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Winter/Spring 2021 Magazine
Cazenovia College Magazine Vol. XVIll No.1
Tim Greene
Managing Editor
Diane Stirling
Art Director
John Seiter
Chair of the Board
Kenneth C. Gardiner
Vice Chair of the Board
John A. Bartolotti
Jeffrey H. Heath
Treasurer John B. McCabe
John A. Bartolotti Eric Burrell Ronald Chesbrough James D. Freyer, Jr. Kenneth C. Gardiner Jeffrey H. Heath Marc Jones Edwin J. Kelley, Jr. Gary Livent John B. McCabe Margie Dobin Miller ‘69 Shane O’Dell ’02 Edward Priest Matthew Reilly Elizabeth Rougeux Joseph Serbun McEwan van der Mandele Connie M. Whitton Jackie Wilson
Trustee Emeriti
Nicholas J. Christakos* Winifred E. Coleman* Robert S. Constable Charles B. Morgan* Richard Smith Jay W. Wason, Sr.* Barbara C. Wheler*
The Cazenovia College Magazine is published two times a year by the Office of Communications and shared with alumni, parents and friends of the College. Send comments to: Cazenovia College Magazine Office of Communications 22 Sullivan St., Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315.655.7317 © 2021 Cazenovia College
Photo: Susan Kahn
4 4Cover Story
Mind, heart, and soul, Sheila Marsh ’71, personifies the Caz College experience
6 Academic Corner
Faculty fast-tracked a transition to online learning when COVID-19 struck. By Megan Lawson Clark and Tamara Demeree
8 Campus News
Criminal Justice Lab completed; Financial Teaching and Trading Lab underway; graduate program to present first-ever master’s degrees at Cazenovia; DDPS, TRIO grants received
10 Faculty & Staff News
Three faculty hired for Social and Behavioral Sciences Division: Dr. David Rufo, Dr. Benjamin Baughman, and
Dr. Rodlyn Hines; Drs. Tracy Trachsler and Jesse Harasta promoted to associate professor rank; John Robert Greene marks 40 years; Mary Hess, longtime mailroom manager, retires
14 Alumni News
Joe Hernon ’09, Dan Riordan ’06, and Mark Allen ’11, pursue various roles on the front lines of the pandemic; and Shelby Connelly, ’91, facilitates wellness through multi-faceted business ventures.
28 Trustee News
Matthew Reilly, Elizabeth Rougeux, McEwan van der Mandele, and Margie Dobin Miller ’69 joined the Board of Trustees in Fall 2020.
John Seiter
Photo: John Seiter
17Photo: Courtesy of Dan Riordan
30 Wildcats News
Sports in a year of COVID; Caz joins NAC; CAZPYs happen; virtual competitions take place even in a pandemic year
34 Spotlight
President’s Equity and Diversity Commission undertakes important work
35 Introducing:
The Pillar Society
A new, more inclusive donor circle debuts as Cazenovia nears its third century
On the cover: Sheila Smith Marsh ’71 Cover photo: Susan Kahn
Cazenovia College Magazine: Winter/Spring 2021