Tutoring flyer

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TUTORAVAI LABLE Mi ddl eandHi ghSchool Mat h,Sci ence,Engl i s h,St udySk i l l s

Aboutme I am ar ecentcol l egegr aduat ewi t hs ev er al y ear sofex per i enceasa t eachi ngas s i s t antandt ut or .I am v er yf ocus edonpr ov i di ngmy s t udent swi t ht heper s onal i z edhel pt heyneedi nor dert os ucceed andex cel i nt hei rcl as s es . I naddi t i ont ohel pi ngs t udent smas t ert her equi r edcour s e cur r i cul um,I al s ot eacht hem ef f ect i v es t udys k i l l sandhel pt hem cus t omi z et hei rownpr ogr amsofs t udybas edont hei rper s onal l ear ni ngs t y l es .

Subj ect s Mi ddl eSchool

Hi ghSchool

-Mat h7&8,Al gebr aI

-Al gebr aI ,Tr i gonomet r y , Pr ecal cul ous

-Li f eSci ence -Phy s i cal Sci ence


St udySki l l sand Per s onalOr gani z at i on

-Bi ol ogy ,Chemi s t r y , Phy s i cs ,HumanAnat omy andPhy s i ol ogy -Engl i s h,Wr i t i ng

Pl eas econt actmef oraf r ee needs as s es s mentand50% of f yourf i r s ts es s i on.

Jenni f erSmi t h 703. 989. 6966 j enni f er ki ngv a@gmai l . com

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