.” Hotel & Tourism
Q: Which of the following job positions do you currently employ in your organisation?.
Operations Managers
Customer Service Representatives
Sales Representatives
Computer Technicians/IT Specialists Carpenters
Digital Marketing
Filing Clerks
Professional Technical eg. Engineers,…
Project Managers
Q: Which of the following job positions do you currently employ in your organisation?.
The majority of firms intend to hire new skills in 12 Months
Q: Approximately how many new employees do you plan to hire in the next 12 months?.
Firms Hiring in the Next 12 Months
Base n=123
An indication of confidence in the future of businesse, a clear expectation for future growth.
Q: Approximately how many new employees do you plan to hire in the next 12 months?.
Future Demand for New Employees (Average Numeber of Employees)
Total Agriculture and fishing
Film/video Production Construction
Electricity, fuel, and air conditioning supply
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and… Transport and storage
Accommodation and food service activities
Information and communication
Financial and Insurance Activities
Real Estate Activities
Professional, scientific and technical activities Education
Human health and social work activities
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Other service activities
Largest employers for the future mostly align with RESEMBID’s target industries – home work well done!
Q: How many of these will be unskilled, high-skilled and semi-skilled?.
Unskilled Labour (requires relatively little or no training or experience for its satisfactory performance)
Semi-skilled Labour (requires certain abilities and training beforehand but not advanced training or specialized skill set)
High skilled Labour (highly trained, educated or experienced carrying out more complex mental or physical tasks)
Firms will need Semi-skilled and High-skilled workers in the future!
Q: How many of these will be unskilled, high-skilled and semi-skilled?.
Firms expect to shift from unskilled and high-skilled to semiskilled, with plans for semi-skilled job positions being the most available in the future.
We're seeing a big technology shift to renewable energy. We need to shift our workers' skill levels and address the concerns of our traditional core business staff who may be worried about becoming obsolete.” Solar Photovoltaic
“We have to have training programs to help rescale and retool our workforce. It might also be necessary to bring in new people as we transition to new technologies.” ICT
Q: Which of the following job positions do you plan to employ in the next 12 months?.
High Demand Jobs in the Future
Base n=123
Q: If part-time employed: Do you intend to………?.
Seek more stable employment elsewhere
Seek more stable position where you work
Stay in this job until retirement
Don’t know/unsure
Q: If employed part-time: Which of the following best describes your job position?.
Customer Service Representatives
Administrative Manager/Assistant
Database Administrator
Sales Representatives Other
Q: If unemployed part-time: What would you say is the main reason for your being currently unemployed?.c
Not qualified for available jobs
No interest in jobs currently available
Have not tried to get a job
Cost of transportation to get to job
Not being hired after interviews
Companies not responding
Medical Reasons
No jobs available close to where I live
Focused on training in the skills that will be needed by the future largest employers.
RESEMBID’s project which is more aligned to certification should help these persons become more marketable.
Q. Thinking of the next 12 months, which jobs if any would you be most interested in?
Jobs of Interest to Employees
Professional Technical e.g. Engineers
Digital Marketing Operations Managers
Sales Representatives
Data Analyst
Tech Support
Computer Technicians/IT Specialists
Project Managers
Customer Service Representatives
Data Scientist Systems Engineer
Machine Operators
IT Consultant
Software Engineer
Software Developer
Web Developer
Jobs Expected to have High Demand
Q. Thinking of the next 12 months, which jobs if any would you be most interested in?
Misalignment between jobs of interest and jobs that will be available in the future.
Implication for continued hiring of persons with workpermit?
Recall #2 reason for unemployment lack of interest in jobs available.
Q. In what areas do you think you would need training in order to better equip you for this future job??
Training Needed for Future Job Base: n=69
Critical Thinking
Problem shooting and resolution
Time Management
Organisation Skills
Supervisory Skills
Digital Fluency
Analysis/Solution Mindset
Entrepreneurial mindset
Social Diversity Awareness
Specific Technical Job skills
Q. How would you rate your ability for this future job position?
Exceeds requirements
Meets requirements
Does not meet requirements
Not sure
• The labour market in the immediate short-term promises to be a vibrant one featuring a demand for a diverse range of skill sets.
• Firms are confident about the future outlook of business as the large majority of the sample (76%) anticipate a need to hire new employees in the short-term.
• Cayman Islands can expect an increase in demand for semi-skilled jobs, these are jobs that require certain abilities and training beforehand but not advanced training or specialized skill sets.
• The RESEMBID project appears to be almost perfectly aligned in terms of its focus areas for training and certification with the skills that will be demanded by firms in the future.
• The largest employers are likely to be those in the industries of Hotel & Tourism, ICT and Solar Photovoltaic, three (3) of the four (4) target industries established for the RESEMBID Project. In addition to these industries, job opportunities are likely to emerge in the Financial Services Sector and Professional, Scientific and Technical sector.
• There is however a misalignment between the demand and supply side, with jobs of interest not aligned to the future jobs in demand except in the case of Accounts and Finance. Employers are already concerned about the unavailability of Cayman Nationals for specific jobs but should not expect any meaningful change in the immediate future without a concerted effort on the part of policy makers and key stakeholders to bridge the gap.
• Without such efforts CI can expect to see an increase in the reliance on Nonnationals with work permit for required skill sets especially as firms anticipate business growth and greater diversity in the range of jobs that will be available.
• Based on the findings of these surveys, it is MRSL’s considered view that there needs to be much effort on the part of the Government, Educational Institutions and other key stakeholder groups including the business sector to:
• Identify and implement strategies that could encourage Cayman Nationals who are currently under and unemployed to become interested in the jobs that will be available in the immediate future as unearthed by this research.
• Continue the dialogue with key partners like RESEMBID around efforts for behavior change among this target group.
• Further dialogue with employers to ensure that there is a precise definition and understanding of the skill sets that will be needed for the future job positions within their firms in order to ensure a greater level of job readiness by new employees.
• Considering the extent of the dissonance between future jobs of interest and jobs in demand, policy makers should anticipate and plan for a gradual change from any effort to ensure greater alignment between jobs of interest and jobs in demand.
Presentation by:
“Always asking questions, Always providing Answers”