Course Categories
Workplace Essentials
Whether just starting out in the workplace or serving at an executive level, employees will always be in need of and bene t from continued education. Our Workplace Essentials courses zero-in on the knowledge, skills and attitudes companies and employees need to excel.
Ken Blanchard Series
When it comes to leadership development the Ken Blanchard Series is a familiar phrase. Being one of the most widely accepted, taught, and rated leadership models worldwide, we can assure you that this series will help to unleash your potential and develop the leadership skills that your business needs, not only to succeed, but to excel!
Small Biz Bootcamp
A Series of FREE workshops addressing everything you need to know about starting and running your small or micro business.
Legal Assist
In partnership with local law rm, HSM, it is important for you to get the legal guidance you need to protect your business, as well as the interests of your employees. These classes ensure that sound legal advice, from trained professionals is accessible and a ordable for all businesses, regardless of their size.
Maxwell Leadership Series
The Maxwell Leadership is one of the world’s most recognized leadership authorities. The Maxwell Method’s philosophy is built on giving you the tools and support you need to lead powerful, positive change for your personal growth, your company, your business through values-based leadership. Become the Leader You Were Born to Be!
Conference Room Rentals
Our conference room in Governor’s Square is a ordable, spacious and o ers adequate parking. Ideal for meetings, events and conferences. Contact us today to nd out more.
Made For You
In the same way that not all people are the same, not all businesses are the same! Our Made For You option ensures that the individual training needs of your business are accounted for. Make the most of your training budget by consulting with us to arrange a curated course or series designed especially for your business and the skills that your employees require.
Course Catalogue
There are currently 26 courses being o ered by the Chamber Training Centre. To see full description of courses, visit our website.
•Basic Accounting Made Easier (BAME)
•The Grammar Game (Previously known as Business Grammar)
•Business Email 1,2,3. (Previously known as E ective Email Communication)
•Communication Skills
•Emotional Intelligence
•Essentials of Leadership (Previously known as Essentials of Supervision) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
•How to Start a Business 101
•Providing Exceptional Customer Service
•Time Management & Productivity
•Employment & The Labour Act (Part 1): Understanding the Basics
•Employment & The Labour Act (Part 2) : Health Insurance & Pensions
• Immigration: Work Permits (BVP's, TWP.s & RERC's)
• Landlord and Tenant Relationship
•Property Law & Strata 101
•Wills & Estate Planning (Succession)
•17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
•Minute to Think: Mastering Time for Creativity & Productivity
•Values & Trust: Leading High-Performance Teams
• High Road Leadership
•Blanchard Management Essentials
•Self Leadership
Workplace Essentials
Ken Blanchard Series
Maxwell Leadership Series
Made for You
Contact us to arrange tailor-made courses (MADE FOR YOU), specially curated to satisfy the individual needs of your business, on the dates that best suit your schedule.
Small Biz Bootcamp
Contact us to nd out more about our Small Biz Bootcamp courses.
The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce has been organising training courses and workshops since the 1970s. The rst workshops took place in the Elmslie Memorial Church Hall. In 1995, the Chamber established the Professional Development and Training Centre. In 2020, the name was shortened to the Chamber Training Centre.
The Chamber is proud to work exclusively with local facilitators who agree to share their materials and expertise for the bene t of our members and their employees. Since the 1970s, thousands of persons have enrolled and completed a Chamber of Commerce training course or workshop
For more information, call us at 345-949-8090 or email info@caymanchamber.ky
Likewise contact can be made with Emily Sintorn at 345-743-9126 or email emily.sintorn@caymanchamber.ky